Thursday, September 26, 2024


Bianu ndi Labour party, let me dissect the Brand and give you reality of the moment na ANMABRA STATE,the home of the Party Pinnacles.

During the Last Guber election in Anambara, I wrote an open letter to PDP Candidate Chief Valentine Ozigbo that the Party Echelon are allergic to winning, they are good Scamming the party,i warned him that they love trading Votes for Peanuts than winning,i advised he should be extremely careful because they will run him street, he didn't believe me , he trusted the Party with the Wolves masquaring as Moses that will led them to promise land,and they Screw him without lubricants, to extent his DG of campaign switched over his allegiance and love to the Party that  won before the result were accepted,without shame or thinking of the consequences of how it will rub his future Political  trust in the Mud. 

Which showed he worked against his Party and candidates and give no damn, same with many Top players of the party.

Thank goodness that what i advise in private,if it fell on deaf ear,i make it open letter so posterity will be fair on me,anorom na akam agwa gi,but agwarum gi agwa.

I wasn't surprise because I know it must be ,as most of the POLITICAL players were transactional ,and there's nobody to address the iniquitous move they keep making on every Election and call them out,so there won't be a repeat.

They saw election as trading period,from the days of Oseloka Obaze running for GUBER till now , they're POLITICAL buccaneers who love to smash winning off efforts.

Today,same Bunch of PDP BEES are into Labour with same mindset and determination to continue the exploit ,they don't see above horizon.

Last week LP Candidate tasted POLITICAL scamming in EDO when one  Aspirant was fleeced of huge sum with promise for Flag, then suddenly another person were fleeced as well and gave the ticket cum Flag, despite the fact that the person cannot make impact, they forgot there's always Anchored player for any match,which the coach build his team around,the player must have quality,tested and trusted, Onweru Onye eji eje ógú .

Well , LP lost Edo with Open chest and moved on as Usual,no call for accessment of performance,at least to know why they failed so humiliatingly. 

As if nothing went wrong,we know APC used the same format of go to Court,but that's against PDP as LP wasn't even ready to Win, they traded money for good candidate and they got the result they desired. 

Any party that goes to Court would have basis of protest,not when you got what you bargained for.

LP in Anambara today is just waiting for Bazaar that will replicate that of Edo, there's no preparation for common Replacement election for ANMABRA South SENATORIAL, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION is a fraud we know , but LP wasn't prepared just in Case. 

They already think that LP has a good Face in it ,so they dont worry,but despite the fact Coca Cola is sold in every Town, Local Government,State and nation of the Earth ,they still advertise her products and do promotional,because once they Start banking on popularity of the brand,other products would overtake and relegate them ,which was why PEPSI is giving them Bumper to Bumper marking to extend when PEPSI made in road purchase of COKE production crew and brought a Mantra "WE'VE GOT THE TASTE" (OF COLA) which was Truth,then Coca Cola simply retorted "But you can't beat the feeling " (of COKE).

Christianity is all over the world,yet they go out to continue preaching to make sure they keep membership intact ,and inch into other sect fishing for Members,see Caucasian places were they emasculate Church and religion,the Children beat the parents in the public and you will hear them shouting "You are stressing me",the Ikwurigba of a Son fail to remember he stressed the parents till that date, right from birth.

Have you wondered why Churches conduct weekly activities, Outside the monetary plots,they are doing what POLITICS will call Ward meetings with the activities,as they reach out and bring Members into fold and give them belonging. You must have ward meetings to tap the grassroots,or you loose the grass and won't be rooted again.

Though, a postponement of Local Government Election in Anambara is likely or APGA akwocha aka tieru Njoku list aki, and those aligning with Njoku will be celebrating benevolent gesture of ANMABRA Governor. 

We all know na the election is effort in furtility as long as Court have made pronouncement and INEC concurred, though liers,sorry lawyers will always promise you impossible,but that's their shop and they are selling Dumb to Dumbo.

2027 Presidential is anchored on LP performance in the State, though we know LP had a candidate who performed well in Last GUBER election under PDP as a Rookie , even as he faced massive Sabotage, which his experience should be banked upon now as he have learned a lesson in POLITICAL Crucifixion, but with LP confusion and pissing in the wind, i Wonder what Next, i know LP is looking for another person fa ga agbariri Ego as Usual, instead of taking the stage to drag the race with APC ,as APGA is not in the race to Win,they are just spoilers.

LP should know that ANMABRA is litmus test for 2027 ,but ogbasadim if they come Last because they don't have POLITICAL calculation and weighing the percentage of plus and deduct the minus. 

What is sacrosanct is that Nwanyi ike ya na aha ónu,na eji nti ya anu the sound.

LP should Work very Hard to win ANMABRA, if they are rigged out , the world will be a witness that they performed wonderfully well , but if this POLITICAL Daga drawn is continued in the party, fa dasia Election, ajua ma ofórú ózó. 

Mkpisi is the Job and Dibia Ónu ike is the amplifier. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 REPLACEMENT ELECTION; SENATE informed INEC about the vacancy , written by Mkpisi. 

We all know that Late Senator IFEANYI UBAH, Ebubechukwu uzo Nnewi, is gone and ANMABRA South needs a replacement Senator as urgent as possible but must be within 90 Days.

As many Internal Actors and external aggressors want a subjugation of Ndigbo, they knew that caging Anambara is a foot through the doorway,so the state must look for Candidate who is sound from center to circumference, we need that to protect the interest of ANMABRA in General and South in particular. Ndi ANAMBRA can no longer send any boy na arisi imi to meeting of High Chiefs, odirozi possible.

We know ndi ayam qualified Vote for me are many looking for sources of fund which they believe Senate shall provide ,but even the Bible have a counsel for it as it said "many are Called,but few are Chosen" .

So We the existing Conscience of Alaigbo narrowed the fitted down to 2 Persons so far, and we are still watching, we kept our ears to the ground, Just to unearth scandals or nail any of them as Best to beat. 

As Dibia Ónu ike,we simply Divine and allow people Access to our decanter,just to show that what we do is divining as Ndi Egede pleases.

We originally looked at the race from general prism,as reported on

Our Focus today stares at Chief Chuma NZERIBE who is known as Civilian General.

Chuma  served as a House of Representives member back in the days and his result then was impeccable and affirmed, he has Security Solution advantage in the State and out of the State,as an Israeli trained ,he has the Security will and means. 

Then we have , Chief Donald Chidi Amambo, "Okeosisi Anambra South" a man from OIL POND and moving into POLITICAL Farm.

I paid more attention to him because he is Self made man from Oil and Gas and the Senator he is gunning for his replacement served as Chairman Upstream and Down Stream Petroleum and Chief Amambo knowing his Suya in oil business will command expectant Powers, he won't be a Neophyte on corridors of power, he can't be asked who are you by Senators, as he has been eating begins the meeting. 

We have expanded our onyoko meter on this 2 dudes, we Will look at the pedigrees, look at the chances of surviving the Shark infested Waters of the Senate and look at what will benefit the State and Anambra South. 

What Ndigbo need in a Country like this today is to bring out Political leaders and never Political Looters as they have looted enough.

Don't forget our Job is to analyze situation without bias, your job is to make sure you accept having Men who are good from center to circumference Just to place our life on secured Boat, we do things to Please the gods and infuriate Ndi oso chi egbu, though we offer no apologies not because we don't like to,but we don't have to as we vend Truth that needs to defending. 

While we keep our Binoculars on the horizon to monitor the pulse of the people and parties, we shall always keep you informed.. 

But somebody with Virgin ose oji should get me 7 pieces, then one ijiji Nwelu ofu Anya, one Ókukó Abuke amaró Nwoke, kam ruaru APGA agwu , that Party is making my head to be dizzy.. 

imagine a party that will go for election on Saturday is still going to Court trying to oppose the CHAIRMAN which INEC uphold and recognize as authentic chairman. 

if not pride and Arrogancy, the PARTY would've accepted the ruling of Appeal Court, uphold Njoku as Chairman, then go to this election as one body, then they may continue the fight after the election, but challenging his mandate which we know that APC has JUDICIARY hand on it and will love to uphold it Maka okwobe ekwobe obaru ndi aghugho, before the court will Finish hearing the case and it goes through Court of appeal , Anambra Guber election would've come and gone, and with the hostility in play, the incumbent is sitting on Keg of leaking Gun Powder, with Lighted cigarette between his shaky fingers. 

As at yesterday APGA is still going to Court to plead that court should allow them to bring case to retry Njoku qualification or acceptance by INEC as the party Chairman.. seems they lack real Political ADVISERS, as if they are dumb and silly, a State APC desires with all her strength,and APC hold Judiciary by her Balls is same one APGA is going to seeking justice, even if there was injustice pronounced against her, so they think they will get even fractured Justice? 

It's absolute that the LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION will be manipulated as planned by state House, but it will Favor Njoku and Court will fasten justice after the result will be announced, so that Njoku will have APGA by the balls, that way he will hoist a puppet GUBER, so that APC will over flog the state mercilessly.

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods. 

Don't forget Truth is our standard, accept it with good faith or we shove it down your throat with smiles,the choice is yours to make. 

 Pen of the gods



We have Mourn, not finished mourning but life continues, we have Mourn Senator Dr Ifeanyi Ubah , who died with mystery, surrounded with Heart wrecking events, but life must continue, now we look at Replacement Senator which should be elected within 90 days , and achiputam my Decanter na ayóró eji agba fa .. So that the god's will divine and i project..

I know that APGA will miss the election owing to the fact that they are eating seed of conflicting confusion, as INEC recognize and empower Eddie Njoku and we know that Eddie Njoku will hand the Ticket to Prince Nicholas Ukachukwu, while AGUATA Born Sly who is the set aside Chairman supported by Gov SOLUDO will most likely give the ticket to Hon Chris Azubuogu, as that will likely end in Courts as we know that APGA prefer going to Court than having ELDERS resolve issues for them , so they have the Party tethered on rusty iron rope. 

Even the incoming LGA ELECTION will end in many courts and at end of the day APGA will loose woefully.

PDP most likely will give the ticket, sorry, i mean Eselu will take the ticket to run by himself or sale it to Dr Maduka ,the Las Vegas pain Doctor whose outing in Last Guber were filled with family made interlude,who may end up having Members of his family again ruin whatever progress he will record, somebody should tell him that families are not good giving political Decanter, if the person wants to perform well. 

Ekelu óru eke ,and if you don't bring in Sound players,you keep getting broken rhythm.

APC will give the Ticket to Chuma Umeoji, you may remember him as the Óba AGUATA ,the man kunyeru SOLUDO Technical Political Tumor in last election, he has the versatility and reach to excel on that Podium. 

Dr , Senator Andy Uba may not vie for such position,with his silence of the Lamb, nobody can tell if he will even contest the GUBER Which if he will ,he would have Started watering the ground and making amends that cost him past elections.

LABOUR party is one of the Darling despite not having structure needed, but they may spring surprise, and i see them fielding, sorry not Fielding Barrister Obinna Uzor , also Chief George Muoghalu whose entrance into LP is like a storm in a Tea Cup may also throw in towel into the contest,mana aya eri nya bu óna ,ma chi ya efo.

 i know they have other paperweight that will be jumping up and down , but if LP have sense they should give ticket to Chief Donald Chidi Amamgbo , an Oil GIBRALTAR from Ihiala, who has what it takes to reign inn and get the trophy and also deliver an applaudable mandate for the party. 

Why i sighted advantage to this Man , is because AGUTA won't be the Best to throw in a Senator while having GOVERNOR as well. 

I am Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Mkpisi na ede with precision, Political Analyst with lethal analysis. 

Pen of the gods at 4:23 PM


 SENATE have paid a minute silence to Late SENATOR IFEANYI UBAH, Now the REPLACEMENT ELECTION is heated by Mkpisi. 

Having transmitted letter of Notification to INEC on the need to conduct replacement election for Senator Dr Ifeanyi Ubah who died at his peak, i can say that time is ripe for NNEWI SOUTH to elect a Replacement Senator, somebody who can try to fill the vacuum, as we know. Ifeanyi may not be your Choice of POLITICIAN , but that Dude is a Go to Guy, he brought development home to Nnewi, Fix many of his workers into good places, take his Media on overseas travels, a feat no living politicians will attempt in this Life. 

He appointed many of his MEDIA SSA to Senate President and also to some Governors. 

The replacement SENATOR must be somebody who is fit as Fiddle, must be somebody who will aspire to bridge the Gap of the Late Senator's doing. 

We know that PDP bu ejirim guzue so far, as they despise winning elections with passion. 

LP are more interested on selling of Forms , they don't care the result of any giving election. 

APGA is in factions, they just want to kpai that party. 

APC is planning and strategizing... 

Mazi Odera POg JP is wondering if Ndi ANAMBRA are blind on what APC will do us na all the election, fa ga azachako the thing, as we continue centrifugal tantrums, Instead of planning on how to overheat that party and render same weightless. 

Monday, September 23, 2024


Because we have our Ears to the ground, that permitted us to hear ugheli Danda, because we understand the terrain navigation is not our problem, we are able to gather intels that are superlative as Mkpisi Ndi Egede. 

That's why we Divine with precision as Dibia Onu Ike...

Unless, something unprecedented happened to change the narrative, it is absolute that Senator Iyom Uche Ekwunife will be coming to continue the Quest of Late IFEANYI UBAH as the Next APC Aspirant in ANMABRA STATE, making the stage interesting and showing that APC are planning, plotting and marshalling Political Marines,Naval Seal and Rangers to invade Anambara state and some of us are still hallucinating that Anambra is last state APC will take ,but after LP took Lagos the Citadel of Mgbati POLITICS which even Diviners can't think possible, APC have been planning a pay back. Taking ANMABRA from the man who took Lagos , seems a pacifier to them and they want pound of flesh with some gallons of Blood attached.

Though we know it was muted that both Senator Ifeanyi Ubah and Senator Ekwunife wanted to run on Joint ticket, Which has its own consequences with lots of Merit and Rot of Demirits,as two Hot heads wouldn't have played same Card, without redeploying brickbats.

That would've being Denominational call to War ,as that's was Catholic Catholic ticket,which would've made MUSLIM -MUSLIM ticket seem Noble at scale of things.

We know that Ifeanyi Ubah was a terror to incumbent Governor and his days was a nightmare APGA dreaded with Wet Dreams, and APGA felt the surge as he pushed the adrenaline of the party to breaking level, after his death,APGA government wanted to sigh a relief,though with great Hallucination on how to deal with Dr Paul Chukwuma a silent Operator who permeate like Kerosene.

Now, if Ekwunife joins the Fray , then the escalation shall be quadrupled, as she will come with "Ka Ñwanyi Chikene" Mantra.

She fights without reservations and she love to Pummel Men who are even POLITICAL veterans, with her Experience from her days as Honorable member when she served as House of Representives member ,She handles POLITICAL opponents with tough calls, then upgraded to a Senator and Senator Victor Umeh with his Toughie Poise cannot wish to meet her again on POLITICAL field,that Woman na etitori Nwoke,infact she uses Kitchen Sink, Soup Spoon,Garri Turner and wash hand basin to fight her battle and her retinue of Grassroot women supporters will be crying na Nwoke eji na ani, na achó igbu the Lady with Midas touch ,the problem of fighting a woman,she will be beating you and be crying as well, sympathy will take over.

If Ekwunife finally throw her towel into the Ring, then the Pains of APGA shall enter boiling point, as she will wear APGA and other parties Pampers as Baby. 

Considering her present position as DG APC GOVERNORS FORUM,i can say na APGA truly need some MAGICAL APRON to survive the Hiroshima mixed with Tsunami they will witness.

 As APC are Known for Snatch it,run with it ,but what i am seeing in Anambara, they are planning to Grassroot it.

The Run for APC Flag is fearful as it is , so far- 

Dr Paul Chukwuma is on the race with Determination that is suffocating. This Afro wearing Man is not planning to import advantage,he want to go to the Field and beat opponents with fact , armed with figures and  smile that he beat you on merit.

Chief Chukwuma Umeoji is Consulting also to join the fray. We remember this Young Oba AGUATA,the Guy beat SOLUDO like Band ndi Sabbath in Last election,it took Government of Anambra pulling allied forces into the Field to Rig him out,he is a terror to incumbent Governor on party and election matters,we know he control APGA structures,whereas the Governor dislikes APGA and her structure,he prefer meeting Umunna and Ndi AGUATA.

Senator Iyom Uche Ekwunife is dotting her POLITICAL i and Crossing her Consulting T for same position. That woman na anyi ajó aru,she is a POLITICAL Nightmare if she stand as opposition as she will oppose you with Womens AKA ODO and still lament .

Truly APC is coming with A TEAM,to beat them in Anambra , parties need to bring out a perfect team ,not this one APGA has FACTION and refused to make peace. PDP is not contesting even on a good day,LP is waiting for PETER effect, they forgot that Peter won't be on the ballot.


MEDIA Consultants with Mkpisi na ede with precision. 

We Shove truth down throats of unbelievers , as that makes us glow with pride. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024


INEC have done it again at EDO and it's glaring that APC is coming to make Nigeria a One party system, but that's not our problem.

See the News update as reported by BBC NEWS in Pigin in English..

 "Monday Okpebolo 

22 September 2024

New Informate 8 hours wey don pass

Di Independent National Electoral Commission (Inec) don declare Monday Okpebholo winner of di Edo state 2024 governorship election.

Okpebholo beat im closest rival Asue Ighodalo of di People's Democratic Party by scoring 291,667 votes.

PDP candidate Asue Ighodalo score 247,274 votes and Labour Party candidate Olumide Akpata wey finish third score 22,763 votes.

Na di State returning officer Prof Faruk Adamu Kuta, Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Technology, Minna declare Okpebholo winner of di election.".

Now the reality of the day, Ndigbo shouted during the Change incursion, the rest of the Nation kept mute and Change came with effect and despoiled the Economy. 

At the expiration of the Error we mistook for Change at the hands of Buhari , the nation opted for a renewed Shege called Renewed Change and Ndigbo shouted, lamented and pontificated, yet we all accepted the glaring error and moved on. 

Now they've taken EDO and next is Anambara and Rivers will fall as well , the hard Truth is that ANAMBRA should embrace the Sad reality, that APC goes to places with a Mantra.. go to Court, they snatch it and run with it,but we are tribe trained among haters,so nothing scares us any Longer.

We saw how Election results in Edo were manipulated, how accredited figures become less than Counted overall votes and we move. 

Our game should be , to beat them at the game of invasion they plotted, let's give them the best of Candidates who will come with Igbo flair and induant them with good Governance artistry, we must accept that they wants to take it by force and reduce your chances to COURT, which even in Court they kick your teeth without fear or favor and with all unfair attribute.

The Best bet is to make sure that we meet them on the planned Game of Throne by giving them a qualified persons ,just incase they bamboozle us Which they have programmed, then we have a perfect servant instead of allowing them to give us a Nuisance of higher octave,we can at least give them one with semblance of sanity. 

I know we are all having Oral remonstration on how we will resist APC, but i am telling us to have a Solid counter, by accepting the fact that they are not coming in to play Fair, the best fight is to make sure , we gave them a Qualified, we know that the difference between the parties are just the names. 

APGA our own is Denominational Slave, it's not raising Members or placing them on positions of strength, it was reduced to Zonal paradigm. 

APGA is a current disaster.

LP as we can see the elected candidates and how the Party refused to prepare self as Opposition party, rather they are self opposing Party. Are they the ones that will serve as our Redeemer?.

If Nigeria wants a one party system, let's help them and make it weightier than they expected. When ever they Wake up for a good. Democracy,we also meet them on the street.

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the Voiceless, Conscience of the gods. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

 SICKLE CELL Children in Anambara,the Cry for a help written by Mkpisi

Sequel to Aisha the Leader of  CHILDREN with Sickle Cell anemia in Anambara and her lamentation of School fees for her Subjects , then my pointer for her to meet Wife of the State Governor who seem to have certain interest with the SICKLES.. As written -

As we wait on the protocols of the Government and the acrobatics of POLITICAL pandering puppets who assign Political interest in all things they do, the request is still floating within the corridors of the Government, but suddenly Dr Paul Chukwuma, the UMUERI BORN APC GUBERNATORIAL POTENTIAL in the Next ANMABRA Guber, has Sprung another surprise, as he visited the Orphanage of the Sickle Cell at AGULU to fete for the abandoned Children that came into this world because of Government and parents mistake, when they refused to educate adults on SS marrying SS and bringing Sickler into this Life, life that is tortuous and agonizing through the little time the child will live . 

Though Gov Obiano passed the betterment of Sickle Cell into Law, but it's yet to be implemented, as that people are suffering beyond words.


We know they always have MID NIGHT CRISIS that need immediate Medical intervention, though they don't have Clinic or Hospital nearby,or attending to them,they also has no Vehicle or Ambulance to convey such Child that is having crisis to hospital, making some of them to die before dawn ,but the Government doesn't care and it doesn't bother them at all.

Paul Chukwuma visited the Orphanage on stealth mode, but AISHA invited me to come and have a hang of the Visit , but i don't do POLITICAL hobnobbing, so i declined the visit, but the love Paul Chukwuma showed to this Sickle Cell carriers as ordinary citizen tells a story of his person. 

Aisha Edward, the leader was so joyous and she say to me and i quote 

 " Mazi Odera, As you didn't make it to meet this good Man ,let me tell you how good and caring Chief Paul Chukwuma was to us, He promised to give us our permanent residence (Our dream Mansion ) before December this year and also he asked for our wish in mind and we said the implementation of Sickle Cell Law and he said that it would be done as soon as he is in a position to do it as sitting.. ........... This would be his first gift to us. He cleared all school fees of 24 children resident at the home.  Several promises fulfilled individually." end of quote. 

This is not politicking in my book (the act and action of Dr Paul) , but humanity in action,and having said the above, i will watch that AFRO hair adorning, Umueri Born closely, seems that guy has ACES up his sleeve. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

 Looking for answers for those years CAUCASIANS BRAINWASHED Blacks,.


Growing up as a child trained with imported Religion fabricated with Caucasians ways of life , which they used certain Bible coverage (Spiced ,plotted and infused certain subjugating ploys of Blacks during translation to English) raised to alarming control.

 They taught us their way of life as religiously rewarding and way to Heaven, whereas ours is demonic,archaic and leading straight to Hell fire, though they fine tuned the texture of creating demon in us and with us ,they painted Satan as black Man , even though they forgot in one of the narration in Bible where they said he is a Morning star and most handsome of all Angels ,the Bible did not say that he was blackened during the throw down from HEAVEN,so how come he suddenly be addressed as Black Devil?.

"The name Lucifer , which means “bearer of light” or “morning star,” refers to his former splendor as the greatest of the angels.",

Is he no Longer morning star ?.

They define Jesus and Angels as White,even when Jesus is a jew meaning he has Black skin like that of Black Indians,they subtly brought an Actor Mr Jeffery Hunter who started to act the life of Jesus, and many started making Pictures of him as Jesus,so he narrowed Jesus to Caucasian with Blue eyes,we even hung the picture of some Homo as Jisos on our homes and offices.

Now , i simply want to ask in Wonder... 

1) They said Mungo Park discovered Niger.. 

My question is .. Does he also populate it or he stumbled on a place with Rich Culture and Serene environment, which he subjected to captivity with the Powers obtained through the barrel of the Guns, Guns powered by Gun powder they exchanged for Opium with Chinese which ended the Opium War . 

Dont forget "The Opium Wars in the mid-19th century were a critical juncture in modern Chinese history. The first Opium War was fought between China and Great Britain from 1839 to 1842. In the second Opium War, from 1856 to 1860, a weakened China fought both Great Britain and France--- The war ended on 17 August 1842, with the Treaty of Nanking enabling the British to 'carry on their mercantile transactions with whatever persons they please'. The Chinese were compelled to relax their control on foreign trade, including the trade in opium. ".

So tell me how Mungo Park discovered what wasn't covered, but a place living with enterprising people?.

Only if Africans can start writing own histories just to bring a neutral perspective into the discuss ,as the whites used initial skills in penmanship and created blacks as monsters , then make selves saints even though they were the Kidnappers with Euphemistic name they call Slave traders. If they can trade our Grand fathers, we should obtain them in return,but moving on.

 It will be known that, it was a Genocidal War American wayward sailors brought to Africa and murdered us beyond expectations and not the Sugar coatings of discovering stories they created just to diminish the evil the planted all around and within us.

I know they don't have History of how they have been stealing our minerals and oil, making our Polithifians to steal our patrimonies and bank same with them,it must have escaped their defective Brain.

2) They said we were killing Twins back in the days,and it took a Caucasians called Mary SLAY-SOR to stop it.. 

My question is , can somebody tell me which family or families that killed the said Twins, as my own research zoomed down to Urban legend of the whites, just to paint us bad and bury the authentic history that Civilization started in Africa, that Egypt had the First University, first modernize House and Elected Government. 

I was even surprised the white did not say they taught us how to have Sex, pour mmiri muo inside, then taught our women how to push out a Child(They would've wrote a Story how Africans use Rope to tie baby legs and drag them out of the mother's womb,i know we will believe same because pink skinned wrote it ) and i am sure our people would've believed them, but questions and doubts will abound,so they skipped that.

Futhure more, an ancient wall was built in Kano when American wasn't even born according to UNESCO File, let me quote

 "Ancient Kano City Wall is a 14km radius earth structure, while associated sites are made up of these features, Dala Hills, Kurmi Market and Emir's Palace.

The ancient Kano city walls were built in order to provide security to the growing population. The foundation for the construction of the wall was laid by Sakri Gijimasu from 1095 - 1134 and was completed in the middle of 14th Century during the reign of Zamnagawa. In the 16th century, the walls were further extended to their present position. The gates are as old as the walls and were used to control movement of people in and out of the city.",security%20to%20the%20growing%20population.

With the walls built by the then Year,how come Americans that are child of yesterday discovered us ? We lark sense.

Moving on , how do we all believe a Crafty made up stories from CAUCASIANS, just to subjugate us as Natural puppets?.

 We believe whatever Gross and nauseating stories they said about us ,but never believe the whites are Devils side kicks,but we move -


Do you also know that Igbo Tribe currently are the most sophisticated in Intellectual doings in the world? but you can't hear same from CNN, FOX NEWS or ALJEZERA , there's this austerity news facing black society and we can't build a news Network presenting our side of the story. 

The highest Africans ever produced is when South Africans under Colonial migrants raised DSTV,GOTV that produces movies and promote AFRICAN PORN SHOW called Big Brother idiots ,they show the Corruption Live and 247 , meaning they can have News that is 247,and our WOMEN are awake to watch the ABORMINATION called Big brother, not to learn how to make Money or be a good wife or live a good life,the BBN is just a scheme to extra corrupt our children,so we can falter as the whites did.

DSTV didn't float News channel even when they have the capacity and machines to do such,they won't because AMERICA and Britain will not like it ,so they will continue to write our life and mutilate our future.

Come with me.. Igbo born and raised Medical doctors are domineering UK, AMERICA, IRELAND, ICELAND and many other places. 

Our Nurses are Top Notch all over the world ,as CAUCASIANS are more into uncivilized world,the Youths are now super lazy and the elders are retired into old people's homes which is a Euphemistic way of saying ABANDONED HOME.

Nigerians in general are waxing stronger on Wall Street, IT TECH and, we are wizards in Financial Sophistication which Americans started by taking away our monies , now they label our boys who are in business of retrieval ,recovery and reparation, they call them fraudsters , where is the whites created the fraudulent act against Africa and on higher level even till now.

 Who is a fraud? The people who encouraged our Government to commit Patrimonial Heist and leave same with them and they grow with it, turn around and give us same as Loan with Heart breaking interest, while the nation suffers or the boys who out of Hunger, desperation and want decided to pay them back such packaged greed with a little discouragement of raping us without conscience?.

EFCC are supposed to be hailing those Internet Prowlers who deal with those heartless people who has been raping our economy with extreme prejudice.

The agonizing truth is that Nigeria will re-colonize the whites in less than 20 years from now, and we should also set stories that will be historic ,how Nigeria Colonized the growth of Caucasian After they went into comma at the fall of civilization of the West.

We should simply have a story, that we discovered America, established UK and ransomed Canada, which will be a good pay back. 

Back home , Ndigbo started establishing each other unto greatness through igba bói, and it has served untill the West led our Boys away from the trajectory, but igbo constitute making of a man through apprenticeship has stayed and worked for us for Millennium, which the world would've learn if it was product of Caucasians.

Whereas,  the Credit card sub servant terrorist Called Caucasians, issued to her people are Master slavery, they will say they are democratized, they simply change the Slave trading from buying of blacks who became wild, uncontrollable and Wiser, to making their own people slaves with invisible shackles, as they will give you credit card and make sure you work, sorry slave all your life to be SERVING and Servicing life long debt, they will be re-colonized by us , this is not prediction but statement of FUTURE. 

One thing again CAUCASIANS uses to hold life in distress is extreme freedom given to Women and Children,so there won't be harmony or happy family out there. They know that power giving to a Woman is Draconian and ruthless,but i digress.

The real name for that piece of SATANIC piece of PVC is SLAVERY CARD and not Credit Card, as that place users in suffocating Bondage. 

Stay tuned as we progress and deal with black historic Osmosis.. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

 FEDERAL ALLOCATIONS TO ANAMBRA and Balancing the usage by Mkpisi.

Why we cry the excruciating lack of SECURITY, infrastructure and faces of Government presence, not excluding the removal of street lights installed by AKPOKUE that used to lighting our Paths, create Beautiful  scenes ,and assurance of seeing miles ahead for night crawlers and Early morning worshipers, which this Government removed with promises of dragging Moon down from HEAVEN, sorry it was said that they will give us Dubai and top it up with Taiwan,all became bad illusion.

Some of Governor Soludo Media came on defense of inanities,so it's understandable if we show them that we know what we talk about,as what the state is receiving is not seen on the Local Governments on whose names the Money were recieved .

We can't match it to the underdevelopment we are witnessing, we can't imagine the lack of providing security vehicles to Police, Army,DSS and local Vigilantes ,yet the Government want them to provide SECURITY, while we know that Sweet Soup na money make am. 

You want the attraction of Rolls Royce phantom,you must muscle up the Security has financial responsibilities.

Not to discuss the abandonment of finishing the installation of some gadgets imported by Gov Obiano for our Umueri airport which was abandoned by Gov Soludo.

Anambra Airport would've been hosting Night flights,as we know that Anambara has busy business men who will be taking night or Late flights everyday and move back to base Early morning,but the Sophisticated Landing lights are left at mercies of Rain, how about the AVION BRIDGE? about a Year ago i suggested to the Governor cum Government to invite Banks to mount it and place adverts on the AVION BRIDGE as payment for the installation as it's done at Airports in TAIWAN, Hong Kong and CHINA, at least those Nations are what he promised as his targets for emulation.

If landing lights where installed, activities around the Airport would've been fantastic,but completing the usage of the Airport would enhance the doings of OBIANO and he doesn't want the credit to splash on the man who mistakenly gave him Power.

Look at Local Government attracted Funds and tell me if any of them have benefited from it including IYONNENNE BRIDGE OCCUPYING EKWULOBIA Center which lead to IMO STATE,though ANAMBRA EAST and West need connectivity but abandoned for Demolition exercise going round the State shrouded as Expansion of roads,though the main reason is to expand pains,misery and gnashing of teeth.

I want the Government Press or Media to Counter this amounts recieved or tell us what it has been used to do for the state and that of LOCAL GOVERNMENT, which of them have benefited from same ?.

I won't ask what SIGNATURE FUND was or is being used for,but the basics..


 Received so far is 90 Billion PLUS. 

Local Government 60 Billion PLUS

SIGNATURE ALLOWANCE, SO FAR received 10 Billion a Month, by 7 Months , equal to 70 Billion. 

Grand total 220 Billion PLUS


January 10.5 Billion

February 10.12 Billion 

March 10.6 Billion 

April 10.98 Billion

May 11.83 Billion

June 11.78 Billion 

July 12.67 Billion 

August 13.2 Billion


January to August 2024




















OYI 2.75

NNEWI have no Single Road, infact the Town looks like War Torn Zone, rainy season makes Nnewi to look like Lane to Hell , despite the fact that Nnewi is a major Hub ,if there should he bridge,it won't be situated at Ekwulobia but Nnewi for the input and impact of the Town,plus it generates massive IGR for the state.

There is no Local Government that it's attraction has been used on, except AGUATA with the Heading to IMO STATE Bridge known as IYONNENNE BRIDGE, then one or two roads at ONUICHA called zelu Ideyi, which were tarred and tagged NOT for Rain or Water. 

Check the record of Anambra East and West, if the MONIES they attracted were used even 10% , the place won't be looking like Devils ANUS . 

In all Honesty, i want somebody to define the WORD SOLUTION with the figures received and unaccounted for,so i can be Born a Guy for the Government.

Ka ana ejegodi , i Wonder why Anambra Lawyers will not Sue and Supeona the Federal Government Financial dealings to state and Local Government, then stand in the Court and ask the Government to tell them what happened to the shares of each local Government.

Every Local Government should have a lawyer who will sue for clarification and that will stop every nonsense both in Future, it's because everybody kept quiet and they are raping us without lubricant. 

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia onuike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, truly i come in Piss with spectre of Peace. 

 Aisha the Leader of People with Sickle Cell in Anambara, i greet you. 

I know your group have been pushed under many speeding political trailers ,but no matter how dense a night is ,a dawn must surely follow.

As you can see the Stride of Mrs Soludo "SK" toward your ministry,i think it's time you reach out to her,so she can use her good Office and intervene and help your Sickle Cell orphanage. Also she can bring favor from people on high for them to look inward at Sickle Cell Children,which you have been heading for ages.

She is a Good one and can take care of providing good food and certain education Subventions or as Spirits lead.

Try and reach out, I remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede.

Read her Advertorial..

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


As it is now, Anambara is back to her usual Position she attained during Mbadinuju era a Southern Governor, then the state were known as STATE FOR ALL with Hidden (All Criminals) as the Mantra, then when Central born with good leadership qualities took over the reign of greatness, the by words were changed to Light of the Nation. Now the light is off and Agberoic influence has taking over.

Now that Southern Candidate have come back to power, we are seeing the same Vibe of Criminality,we now fear Reflective jackets than UGM,as they employ the usage of Aka ODO more than even the Criminals.

But something that happened today makes me to smile a mischief one, when the Governor Sack the COMMISSIONER FOR INFORMATION, CHIEF PAUL NWOSU, as the man was packing his personal belongings, a replacement was done and Law Mefor were sworn inn like magic. 

The good news is that Law Mefor, a man from Central and who can hold his own back in the days, now he have joined government of Ekwu otu, we can't say if he has worn the clothes of compromise or he will uphold his known standard. 

Time will tell, as we watch to see if the New COMMISSIONER for information will tell us that INSECURITIES in the State are lies .

We watch to see if he will tell us na AGBERO anago. 

We watch to see if he can tell us that SOLUDO is the Solution to what is not broken. 

Now our House of Ashamebly echigo omesiri ofu nbosi, and ifere eme chiaka nke mbu , they now screen person without protocols, just to satisfy the Governor. 

 CONGRATS TO LAW MEF** the Incoming Commissioner for Information written by Mkpisi. 

Dear Law Mef** , the incoming Commissioner for Information Anambara state, i greet you and welcome you to the ARENA,but don't forget to use your Loin Guard maka ókpó ga abu na anya.

Just know that, to survive on the Information Job of this Government, you won't be Using your head, just always do as you are told and maximize the Mumu demands of the Government.

Upgrade your Lying ability to enable you survive. 

As Truth is not part of the criteria of that office,they love habitual lying.

Don't forget, never to address issues bothering on Insecurities because i will be at your back with Baseball Bat, and be demanding Security report on ISEKKE, ÚKPÓR, ÚTÚ, MBOSI, ÓRSUMOGHÚ, UNUBI, ENUGWU UMUONYIA, UMUNZE, EZIRA, ÓKA THROUGH DUBAI ESTATE, URUM, MGBAKWU, EBENEBE and Co.

Don't tell us about SOLUTION government because I will ask you to define to us ... WHAT'S YOUR TAKE AND EXPLANATION on "It's not Broken, no need fixing", which was the mantra of the incumbent when he was aspring, unless he lied to us then. 

Then if you ever tell us about Second Tenure, you will tell us how SECURED was the first TENURE,óhabu nwa mbu ejeghi ije ,nke abua agaghi agba ósó.

Though the second Tenure is making me to squirm, as the Governor is making ELECTION of LGA CHAIRPERSONS to be SELECTION and it's subject to Litigation with Hypertensive module, but his own , i mean the one that will benefit him is to be Election, mana nya chelu ndi Church as they are waiting with various SHOCK and AWE. 

Welcome aboard, just know na anyi ga afu mgba anya ma iseputa aka mgba . 

Mkpisi is the JOB, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

 "soludo-restricts-movements-on-september-28says-lg-poll-unstoppable" News report. 

Now , this makes me to smile Tears , how can somebody say that Soludo restrict movement Instead to say Gov SOLUDO join UGM to restrict movement in remaining part of the State on 28 September when he will assemble the Local Government Chairpersons that will be Judicially given to Eddie Njoku Faction who are the Judiciary authenticated chairman of APGA.

We know that Parts of the state including ISSEKE, ÓRSUMOGHÚ, ÚTÚ, MBÓSI, AZIA, ÚKPÓR, UNUBI, ENUGWU UMUONYIA, EZIRA, UMUNZE, URUM, MGBAKWU EBENEBE FOREST, ÓKA behind FRSC and NNPC Leading to DUBAI ESTATE and many other towns are in complete control of the Bad boys. 

So if there should be restrictions, it should be detailed that it covers the remain Towns that is said to be under the control of the government, though the Roads of the Towns are under terrors of UGM. 

This is just to help all this Android pandering praise singers to report accurately without over padded bias . 

Mkpisi remains the Job. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

 SODOM AND GOMORRAH is Rookie to contrast with Our HOME , and i plead written by POg. 

We know  God erased Sodom , vaporize GOMORRAH because they committed Sodomy and other minut Sins , comparing with Spellbound Hellish of Sins with muccor we are commiting today in Nigeria ,nay Alaigbo, though AFRICA is Dwarfing many Continents in corruption, while they best Africa in Development and leadership,for we practice Lootership with Empty Brian,we loot to store with our devorer in their own NATION.

SODOM with Gomorrah committed little theft and other little Vices ,then God was enraged and rain canisters of Fire to wipe them off , but .. 

Today in NIGERIA, nay Alaigbo, as i won't drag Caucasians into the discuss as they have made Peace with DEMONIC Solitary, as they refused the provision of Godly Children upbringing which provides "Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” – Proverbs 13:24 ... 

Bible said with all Steez that if you spare the Rod, you spoil a Child.. but Caucasians said the Bible lied, that you can't even correct a Child or scold him orally or as they said , it interfered with fundamental human rights of the Child,try to train a child in open ,they will take away the Child and give same to unmonitored houses where the child must end up on the street and grow up wilder than ghetto raised.

Well their Children became insolvent as they can move around with Guns and kill entire School children or adults that did them no harm, then a lawyer with his own Children will defend the act ,ifuró na Ekwensu erigo the Lier called lawyer ?. 

They can mutate into change of GENDER or choose Marrying a Dog,cat, Snake or even Horse as that also is way of life to him or her.

Caucasians disagreed with Bible which announced Man as head of Home, they said woman is the Boss of the Man , not only saying they promogate Laws that always make sure Men are living in Bondage in marriages or home,which makes me to shake about our Men that relocates overseas with the family,they simply entered the cubicle of self made Armageddon,but we can't waste our hard earned tears for them as we have a saying that provides "it's how you make your Bed,you lie on it" .

The Child is the Head of them all and most feared or respected at home.

So Sins are breeding iniquity and they flourish in very ugly vices out in the so Called Developed nation. 

We must give them the Chosen choice of living in family cruelty,as there's always a price Tag , they brought organized Nation and inherit disorganized families.

Back to Nigeria that is my problem, we have made Sodom look so Angelic that I wonder why God spared us , today our Fathers celebrate Sons whose sources are trailed with Evil, Mothers hide Satanic wealth which the Children shed innocent and stainless or stained blood to get, the siblings celebrate iniquitous life style provided by money raped off others by another sibling. 

Today Bishop's Children will commit abormination or serve as Executioner of Cults and the parents will run protective shield around them ,and if the heat become much, they will fly them overseas, not to atone for the sin , but to escape Justice and upgrade self on crime ladder.

The daughters marry just to answer wife,but they are rotten and completely empty, they don't have iota of home training and bereft of making of a mother,so they ended up raising DEMONIC offsprings.

Kidnapping is now a Normal in igbo land, Ritualism has gotten to height where it's advertised on MEDIA by Dibias ,and Government saw Kidnaping as Job creation for Youth and lazy generation Which is why they won't stop such. 

Using parents as Sacrifice for get Rich quick has become a step to a means for Children,and even when Kindred finds out that money of our Youths are Fetish, they simply line up to be allowed to dip the Beak into same Poisoned chalice.Non of the Elders invoke the principles of Elderly command which said "ka Okenye ghara igwu maka Umuazi eme rie Udene kpó ya Anu" (May ELDERS not go into extinction,so that children won't eat Vulture as Delicacy).

Originally, we have what was called abormination, but today the only abominable thing to be committed by a man is to be Poor and Sick , they will despise you even with behavioral projection, either you are Rich or you are RICH , there's no two ways to it. 

Our Boys jettisoned Igba bói and switch over to Ego mbute , and Ego Mbute is MONEY not laboured for ,but grabbed with all impunity yet our society no more cry out in pains maka odiniru posterity will judge us without mercy. 

Today, parents don't care about the engagement the children had with Nicomancer or DEMONIC Diviners as Long as it bring them Money, instead for parents to put ears on the ground to hear the stories of the Children and know the demonic scores they had intercourse with, they pretend it doesn't matter, whereas we know that Foundation of everything determines the fruits due for reaping. 

Father uses Children to make money, Wives killed Husband to inherit or make money, Children sacrificed parents for same cause and yet we think that tomorrow will be better ?, don't forget we have but less than 50 Years of living,the rest is aided by drugs and pains,some with pitiful endings.

What the world of before abhorred even shrouded by paganism is what we  preach today from ALTAR of Father the Creator as Gospel of Christ the Man we  pretend to Ape,but despised his meek and sound ways of life. 

The preachers think they are more spiritual than Christ,the only thing they hammer Hurriedly is robbing God and not repentance or following Christ,they don't care how you make money,but bring it to household of God and receive more blessings ,Jesus wiped Traders who were selling articles in the Temple,he flogged them with anger,what will he do to today's preacher that is selling him for money Making?.

Our Apostolic Leaders have brought Holiness to question, they enjoy Monetary pilfering Instead of call for Heavenly race. Though they distance self from the race,they are more interested in building empire in the world than scheming to make HEAVEN.

Preachers today tied self with String of earthly acquisitions than having place in HEAVEN, as they preach monetary rewards rather than looking unto God or his Son Jesus who is author and finisher of our life. 

They no longer believe on Give us this day ,our daily bread ,as they amass wealth for generations yet unborn,just to reduce Christ teaching to a Joke.

Our Eucharist pacifiers are so scared of Angels and Holy Spirit that they embrace Police, Army, DSS protection than tolerating Angels guarding them,the WOE BETIDING part is that the Securities they have are not even Christians but Men of valueless spiritual bonding, those Men saw the Theatrics employed by the preachers and you think they will take Christianity serious when the operators are scammers ?. 

Yet they invoke name of Jesus just to extort congregation,they despise Heaven and fell in Love with Hell fire. 

May we turn around and ask self, at the end of this tighue zogbue life style, what do we think shall be the judgement of posterity? 

Mkpisi is the Job, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa is the Definition, Voice of the gods is the trade Mark. 

I am not writing to make you feel good , i simply write the Truth, just to challenge you to repent or refuse in protest, as i will he happy to see you going to Hell and or when you die you see your Children being absolute Akariogheri. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024


I watched a Video of newly introduced prom date in Benin, where secondary school Boys went to PROM (a new developed decadence Imported from America which was created to nurture irresponsible Children for Future bastardization and setting a New Drug intake and distribution),they all come in with Brand new Cars , each not sold for less than 75 Million NAIRA of Old,and secondary school Children drove into School PROM parties with it without fear or respect to Graf Agencies, that's flaunting ABORMINATION before the faces of the NATION. 

First the Minister of Education should be sacked for Pourous leadership, also for such indiscipline introduction of PROM in our secondary Schools , we know that emulating of Nonsense Excel Faster than passing JAMB. 

Then EFCC shall arrest all the boys, so they can explain the sources of Fund, if the Car belong to the parents, the parents should be investigated with forensic auditors and TAX people should be brought into the case, so they will know if they have paid enough Taxes to warrant such idiocy, if they haven't paid enough, then they will loose not only the Cars as exhibit, but loose most properties they owned as deterrent. 

If the parents happened to be POLITICIANS,then the tenure shall be audited to know how many of his like used the patrimony of the office served for personal aggrandizement.

We may say it doesn't matter ,same way we say Fuel increment doesn't matter and it jumped from 195 to 1,200 within 1 full year ,and still climbing, knowing that once Fuel increases every other thing will follow suit. 

Allowing Children that are still struggling with secondary school life to be cruising in MEGA LIFE is not a Problem to the parents, but danger to other parents, because if the parents ill-gotten wealth disappear or the parents die a TUFIAKWA death, then the expose of the Boy will never allow him to struggle and He will switch over looking for Easy Money which start with Ritualism and our own innocent children will become the PREY, so we should scoop the Water now that it's just a puddle, than we it will become pool or water, this set of children are the Future dangers that won't be merciful while venturing into atrocious life. 

Mazi Odera POg JP tucking his Ekpere na Abu under his armpit, heading to Church to sing Abu 154 and 160,if you see me singing, you will confirm that i am Heavenly Candidate. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

 FAILED PARENTHING OR FAILED CHILDREN, ikegwuru written by Mkpisi. 

Ndigbo my own people, i come to you without the standard greetings, as pleasantries are just itube nsi ugo . 

I frown on the decadence that is prevailing in Alaigbo Today and it's giving me goose pimples, it churns my stomach and causes nausea to many men Born with igbo standardize upbringing. 

Today, our Daughters who we sent to school with meagre upkeep will come back home with advance glowing Skin, advance make ups and phones that are  sold over 500K and dressing like EXECUTIVE ÓKU ENU and we the Parents will smile that she doesn't ask us for money again, rather she give to us or even contribute toward home management, and we can't even ask her what gives!! , well, we can pretend not to know that she is Ezigbote Akwuna,, but just know that three ways are preferred for making yam a delicacy, either you fry it , cook it or Pound it , so your Money generating daughter that you refused to train, who turned round to train you the parents, you should know that either those who train her like fowl will harvest her at her prime or she got self a good Vaginal disease or she will be useless for life . 

If you think the manual of PARENTHING have changed, now that Children takes over the duties of parents, just know that you are not a Bad parent, but a pathetic sorry of a Father.. i said Father because, i don't have time for a Mother who refuses to stay UNDER  a Man because she want equal right in a relationship she contributed little or nothing, but in her boy friend or man friend house she wasn't asking for equality , but when it's time to pride self in her own home , she will use Nzuzu and nmacha and place self in asunder , thereby push self into critical disenfranchised life on the street, I don't have time to teach them ,as at older age , she will enter spiritual church searching for Spirits that is causing her harm from her fathers house, when she know that it was her version of waywardness that priced her . 

Your Son will come back from school or even dropped out of school, then buy a Car , some will even be giving the Mother money to be hiding for him and she will proudly cherish the Loot and never question the source, in her mind she knew that it wasn't genuine, but rather she will assume or say that he is pressing phone like other boys. 

Sure he is pressing things including  Life out of other parents Children, don't worry, she will Press her siblings life and take yours as greater sacrifice for greater money in days to come. 

it's interesting that you maybe alive and loosing all your Children in strange ways, because your Son who joined Children selling, ritualism and ORGAN harvesting is sending you ill gotten Money and you are chesting it with pride, like it or not , what you sow you reap, as for sowing in celebrating a fraudulent Life, don't worry, your family shall be victims of such repercussion in your life time. 

Just in case you don't know , money giving to you in Rituals are money destined to you in Future, but you hasten and obtain same, then the lives you wasted getting them are collateral.


If your Future is empty and you keep making sacrifices, there is nothing for you , rather you grab madness or Sudden death. 

Ritual money is like one who don't have Money in ATM Card, there is nothing you do for ATM to pay with that Card, it rather confiscate the Card, if you press too much. Even Miracle vending pastor can conjure that ,not Dibia or spiritualist, no scam can make it work.

But when you don't have money in your life, Online loan apps may give you SATANIC signed frustration called loan and the consequences are life gorging.


Don't Forget that Loan Shark can give you loan, that's your Future Money in advance, but the interest are always bigger than the money you borrowed.. 

Note the money they gave you is your Future earnings, so be wise, there's no money that comes from anywhere, no free things even in Free Town. Even America will give you Credit Card,which is not free Money, but buying your Future just to make sure you slave for rest of your life.

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, and i come with Gospel of Making Sense, as our senses are entering into  CODE. 

 OHANAEZE ANAMBARA Setting a floppy ANALOGY written by Mazi Odera POg JP. 

I watched a Video where Ohaneze Chairman ANMABRA sound a note of POLITICAL Rheumatism to Ndi Eze South,i would've let go ,but some provocative ANALOGY was introduced and needs a JOINDER. 

Where interest me the more is where he drew ANALOGY of "Anu di itó di na ofe, iguru ofu, agurum ofu and onye nke ató aguru the last one ". 

He tried to say something about ZONAL GOVERNANCE, how it suited the polity , i will address that as well, but now let's see the argument of 3 meats in the Plate ... 

How can he define the truth about South having done 13 years plus as Governor with 5 persons.

Central 10years plus with 2 Persons served as Governors.

And North only 8 years with one Man.


Instead to balance it , they simply want South to add another 4 years and push the South to 17 Years, Central 10 years plus and stagnated the North to same old 8 YEARS, okwaya? Do we hate the North that Bad ?

Let's look at the analogy of 3 meat, how about we compare the current stages of share taking so far between the SOUTH vs Central Vs North...

 it can be argued that there were 7 pieces of Meat in the Soup Bowl, then Ndi South have taking 4 already and insist to share the existing 3 with the rest 2 ,is that EQUITY?.

The previous they ate from same Bowl is that not same Meat ?.

What then drag Ohaneze into this Zonal Discuss? óbusó inwe efe ? 

Now , let me look actually at the Zonal interface, does it mean that which ever Zone it goes to must be giving to CATHOLIC Church?.

Now , OHANAEZE should clarify if the zoning also include that ZONAL benefits to ANGLICAN , Pentecostal, so that it will also be 3 windows of sharing. 

I refused to be part of this Window decoration, if truly OHANAEZE wants to intervene , they should start with addressing the marginalization of other churches and domineering by one, then tell us why it should be 17 years vs 10 years vs 8 years, ódiró POSSIBLE. 

Good afternoon Umu ANMABRA and Ndi Óchichi.. 

Let's go to equity with washed hands .

Mkpisi is the Job, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the Voiceless. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024


Election time, Politicians and Political Traders will display merchandise , while opposite will dust the Wares and  politicians will be Vending lies on what they wants to do to your community or constituents, a refined lies they forgot immediately they left the Arena and your side promised him  "Ijebego" ,that they are solidly behind him , as long the person dropped money for the occasion, padded to provide Snacks and Drinks with Canopies and Chairs, added the one to hire crowd and on each occasion, many Political merchants will embezzle enough, then the community will take enough from same politician, that's not all , on the day of election, nobody Voted for a politician because he is Sound or will deliver the needed GOVERNANCE, or have spent enough during the Campaign,Voters voted to those who paid ENOUGH or paid higher than even the best candidate at the pooling Booths. 

After election, you expect the same Man sapped of all his Money and borrowed fund to keep to his promises? truly truly, the society inhale Hard Stuff, Campaign is no Longer about the mutual understanding between Aspirant and Voters, it's now transactional , pushing each to make maximum strangulation effort for personal aggrandizement.

Then when a leader climbs the leadership Podium, he simply turn the place to his personal enterprise and a Man without Bicycle will be swimming in billions over night, same Poverty coated Voters who insisted he dash them money will be agitating, which communal Political voices collected MONIES and cheated both the people and the Aspirants, will under paid the Voters and over charged the Aspirants, yet won't be satisfied, after the extortion and one of the people he worked for won, he will be expecting the person to reward him or Her, if not he will be telling Stories on how he or she went through 7 Rivers to make the Politician, forgetting that , it was transactional event. 

Now Anambra SOUTH is facing Replacement Senatorial election and same standard have been invoked , but this time there's danger as the Greedy, greasy Hawkers are pushing the Widow of the SLAIN ODOGWU, sorry let's use Euphemism which sound better, the SENATOR who died when the ovation was so high on his side, then all the branches and campaign  legs he built are dreaming and pushing for the mourning Widow to throw her scarf in the Ring ka fa risasia the Money the ODOGWU left behind for her and the kids , none of them will do any services free or on credit, including pasting of posters. 

But they will assure the widow of how committed they are, which the Truth is how transactional they always will be.Some will invoke sympathy Vote,but they should start with sympathy Help,ndi ara.

Parties are not working for Candidate nor yelling for them to win, everyone of them are struggling to financially rape the candidate, on a second note, if they didn't get what they can from the candidate, once the election is Called, the candidate stop picking calls of royalist and stop welcoming anybody to his office or dwelling place. 

So atimes you wonder,who used our collective heads to do this evil?

So there's no basis to advocate for better leaders ,because better leaders won't have the guts to enjoy such Political Theatrics, but we continue explaining for posterity ,hoping that tomorrow will be good , the only thing is for us to choose between EVE and JEZEBEL or take dive into Deep blue Sea or into Hell fire, we all know na nma di nko enweró isi, nke Nwelu isi adighi nko , anaemenu. 

ANMABRA South SENATORIAL REPLACEMENT we know is created to benefit LP as APGA doesn't have Unity for election , whatever is the result benefits Njoku in totality and the people at Echelon know it.

YPP is in Coma, PDP is naturally breeding ground for Aspirants that will fail election because of internal sabotage that's in the party DNA.

APC has serious contention over the economic QUARGMIRE ,so they hope only on Federal might and intervention.

But, do we see LP legislators planning for a torpedo? well they have crossed the bridge and to hell with the Formation. 

whosoever that is LP Candidate will be on his own for this replacement election ,but ground is perfect for him , that's if they brought out somebody who can take the situation and ride with it.

Good Morning to Ndi ANAMBRA and the turubom , turubom brand of politicking we perfected amongst us . 

i remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, Pain of deceptive POLITICIANS. 

 Umu Ntorobia Ndigbo, ebutelum unu  Ukpa ekene. 

From what i have seen so far toward monetary pursuit, ndi ara ga abu aturu taba na East in less than 5 years to come. 

Sudden deaths will be like ordinary SEXUAL INTERCOURSE.. 

The Way YOUTHS think that money come easy, forgetting that "Come easy, go easy" ,this generation is a Mistake, especially na South East 

We know that Some tribe believe in JUJU , even highly placed pastors still believe that a little mixture is needed to stay active, but we turned away from such dysfunctional ways of Devil, but now even our Teenagers are having EROTIC dances with Fetish orgy. 

My Problem is that the Government saw all this and watch same blossom, if they should tackle this now, the damages created may eraze after 10 years, but this one the seed of fatal future are nutured, even modified with GMO , the Future hold for us generation of Ndi ara , and even your Children can't be spared, they will benefit directly or by affliction. 

Boys are trooping into Going Back to the root, but they forgot that Mobile phones or WhatsApp App is from Christian programmed generation, that going back to root entails, iwa ógódó, igbu ushe, if you want to disseminate information, you make use of Gong or Ekwe , then thatch roofing and Mud Houses must be the Traditional place of abode. 

Don't Forget Ego ayóró and not NAIRA, dollar or Euro is the Only traditional acceptable way of commerce.

Imagine some of those Semi Mad Boys, they are ranting from Overseas which they traveled by Airplane instead of using Ekiri ,they believe ndi ocha lied to us , which is right ,but ndi Dibia lie harsher than Pastors. 

Welcome to life modified with Ntu na aghugho from both religion , but don't forget that we will see Demon showing us na ótaru amu Ebini ji ibi ugwó, we sow demonic Monetary seed, she will reward us with whirlwind of Ndi Ara. 

Having said the above , let me go to ISUOFIA and enjoy Ofeakwu na nke Nwanyi Isuofia. 

Mkpisi is the Job, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods.

 I AM NOT HIS SLAVE , i want my freedom.. Thursday VIBE by Mkpisi. 

Fine Girl with pointed Breast, curved waist, alluring Beauty with Empty Brain 🧠,i come with my unsolicited "tirade" or whatever you choose to call it. 

I know you have class on Bed 🛏️ but what is your class in life ?.

if you can't foot your own bills,just know you are BED dependant,stop trying to throw Choices to one who cares for you na idiró apu ara.

Do you think that the Pointed Breast won't turn to bathroom slippers as days go by ?. 

Do you think after 40 Years ,igaghi abu Mgbeke or faded beauty?

You think those Men commending your beauty while you are in your Husband house , will answer your phone 📱 when you leave comfort of your Husband?.

 Ge nti, he wants you because of the protection your husband Projects, once you are free of Husband, you become liability and he won't like to be carrying all your expense including House rent, make up and daily expense. 

Once you leave your Husband,  know that you just gained entrance into Side Chic to other Women's HUSBAND. 

Your mother stayed with the Husband, not because she was ugly, she was prettier than you back in the days, but she stayed married just to give you a Home, offer you chances of growing up with parents, she actually like to taste Outside prick but she stayed married so you can have a good life , but you are denying your children such Luxury. 

Have you ever seen a woman that leave her own Matrimony and the Man did not remarry or start begging her with knees on the floor? . Out of sight,is out of mind.

Woman , you want your HUSBAND to provide for you , but you can't provide Peace of mind for him, just know na Ekwensu ji gi atu mgbere, if you loose what you have because you have no brain but more SEXUAL potency, once you grow older , you will understand that the remaining option is to hawk or sale things in Local markets. 

No marriage is irreconcilable, it's your pride and judging your own home from Prism of your friend that is the problem, there's Marital hiccups in all family, but as a Woman, the Mantra falls on you to build house to Home. Men , simply want peace of mind and respect, not nagging and agwa ójó,he will make you a queen.

If you get your family right, your husband will always come Home to roast, not come home to sleep, stop competing with other Women, they have different Man , you have a HUSBAND. 

Many of those women you see outside championing WOMEN independency , are sacrificial Runs girls and they over played the hands and Karma is showing them movie and you crave to join them. 

Just get Sense, so that you will become a Mother and not a Single parent,no MATTER what you do ,your Son need the blessing of the Father to get married and your daughter must be giving away by the Biological Father in marriage,you can do otherwise and the gods will answer otherwise. 

Mkpisi is the JOB, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 NDI LABOUR ANAMBARA, GE NU NTI , written by Mkpisi. 

LABOUR PARTY Anambara State, i greet you. I know you wants isolu Ógaranya taa anya Efi, but , as long as LP is not controlling a State or Presidency, they remain as 3rd Eleven in annals of our nation politicking. 

ANMABRA South SENATORIAL REPLACEMENT ELECTION is coming and Ihiala is claiming to be the most disenfranchised Town, and they have more hands on Deck, but be on notice that , you guys should try and coordinated the effort and bring out a Candidate that will be felt by other parties, that will be Big player when he get to SENATE House and who will command respect, not one that will need other Senators to carry him and be introducing as SENATOR. 

Don't just send a boy into the battle of Men, don't act like that party that always go into election and sabotage the candidate with absolute disdain.

If LP desires to Make well in 2027,they should be in election winning module. This non challant attitude is taking away weights from the strength it gathered during last election.

I wonder why LP elected in the State are not showing commitment toward the election and that of LGA election, even though the fear of Governor influencing it, but now that APGA is in the hands of Njoku and all fates are giving to him, it's right time for LP to wade in and sweep the debris. 

As for the Guber, malukwonu na if you can't get this easier ballots, then Guber might be a mirage and you need to approach election from position of strength and not Wishes.

Dibia Onu Ike divining for the Party and parties. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede. 


Greetings Nwunye Mgbadike, Odogwu Anya nmee , I greet you and i come as Dibia Ónu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, i know that a stich on time saves nine, one thing I don't do is to say i would've told you so, i always like, i warned you but you paid deaf ear to me. 

Without more accolades, I have come to Condole, console and whisper in loud voice the way of avoiding the shrouds around you. 

Madam, as we speak so many ndi úchú  are conspiring, planning on how to get to you and drag you into Shark infested Arena , but as God lives and leave some of us with Crystal decanter, we will always Divine positively, hoping that Posterity will be fair to our kins.

I know that many Horrible solicitors are waiting for intern to be done with, so they can push you into the Void , they want you to enter IKEJI na emeghi nkwado, but don't forget that , whatever Sickness that ailed an ALHAJI will tear Almajari to shreds. 

Adiro agba aka achu ótaru, but many bands and branches managed by Odogwu are out of Job ,and they wish to continue eating the Pie, they will Advise you on how they made MGBADIKE to become the COME, but of a truth many of them do not know how the Throne was weaved, they don't even know the marter in the matter, but i just come to advise that you sit quietly, reason the LABYRINTH passage and the Volcanic enmity laden on the paths leading to the position in play, then consider if you have the wherewithal to thread that Path, knowing that even Angels are scared to toe the same path. 

Some cases we witnessed, where Queens are substitute for the Throne, are mostly after the RACE for the Throne are dusted and Set, not when the Path is Open for Radical qualification race (PRIMARIES),if Mgbadike have wanted you to wade that path, he should've initiated you into running as Acolytes or disciple, but he knew na óburó childs play. 

Kindly take your time , think and consult people without interest at the throne but, people who love to see you smile, avoid those who sees you as Next Pay cheque. 

If truly na aga eri óna, it must be allowed to ferment over night, we all know that EVIL makpu na the Nation and Politically, many people adighi asi ndo. 

i come in peace and the message is for Initiates ,those who understand the dinge and have the ears of the Queen, should translate to her, as for me, i am always a silent Prophet, but my Cowries have the scent of all gods. 

Mkpisi is the Job, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa is the definition, Voice of the gods is Portfolio. 

If you don't understand this , just walk away Please. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


I Peeped at SENATORIAL line up for the Replacement election and i laughed in IDEMMILI dialect, but as Dibia Onu Ike, let me divine again.. 

From a Town in the South with 3 Candidates prepping self for the spot, bianu kam Gwa unu a spotless Truth without embellishment. 

1) UGO NNIA "i made up the name for the initiates" ,you see Senate? óburó Maka Rookies as Americans will call it or Neophytes, this one you are folding your shirt in preparation for the Race, just know that Anambra election is never meant for "Imakwo onye nnam bu" if it is , the Son of IKEMBA would've been elected long time ago ,, just deflate the temptation of coming to line up for Senate, if you sincerely wants to come out politically,bido godi with house of Assembly, that way you will have the First baptism of mpiawa azu.

2) The Man with extremely Muscle, the fear that FEAR dreads, you would've been a perfect made , but we know that ANMABRA election required so much financial inputs, you are tested okay, but Senatorial election need lot's of Financial intrigues, Plus many incumbent will be jittery to have you because you made your Bones when they are drinking cereal.

3) A New POLITICAL Commer with Financial war Chest, listen, i saw many Political Harlots hovering around you, i know your house will be another Political Mecca, but read my lips, they are there to see what they will extort or gain from you. once, they suck you enough, they will change royalty, you need to identify your FRIENDLY ENEMIES before you truly know your position, but know it in advance that ANMABRA election need die hard believers before one make good impact. Have they started telling you "Ijebego !! " which is the first ANTHEM you will hear as Aspirant.

Now this 3 Brothers from same town , listen, you need to look at Pros and Cons, you need to have just a Candidate that any other candidate will dread, yes, i mean dread, if not , unu aya ama ebe anó welu mee the election. 

As one Money Bag is coming from down down place , closer to ANOTHER State, he is coming with money and experience gathered from debuts of the past, so if that Town with Army Check point want this Senate, they should reduce the Number of entry, others should support the most tested, then they will discuss ,the settlement of the Seat. 

Though there's other candidate that awaits Dashing of the Ticket, both at primaries and main election, oche na ana aputa ikpu na Oriri. He is yet to learn that YOU MUST PLAN to Win and not just HOPE to Win.

i am Dibia Onu Ike, agbasigom afa now and place my Decanter on the face of cowries. Do whatever you want with it. 


óbudu onye kwue eziokwu, anara ya uyóró ifema ya ? 

I have been seeing ANDROID PANDERING, Post sharing ,DATA earning comical generation hyping EKWULOBIA Bridge and even singing Continuity, well they have right of mischief and i have right of presenting Facts ana kuró mmiri . 

i have looked at that IYONNENNE BRIDGE occupying EKWULOBIA center, which removed the Hallmark of the Town as Trading and attraction place on that Axis,i counted many businesses losses,houses felled in this austerity Just to Expand not that there wasn't motorable road,but that's by the way. 

They shoot movies with the Hype, it has reached to , if they mix one bag of cement they launch avalanche of MEDIA praises, how SOLUTION is building bridge, they don't even talk about the houses, filling stations, Shops, businesses destroyed just to CREATE illusion, but i come in contrast to show that some of us are having same mentality with Almajari who believe that once you give them Bowl for alms seeking, give them places to point to and say this our place is developed, then they will give the person clean bill of leadership .

Let me drag us back to piece i wrote about the ostracization of ANAMBRA TOWNS along River Niger,where they are relegated to KOGI mercies.

It was written on April 11 2024 and i re-present -

The towns in question have never seen any reason to call self member of ANMABRA STATE, not even medically, not Academically, not culturally but the Government have enough to be pulling down existing good structures hiding under SO CALLED EXPANSION of Roads, my Grand ma will say , óbu Onye ñurú Tea na achó Overtea (It's one who has taking ENOUGH Tea will crave OVALTINE). 

Some are desperately in need of even one lane motorable road,but we are encouraging inanities,i know that Ndigbo believe na ife na Agu Nwanyi di ime,na agukwa onye tubara ya the ime.

if we think River line areas doesn't deserve good things from Anambra budget, let's remove them from the State kpatakpata.

The money we are wasting on that ROAD leading to IMO STATE From Ekwulobia would've given a link Bridge to those River line indigenous people on ANAMBARA WEST ,which the Government is threating as ANAMBARA WASTE. 

Some of the monies we threw around doing funny developmental projects,will put good Health center on that West and the women shall enjoy Child Birth and sick people will start enjoying ogwu Oyibo.

During Campaign, you see them visiting or sending emissaries to that zone to cajole them with empty promises, but the area YOUTHS should send a Coded message when next they come, just allow them to enter, then disable all boats, flying boats and anything that will take them out of the Town, let them spend a night there and enjoy the untrained mosquitoes that will share with them concentrated malaria ka fa kweta na óna eme. 

Back when ANMABRA had Men, they would stand up and question the reason why ANAMBARA WEST will be so isolated, but AGUATA ORUMBA will become a new BORN to be Advanced. 

What i am saying is, take a little from a Rich man's pocket and help the poor ,he shall not be too angry. 

I remain same unpaid special adviser to the Governor, and i come with my hands clasped in innocent plea. 

Mkpisi is the Job. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

 WE MUST ACCEPT the SITUATION OF THE NATION, we can't play double Standard by Mkpisi. 

Life have never been palatable to anybody, especially those who visited EQUITY with soiled hand, so we shall forget some wishful thinking, fair national treatment,especially thinking that we are marginalized by Federal government, whereas what we abhor out there is what we recreate down here. 

The Marginalization in my State is alarming, but we live in pretense.

We complained Federal Government, that never promised us palatable ways of life are inflicting pains on us right? 

How about my Governor that inherited POWER when things are rosy to extend he confessed wearing Professors Garb , he said "Looking at Anambra from Economic prism, judging with the Status of things in the State, i professor of Economics and one Tenure CBN Governor, i hold my Third Leg and swear that " Anambara is not broken and no need fixing what is not Broken " .

But same State Started disintegration from swear inn of the Governor, when Prophetess Bianca ojukwu nee Onoh , set a future protest by Using back hand slap to deliver ANMABRA from powers of POTENTATES,she thought she have healed the Demon,but what we are seeing now makes me to Wonder Ogini ka anyi ji isi Kote ?. 

His promised giving us Dubai Taiwan as leadership seeking mantra,but he bring to us ISEKKE, ÚTÚ, ÚKPÓR,LILU,MBOSI, ÓRSUMOGHÚ, UNUBI, ENUGWU UMUONYIA, EZIRA, UMUNZE, URUM, MGBAKWU, EBENEBE, ÓKA and it's spreading like fire.

There's no HIGHWAY in my STATE without blood stains culled from hands of Ndi Ójó and such would've been neutralized,if part of the security vote are brought into use.

This Government have never bought even KEKE NAPEP to Police,Okada for Army or Catapult for DSS knowing we are under Siege and this Men need lots of encouragement to survive among the fortified UGM.

So forget about enabling Town Vigilantes , that one is not even on table of discuss.

We are crying that Federal government pulled Down house pretending to build SUPER HIGHWAY that leads to Hell, sorry Calabar, but my State are knocking down houses, Shops, businesses just to erect IYONNENNE BRIDGE that leads to same Local Government where UGM have acquired as base, i think that getting rid of such vermins are the numero uno of any government? Not monuments of Cement,called bridges, it's the living that climb bridges.

Fairly and truthfully,if Anambra needs bridge,it won't be the one leading to other state,but one Connecting INNOMA or those our Brothers living beside River Niger without any good means of bringing out food crops they have in great numbers,that is more beneficial than Erecting bridge heading to IMO STATE as if there's something that will bring to us as a state.

What we are seeing in my State is liken to onye unó ya na agba óku,ona achu oke,we have passion for window decorations, but it's good to our Religious fanaticism.

If actually the Government wanted to restore Security in the State, they should have handed the State to that Ihiala Born, Israeli trained Security expert who is Known as CIVILIAN General, infact by now Anambra would've been Go to state for the Fortress we must be enjoying.

 But he is not from Njikoka or ORUMBA which are the favored Town in the current government,so he can't be consulted.

We are worried about high cost of Fuel in Nigeria, but whatever they are selling in other States, Anambra pump price is Always higher with 200 NAIRA, because the government Agencies keep collecting unheard off extortion from dealers, and dealers must increase the price to recoup, we are not talking about ndi Aka ODO or Reflective jacket adorning Government thugs. 

Infact things have fallen apart in my state and the center is no Longer holding.

If Government can allow Thugs working for them to be using PESTLE as means of Revenue generating, then we simply need to enthrone a certified AGBERO and hope that things will be Normal. 

For this Government to allow all the equipments bought and delivered to make ANMABRA AIRPORT one of the best in Nigeria to lie fallow, left to become obsolete just to reduce the impact of Obiano on his tenure, which his record of Building Airport,ICC, Okwabe Ikwube, street lights and Great Security is not lost despite his drinking prowess.

The AERO BRIDGE that Obiano bought that will take Passengers from concourse to tarmac or plane is still lying outside the airport,just the installation remains, yet it's abandoned and the Elites are not talking.

The Night landing gears procured by Obiano,to make sure ANAMBRA AIRPORT works at night is yet to be installed, Making our airport to be like UPPER IWEKA ,what then is the cause of that one as well ? sorry I forgot they want to build another airport just to diminish this one,we are even planning 10 Story hotel,just to keep up our hallucinatory AGENDA.

We elected somebody who we believe is Academically sound, hoping that some Semblance of coordination will be asserted into place, but what we are seeing is thunder and terror in the hands of scoundrels , it has become so bad that some of the Towns are dedicated to Ndi Omekome, they not only domicile therein, the Government Dread asking them to leave, rather they chased away every government presence from that region, for a state that was confirmed as Not Broken , it's sad situation. 

Illegality has become a Normal, as VC of Schools are now people with unrelated knowledge of the institution and emesia isim na aga enwe progression?. 

The State Internal projection are giving to Mercenaries, when such position and Securities must be for Aborigines, so they can meander and socialize with Aura as ndi ma ani , just like during the Genocidal invasion of 1967 ,the then head of State knew we need Propaganda unit and he brought in home made OKOKO NDEM and Chukwumerije to man and disseminate information, because agha egoru ego has a limit and blurred knowledge. 

The Awusa were developing the North and no Federal presence in the East and we gnashed our teeth for the injustice, but today a Professor concentrated his Tenure tarring roads in his Village and Town, or building link roads and connections to same Town and every high profile parastatals are handed to his Town person or Local Government person, whereas there are more qualified from other zones, which makes case of bringing a scholar to Government an Error or terror, it's established that Traders are better leaders. 

If same thing we preached against in the Central,shall be done here,what makes us better then?.

We are worried that religion is tearing the nation apart,but we have willed our Leadership to Denominational Spirit.

We are looking at Replacement Senator and parties are not looking at the portfolios attached to such, they have Started playing Centrifugal games based on Denominational protege, but i fold my hands to see the execution come to fruition and then , i will know that even Muslims are better off staying at the status. 

Good Morning and welcome to another day of suppression and oppression of the meek in my state and the nation. 

Mkpisi is the Job. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

 FOR THE INITIATES Anambara on SOUTH REPLACEMENT SENATORIAL.. Mkpisi delu ya bu okwu. 

Útutu Óma, nke onye Chiri ya zelu, this is for the initiates , onye malu asu , nya sua na ikwe ,we should always remember na ekesia na ama ,ebulu nataba na obi. 

Our Son, Mgbadike Ifeanyi Ubah nke Nwuru na active duty left a Vital position needed in our living to argument the marginal vacuum in the Marginalization index of the Nation, Which was fine tuned to hold Ndigbo in captive and which we strongly use Nmegheri to sustain for our enemies, thinking we are Political.

The powers of the law demands a replacement Senator , which must be elected and initiated into the chambers within 90 Days of a Demise, but come with me ... 


That is rational, because the measure was for all States,so we can't say we were short changed,we have learn the lesson of mgbe enyelu anyi leave to get Senate President,which Ndigbo kept impeaching and changing same every 6 months or so and after that ,the Central saw that we have no unison,fa welu anyi gwoba ji Nmanu and we became National Lamb meant for Political Suya ,we move-

Unu afuru na nya bu Mgbadike bu CHAIRMAN Downstream Petroleum ebe ife na eme, and nkea bu the second time ana enye ya bu portfolio to onye IGBO, the first time, it was giving to Iyom Ekwunife and her Senatorial position was sabotaged or Cut short depending on the narrative,so we did not benefit from that Office for a minute then. 

Understand that such position is NEVER for a Rookie or POLITICAL Neophyte, ma óbu ka ana eje na ubi politician, so now that fate or manipulation have done the worst, we should know that it's not worthy to remove Lump of Meat that is resting inside the mouth of a Lion and use same to feed Uchicha maka ejiro ife eji agba nti,eficha anya.

Now we have Downstream on our side, and  other divide want to have that portfolio back as if anyi esoho nodu na Nation, if we give them the reason ,fa eme anyi another aru without qualms.. anyi Kwesiri iji number 6 anyi welu je zua the okwe.

Now the most important is that we must elect somebody who is versatile in Oil and Gas or knowledgeable on PETROLEUM intricacies, that way , there will be replacement for the position. 

Such position is never for gbata gbata POLITICIAN or i can represent individual, it's specifically for somebody who shall command attention, somebody who Senate house will not appear like Labyrinth to.

Then , we need somebody who is not POLITICAL or Business "WHO ARE YOU" ,we need to elect somebody who the powers know as Big player on PETROLEUM pitch, that way it will be easier for Akpabio to give back the position to where it belong. 

If we elect a minut or ejirim guzue or Denominational interest person, just know that you have a hand in the maiming of Ndigbo and whenever they write about slave trade, just know you weaved the shackles used to tether your brothers. 

We have being crying  marginalization,this one is emancipation, unless we donate self for Marginalization,then we can make peace with centrifugal legislation.

POLITICS should not be limited to Ndi nke anyi, Onye Uka anyi or ndi side anyi ,we must start thinking of the greater good. 

All the parties should present Men who are PETROLEUM savvy, men who has been eating before the meeting, so that the PETROLEUM Lords will know him and love a continuity intercourse with them, not one who will feel like brake dancing to shake the hands of Dangote,Otedola,Adenugas and co. 

óburó ka anyi tunyere onye ga anochite Ifeanyi Ubah because his shoe is too big for self serving politician to wear , but we want somebody that can fit the Bill and hold down our own as it was . 

Good Morning from Mkpisi na ede with precision with Acidic Pen 🖊️.