Wednesday, August 28, 2024


During the days when Real Prophets of God dwell with Men, they speak up against impending disaster, advise a way forward, they serve as mouth piece of both the Living and God the Okwusia ogwu nke mbu na Mbu, not now the Projects sorry Prophets are wearing the prophetic TOGA of Ballam who was bought by Ballack to curse the God's ordained lineage, today prophetic ministries are either unworthy or financially induced or they got prophecy from pots of Wizards, but all in all they are showing Demonic discipleship. They despise God with every fiber in them,they serve maggots but , i digress.

I am doing the work of Mpa Nnukwu and i am not associated with any known definition, my Style of writing is unrelated to existing ones, my style of pronouncement is also on it's own , i am not doing whatever to gain attention or praised or graded or applause, i am doing what Posterity will rate, by so doing, we wonder if the Nation that is already in Limbo shall be salvaged even in distress, as we are stressed. 

Just know that i am Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa defined as Dibia "Diviner" with Loud Voice that doesn't Divine for a criminal as the Octane Voice will be heared from far and wide and the decant will be more of an expose.

I saw what churned my stomach at LUSADA NATIVE MARKET in OGUN STATE, where Trailers said to belong to the Greatest CONGLOMERATE, who previous Government gave monopoly over our life starting from Building materials, to Rice, Flour, Sugar, Children easy made food called or known as INDOMIE, though the seasoning in that food should be studied by Laboratories that is not Genetically corrupt like what we have all over Nation Today. 

The Trailers in question were positioned to be buying stacks and pieces of CASSAVA TUBERS , as the CONGLOMERATE export same to China and Europe, i was weak because of the future result of same, imagine a Nation that doesn't manufacture anything but couple finished products, the only food stuff we plant because of tropical nature of Africa, the ózuru umu ogbenye nke mbu , the stem that should be mortalize for producing both AKPU, GARRI, Abacha and it kept hunger out of our tables, but now they are exporting same . 

.The danger is that they buy it off the Street, from the basket of Poor Farmers who other poor citizens buy same CASSAVA TUBERS from and process it into flakes, Abacha, Pig food and many others, now the MEGA Rich are buying it off farmers and exporting same instead of farming them in Hectares of land and do what they want out of it, so that poor families will eat sand and our Legislators are blind and Deaf , the Government are hand tied from stopping the export to save the imminent KWASHIORKOR that will come with the advance austerity of crops in Nigeria. 

In a Nation with pride, export of Food stuff shall be banned when the Citizens don't have enough, even our own brothers who ran to Exile and want our foods sent to them should be made to understand that if you despise Satan, despise all things associated with him, if they despise this Nation and fled , let them enjoy the provision of the Nation they took refuge into, as they love good things of life in Caucasian, they should enjoy the canned CANCEROUS FOOD they provides and allow us to continue eating the LOCAL uncertified foods , but the most annoying is buying our foods, exporting same to be used overseas and manufacture food items that will be exported and we import same back at Higher prices. 

Even if we are cursed with cursive Curses, we shall try and reverse the Curse.. we export our Crude oil , they process same , extract so many products and sale one of the proceed to us at higher than what they bought the entire Crude and we think we have sense? we think we are rich because we send our Kids overseas where those with sense build with proceeds from our brows? 

Though we have 5 Refineries that we ruined with a Run Down, so that other refineries Outside our shores can prosper, while we wallow in excruciating poverty, now i remember our ANTHEM.. Nigeria, we hail thee .. 

Food export shall be banned in totality, just like Hard drugs, as the austerity of foods will bring kwashiorkor that will make Ebola seem like a blessing. 

Government should also mandate all Mega companies to veer into farming with some of the resources and add some tax rebate to it to sweeten the deal. 

Make sure that any Billionaire in Nigeria without a seasoned Farm shall have his Money litigated.

listen to get Nigeria working again, you will get our food Barn back in excess capacity, and to get Nigeria back on her Glorious days, you must do what it takes, knowing you can't make omelette without breaking eggs, you must push hard to regain our Nation. 

Also Federal government should stop sharing national cake to States without farming implementation, not on books but on site, they should even get the Senate to promogate laws that will banish states without agricultural inputs from getting monthly allocations, even those Oil exploration States where the ground have been raped into terror, shall be aided with mechanized farming. 

This Nation may enter a down syndrome if we refuse to up our agricultural game , banish entire export of it , even our own overseas, should enjoy whatever they find out there, if they miss our food they should come home and eat it or join us back home, they want a good life made easy by others, let them pay the price and should stop eating our subsidy. 

 Banish Food export with container in totality with red eyes, if we don't, we may enter recession that has never happened in life before. 

i am Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, Mazi Odera POg JP, the only gentleman na apia 2x2 as return for anya arólu aró. 

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