Sunday, September 15, 2024

 SODOM AND GOMORRAH is Rookie to contrast with Our HOME , and i plead written by POg. 

We know  God erased Sodom , vaporize GOMORRAH because they committed Sodomy and other minut Sins , comparing with Spellbound Hellish of Sins with muccor we are commiting today in Nigeria ,nay Alaigbo, though AFRICA is Dwarfing many Continents in corruption, while they best Africa in Development and leadership,for we practice Lootership with Empty Brian,we loot to store with our devorer in their own NATION.

SODOM with Gomorrah committed little theft and other little Vices ,then God was enraged and rain canisters of Fire to wipe them off , but .. 

Today in NIGERIA, nay Alaigbo, as i won't drag Caucasians into the discuss as they have made Peace with DEMONIC Solitary, as they refused the provision of Godly Children upbringing which provides "Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” – Proverbs 13:24 ... 

Bible said with all Steez that if you spare the Rod, you spoil a Child.. but Caucasians said the Bible lied, that you can't even correct a Child or scold him orally or as they said , it interfered with fundamental human rights of the Child,try to train a child in open ,they will take away the Child and give same to unmonitored houses where the child must end up on the street and grow up wilder than ghetto raised.

Well their Children became insolvent as they can move around with Guns and kill entire School children or adults that did them no harm, then a lawyer with his own Children will defend the act ,ifuró na Ekwensu erigo the Lier called lawyer ?. 

They can mutate into change of GENDER or choose Marrying a Dog,cat, Snake or even Horse as that also is way of life to him or her.

Caucasians disagreed with Bible which announced Man as head of Home, they said woman is the Boss of the Man , not only saying they promogate Laws that always make sure Men are living in Bondage in marriages or home,which makes me to shake about our Men that relocates overseas with the family,they simply entered the cubicle of self made Armageddon,but we can't waste our hard earned tears for them as we have a saying that provides "it's how you make your Bed,you lie on it" .

The Child is the Head of them all and most feared or respected at home.

So Sins are breeding iniquity and they flourish in very ugly vices out in the so Called Developed nation. 

We must give them the Chosen choice of living in family cruelty,as there's always a price Tag , they brought organized Nation and inherit disorganized families.

Back to Nigeria that is my problem, we have made Sodom look so Angelic that I wonder why God spared us , today our Fathers celebrate Sons whose sources are trailed with Evil, Mothers hide Satanic wealth which the Children shed innocent and stainless or stained blood to get, the siblings celebrate iniquitous life style provided by money raped off others by another sibling. 

Today Bishop's Children will commit abormination or serve as Executioner of Cults and the parents will run protective shield around them ,and if the heat become much, they will fly them overseas, not to atone for the sin , but to escape Justice and upgrade self on crime ladder.

The daughters marry just to answer wife,but they are rotten and completely empty, they don't have iota of home training and bereft of making of a mother,so they ended up raising DEMONIC offsprings.

Kidnapping is now a Normal in igbo land, Ritualism has gotten to height where it's advertised on MEDIA by Dibias ,and Government saw Kidnaping as Job creation for Youth and lazy generation Which is why they won't stop such. 

Using parents as Sacrifice for get Rich quick has become a step to a means for Children,and even when Kindred finds out that money of our Youths are Fetish, they simply line up to be allowed to dip the Beak into same Poisoned chalice.Non of the Elders invoke the principles of Elderly command which said "ka Okenye ghara igwu maka Umuazi eme rie Udene kpó ya Anu" (May ELDERS not go into extinction,so that children won't eat Vulture as Delicacy).

Originally, we have what was called abormination, but today the only abominable thing to be committed by a man is to be Poor and Sick , they will despise you even with behavioral projection, either you are Rich or you are RICH , there's no two ways to it. 

Our Boys jettisoned Igba bói and switch over to Ego mbute , and Ego Mbute is MONEY not laboured for ,but grabbed with all impunity yet our society no more cry out in pains maka odiniru posterity will judge us without mercy. 

Today, parents don't care about the engagement the children had with Nicomancer or DEMONIC Diviners as Long as it bring them Money, instead for parents to put ears on the ground to hear the stories of the Children and know the demonic scores they had intercourse with, they pretend it doesn't matter, whereas we know that Foundation of everything determines the fruits due for reaping. 

Father uses Children to make money, Wives killed Husband to inherit or make money, Children sacrificed parents for same cause and yet we think that tomorrow will be better ?, don't forget we have but less than 50 Years of living,the rest is aided by drugs and pains,some with pitiful endings.

What the world of before abhorred even shrouded by paganism is what we  preach today from ALTAR of Father the Creator as Gospel of Christ the Man we  pretend to Ape,but despised his meek and sound ways of life. 

The preachers think they are more spiritual than Christ,the only thing they hammer Hurriedly is robbing God and not repentance or following Christ,they don't care how you make money,but bring it to household of God and receive more blessings ,Jesus wiped Traders who were selling articles in the Temple,he flogged them with anger,what will he do to today's preacher that is selling him for money Making?.

Our Apostolic Leaders have brought Holiness to question, they enjoy Monetary pilfering Instead of call for Heavenly race. Though they distance self from the race,they are more interested in building empire in the world than scheming to make HEAVEN.

Preachers today tied self with String of earthly acquisitions than having place in HEAVEN, as they preach monetary rewards rather than looking unto God or his Son Jesus who is author and finisher of our life. 

They no longer believe on Give us this day ,our daily bread ,as they amass wealth for generations yet unborn,just to reduce Christ teaching to a Joke.

Our Eucharist pacifiers are so scared of Angels and Holy Spirit that they embrace Police, Army, DSS protection than tolerating Angels guarding them,the WOE BETIDING part is that the Securities they have are not even Christians but Men of valueless spiritual bonding, those Men saw the Theatrics employed by the preachers and you think they will take Christianity serious when the operators are scammers ?. 

Yet they invoke name of Jesus just to extort congregation,they despise Heaven and fell in Love with Hell fire. 

May we turn around and ask self, at the end of this tighue zogbue life style, what do we think shall be the judgement of posterity? 

Mkpisi is the Job, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa is the Definition, Voice of the gods is the trade Mark. 

I am not writing to make you feel good , i simply write the Truth, just to challenge you to repent or refuse in protest, as i will he happy to see you going to Hell and or when you die you see your Children being absolute Akariogheri. 

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