Tuesday, July 2, 2024


On the 30th of June 2024,the day Senator serving Anambra SOUTH called all Former appointees from the days of AKPOKUE, to sit and chat with them, was same day Governor SOLUDO also from Southern Aisle of the state called former appointees to host them in Proxy, Maybe to test his might and thwart any effort or plans of Senator Ubah who has thrown his cap into the ring from the get go.

Don't forget that because of Senator Ubah the UNION holding Igwe Ndi ANAMBRA was Broken,and so many Ndi Igwe were sliced for inducting him as one thing or another in their individual Town.

It became TUG OF WAR EVENT and or Two Quarter Final Derby between two pugilist from the South.We know that when two Elephants fight , it's our economy that suffers.

Now the Annals and analysis of the events.. 

With Soludo hosting the OLD ABANDONED APPOINTEES, the Governor was missing in action though he seconded his Chief of protocol Mr Glamour to hold brief and he did. He didn't find them important enough to gain his presence and assurance.

Glamour told the Guests that the Governor "will" give them 2 million Naira After (That's promise, and we know how good his promises are ,like AGBERO ga ana ,which he later gave them official Reflective Jackets and GOVERNMENT ID CARD ,and Making ANMABRA our DUBAI TAIWAN though what we got in total Insecurities) , but not specified the date, week or Year . 

Same day , over 500 of same that went to see IFEANYI UBAH, saw a stack of 25 Million naira mounted on the table and which each of them that visited, got share of the Relief. 

Just wondering how many Former appointees we had in the last APGA Government? but moving on-

The question is what actually is the game plan ? 

No Party has giving Ticket to any person to fly , not even Apga, as the Appeal Court have placed a dangerous caveat on the show by giving suction to APGA Frame work, as we speak, we know that APGA ticket is dangling on the wind considering the handing over of the party to Njoku as the Appeal Court pleases. 

APC ticket is pregnant as there are many Works in the fireplace, plus the Primaries will be interesting, and the Party will like to bring a Unique Aspirant to struggle taking the Creeme of EASTERN heartthrob which is Anambara. The Two Most prominent candidates at APC so far are Senator UBAH and Dr Paul Chukwuma who has served in many National stages of the Party.

There are seasoned Aspirants in APC and East hated the party with passion and love APGA as nke anyi , but APGA is treating Ndi ANAMBRA as Nwa Oseaka , ENOUGH of the charade and invoking sentiments,but after election APGA always resort to giving us hell more than Migrant parties. They give us intercourse without Lubricant or any subtle romance.

The Dance for the Guber is sacred, the wellness of candidates will be analised and we can no longer allow Mkpi nkukwasi to mount the saddle. 

We want our secured state back, we want a state Governor whose interest must be good Governance and not promises based on atuwige agholukwa. AND my eyes are Roving, watching the candidates, observing theatrics and calculating the plus and minus for the state.

Stay tuned with us as we always call it as it is and should be , the decision to choose the wrong prism is a price we all will pay in Future, but he rest assured that i Mazi Odera won't stand ZONAL Governance or Denominational centered politics again ,as it gave us unwarranted and unqualified individuals who learn how to serve even as Chairman Umunna with our state. 

We should advocate for onye di ime welu jebe na oke , we want who has been eating before the meeting and who has the Decanter to pull the state out of APGA quargmire. 

The Best or nothing,no Longer shall we allow sentiments to cloud our judgement.

I am Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa and i come in Piss. 

Monday, July 1, 2024


ANMABRA INSECURITIES and Government Proof that there is solid SECURITY By Mkpisi.

I cried, yelled and pontificated about the insecurities, not much about the illusion of DUBAI TAIWAN, also not much about the EGG SHELL ROADS done within the state which we know is always APGA Standard of Road.

We know APGA doesn't Tar road that will stay a day after the person's tenure,they always tar road with tenure life span.

We are not talking about the AGBERO ga ana Version of the Government when AGBERO became the official IGR drivers of the state with Reflective jacket or Aku Odo.

We are not talking about "I will conduct LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION within 6 months" which was another nkwa ekwelu Nwanyi na Bed 馃洀️.

We are talking about the insecurities that abound all over the State and expanding to other places without sign of wedge.

Some of the Governor's Media DATA Children are saying that SECURITY is working and i simply wants to throw a wager that will shame Men like me and alleviate Governor and his Team.

Can the Members of House of Assembly, move down LILU, 脷KP脫R, AZIA, ISEKKE, MBOSI, 脫RSUMOGH脷 on a day just on familiarization tour, just spend only 4 hours on the terrain to show that everything is under control as well ? .Even un announced.

Can the Governor move down to UMUNZE and tour the town to know how well things are going? with Security perimeter.

Can the Deputy Governor and the some Exco move down to URUM, MGBAKWU and AMANUKE Forest, just on sight seeing, then come back with Video and pictures as evidence that nothing is happening and we shall believe them that the state is secured.

Thanks as we await the result of the Tour, even with all the security apparatus in tow, let them venture it .



Sir , As matter of urgent sanitization of the Insecurities which happens to be 1 week 3 Kidnappings in the State, though NUJ ANAMBRA nwuru uk贸ro and can't do jack , rather they are waiting for Christmas Lice and not to provoke the powers that be , just incase they wanted to dash them money, but let me digress just a bit.. 

Sir, About the incessant insecurities, kindly raise a powerful Team that will invade Ogbunka Forrest at UMUNZE ,majority of Bushes out there are housing and Hosting the culprits. 

Check also the operations around Agulu and that environs , they have gateway to ADAMAWA AXIS , our end of the route can be made impregnable. 

Raid UMUNZE , THEN after that , move to other known and suspected Forrest where they are hosted and flush them out with State backed Security, things are falling greatly apart and the center can no Longer hold.. Mkpisi 

 Believe it or Not by Mkpisi. 

The incoming Anambara Guber is posed to be contested by ... 

APGA, not as a party but with powers and Fund of incumbent, they will do all within the powers of the state to retain the coverted seat, which has started as the Governor have join APC FABRICATED SOUTH GOVERNORS FORUM, and he became the Deputy Chairman, a move that maybe chosen based on seniority in office. 

Though the party's flag will be flayed , but the structures of the party will be decapitated so bad that APGA will need clutches thereafter.

The Party use to head to election with Isi OJUKWU but since the Echelon of the party decapitated same head, because the Pharoh that never met Joseph came to be ,that style of going to Political war with Ark of Communal covenant has being broken.

APC are marshalling out Creme la creme, they know they are facing a heculian Task including the Organic hatred of the party by Ndi East , so they are coming with nutrients and ingredients plus Hammer 馃敤 house of Horror . They will buy it,win or snatch it,then run with it,they have layers of things to unleash.

The Aspirants coming from that Angle are not push over , as the winner 馃弳 will have FEDERAL Government backing him or Her , then, the Party goes to election as do or die affair, unlike other parties that goes to election with core sabotage of efforts. 

LP is a Party that would've been the toast of Voters , but the party seem to be on her Menses, the Party is not getting ready or the leadership concern about the heculian task ahead. 

only the Aspirants are ready and walking toward the take off line , but i see confusing amongst the leadership. 

PDP are trying to reorganize, just leave it at that ... 

One thing for sure is that ZONING won't be a factor,as we want Made Men and Worthy Aspirants,not mkpi nkugobe.

It glaring that SOLUDO vs APC will be finalist, unless other parties wake up and smell the coffee ☕.. POg

 As Kenyans protested AGAINST Parliamentarians By Mkpisi. 

Kenya was a Nation emulating Nigeria in Decadence promotion, then few days ago , they had it up to the throat and they came out Hand in hands and went straight to the Rendezvous of the Vultures they mistook as Leaders that Raid the Treasury, and they did what Bob Marley advised in his music, when he chant and i provide "We gonna chase those crazy bald head out of the Town". They chased the Looters out of the Town.

Nigeria Leaders should read the hand writing that is conspicuously displayed at faces of the Masses, they should know that Kenyans Picked the Looters nay leaders, but Nigerians will aggravate END SARS if it starts, which brings the urgent need to bring solutions to the hunger and want that is prevailing in the Nation, they may say it doesn't matter, but they should know that events in Nigeria is always dastardly and should be circumvented. 

Good Morning Nigeria, as we hail our native Land, though tribe and tongue differs but the Austerity in the Nation is in synch... POg



Please Media to the Governor should kindly stop this amusing defense of presenting Anambra Security as under check. The insecurities is Top Notch.

Within Weeks now , both at Ojoto by pass , Obiaja axis and OKA ETITI IGBOUKWU ROAD there are snatchings and attempts of Napping without fear. We conceded towns like 脷T脷,AZIA, 脫RSUMOGH脷,ISEKKE, UNUBI,UKPOR,MBOSI, LILU,ENUGWU UMUONYIA, UMUNZE to the Sect and now they are moving more into towns and the Government is not worried? 

You wake up in the morning,go out and come back home in Anambara and it is a miracle because you weren't napped or shot and our Leaders are not perturbed,and we think all is well ?

We have ANMABRA Vigilante Service but seems they are limited to the Capital only, as you cannot see them anywhere on our state or federal road operating as in PROTECTIVE OPERATIONS, so that Kidnapers will be scared of running into them and having a nightmare, because the Bad Men move around without fear or scared ,as they know that our roads are pourous and easy to operate. This is breeding of BORNO and creating SAMBISA .

I call on the Governor again to empower STRONG VIGILANTE with a Command that has record of delivering a safer state. We have Men who knows how to met the scourge and give them Waterloo.

This is no Longer funny, even the House members are not pushing for a safer state,maybe they forgot that even relatives are not safe to wander the length and breath of the state.

This is not the DUBAI TAIWAN we bargained for , we now only need a safer state and no Longer elusive DUBAI or UTOPIAN Taiwan.

Apga Alaigbo is the Voice crying with pains of the street.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 EXPOSITION ON NDIGBO, THE PLOY and how to deal with them by others, written by Mkpisi. 

Nigeria should read this missive and know how well to deal with Ndigbo, so they can belong to the protesting Mob and stop being Anu ana agba egbe ,贸na ata nri with Ice water (A GAME that is hunted despite the buzzing of Bullets directed at him,he was grazing and dowing same with Ice Water).

Ndigbo have abstained totally from any protest going on ,About bad Governance and Government in Nigeria,it was so bad an abstain that Nigeria cried and chanted in confusion a reversal of buried Anthem "NIGERIA we hail thee" but the hailing was just a cry for help, though they refused to accept an organic help that will be rendered by the Chosen ones but we believe na agbarusia Ngene ,ekulu same ngene 帽煤a (After Sterling the pond to cause distaste,the person must scoop same stream to quench hia thirst) , May be we borrow the words of Bob Marley  , which said "The Stone the builder reject, shall end up as the Corner stone or say the PILLAR holding the edifice".

They(Ndigbo ) glo with pride when others are gnashing the teeth and lamenting hardship which they have seen and outgrown going by the annals from the AMALGAMATION, but they must be made to see reasons , so come with me, let's plan and plot on how to drag them into where we want them. 

1) Lets deny them Powers , Headship of Enterprises and shout with hoarse voice that they must succumb and we must forget the metaphor of "Taking a Horse to the stream and not forcing her to drink the water",the Nation must shove acceptance down the throat of Ndigbo, though it was impossible task in 70s , when they were tying Towel as covering, but now they are decking self with complete apparel "omuma na nkukwasi", Nigeria can still hallucinate if you ask me.

Reaction to the idea: Have you ever giving them powers even when you know they have the panacea to right the wrong and cure this Nation from the malady that is choking her ?,what you are seeing today is Shadow after 7 pm , which is just optimal illusion and the same igbo will adumbrate "unu aka fubero ife, Maka akwobedi Beans akwo ,ma akara ana esi" (You haven't seen anything,even though the bean seed is yet to be striped of her protective jacket, talk less of grinding,yet Akara is smelling ).

A musical mastero in Izuogu chanted and i present "mmiri malu Enyi,ka Mbe na awa 脫g贸d贸,njuba mbe 贸ga awu awu ,ka 贸ga efe enu?(The River that submerged an Elephant is what Tortoise is tying LOIN cloth in preparation to overcome,the question became, what's his plan ? to jump or swim across ?.

What you guys are seeing crying was just a thanksgiving served Ndigbo on platter during the Genocidal outrage that lasted 3 Years,though without provocation or cause for the onslaught, when British Bombardiers were heaping Bombs On the roofs of  Churches, Schools, Markets and every other public places in the East, just to vaporize Alaigbo, but one thing is sure, that tribe is in God's Coverage,and even the bible the British brought said it succinctly that NO WEAPON FASHIONED AGAINST NDIGBO SHALL PROSPER, same Bible said that A thousand will fall by the left and 10 thousand by the right, but death will not find Ndigbo again as, there won't be second affiliation. 

So after scrutinizing the context of denying them Powers, and bringing above into discuss, i see that it's just a Storm in a Tea Cup , that Race is something even the devil dread to compete as they have Potents that only God can alter. 

2) Let's stop them even in trading places , so they must bow .. 

Response; Right from Get go and much shown when OBASANJO blocked all avenues Ndigbo use to bring Goods into the Country and off many serving wharfs that are in close proximity, when they made Sure that ABA the TAIWAN EFFECT died by enthroning a child born with Caliphate blood who came and swindled and dwindled the progress of ABA and rendered same insolvent within the days he Masquerade as Power that be of the state, but little can one do to a Bean seed, bury it and after a little rain fall , it will germinate and spring back to life with better output. 

In reality, Ndigbo don't even need to import a thing, give them level playing field and see them make the world to start migrating to East as they have the natural decanter to produce and provide, which we have a name for such"Omenuko, by the way using South East to address the East is promoting the same Demon the Nation wished on us , there is nothing like South East or South South, we have EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH, the alteration is just to break the Leg of the Tripod (Same plan they have when they proposed to balkanize the unity of Ndigbo by mutting the ideas of ORLU State, instead of giving ANIOMA State that will pull together all igbo speaking tribes in Delta and Edo,so the IGBO brothers on other Divide will rejoin Umunna ) ,that is holding the Nation, but once they broke the TRIPODIAL Eastern leg, the Tripod folded and went off balance and there is no redemption as Things fall apart and the center refused to hold further, unless the Broken leg is re-engineered into the Duties of TRIPODIAL balancing, but we have a word for such in igbo, we say and I provide "Oji onye na ani , ji onwe ya and we have another which says" Nwata si na nne na Nna agaghi araghu ura, ga amu anya '.

That words which said na onwero ife Amu nkeni ga eme ike Agadi 脩wanyi, maka amar贸 ife melu ya nka comes to Play. 

We all agree na ejiro nwa Dibia eneta Poison because the Decanter of the fathers shrine protects him , come what may , adighi egbuchi Onwa with paws and plots. 

Stay tuned as we journey down toward this topic.. Mkpisi is coming. 

Monday, June 24, 2024


When a Sinator brought the bill, sponsored by Senator Titus Zam, representing Benue North West, Which will prohibit open grazing nationwide and nominate for Cows to become Citizens of Nigeria.

The Senate President Senator Akpabio buried the motion and intention, not to be issue on discuss as he said that such is not subject of discussion , Senate President said and i provide "Akpabio Insists ‘Cows Are Not Nigerian Citizens’".

I am not happy, as i think it's the right of the COW COUSIN SENATOR to present the motion and I would've backed him and also move for Cows to be included officially as Northerners. If a Senator will nurse the idea,it simply means they must have discussed it internally before forming same as motion for national discuss.

Then , we shall prosecute them for SLAVE trading, as they sold NORTHERN COWS to butchers,and selling of Human being is a crime in laws of the Nation and the world, Since Cow are considered as citizens of the Senatorial Zone,any of them killed can be treated as murder.

We then charge them for mass murder, as they mass murder Cows who the senator insist are northerners on ALBATOIR , which is crime against Humanity. 

Then , i will ask EASTERN Senators to move a motion for current physical census to be conducted out North as they have killed many of their Cows, sorry citizens, sold many and every Cow Sold to the East must be authicated as Migrated citizens. 

Hence Senator Titus Zam should be known as Senator representing COW DUNG Republic. 

Having said the above, let me quietly check if there are Grazers around my hood , so i will name them as citizens of certain craving Zones. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede is the Job . 

Sunday, June 23, 2024


We play too much, we glorify inanities in this Nation too much thinking we are pummeling a certain Geo POLITICAL, but we refused to see things from the right prism. 

During the Tenure of RTD GENERAL OBASANJO he removed all the Wharfs servicing the East , closed down every other operational Ports outside Lagos, just to empower Apapa Wharf and Tincan Island Wharf, that way he hoped to emasculate igbo importers who domiciled at Main market Onuicha, which he succeeded when he striped warri functional Wharf and render it obsolete. 

Reduce Calabar wharf to Fishing pond, turn Onneh Port in Port Harcourt into abandon project, but that wasn't enough, he made sure that even if Igbo Traders uses Lagos ports for importation, that they must sale it in Lagos, then he unleashed Custom officers to line up roads leading to the East and continue broad daylight extortion, when you clear goods from Port, those inside town can confiscate same goods that was cleared by borders and wharfs of the Nation, giving impression of pourous and incompetent Custom OFFICERS at our Wharfs and borders, Which makes Transparent international to conclude that NIGERIA is  a Case study if any Nation wants to live in stone age. 

All this while everybody from dissent tribe kept mute, because it doesn't connect or concern them, little did they know that they are giving Ndigbo a training they will use in a day like this when prices of things are overwhelming outrageous, when TOMATOES will be only for the Rich and pepper which some tribe uses in place of condiments because it was the cheapest, today pepper is more expensive than Bags of Rice and i hear moaning and groaning, but it's just too early as next year will bring a broader degeneration. 

Just after the Genocide of 1967 to 1970, not even one person from any side of the tripod said that it wasn't a fair deed that was carried out against a compatriot Brothers whose crime was to live and let live , now we are requesting the redention of the old Anthem instead of Arise on compatriots ,where the musketeers hide hatred in plain sight, we are just living in fools paradise, if we actually want things to be well , we have to go back to minute of the last meeting, trace were we deviated and crave a Pathfinder that will navigate us out with analog compass. Nigeria is still solvent but moving with speed on lightning into insolvent,we are not yet in hopeless situation,but we are in conference with hopelessness.

We think that things are getting bad ? read my lips, this Draconian Acidic rain that is changing the sight of the sky to Black sky? it will rain , but be rest assured that it won't fall on just on enemies Roof , it will pelt all roofs, no bounds, it will show even the Rich that "The Rich will also cry ". Ndigbo have been squatting at the fire place before the advent of harmattan.

Lagos took over Importation logistics to frustrate igbo traders, then igbo traders came and dwell within them, and return profit to them on that investment, as Ndigbo have rendered the women wise, they now know that it's husbands that care for Ladies and not the other way round. 

We made house rents to jump above Aborigines where they cant afford to live in our Choice areas. 

We sky rocket prices of Lands even swamps that aborigines have to sale ancestral lands and relocate into sundry bushes or far far away desolate with Bones of great Grand parents, it's Just price tag of trying to cage Ndigbo, we all know there's consequences when one tries to Tame a carnivorous Animal, it will grow up and the nature will change same to wild Animal, that's nature, you brought Ndigbo around you with fetters, they remove the shackles which they turn to ornaments and sale same to your own as my medals. 

Nigeria should be ready to enter a dire austerity by next year , because even as prices of food stuff is hitting the roof, the government had no plans to Battle it or even have alternative plans , what they have is plans to borrow more Money for more Presidential planes, redesign Presidental houses including that of the Vice, but in sane cline, when someone is digging and the land is sinking, the person will stop digging and looking for ways of coming out , not to cause quake on the dug up, but here when the Earth are caving in, the more furious we dig. 

We haven't seen the brand of hardship that will face us next year, unless the Government reclined from the luxurious spent thrift and face agriculture. 

when I heard that one of the PENTECOSTAL leaders, who used to be so holy that he ostracized television back in the days when they think HEAVEN is stone throw away, when it wasn't benefiting him ,He then enforce the usage when he Started his own satelite TV, I heard, he have traveled to live the rest of his life in LONDON with his brand new Wife and we know that you cant get holiness in Britain instead you get abominable life out there ,but they preferred it after wishing us what we are suffering, i was sad because majority of those who egged us into this Mess have all ran away into exile, but they should know that even if they ran and hide in Hell that they must eat the proceed of the evil they planted. 

As for making plans for tomorrow, stop, as Nigeria herself don't even have plans for tomorrow, just dey live your life dey go , as we have laid our Bed, and so shall we lie on it. 

Those that waste strength praying for Nigeria, should stop irritating the Ears of God , as he showed us the way and we trashed his signs and expose, we think Ethnical pontificating will benefit us , now we got our prayers answered, we should enjoy the benefits of hard hearing.

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the Voiceless. 


Good Morning and Happy Sunday my Governor, 

Sir, there is urgent need for your intervention on dead invoking trap constructed at Onuicha , at 61 and 63 AMOBI STREET ONUICHA as a point of Contact ,as many of such littered Onuicha, and even ANMABRA TESTING and Laboratory Agency wrote a WRIT (Attached differently) about the Substandard 5 story building on the said address with defective materials. 

Sir, we all know that Onuicha Is modeld to carry only 2 story and highest 3 stories high to avoid collapsing, but some Outlaws are erecting 5 stories even with penthouse and give monetary inducement to Town planners to okay it or overlook same. 

My worries is that the Sealing of the premises may be another gimmick, which after some monetary transaction the structure will be completed, if those buildings crash, then the Government will be blamed for non challant to human lives.

I pray the Governor to wade into this and do the needful, the Former TC for ONUICHA South sealed the same building and promise to pull it down , but later it was reopened and it continued in the finalization of the buildings. 

His Excellency, Just know that the Final buck is on your table , if you allow this impending disaster to hold, then the ordinance of Safety must be in vain. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede is the Job is keeping the conscience of the state intact. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Despite the fact that we all crave LGA election as promised by DUBAI TAIWAN while  campaign, when he said and i quote "i will conduct LGA ELECTION within 6 months of my Government", we understand the context of employing "within" in words construct, and we know that Professor SOLUDO is words Smith, so he aced the compilation and mastered the words he used, so i am free to say , when he said "I will conduct LGA ELECTION within" what he meant, it should be on or before. 

But now , his first tenure is ending, as what he is doing now is Political muscle building for next election, especially mopping Fund to buy the election ,as winning at the pooling booth is a heculian task , but that's by the way, as most Politicians are also gearing up in other parties,many of them are upgrading the lies they will tell the public,but anam eche fa ka oge rue,agam ado mmadu vam vam Vam.


After writing the below Piece, i came to  political conclusion , ebe 贸s贸ziri Nwanyi kpu贸 ara , Young men know the premise very well, i wrote and i repost 


Moving back from digression, my only concern is how IYOM panel beated the Conspiratorial CAUCUS headed by One time Commissioner whose family including children are usurping the chances and positions of her town within the Government, while she wrestled Iyom with all she had , just to show that she is Empress of suppression, Iyom gentle beat her with good work she did in her Constituent. 

Some Town HUNCHO gathered in so many Press conference agitating that they don't want a truly working TC, that they want any one that will be sharing the meagre allocation. 

Many of them are scared that the ways and manner, this same IYOM the Amazon is rebuilding trust and confidence on APGA, that she will go places, the way she even begged money from well to do and inject same into IDEMMILI SOUTH is a concern to them , as what Iyom did in her LGA is Better than many TC CHAIRMEN did in combined effort, the comparison is like iji Ukwu welu jee Manfe.

 She has complete control of Grass root Politics in Idemmili South which i warned other parties, that they should recruit, sign her, consult her and get her to show Mercy on any election that is coming na IDEMMILI,the Lady ch铆 excess 贸k煤 politically. 

Well, APGA simply did her self right by RETAINING a POLITICAL TROJAN HORSE that will afford them the chances of "Let me explain" na IDEMMILI SOUTH,if not ka esi akwadolu APGA adiro nma na nke ikpeazua. 

Congratulations to APGA for seeing the sight and taking advantage.

An appeal to IYOM Amaka Obi to reduce hand in beating Haters, she is beating them like band Ndi brigade, if not that She has leadership attribute that Works, i would've said let me bring my Walking stick to fight her for humiliating power pack conspirators who vowed to remove her Political and leadership wings.

 Now what the Conspirators are crying is "She beat us because she pass us ", and me i dislike when Woman beat men like that , but on this case, the AMAZON has Good Leadership Decanter and that makes me to like Her and got her back. 

Once again Congrats to APGA, congrats to IDEMMILI SOUTH for having yet again a great leader, then to Amazon Lady, just know that my Eyes 馃憖 is on you , as you are making APGA stronger 馃挭 and i don't like it, i like it ma fa na ada election ka PDP, so the floor will be Neutral. But ka ana ejegodi. 

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, the only Gentleman with Baseball Bat for correction. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

 CAN THIS BE TRUE, na ANAMBARA STATE Governor budgeted more for frivolities than Education? by Mkpisi. 

i read a piece written by Sahara reporters where it said and i quote https://saharareporters.com/2024/06/20/anambra-government-budgets-n68million-maintain-lagos-abuja-offices-n46million-264.

If the State Government managed by a Professor budgeted more Money to maintain Lagos and Abuja Liaison office , which the First APGA Governor closed because it's money gulping and it adds no value,just an irrelevant spur for Fund wasting. 

Resurrection of such absurdity tells the Story of that campaign UTOPIAN DUBAI TAIWAN metaphor, unless there's this secret benefits from such inannity that is not Known and won't be Known to the Citizens of the State.

Let's try a little analogy on the scheme..

"Anambra Government Budgets N68million To 'Maintain' Lagos, Abuja Offices, N46million For 264 Secondary Schools".

Education in the State was brought back to proper pedestrian by Government of ANIDS back in 2006 to 2013 ,they inherited shattered education while it's on her lowest ebb,they brush it up and breathe life into it, then they returned all Missionary schools back to Churches with ENOUGH sustainable Funding.

And Churches who are managers of the mission schools brought back Sanity and morals to Schools because the State egged the church on with enough funds to plan and execute.

 Academic dwindling or say decline of the state was reversed as the Government provided enough financial energy, anyi bido mebe 贸fuma academically as we know that sweet soup na money provide am, then we started taking First both in WAEC which is evidence of good investment, JAMB, PHYSICS, and we won National and Global academic laurels , but the outgoing government of SOLUDO refused or forgot to add niceties toward continual growth of education ,good grammar can't even cook a better Soup talkless of maintaining the good standard created which even the incumbent saw far back and shouted "Anambra education is not broken" ,but the Government pay more attention to IGR driven with PESTLE and Moving struggling families to Poverty stricken ones. 

How can a government of learned Man , especially an Economist be wasting Money on frivolities? Is that economic friendly?.

What can LAGOS located ANAMBRA house add to the life of our Governor or the Government or Kwanu the State?.

Not as if onye Anambra in those places will visit them when in distress and get respite or that the laision will come out in protection of ANMABRA Aborigine who is in dire need ,the place is a Scam in all sense of the word.

How can Anambara house in Abuja add subsidy to the hardship in the state? and what is the use of such absurdity called laision offices?, Unless it can serve as collateral toward our usual taking of loans.

 if the Governor travel to any of Both states, it cost far less to stay in Hotel than to continue maintaining Houses that add nothing to our Coffers?. 

Imagine monthly,we service so many mouths in laision,expend much on management of same, yet no income from such,we that are not Economist will say "it's economical waste" .

The Reason behind "it's not broken, no need to fix it " is showing monthly as it stands now . 

i read the Reply from Governor's press,as i present 


Makachi, I became so sad that aru melu kpam kpam,the response is just throwing of powders in the wind,the Governor's reply, simply tried to analyze the Education STIPEND as that is not even a Budget, but never addressed the rational behind spending that outrageous amount on upgrading laision offices that is not useful. 

We were promised Dubai TAIWAN but seems we are getting DUPING process.

We are bamboozled over the detroriaing health Sector of the state,Very abandoned academic sector and increased IGR HOOLIGANS.

The Height of all the flaws are the Insecurities that abound,infact we are living more terrified than those Living in  BH operational zones back when they snarl with venom, today even the Capital of the State is not safe enough from siege or another.

Anambra need to be liberated and a good Plus and minus toward 2025 is sacrosanct, who will bell the Cat ?. 

We have waltz that partisan cul de sac for too Long, it's time out Period. The question begging for answer is WHO SHALL WE SEND on this Search and rescue mission?

Once again , we will go for the Best and not a crippled Zonal arrangement. 

Good Morning to Ndi ANMABRA,no matter where you ,just know ,this is our morning,a new Dawn and ka anyi welu this efifie chuba Ewu oji,tukwu chi ana eji,if not the black Complexion of the goat will blend with the night.

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Special ADVISER to any Governor that love good Governance. 


By Christian ABURIME 

In an era where information flows freely and swiftly, the onus on media outlets to uphold the sanctity of truth and fact-checking is greater than ever. Sadly, in its recent report, Sahara Reporters appears to have fallen short of this crucial responsibility. 

The said news story by Sahara Reporters meant to disparages Anambra State government's 2024 budget allocation to education, painting a distorted picture that undermines the state's genuine impact on education under Governor Chukwuma Soludo appears disturbing 

As a previously respected media channel that has now become a notorious cesspit of junk journalism, Sahara Reporters claimed that the Anambra State government allocated N68.306 million for the maintenance of its liaison offices in Lagos and Abuja, while ostensibly relegating a paltry N46.2 million for the maintenance of 264 secondary schools across the state. This narrative suggests a glaring neglect of education in favour of bureaucratic indulgence, but it is a false narrative that falls apart under scrutiny.

The truth, as it stands, is  different. The Anambra State government’s budget for 2024, tagged “Changing Gears: The Transformation Agenda Begins,” includes a robust allocation of N31.7 billion specifically for the education sector. This allocation reflects Governor Soludo’s serious commitment to improving the educational infrastructure and human capital development in Anambra State.

In fact, a detailed look into the budget reveals a strategic and transformative agenda for education. For instance, a significant N364 million has been earmarked for the rehabilitation, development, and equipping of technical colleges, ensuring that vocational training is not left behind in the digital age for Anambra students.

Also, a whopping N10 billion is dedicated to the renovation, construction, and equipping of smart schools in the state. This initiative aims to integrate technology into the learning process, preparing Anambra’s children for a future where digital literacy is paramount.

On infrastructure maintenance, N500 million is allocated for the fencing of 40 secondary schools in the state, a critical measure for ensuring the safety and security of students. An additional N1 billion is set aside for supplementary funding to public secondary schools, addressing their unique challenges and needs.

As one is baffled at the disingenuous cherrypicking of figures in the Anambra budget by Sahara Reporters, the foregoing substantial allocations to education highlight a Soludo government deeply invested in the future of its youth, contrary to the misleading portrayal by Sahara Reporters.

The mischievous narratives by Sahara Reporters not only undermine the credibility of their reporting but also do a disservice to the public that deserves to be well informed. In an age where misinformation can easily gain traction, the role of journalists as gatekeepers of truth becomes even more vital. It is expedient for media entities to always engage in thorough fact-checking and present information in a balanced and accurate manner. Only socially irresponsible news outlets would disregard truthful reporting for sensational journalism as Sahara Reporters does these days. 

Yet, despite relentless unwarranted criticisms, Governor Soludo’s administration is a concrete proof of what visionary leadership can achieve in the sphere of education. Beyond budgetary allocations, the government has made education practically free by abolishing tuition fees across public schools, hired 8,115 qualified teachers so far, and distributed 2,000 laptops to teachers, a clear indication of a holistic approach to educational reform.

Today, all this multi-pronged investment in education is already yielding tangible results. Anambra State boasts the lowest rate of out-of-school children in Nigeria at just 2.9%. Besides, Anambra’s students are  participating and excelling at national and international academic competitions, bringing home prestigious awards and recognition.

These achievements are not coincidences but rather the fruits of a well-thought-out strategy to elevate education in the state. Step by step, Governor Soludo’s focus on creating a generation of globally competitive and technologically adept students is setting Anambra apart as a model of educational excellence.

In sum, while it is crucial to hold governments and public officials accountable, it is equally important for journalism to be rooted in facts and fairness. The Anambra State government's 2024 budget is a comprehensive and forward-looking plan that places education at its core, reflecting a profound commitment to the development and empowerment of its youth. It is imperative that media outlets like Sahara Reporters adhere to the highest standards of integrity, ensuring that their narratives serve to inform and uplift, rather than mislead and misrepresent.

As citizens and consumers of news, Nigerians must also always demand truth and responsibility from our media, recognising that in the quest for sustainable democracy and wholesome development, transparency and accurate reporting are our most valuable allies.

_*Aburime, is the Press Secretary to Governor Chukwuma Charles Soludo*_

Thursday, June 20, 2024


I can say without swirling water in my mouth that Gov SOLUDO is doing Roads in so many places , especially in Southern part or roads leading to the South, but i can't say how many of them will outlast this rainy season, as we witnessed when some were washed away at the slightest intercourse with igirigi(Dew).

So based on the results achieved by Local Mason on road construction(Standard contractors of the Government) , i can say that , the Roads may be the APGA Standard which doesn't Outlast tenure of a government ,at least Apga have governed for 20 years but you can't say ,this is the road they tarred, rather you can say that was Tarred , you address it in past tense, as APGA roads are always Mbuze and Pot holes. 

Some Roads were done at Onuicha, some have survived the few rain fall, there's a good stretch of Road from AMANSEA to UFUMA AXIS, then there's one connecting ACHINA, ENUGWU UMUONYIA, UMUOMAKU and that's a virgin road, and with drainage,thumb up for that. 

Then there's this Iyo nnenne bridge that knocked many business at Ekwulobia into oblivion, rendered many mouths hungry and as we speak they are still at the level of one Year one head pan of granite and one shovel of Cement, That one sochakwu (is inclusive )na Development tragedy, sorry i mean strategy. 

The Truth is that we expected tremendous result with the Professor of economics who studied the Government of AKPOKUE Dike and grammatically concluded that it was a perfection, that his analysis of GOVERNANCE gave him the conclusion of "It wasn't Broken, that nobody should try to Fix it " and he never tries to fix it .

Well because we had a powerful unbroken State, he brought a proposal which said and i quote "I will make Anambara DUBAI And Top it up with TAIWAN" and people were applauding that SOLOMON has come to judgement, while i was crying from point of vantage, i was crying na Willie will be missed if we commit the Mistake, but it came to pass that we did the Mistake and the First lesson taught my State arrogant power brokers were draconian, as the powers that made it possible for the ascension was the First to be Broken, then the billionaires who brought money that made things favorable to the lopsided party, they were reduced to nothing which i like , that's getting completely rid of dog fathers in our system. 

Then the Party structure that worked the work of enthronement were discarded to the side walk , the cries of partisan anyam anyam karia, even the Aspirants under the Party are marked for extinction, though they have tasted the fury of the Masses as the Masses Obediently yearn for Laborers during last election, a situation that is giving LABOUR PARTY erection that fa ga enweta the second Glory like the former, they refused to understand that the first one was because OKWUTE was playing on same Pitch at same time, to avoid passes that will result on own goal, people shoot the shot not to hurt our own Man. 

Now Labour will be in Labour room alone,but truly they don't have a team , not even Local team ,they believe there's always mercenaries to hire. 

NOTE.. those that will say Mazi Odera your articles are always lengthy, please bear with me , since our problems are lengthy, i brought fetters that will match it, stop asking me to make it brief, kindly read it at intervals and complete it , I don't do skit, i do movies . 

Moving on, I truly saw some semblance of DUBAI interconnectivity Roads at ISUOFIA, there's no Pathway leading to Mb煤b贸 (Farmlands) that is not tarred in ISUOFIA, no Ama be Mmadu(pathways )that is not graded and when the knocking down of buildings at Ekwulobia to make way for that IYO NNENNE bridge, when it approached between Ekwulobia and ISUOFIA, it stopped, not one shanty at ISUOFIA experienced the knock down,make what you want with the expose. 

What i am saying is that the campaign promises and validation of the old Government as UNBROKEN TYPE, all are lies and it's not making any good citizen happy, though to some pathetic Children, they coined a phrase "SOLUTION" and i asked, please is he Solution to what's not broken or Solution to DUBAI TAIWAN?. 

The brand of insecurities in the state is causing me sleepless night, it has come to level where if somebody is kidnapped the Government Media will pass blame to VIGILANTE of the Town, then the Media of the government will be popping champagne that the efforts of Vigilantes are thwarted,just because ebulu 贸z煤 Onye 贸z贸 ,odika 贸bu ukwu nku (When the corpse is unrelated,it seems like Log of wood). 

In my state, we need Security that will bring us back to mark our traditional stuff at intervals, celebrate YULETIDE as we used to, mark occasions with pump and pageantry, not holding burial and igba Nkwu in exile as it is order of the day. 

Our Health Sector is Broken, roads that are not leading to SOUTH are shattered, Education are hanging on the premise of past government. 

IGR drivers in the state are more lethal than UGM and wearing reflective jackets in the state adorn you with impunity government garb.

Infact only in ANMABRA state ka eji AKUODO (PESTLE) in collections of IGR or they cripple the person on camera and the Government are not worried.

The only beautiful thing this Government brought is ikwatusi shops belonging to impoverished, pulling down buildings of the poor and raiding and confiscating  wares of old market Women under the guise of eradicating street trading, but ask them what happened to the goods they seazed from this old bread winning Women? I don't know, but i am sure it didn't get to office before it disappear, but we should know Na ometelu buru (KARMA is a Bitch). 

This is Mazi Odera POg JP the SPECIAL ADVISER TO THE GOVERNOR ON GOOD GOVERNANCE, Mkpisi Ndi Egede na ede ka Obodo di Nma, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa. 


After writing the piece on AMAKU TEACHING HOSPITAL Consultation outrageous fees , I receive some unofficial reaction,but from Hospital insiders..

The News as linked 


Some of them were saying that 3,000 NAIRA for Government Hospital is very Cheap and questioned how can the management will buy Diesel, pay Sanitation, let me make an expect -

"3000 consultation fee? That’s the cheapest in the whole world. How are they able to pay the high cost of EEDC and diesel/fuel. God bless the management. They must be miracle workers."

Another said and i quote" It's not much, Borromew hospital which is owned by the church is N3500 consultation fee"

Now , let me react.. The Generator provided to Amaku by ANIDS government are lying fallow, as DARKNESS is part of the General ward. 

EEDC have disconnected AMAKU from Services because of unsettled bills. 

 Generators at AMAKU are used in austerity.

Only Private wards are POWERED by Generator, Children Ward, General Ward are in dire darkness. 

The Hospital is a glorified Refugee camp.

Billings in the hospital are only determined by accountant ,and it seems they charge as they pleases .

The Bills are outrageous and dehumanizing to say the least.

If only the Governor will visit the Hospital at night on clandestine mode, with no security or convoy or Government Vehicle,he should be shocked to see the concentration camp we have in place of Hospital.

The Governor can even send a patient to them unidentified,just as ordinary patient and see the extortionate bills and non challant attitude of Nurses and sundry workers.

The Governor can make a difference by visiting the Hospital on a very low key, go ward round to see how good or bad the "BIGGEST Hospital" at state Capital is ..and see that most times , it's safer and cheaper to go to Clinic for health matters.

Mkpisi is the Job.

 AMAKU TEACHING HOSPITAL ekopu go na nke ikpeazua by Mkpisi. 

Dear Gov SOLUDO, kindly gbata 贸s贸 enyem aka na mmiri ejugo Awo the Toad  Onu. 

We the poor Masses are crying and after the meeting of the poor last night, and as the un appointed Town crier for the Poor , my attention was been shifted to Amaku General Hospital 脫KA , where Consultation fee to see a Doctor is now 3,050 NAIRA. 

Sir, ewelu 贸hu nkwu pia eze, aga amuta one na amu ? ( When we spend fortune to sharpen our denture, how much will be made with the smile that comes out of it ?). Imagine what the medical bill will be when consultation is enough to pay bride prize na Umuoji.

Sir, we are crying about insecurities, high cost of living in Nigeria, plus the AGBERO IGR drivers in Anambara that choose to use PESTLE (Aku Odo) as weapon of gathering IGR, as we are gnashing our decayed teeth , we develop sickness with the worries and insecurity problems, then we resort to Hospital to find respite and that same Hospital is now higher than the sickness,i mean Hospital is now posing more worries than the actual sickness.

Nwannem tune ya and know if it's just or fair!!. 

Sir , this time, what need is benevolence and not Draconian resolution, i know you can make them to revert or even cushion the cost of treatment, as we know there's no cost of Dollar effect on our hospital, so the reason to jerk the consultant this high is hard core exploitation and wiked act. 

I remain your humble SA on Good Governance UNPAID , Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya.

 WHO GAVE ASMATA the Constitutional  Powers to Bulldozed Shops at Nnobi? by Mkpisi. 

Yesterday, while Fire was commuting average families to inferno impoverished at Afo Nnobi in Idemmili South of ANMABRA State, Another State AGENCY and or Union under the Chairman were on rampage destroying Shops of traders at same Nnobi ,as if there is plans to deal with Nnobi with Powers of Government and Supernatural .

 ASMATA team were pulling down Shops at same Nnobi and rendering more  families insolvent under supervision of the Chairman. 

I can't tell if the powers of brutality is conferred on them by the State Government or they are usurping the functions of Judiciary or they felt that our Government is sterile and Nwoke an贸ro na Nnobi as a Town.

Is this ASMATA same as

Anambra State Market Amalgamated Traders Association (ASMATA) ? if yes ,where did they get the constitutional powers of destruction of properties?

Did they obtain Court judgement toward that ?

If they did ,are they now Judiciary executioners?

Does it mean that Nnobi doesn't have Lawyers who can sue this Trading UNION and make them pay with prejudice?.

 How can market Union flaunt this Brand of injustice?

 Even PG Nnobi should Sue the Union with State government as supervising Body , especially when the state ceded the powers of Jury and Judge to trading ASMATA.

The cries of the poor doesn't fall on human Ears, if Ndi ANAMBRA can be this mean to fellow citizens, how about if Ndi Ofe nmanwu or Ndi Born to rule give us same measure ? what then will be our cries or we must fold without lamentation.

 How else can we say that the Party we tried to be called Nkea bu nke anyi, is now same one that is treating us as aberration? 

APGA is not treating Anambara as a state that pad the party Nest, the high handedness is going through the roof. 

We disdain APC for unfair treatment, but they seem more tolerant and loving toward our general plight to compare with what APGA is doing in ANMABRA. 

If the Governor can't stripe this ASMATA of this Garb, then Opposition Parties, PG and relative Bodies should step up and tell them na 贸kw贸 Mmadu nwe 贸godo Ewu na ata .. 

Mkpisi is the Job. 


AMAKU TEACHING HOSPITAL ekopu go na nke ikpeazua by Mkpisi.

Dear Gov SOLUDO, kindly gbata 贸s贸 enyem aka na mmiri ejugo Awo the Toad  Onu.

We the poor Masses are crying and after the meeting of the poor last night, and as the un appointed Town crier for the Poor , my attention was been shifted to Amaku General Hospital 脫KA , where Consultation fee to see a Doctor is now 3,050 NAIRA.

Sir, ewelu 贸hu nkwu pia eze, aga amuta one na amu ? ( When we spend fortune to sharpen our denture, how much will be made with the smile that comes out of it ?). Imagine what the medical bill will be when consultation is enough to pay bride prize na Umuoji.

Sir, we are crying about insecurities, high cost of living in Nigeria, plus the AGBERO IGR drivers in Anambara that choose to use PESTLE (Aku Odo) as weapon of gathering IGR, as we are gnashing our decayed teeth , we develop sickness with the worries and insecurity problems, then we resort to Hospital to find respite and that same Hospital is now higher than the sickness,i mean Hospital is now posing more worries than the actual sickness.

Nwannem tune ya and know if it's just or fair!!.

Sir , this time, what need is benevolence and not Draconian resolution, i know you can make them to revert or even cushion the cost of treatment, as we know there's no cost of Dollar effect on our hospital, so the reason to jerk the consultant this high is hard core exploitation and wiked act.

I remain your humble SA on Good Governance UNPAID , Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

  NNOBI at her CRUCIFIXION this month of June 2024 by Mkpisi. 

While Nnobi was sweating at Madonna in mourning and planning on how to bury their Son who had motorcycle accident and died at the spot, they were deliberating, when the NAPPERS were spraying Bullets against the Vigilante which took the lives of Security Commander of Ichi and lay the Vigilante Driver filled will hot Led, we are hoping that grace will save him from grave ,as the pellets in his body has done more than we can tell, unless the Government run an intervention to save the soul that was trying to make our state safer but fall victim of same maruders. 

That same day the unfortunate bullets fell a boy and brand new Married Girl (Both from Nnobi) who went to morning chores, the girl was 7 days old in marriage and both of them are collateral damage to the insecurities abound in the state. 

As if that wasn't enough cross for NNOBI, despite the fact that they have 2 different Igwe and PG governing NNOBI ,making the town to be torn between POLITICAL powers, which the Chieftancy affairs commission of the state should step inn and dot the i and cross the T instead of standing askance.

Today at about 8:30 to 9 Am , a heavy fire gutted Stalls at Afor Nnobi, it was devastating, and it totaled a line of Shop at round About Nnobi ,the place connected NNOKWA, NNEWI,OKA ETITI,a major site and position. 

it was painful that Fire brigade wasn't a available but locals used hired Water tanker to perform the duties of fire brigade and brought the situation to manageable, though there's no Fire station from Nnobi to Ekwulobia and that is great Mistake which the Governor should correct,lets learn from mistakes and make preparation for future occurrence. 

I Wonder if it's ACUDA that is "kudaing" the Shops in front on IGWE EZEOKOLI Palace or another Government agency, but Street legends have it that the Government wants to turn entrance of the Palace to MOTOR PARK, Maybe to diminish the Majesty of the office known as palace,a sacred institution before it was reduced to Political institute of Governors. 

Dear Gov SOLUDO, please look deep enough to unravel the new mystery that is raining sadness at Nnobi, a brotherly town and a community with Right of life in Anambara. 

i Continue to be ,Yours SA on Good Governance, Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa. 

 HAPPY BRIGHT BIRTHDAY TO RT, REV , BISHOP OWEN CHIDO NWOKOLO, the NUMBER one untainted BISHOP with the real Episcopal Diadem. 

Sir, as much as i don't like most COMMUNICANT EPISCOPAL HUNCHO, owing to the fact that they sleep on duties and as Ndigbo, we know na onye raru ura ebulu egbe ya , as David took the Spear of Saul when he was asleep.. 

1 Samuel 26 vs 12 and i provide 

".So David took the spear and water jug near Saul’s head, and they left. No one saw or knew about it, nor did anyone wake up. They were all sleeping, because the LORD had put them into a deep sleep.".

But you posses that charisma of a Bishop, the oil on your head is representing and every communicant in Nigeria agreed that you have EPISCOPAL TALISMAN to take the faithful to the next level. 

Happy Birthday once again , as you know that we are badly marginalized in the State, do not expect Government accolades or celebrating message, though it's the duties of the Governor to understand that there are members of the state who are of different belief and many with Denominational differences, but he always Choose who to celebrate and those he despise, as i witnessed so many Joyful messages the Governor extended to Bishops of Certain Denomination ,but yours developed an Austerity that is excruciating. 

We celebrate you , not because of your office, but because you are a Match to that office and glory to BishopHood. 

Happy Birthday once again His Lord Bishop on the Niger, and i can say without swirling water in my mouth, that you deserve to be the POTENTATE of the faithfuls. 

i remain Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, 脫kpokopi onye CEREMESI, Mazi Odera POg JP is the Name . 

Monday, June 17, 2024


Bia nu ndi Soshal Media SOLUDO, let me say it again maka na 贸bu my state ka mpu na eme.

Most of you were taunting the Ugly state mess that happened at Nnewi yesterday, when VIGILANTES pursue KIDNAPPERS that went for Rescue Operation at Nnewi Ichi and Some of the Vigilantes lost the life and instead to cry for shamed situation of the insecurities in the entire State, some are dancing that SENATOR IFEANYI UBAH Protective intervention failed, i wanted to walk away but this is my state and as SPECIAL ADVISER TO THE GOVERNOR ON GOOD GOVERNANCE on good Governance, i must Point out errors..

That SENATOR Ubah is angling to be GOVERNOR is not my business, that SOLUDO wants a second term without delivering route to DUBAI talkless of TAIWAN he promised us , that a discussion for another day , but today, we are trying to deal with anathema that is my State.

As much as Ifeanyi Ubah has his own Media Team , my job is to make sure , we have a better working state.

A state taking out from the charade, a state where a powerful choice that will make us better should be elected, a State where we can be Proud to say , this is my State.

I am still accessing and weighing the candidates, and i refused to be dragged along the same ZONAL Poison that gave us OBIANO and led us through DUBAI TAIWAN Insecurities, our eyes are deep in the waters to search for a redemption without the shackles of Zoning, DENOMINATION and Gender bias.

Moving on in educating the Bias mockers that mocked Nnewi carnage, they said that the CCTV did not capture the Kidnapers, right?

But , they didn't ask how did the 3 set of SECURITY SIENNA move into operation to cordon off the miscreants? was it Ugu 脫ka that called them ?

The VIGILANTES was somewhere and got a Distress call that some suspects are Perambulating around a Hotel at Nnewi Ichi and they zoomed off to meet them , not knowing that they have changed vehicle, as they were approaching the area and meet speeding Car which they think may be escaping from the scene to avoid being the Victims, then the incoming vehicle opened fire and killed the leader of the Vigilante who was in the Bucket seat of the lead vehicle, He was killed when his vehicle engaged on reverse and entered into gutter , while the two Security sienna was engaging the First surprising assiliant , another vehicle of the nappers which is back up opened hell and set complete confusion within the Vigilantes.

The assailants escaped without any other security or Vigilante stopping or harassing them in a state where we have CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER and also Number one citizen ,in a cline of humans,by this time series of resignation would've sufficed and on voluntary basis,but what do we have ? even the state is yet to address it.

I wonder why the Governor and Government are not visiting the place to show remorse for what happened in the state?.

I know that State SECURITY VOTE are not distributed to SENATORS, so Ebubechukwu uzo Nnewi must be providing the security by individual effort, why should APGA Media taunt him instead of being thankful that he is providing elusive security?.

Those expecting CCTV to do more than it did or will do by recording, the person must he high on nasty smoke, it can only capture and don't repel . CCTV doesn't have AK to engage.

The State should mount CCTV in most violtile places, that can reduce the route this boys are taking, that's if they dont shoot it off poles .

Until we reclaim ISEKKE, MBOSI, 脫RSUMOGH脷, UNUBI, UKPOR, 脷T脷, ENUGWU UMUONYIA, EZIRA, UMUNZE APGA GOVERNMENT have to right to discuss security.

I know that in DUBIA there's no insecurity and in Taiwan it's aberration to say insecurities, so where is our own version of the said promises?

I remain SPECIAL ADVISER TO THE GOVERNOR ON GOOD GOVERNANCE, and Mkpisi Ndi Egede is my Office, while Mazi Odera POg JP is the Name.

 Attn Gov SOLUDO.. 

Sir, it's time you remove Political Grove to pummel the dastardly art of insecurity in our state. 

UGM committed SACRILEGE at NNEWI today, as they murdered VIGILANTES after they kidnapped somebody and VIGILANTES gave them Chase to recover the nabbed. 

Sir, it's time you remove glove and deal with the situation with ferocious reprisal , and i call again that you should Drag somebody like Chuma Nzeribe known as Civilian General to step inn and create a level playing field,as commander in chief of OPERATION RESCUE ANAMBRA or Liberate ANAMBRA.

Chuma can be seen by many as Bad Man, some see him as serious bad influence, but you can check him out in truth , even his days as POLITICAL Representative in house of Reps, he served ANMABRA Government with passion. He appear Bad to those ndi ana adighi nma.

You need somebody who has Security Iron clad to deal with this menace, why i am crying aloud is that, Anambara is bleeding. 

Like i said last week , as we wait for improved security, kindly give EKWUEME, DORA AKUNYILI center and even INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTER as subsidized places for Hosting traditional things for most people whose towns are under siege, that way , ANMABRA will be Hot again and bubbling with activities. 

I remain Your SA on Good Governance (UNPAID) , Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede. 

 Press Release


Anambra State Governor, Professor Chukwuma Charles Soludo, CFR, has extended warm greetings and felicitations to the Muslim Ummah in Anambra State and across Nigeria on the happy occasion of Eid el Kabir.

In his goodwill message, Governor Soludo stated that Eid el Kabir holds profound significance in the Islamic faith as it commemorates the enduring faith, obedience, and devotion to Almighty Allah. 

“As our Muslim brothers and sisters observe this sacred event through acts of charity and communal prayers, it is a time for all of us to reflect on these universal values that bind humanity together,” he said.

Governor Soludo reiterated his administration’s steadfast dedication to fostering an environment of religious harmony, mutual respect, and peaceful coexistence among all faiths in Anambra State. 

The governor also recognized the valuable contributions of the Muslim community to the state’s peaceful development and the enriching diversity they bring to its collective social fabric.

In this spirit of unity, Governor Soludo called upon the Muslim faithful to continue their support and prayers for the Anambra State government and Nigeria in order to advance the collective progress, security and the well-being of every citizen.

The governor therefore wished the Muslim Ummah happy celebrations of Eid el Kabir with abundant blessings, peace, joy, and prosperity. 


*Christian Aburime*

Press Secretary to the Governor


After observing Fathers day , though FATHERS sponsored same Fathers day by selves , same way they sponsor everything that happens around home, Today is another beginning of week and i come with Piss .. Let's move on together and not to spray each other with saliva, all HIDDEN as throwing arguments while it's tantrums we are throwing. 

Ndigbo are determined people before ,but quest for Superiority reduced us to inferiority Sect ,today ana amazi aka which brought the abomination that are happening, today most Boy's kill Girls friends,Boy friends, relationship, parents for money making.

Mothers abandon Family,so they can be called Single or struggling mothers and they cause Children to walk through torn Fields while they would've faired better under Both parent.

Fathers struggling to move into exile get demoralized by results of DNA which is result of the wife waywardness,but Ndigbo agreed ebe nwa si bia Uwa nya biri (Since you married the Mother, wherever comes from her loin is yours by tradition).

Britain colonized us many decades ago , they left but the Colonial rod is still controlling the psych of some Ndigbo, especially the educated ones that are supposed to be the Path finders, but they are the errors and Fault finders. 

i have observed that most nymphs whose parents wasted Money that should've serve better farming, but it was wasted on them, those sect are humiliation to Igbo as a Nation, what they bandied about is Queens English, and if you can't follow them as goat tethered with Ropes of the British, they will start throwing around the idiocy of a caged man which is calling or referring to a Better thinking, better equipped, better positioned as illiterate(Though you are to his level, as he lack upgrade), those band of 脫nuku paid more attention to TENSES, SYNTAXES, PARAGRAPHING, CONSTRUCTION of another man's language, they will tell you that he studied English and not Technology, not Security, not IT, never industrialization circuit, as the Brutish won't teach them that as it will emancipate them from the mental Slavery,what he has is the one sided archaic English the Brits upgraded from king james version which they used in writing the Bible. 

An Igbo 脫nuku will not know that English has her complications that America left it and develop acceptable means of communication which the Brits and Computer referred to as AMERICAN ENGLISH ,and if AFRICA have recovered from the brain looting, computer would've have African Version which we call Broken English as well. 

Many Downloads on WEB has languages of many tribes,but none with Africa mind, unless developed Nation like RWANDA who moved out of Genocidal War sponsored by COLONIAL Demons and they simply kissed and make Love as one indivisible nation and focus on rebuilding and now they are build,SOUTH AFRICA ..

Those drafted drafts did not know that even in his own language, there are discrepancies making igbo to say Mba na asu na olu na olu (People speak in dialect),you can say .. 

Bia na Ulom , ka anyi rie nri and another Version of same word will say, puta bem ka anyi gbaa azi , while another can be esirim ma hosia bem , in all , the three expression is saying , come and merry in my place, which none is Wrong but expression differs. But when you phrase it to all this BBM (Born by Mistake) they will go livid ,as if  both of you are pursuing same inferiority Trophy 馃弳.

just as an Anambara man will need a translator to interpret for him in midst of Ebonyi person,and a Caucasian will tell you that one is right and another is wrong,but because we have complex,we accept such insult. Both are classy in own language and tongue.

Another very simple word is .. where do you hail from ? 

Iwu onye ebe ? ole nga unu ? isi ekpo ole?, kedu ala amu nna gi ?. 

Why most of those inferior Umuigbo who focused more on your ENGLISH masterful submission is because they have twisted brain nerve and need redirection,as they don't have anything to offer ,they submit argument to build bridge the emptiness for them. 

Language is just a way of communication, as long as the person you are communicating can understand,then you both are good. 

it's same act of feeling superior on An Imported language that made a Man look down on brother who is more focused, and when such happens, some people felt inferior, little did they know that , it's not them that are inferior but those 脫nuku who concentrated on aceing a borrowed language, they forget that China doesn't care about English, they focus on Technology and they did perfectly well. 

Russia doesn't pay attention to English language both written and oral and they are super power,Chinese are comfortable with own language and it helps them to over develope,

 Norwegian, All Scandinavian don't speak English nor accept it blatant effort to dominate, but Africans who can't even package a drinking water without inputs of imported machines and Cellophane Bags are the ones roving like unbranded Ikwurigba while trying to insult another. 

Just don't allow them push you into believing in superiority of foreign language and belittle your effort in reaching out to your own. 

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

 TOXIC FATHERS, the New Awakening (Ukanna 2024) by MNE. 

As Ndi Nna pause to Mark, not celebrate Father's day as incumbent on Anglican doctrine and or dogma, i know some people will Wonder why i use the phrase Mark, not celebrate, but it's easily defined, as "Fathers are never celebrated, they are PILLARS that is HIDDEN on the background, but the entire edifice is laden on him".

Wifes naturally consign them to make selves the most hated, Whenever  a child messes up ,the Mother will promise the child doomsday when Daddy come back and once he comes back ,the wife will egg him on to beat the child and while he tries to beat for sake of correction and peace,the same will will come rescuing the same Child and in mind of the Child,the Mother is a savior,a saint and the father who was forced to intervene will be seen as raging monster and the child will grow with that Draconian mindset.

While appreciation with thanks are always dashed to Mothers always as Ezinne, and literary without spoken words the fathers are benched as Bad fathers  ,which is the main reason there's a unified thanksgiving made for fathers whenever issue of 脫m煤go come into play,the new parents will fete the Mother and buy a very HOT KAIKAI not even priced Wine for the Man,the drink is for Father for slaving to raise the family even when he is going through troubled time while the children are growing ,but the Father's will be there acting as the unseen Rock of Gibraltar.

Maybe based on sentimental evaluation or because Women ACED family Politics, while Men ACED Sentimental heads.

Maybe because Men underestimated them with the catch phrase that said"Women are the weaker vessel", but in reality , I wonder if they are weak at all ?.

 imagine the Weaker Vessel that drove fear into Elijah who is a prophet that King fear with utmost Trepidation ,but a Woman simple sent an oral message to him and he fled as if War entered Katanga .

A Generation that is so Weak that they killed SAMSON effortlessly,same Man that can kill entire Village filled with warriors.

We think them weak, whereas they always make many father's Minority at Home with skilled manipulations of both Father and children.

it doesn't matter anymore as it has come to Become even though we despise that mistreatment but what can we do to balance the deficit ?We agreed that 铆si na ebu Ogidi ga ebu Ogidi,if not onyijie ya onu (The Head that has the Decanter to carry Ogidi can only do such,if you try it because you have a nerve popping Neck,then Ogidi will bend your Neck).

If defined on straight analogy, it can be said " Monkey dey work,while Baboon dey chop "(You labour for others to benefit) digressing, but that's the painful beauty of Life.

 i know that most Men will prefer they alternate Ije Omugo with the wife,so that that 脷t煤 muru Dike can be appreciated,but we have gotten the burden of onye Nna and we Carry it without restraint,not because we can't remonstrate but because we felt it's Adamic turn around and we bear same with straight face.


Today we dress on our usual Crystal apparel or say White Top which signified Purity and setting us apart as Ndi Nna, but in truth are you set apart as onye Nna or you leave your house in ruin and utter regrets? or what can be best addressed as dead beat father ?. 

You many find Fault with the antics of your wife and you may have resolved to show her you are the PILLAR, but you haven't read the minutes of Last meeting, where even Divinity abstained from the union called marriage(sorry not abstain but Flea), but you delve into it and Band of angels are watching and grading your work as a Father and not Feather, yet many of us are fluke or say APOLOGY of a Father,ana az贸 isi, as if there's a Belt or Trophy attached to such position.

You may consider self an ASTUTE Agada gbachiri uz贸, who makes the wife to quake at his presence, who the children are scared stiff whenever he come back home , infact they recline into rooms or hiding places once the Father is around and the Man did not see that as abandoned or alienated person while he is still active in his Mid life ,that his Old age will be completely hazardous because none will like to come closer to him,then He will understand that isolation is never a way of life, because loneliness will barb you KODO (clean shave). Make peace with your Children, don't allow the wife to fill their head with lies about you and how good she is , change that psych.

You are terror as Head of the house (Not Home) an error to marriage, you forgot that there's always a time limit, there's a price tag for every commodity and Karma is a such SUPREME COURT that there's no appeal against the judgement. 

You are suppose to be the darling of the Wife,Her boyfriend, Go to Guy(dependable ally), even when you think she has short coming Which is women second nature, the only reason why MARRIAGE is cemented with offspring is to give us good opportunities to raise our own family with same perfection we did not see from our spouses, yes , if your spouse has deficiencies, you shall amend same with raising a standard package in your own home,then you can Pat self on the chest and say "I have done well". 

When you think your own spouse wasn't raise right, then raise  good Children , raise a Daughter, Son that will be synosure of eyes, who will be Sought after and Humanity will chorus "they have good home training". 

As a Father, what have been your feeding allowance to the family in this present day austerity induced nation?.

 We all know and agree that things are tough, Money is not easy to come by which affects cost of living generally, so if you have been given your Wife a certain amount of money to feed the family back in the years when prices of commodities are affordable and you insisted that she should manage it,  you insisted that the status quo should remain, i will ask you , do you manage the old price of Beer or pepper soup?.

 i am sure that once Joints increase prices because of the financial depression and high cost of items, you automatically adjusted in acceptance. 

Just think about the current prices of Pure Water, Biscuits,Mineral water and even Indomie, Such price discrepancy touched every sphere of life, though wives makes matters worse, but feeding allowance and or provisions shall increase and it's your responsibility,i know it's not fair, but ask Divinity why they made is the Head.

 Don't you know that it's same market both Restaurant and your own wife are buying from ? .

if you can adjust to reality of restaurant increase, you should adjust with same percentage of increase in home cooked meal, don't forget that , the hands that giveth never lack and for one to enjoy an omelette,you must break an egg,you want it done ,you shall provide the deed for the done.

How many times have you visited your children in schools? you think it's waste of resources? 

if you plant Yam and the tendon or stem is not directed, or tethered through a directional Pole, the stem will cripple on the ground and the produce will be stunted, same is applicable to growing Children, either you keep watch over them , the type of Friends they keep, the life they are living, the habits he or her immersed into, you can only watch from a close knit and not just providing the finances needed, you need to get close enough,maka anodebe  nti ama ula ,and unless you are close up ,you can't sniff a mouth odour.

Because of fathers detached approach toward the Children, the children ends up as Slay Queen, Cultist, Yahoo gangs, rejected and dejected life and later you pass blame  to sundry, do your part and when disastrous result is self made by a child, you can pat self in self praise that osiro gi na aka . 

Be a Father and not a fraud, be a HUSBAND and not a HORSE with a band. 

They said Teachers reward is in Heaven, just also note that FATHERS blessing is at after life and there's nothing one can do about it , unless we change HOME POLITICS which was where we deviated and we are paying the price at old age.

Children and Wives , Kindly give something to fathers maka fa na agbani ,even if it's recharge card or DATA or Kwanu Malt, do it ,ka orana ewetaro onwe ya and Real Men Value Gift and not minding the size,we look at the Heart.

Mazi Odera POg JP is 脫kpokopi Anglican, and a Father of Father's who can boast of having a great wife, wonderful Children and Divine blessing.

He deserves a father's gift from even You. 

 Finidi George is a Terrible Coach says people who are drooling when the Guy was a Legend of all Legends when it comes to Round leather objects... Mazi Odera POg JP 

 Because he is a Nigerian international, because many are faulting a Man who can Best European Best today on any pitch, we prefer Foreign coaches same way we prefer Anglicanizing our names , same way we love to suck up to Caucasians, same way we escaped from Nigeria as Freeborn and went into exile where others or say Citizens stood the ground and make it a Canaan filed with Honey.

People who can't manage to curb Bad and fraudulent Governance,they have opinion on greater things that is happening to the Nation.

We want a caucasian Coach even the one that has never wore boot, talkless of playing Football. 

Many of you do not know what it takes to build a Team , it take a great player to infuse discipline into new players because most of this New players were growing up and admiring the artistry of the Right Winger with Dynamite Shot called George Finidi,when that Dude is perching on the inside Right,then Jay Jay is marshalling the midfield as mastero ,then Amokachi is Dangling his Bulky bullying body between the opponents half , that's when you will know that Rashid Yekini has a Lethal shot,and they mesmerize any team.

Unless NIGERIA FRAUDULENT FEDERATION (NFF) are continuation of Daft, they should sack Finidi and bring in one BICYCLE repair in place of a Coach, but any Country that worth it's onus and have the caliber of Finidi should thank the god's for giving them relief. 

NIGERIA is good ENOUGH to he using Made in NIGERIA Coaches, after all they all played and awed European Leagues, a fit that is out of this world. 

There's no way in this world that a Foreign coach will be better than Finidi, what Finidi need is time and encouragement, imagine Nigerians with record of the world most dreadful Government for many Decades, simply think that just one Leg is good enough to decide fate of a Man . 

i am Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Voice of the Voiceless and i come to reason on Saturday Round leather object. 

 Right of Reply from ACDA on STREET VEGETABLES MARKET by Mkpisi

Finally ACDA and Her management reached out to me, just to correct some errors or say offer corrections on certain gray areas of my Piece, as contained within https://oderaigbo.blogspot.com/2024/06/to-acda-fruit-and-vegetable-market.html?m=1

ACDA in her defense or say RIGHT OF REPLY, said that , the Gate for each Stall is not a MUST for beneficiaries, but alternative Personal Security measure for those who wants a personal assurance and peace of mind for wares left at Dawn, owners can start or trade without the Gate or Door installed.

It's a matter of Choice,but if you Choose to have it installed,it should be in Uniform and the committee highly recommend that it should be fabricated by same Source.

That the managing Committee finds it less expensive if one Welder can handle it and it will give a discount as the person will have materials in bulk and expertise, he should consider what he garnered from the PILOT version ,which will lead him in all fabrication of the rest. 

ACDA who is acting for the Government that availed the Fund said, that the Market is not restricted to Vegetables and Barbecue only, but including sundry, that way it can also be CALLED ONE STOP SHOPPING MARKET for FOOD STUFFS. 

I will also Suggest to the Committee that if they truly want to maintain this market without Traders bastardizing it, they should have .. 

Management Fees

Security fees 

Environmental Fees, though i heard they have muted the Idea but it must be implemented because if that is not done, having giving them free shops, they will abuse it and the place will become an eye sore to that Highbrow area. 

The management should make sure Traders will not spread or sample market Outside boundaries or allow loafers to roam outside the shops as the aim will be defeated as that will be return of street trading with vengeance. 

In Summary, those thinking that ACDA is about to Run them street on the market should be rest assured that they are coming for the Best, Maybe Atonning for the style used in sanitizing Street market in Oka.

I will advise both ACDA and Traders ka 脫ke ghalu ikpacha anya takasia akpa nwa Dibia, and Ka Nwa Dibia ghalu ikochi oke Onu for nothing (Let there be boundaries and mutual respect). 

I remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Voice of the Voiceless. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

 SEQUEL TO ACDA FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET, a concern by Beneficiary traders, written by Mkpisi. 

Dear ACUDA and Gov SOLUDO, i greet you all for the FRUIT Stalls built on ABAKILIKI Street, which is to provide Solace to the Street market traders displaced within 脫KA territory. 

As a PILOT project,this will also help in shaping the next phase of the project wherever it shall he located.

After i wrote my appreciation for giving a listening ear captioned and i present ,


I got many reports from Women who should benefit from the gesture.. 

They said the Stalls are without Protective Doors and that they were mandated to provide Money for IRON DOORS to protect each stall , which will enable them to always lock up after the day and not transporting Vegetables to and Fro from houses or borrowed lock up places, especially people coming from long distance. 

it's good observation, because most of them can't be trucking the perishables to and fro as that will render most of the fruits and Vegetables useless, Vegetables and Fruits shall be stored in  conducive environment for healthy presence.

So the plea from them is to appeal to the Government to erect the Doors, that they can be paying back on instalment, as each gate may cost more than what they have in hand to start the business if left for them to do before starting. 

They said that Government said erecting the Gate is the requisite for allocating Shops to operators, and the amount is yet to be determined, but will be after the Welder must have finish erecting a PILOT copy and determine the cost, which may not be friendly, so the appeal is for the Government to Fund it or lend the money upfront that will erect it, and when they must have Started trading, they can be paying back installmentally. 

Don't forget that if they erect the gate,the Shops are no Longer free ,plus they can boost of partnership which can go either ways.

Finally,they begged from a point of Street wise business people,which i think the Government should consider for the best,they argued that,if they are selling just vegetables and Fruits,that most of the items will perish because workers prefer to buy everything for cooking at a place,not they will transport self to EKE OKA and buy Meat and other condiments, then transport self down to Abakiliki street to buy Vegetables,that if the Venue is not thrown open for petty traders to trade ,that the shop will be a flop as many will not be selling one 10th of the market they bought and the rest will perish for want of buyers as above argued.

Sir and His Excellency,if not that ACDA CHAIRMAN is not returning or picking my calls, I would've come to him in private and if the Governor did not Block me , I would've been sending him WORDS on the street in private, but since i am Blocked and Calls not picking up or calls returning,i simply make do with Public route.

Good Morning, Next appeal is why is the Government frustrating ANAMBRA PRESS? is it because they are going about the business scared of the shadows or because they are wishing to be giving half Bag of Abakiliki Rice at the end of the Year ?.

They should be acting as the conscience of the Government, but they are walking in weakness,mana ka anejegodi..

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Special ADVISER to the Governor UNPAID.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

 JOINDER to MCCOOL NWOSU dissect on Senator Ifeanyi Ubah SECURITY CAMERA by Mkpisi. 

Greetings Mccool Nwosu "Ikenga Ozubulu" ,i greet you with reservation, and i come to you with vehement disagreement, especially where you wrote and i provide 


Come with me lets stroll down that Boulevard at AZU UBULU and we can then look at some of the issue in discuss for a balanced finality.

You Pointed at the Security intervention of Senator Ifeanyi Ubah Which be brought at Nnewi,and slice it right in the Middle,then i want to give a brief refutal because I always stand at point of Just to Justify realities and take away chaffs that clustered around main subject.

I would've said let his paid Media team rebute you but when a Giant ferrocious Cow break his tethers, then a Giant human warrior will be unleashed to Chase and conquer the raging Cow (Oke efi tibie,ach贸 na oke mmadu ka 贸chuba ya), Pet EDOCHIE will call it the legend of the Masters.

Nnewi was one of the Hub of the UGM until that intervention that commenced from Senator Ubah ,and since that intervention there has never being UGM activities in NNEWI and even other Places of his intervention ,Though he is using native intelligence, including Motorcycle, Car's, Cudgels and Choice weapons with CCTV CAMERAS that adorned nooks and crannies of Nnewi, but you Choose to go after CCTV,which is your Right anyway,but i simply beg to differ maka, asi na ife na ato 煤t贸,ekwue ife 贸na at贸 ka ya.

If it wasn't working,i see no reason why other towns around Nnewi will be going on pilgrimage to the SENATORS house urging him to extend the intervention to them,also note that During ROBBERY or  any Armed suppression ,Security agents like Police will approach the venue blaring the siren Instead of coming in stealth mode , it's not that the siren will clear way for them to get there on time and vanquish the marauders, it's to make the Robbers  panic and ran ,that way there won't be casualties. 

The benefit hiding inside cigarette is Smoke and nothing More,ife ana ach贸 na security bu nya kwusi and nothing more.

Some of the Robberies are done without loaded Guns,or even real Guns but the ibobo surrounding Guns send shivers down spine, nobody wants to scrutinize  the content of Gun before submitting to Armed MENACE,same way nobody wants to know who is controlling CCTV before avoiding it like plague,nobody want the face to be caught on CCTV, they avoid the stories that touch the heart.

IN SECURITIES,what matters is not how many people were killed to restore peace, but stopping the Bad people completely even with Aku odo (PESTLE) the one SOLUDO IGR team uses as Money generating weapon, it's even best that you didn't fire a gun shot, but bring lasting peace with less cost effect ,that way there won't be collateral damages.

That CCTV installed by Ifeanyi Ubah is a game changer in history of Anambra security restoration,and you have to give it to him.

That he is warming up to challenge Gov SOLUDO for failing to deliver anything close enough to DUBAI or Taiwan he promised is another ball game.

If Gov SOLUDO should emulate him and bring sanity and peace back to ISEKKE,脷KP脫R,脷T脷,MBOSI, 脫RSUMOGH脷,UNUBI, ENUGWU UMUONYIA, UMUNZE ,i can tell you that life will return to the state and people will stop celebrating occasions outside the state. 

You questioned how it can add relief when it's not connected to Police scanners or oversight, well Police have her own ways of operation and vigilante has her own Orthodox means and it's working. 

You questioning the effectiveness is just POLITICAL witch-hunting,as SECURITY is never discussed in the open ,what people need to know is that security is working and they can sleep in peace and travel from one end to Another without chi egbuom ooo attached to the ending part.

As for legislative report card for any of them on one year in office,the Senators have Media aides that will do justice to that,as they should work to earn the salary ogbasadim.I will soon go After them myself to ascertain the Mistake we made electing them.

I know there's unhealthy rivalry between the incumbent Governor and any Aspirant that reared it's head,but that is unacademic and more Agberoic way of bullying opposition.

What the Governor promised us is Dubai TAIWAN and not akuko mbe ejebe and ajambene .

The way things are twisted once it's showing progression in the state and attributed to Aspirant is giving me goose pimples,we should First see ANMABRA as our future ,and Aspiring leaders should be Men that are sound from center to circumference,we can't be politiking from ZONAL prism as it always produce unfit Men, especially now we know that each zone have completed zonal assignments.

SOUTH completed 13 years plus with the 4 years of SOLUDO.

CENTRAL did 10 years and 6 months.

While North has done 8 years..

 it's time we allow every qualified onye Anambara to bring his A GAME into the arena ,but if our Gubernatorial will continue to be approached from zonal prism as it was in the past ,then it's time to drag Denominational BORN TO RULE into it and Ndi CEREMESI, PENTECOSTAL, SABBATH AND OMENANI should rise up and ask for Zonal fairness ,it can't be zoned only to one DENOMINATION Ndi ozo abiaho egwu 贸nwa ,also we look at giving Women fair share to grab and do better, that way the EQUITY shall he balanced.

i am Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Special ADVISER to any Governor that love good Governance UNPAID, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu,Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, and Gentleman with baseball bat as walking stick maka ndi Nwelu bad intentions.Mazi Odera POg JP is the name.