Monday, August 12, 2024

 NIGERIA, the Olympic unsung Hero , i hail you written by Mkpisi. 

I was so proud that Nigeria break all the barriers once again and Won the NONE Medals in the Paris 2024 Olympic. 

We spent 12 Billion Naira with 80 Athletics, we won over 80 Sold and 60 Livers according to statistics from INEC database. 

if you are not down with it,go to Court.

We have Runners who trained on Dusty, gallop filled Tracks and you place them on standard tartan tracks to compete with athletes that were provided good camping places, got fed with requisite meals, groomed for Paris weather and given all they needed to compete, which was allen to most of our athletes ,and you expects ours to even stand on same track with others? we play too much in this country.

Well they went, they saw athletes and they clapped as competitors won laurels and we won appearances. 

Nigeria won the First competitor that went to Olympic Bicycle Event without physical Bicycle, they have to borrow from Germany one of the Bikes they use for training, that's wonderful news, at least, we won A Shameless Nation award. 

Don't forget that most Nigerian abandoned athletes that Migrated to other nations,won Gold and Silver,an aberration with Green white Green,i even think we need to change our color like we changed our Anthem.

Our Sprinters tried to show individual Best, as they trained with TOKUNBO self provided Canvas and went to track with whatever available, not as if companies that sponsored and provides training materials to other nations didn't provide to Nigerians, but we know that selling NATIONAL assets are number 1 priority of Civil and uncivil servants, so i won't be surprise if our quota were sold right from the delivery Van from Sport manufacturing companies,as they know that there has never been consequences for wrong doing in Government provided MONIES in Nigeria ,we put crown on defecation in Nigeria "Anyi na etube Nsi Ugo" . 

I thank Bad economy that most people, leading by me did not recharge GOTV and DSTV , so we wasn't even watching the Olympic height of Shame . 

I know many are watching the MOST INDECENT PORNOGRAPHIC SOUTH AFRICAN BIRTHED PROGRAM called Big brother Naija , a program that even Devil will not watch with his disciple, a Program sponsored with billions, while ACADEMIC competition were buried alive in Nigeria, but i digress from the Olympian utopian ladder. 

Next Olympic, what Nigeria need is to Buy miracle Canvas from Pastors who Scam international scammers by promising them Decanter to Scam Victims,yet not even one spiritual client will fall for the scammers to shine. 

To scam scammers is never an easy feat, but many pastors dip hand straight into the pockets of SCAMMERS and scam them with false Hope, and they repeat the circle all over on Weekly and monthly circle.

 NIGERIA is a place with lot's of talent, even Dibia take turn scamming same scammers with some mumbo Jumbo and embellishments. 

One thing about Nigeria is that they Fish from another man's fishing basket without iota of guilt.

If we had used miracle Canvass, MIRACLE oil on the hands of athletes in hand Using events, if we had used MIRACLE Medals to fortify selves, we should've won physical laurels, ana ezuzughari. 

Well , now that we did the expected by not winning even Bronze, can we move on to next squandermania Program? 

If Only State governments should invest more on agriculture, we can at least know that our sufferings are not all-around because we can have food on our tables, but we lack everything, I won't be surprise if our Government start importing Garri, Akpu, Ofe from China and in return give them our state Capitals as collateral ,as Oil we had,have been giving to other nations as collateral for old loans . 

Using our oil as collateral simply means we don't have future, just to say your Father used his Land as collateral to obtain loan, just know you have no acquaintance much will be the accumulated interest that you will pay to Ransom the Land? with the amount accumulated, you can buy self virgin Places. 

Having shared my happiness on our Sporting decadence, let me go and search for miracle food , so once i share it to my family, they won't hunger again, while i will be hiding and waiting as SDP SIDE CHAIRMAN in Anambara state, so after APGA may have finish using us to file for LGA ELECTION In Anambra, i will provide the Court ruling and i will tell them that i don't recognize them. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the Voiceless, Conscience of the state, Gentleman with baseball bat. 

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