Friday, July 19, 2024


I am furious as i dress up to join the protest of protesting AGAINST the protesters that protested against GOOD LUCK when our economy were a sound resources, when Cement was sold at less than 700 Naira, Garri at Less than 400 Naira for Painter, Pure Water was 40 Naira per bag, Fuel was 87 Naira and they led Protest against him , even when Dollar was sold below 170 ,but some Pastors which later Rained or rained later , with others who saw a saving grace from Tribal Prism, they set out and march from Ojota and ridiculed GEJ and he was set aside and we have Change. 

He was called so much epidemic names and he walked away even when he had the chance of bulldozing his way and bring bad blood,he walked away.

I am joining Protest to Protest the ABANDONED property promoted Just to cause ism and SCHISM between brothers linked with language and near ways of life.

 well abandoned properties stayed abandoned but the losers have muliplicated whatever they abandoned, just like Metaphor of removing feather 🪶 from a bird and expect the bird never to fly AGAIN, just know that the feather must grow back and the bird will fly higher. 

My Protest is against those who will leave protest ground and start looting igbo business just as it happened during every other Protest. 

i am also protesting against what again ? sorry i forgot, what i know is that enough of dragging us out to join , then turn around and loot our shops as we are Traders and not Government workers, We are peace loving.

so spare us the Hatred, just match on and enjoy the benefits of winning election, we lost and we moved on. 

Good morning my people.. Mkpisi is the game. 

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