MINERAL RESOURCES FROM EACH STATE OF NIGERIA1.ABUJA: Marble Clay , Tantalite 2.ABIA: Gold, Salt, Limestone, Lead/Zinc, Oil and Gas 3.ADAMAWA: Kaolin, Bentonite, Gypsum, Magnesite, Barytes, Bauxite 4.AKWA IBOM: Clay, Limestone, Lead/Zinc, Uranium, Salt, Lignite, Oil and Gas 5. ANAMBRA: Lead/zinc, Clay, Limestone, Iron-ore, Lignite, Salt, B Glass-sand, Phosphate, Gypsum, 6. BAUCHI: Amethyst(Violent), Gypsum, Lead/zinc, Uranium, 7. BAYESA: Clay, Gypsum, Limestone, Uranium, Manganese, Lignite, Lead/Zinc, Oiland Gas 8. BENUE: Lead/Zinc, Limestone, Iron-ore, Coal Clay, marble, Bauxite, Salt, Barutes, Germstone Gypsum, Oil and Gas. 9.BORNO: Diatomite, Clay, Limestone, Kaolin, Bentonite, Oil and gas 10. CROSS RIVER: Limestone, uranium, Manganese, Lignite, Lead/Zinc, Salt, Oiland gas 11.DELTA: marble, Glass-sand, Clay, Gypsum,, Lignite, iron-ore, Kaolin, Oila and Gas 12. EBONYI: Lead/Zinc, Gold, Salt, 13. EDO: Marble, Clay, Limestone, Iron-ore, Gypsum, Glass-sand, Gold, Dolomite, Phosphate, bitumen, Oil and gas 14. EKITI: Kaolin, Feldspar, Tatium, Granite, Syenites 15. ENUGU: coal, Limestone, Lead/zinc, 16. GOMBE: Gemstone, Gypsum, 17. IMO: lead/Zinc, Limestone, Lignite, Phosphate, Marcasite, Gypsum, Salt, Oil and Gas 18. JIGAWA: barites 19. KADUNA: Sapphire, Kaolin, Gold, Clay, Serpentinite, Asbestos, Amethyst, Kyanite, Graphite, Mica, Aquamatine, Ruby, Rock, Crystal, Topaz, Flouspar, Tourmaline, Gemstone, tantalite. 20. KANO: Pyrochlore, Cassiterite, Copper, Glass-sand, Gemstone, Lead/Zinc, Tantalite 21. KATSINA: kaolin, Marble, Salt, 22. KEBBI: Gold 23. KOGI: Iron-ore, Kaolin, Gypsum, Feldspar Coal, Marble, Dolomite, Talc, tantalite, Kaolin, Limestone, gemstone, Bitumen 24. KWARA: Gold, Marble, Iron-ore, Cassiterine, Columbite, Tantalite, feldspar, Mica 25. LAGOS: Glass-sand, Clay, Bitumen, Sand, Tar, Oil and Gas 26. NASARAWA: Beryl( Emerald, Acquamarine and Hellodor), Dolomite/marble, sapphire, Tourmaline, Quartz, amethst(garnet, Topaz), Zircon, tantalite, Cassiterite, Columbite, Ilmenite, galena, Iron-ore, barites, Feldspar, Limestone, Mica, Cooking coal, Talc, Clay, Salt, chalcopyrite 27. NIGER: Gold, Lead/Zinc, Iron-ore 28. OGUN: Phosphate, Clay, feldspar 29. ONDO: Bitumen, Kaolin, Gemstone, Gypsum, Feldspar, Granite, Clay, Glass-sand, Dimension stones, Coal, Bauxite, Oil and Gas 30. OSUN: gold Talc, tantalite, Tourmaline, Columbite, Granite 31.OYO: Kaolin, Marble, Clay, Sillimanite, talc, Gold, Cassiterine, Acquamarine, dolomite, Gemstone, tantalite 32. PLATEAU:Emerald, Tin, Marble, Granite, Tantalite/Columbite, Lead/Zinc, Barytes, Iron-ore, Kaolin, Cassiterite, Gold, Lead/Zinc, Dolomite, Bentonite, Cassiterite, Phsochlore, Clay, Coal, Wolram, Salt, Bismuth, Fluoride, Molybdenite, Gemstone, Bauxite 33. RIVERS: Glass-sand, Clay, Marble, Lignite, Oil and Gas 34. SOKOTO: Kaolin, Gold, Limestone, Phosphate, Gypsum, Silica-sand, Clay, Laterite, Potash, Flakes, Granite, Gold, Salt 35. TARABA: Kaolin, Lead/Zinc 36.YOBE: Diatomite, Soda, Ash 37. ZAMFARA: Gold........ Before I go somebody should help me and beg Ndi Anambra South to stop bringing this lepercious effect on us, what Anambara should be worried about is not Zonal prism but qualified, the best of the Best and not this Idiotic yearning for Zonal Leader.. There is a pathetic doom looming and what we need are leaders never Elephantiasis.. Statism is like Autonomous community, it brings more Divide and put the people asunder and they live with disciples of Idiots. I remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede. |
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Wednesday peep..
A Nation on Trial without a defense Lawyer, the Woe that betide.. by Last Born Mpa Nnukwu (LBMN).
There is this curse word "Woe betide you", when such word is thrown about it seems as if it is just an angry misnomer, but in all fair and kindness, we live at a precipice of a Nation that Woe seems to have encapsulated, the worst is that we know, but we don't care one way or another or we are too lost and dumb to care.
I Mazi Odera POg JP has stopped wondering nor crying over the state of our National decadence, because there is no basis for a National worry, no need for National Concern, no cause for lamentation as we seem to be so comfy living in Bondage.
Maybe because the oppressors masquerading as leaders enjoy to see the suffering they afflicted in the led, they enjoy the sight as we move like Zombies with Fetters of Rusty Iron holding our crasp, they enjoy seeing us gnashing our teeth and when they comes out to check our pulse, they enjoy the absolute submission of praise singing that accompanied it, originally they use to crawl out with effective Fear that people might Picket them, but once they knew we have no Liver, not even our religious leaders care enough to wake the spirit of JEHU in us, the raiders, our oppressors gets bolder and whip us the more.
Nigeria is the only Nation known to mankind that is living in Comma and are enjoying it, the Citizens reasons through the Orifice, the leaders smile at rest of the world and say to them "If you like Shove sense into us, we can never get sense" forcing them to sit atop wealthy Patrimony (Provided by providence and not by our creativite minds) that you can't found any other place on planet earth, yet serve as the Poverty Capital of the World.
Imagine a Nation that has the most mineral resources, when they wants to erect a leader, they choose a retired one on whose days the only measure of success is now many Herds you command, and when you give Powers to Octogenarian, nature provides that he surround selve with other tired and retired mates.
Imagine when a company like GMO GROUP the only indigenous company founded in Africa, who made her bones with dent of hardwork, though the Founders are gone but at the end of the days of the Founders when they have exhausted all they had upstairs, when the stress of nature must have sapped them of all content, when even the kinsmen must have returned Vote of old age on them, then the state will erect any of them to be the Governor? ... It shows that the Men doesn't have a problem but the state and the Youths are cursed with cursive cause.
There is nothing that will make a man who is a Hewer of Wood to act as a Pilot, no matter how such feat will salvage lives, a blind can never lead Deaf and Dumb, if he tries, they all will end up in a Depth.
Retirement to anybody means, tiredness and inability to face the tedious work of Organized complex, so when you erect to have a retired person calling the shots as General Overseer of a Nation, that simply means whatever God placed as our fecal matter must have been fried by the Sun during the day or mosquitoes may have suck them out of our skulls with straw.
I watch as other nations are rallying round strategizing on how to face the after all the real endemic, the one that raided the world is just a chaff, but the after effect is the real Koko.
Nations are placing lettered and learned people at the helms of affairs, same way King Pharaoh of Egypt placed the World most famous Economist JOSEPH, the Dude with Coat of many Colors from Isreal, he placed him at the top of Draught comiitee, in a nation he wasn't even a legal alien, he wasn't looking at his genealogy, he wasn't looking at his tribe and Pharoah wasnt asking for his academic laurels or letter of endorsement from Powers that be, he simply saw the powers of analytical thinking and place him above all Other conglomerate of title holders with empty functions.
That confidence reposed on Joseph saved the land of Egypt and surrounding nations, just like in a time time this, they shouldn't be worried about Tribes and Tongues and statism,... Ooh no, Nigerians are prepared to die of thirsty instead of drinking from the Fountian of an Igbo person, but moving on...
That was the only thing that saved Egypt from that 7 years of Massive Farmine, a situation we rechristined today as RECESSION, which in Igbo Lexicon, welu Ewu manye Ogbiri or Welu Ogbiri manye Ewu are same thing, the message remains for the person to put the goat on tether, that you dragged the GOAT to the point of the Rope or the other way round is immaterial.
Nigeria read my Lips, the tremble of CORONA is gone, the Isolation places should be dealt with, the thing is elevated Malaria mixed with Typhoid Fever, it was able to cripple the rest of the World because they have been living without it for centuries, but in our part of the world, we live with it as life partners, we get married to Typoid, make Love to Malaria every week, little wonder when it invaded, those that died more are those denied the known ANTI MALARIA which has become part of our weekly Vegetables.
The Whites just discovered Chloroquine we discarded decades ago, that's tells you how backward they are when it comes to ancient sickness, so they have to try our own AGBO and local Herbs, that will teach them that we have seen Thousand, so what is Tens..
Nigeria should open up our inter state borders, encourage Patent dealers to stock up ANTI MALARIA and we are as good as always.. Then we should be worried at the after affect, as it is we can't get loans from any where as all Nations passed through the Sawmill and needs breather, what we need now is to activate a crack Nation Builders, who are sound from Centerspread to circumference, so they can start planning on building us a Nation based on what is obtainable within this Nation, not relying on any foreign aid or loan.
We have them in great abundance and our faith lies in our hand, loans we have been taking from years ago has never helped, not even the continual refund of Abacha loot has ever helped, it seems to be just relooted.
My mind is heavy that despite the gifted fact that we have the Best Earth endowed with Minerals we still the Nation with plate of beggars...
Let me state what is obtained in each state in Nigeria, which we paid no mind to, instead we stroll around with pitiable plate of beggars, then you be the Judge after seeing what we have and never knew how to make use of it.
If any nation has just one, they are made..
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