Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 WHAT and not WHO IS PAUL CHUKWUMA,A Vibe with power and Play ? by Mkpisi. 

We have seen Guys come out with Effizzy, dazzle and rattle, then fade away after POLITICAL  hobnobbing or water testing. 

We know ANMABRA Guber race to be a Sprinting marathon race ,where you have to use enormous strength from starting to marathonic ending,so most time ,some people join the line up just to be noticed,but whenever you see anyone who joined and were in leading position or following the lead without exhaustion, kindly take that person serious.

When Paul Chukwuma came out as one of the Aspirants for APC , the Street was filled with legend of the tales, how he is moonlighting for SOLUDO who it was rumoured to be sponsoring him to tear the powers of APC apart and make SOLUDO second coming a storm in a Tea Cup, we heard that the Governor gave him about 3 billion of our Naira for the task, while some second opinion or tale tellers said it was Gov Hope Uzodimma that is sponsoring him , then we think him just a flash in the Pan,we paid him no mind as a distraction,but -

Since then, Dr Paul Chukwuma has spread or spend 2 times or much more above the rumoured fund provided, and we have our ears on the Ground investigating him to ascertain that he is not playing or just acting a spoil joy , but he seems extra determined to run the distance and he seem to be running to Ace the race, he has reached out to all the Pillars and Nooks of the party and none party members as well, he has bridged or say bridging the Denominational Gap by playing on level Field,and he is consciously reducing the phobia of Zonal mirage. 

What gets my antenna excitement up was when he inaugrated a 12 Man MANIFESTO crafting committee last week at his Country home somewhere in Umueri,a town located at Otuocha with common boundary with Aguleri.

i was like What ?, such a detailed maneuver? what he could've gotten one English Processor and Professor to crank some jaw broken English just to bamboozle the audience and present impression of ana emenu, with grammar good enough to make people clap and slap his back for grammatical  innuendoes shoving down our faces, but he assembled divergent well to do men on good standing to come together and Manifest a plan for a working Government, is not something i expect from APC who has this penchant to do things the awkward ways and get away with such,also from one who is a stooge of any kind.

I can say without swirling Waters in my mouth,that he is playing a nice orchestra, a great bluez topping his Political reggae,and he is crossing the Leadership T and dotting the i of a detailed Man . making him a synosure of eyes.

We should watch him closely with Fine  lenses, comb his ways with fine tooth pick, as he seems to be spreading with Lethal nature of KEROSENE that meander into crannies. 

We can say we know who Paul Chukwuma is, having in mind his work and positions held prior ,but the big question is WHAT is He ? 

Having in mind the quest in pursuit!! and his subtle but determined demeanour.

We watch, we peek and we want the Best of the Best, as we are not sold again on Political party, Zonal trenchies, or Denominational proteges, we simply want a Governor for the state and not one that creates walls of Governance all around his Local Government as he is local Government elected and holding brief for same LGA. 

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, Pain to mischievous POLITICIANS. Watching the terrain of my STATE with committed passion maka ndia emego anyi many things and we are now awake. 

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