Sunday, September 29, 2024


As Anambra State Party called APGA handed APC the Template of conducting impunity in place of Leadership selection, i shudder over the aftermath, Maka óburó ikunye Enwe Mmiri bu the problem, but retrieval of the water Cup after the drinking bonding, as the Monkey will Hop from branch to branch and turn the Cup to Spoil of war. 

APGA held a one party show Of shame called ERECTION last Saturday, which they wasted the State resources, manipulated the PARTY primaries after the Governor who is an Academician turned Party Usual selection Module known as Primaries to Communist leading style, which are selection within a circle, whereby bypass all other eligibles of the party and keep rewarding those who have been benefitting in the Government, even when some of them are disasters on the seat and should be probed for INEPT, MISMANAGEMENT, USURPATION of LGA PATRIMONIES, rather than allowing the party and members of the Community to Vet them and bring back the qualified and remove the unqualified, he brought back ALL of them with caviet, thinking that all members of the party must line up and celebrate the abortion of Democracy. 

Truly, i am not worried about the charade as even a Dumbo will know that the INDIAN MOVIE they acted will not even be graded.

 Politician with class would've known that the legitimate winners are the ones on the list the Party Chairman endorsed by INEC Accepted, Court approved which is Chief Njoku, who they have wrestled to no avail. 

Also other parties that wuthdrew from the charade should have sent an alarm message that contestants are just wasting individual funds , as they won't enjoy day of Peace as Court and lawyers will have a Bazaar session this period. After all ana adighi nma bu úrú ndi nze.

I am not worried, but terrified because APGA Anambara state handed APC the Template to take Anambara State without sweating, originally they were planning on convincing Coup, but with this formula handed to them, i bet us that anyi emezugo, as ANMABRA will become subsidiary of a neighboring state we dreaded for having a Governor that is terrific, now the Beauty and legend of Anambra the State of Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, Ikemba Ndigbo, Emeka Anyaoku, Philip Emeagwali, Prof Dora Akunyili, Oby Ezekwesiri is sold into SLAVERY, but the irony is that we produced the Iron fetters to be used in shackling our hands and Legs, not that we produced it only, but we Donated it to Slave traders and told them the areas of our weakness. 

Which bring me back to ZONAL GAFFE, if not Zonal debacle how on earth would Anambara that Dr Chris Ngige placed a ladder and drew out from Leadership Gulag, when dog fathers held us to isi ajaja. 

Then Peter Obi escalated good Governance and the state Mantra were rescued from HOME FOR ALL CRIMINALS to LIGHT OF THE NATION and we were shining, but for selfish and Centrifugal POLITICS, we brought Zonal QUARGMIRE into play, that was the agony we buried ,that we excavated and put into play, well he managed to end his Tenure and instead of the state to continue the path of progression, we delved into the most darkened part of the obsolete and brought somebody who turned GOVERNANCE to one man Brain, today what we see is LOPSIDED development and reducing Governance to Theatrics. Imagine when we Cede our State to UGM and Government are sponsoring PESTLE swinging thugs,all hidden as IGR generation,i wonder how we will retrain those AKA ODO BOYS when this Government goes to sleep,we should remember that it's same setting that brought BOKO HARAM into play and now it has become a Menace without bounds.

Zoning is like having a Relay race and you insisted that all sides must have a representation on the track, then 3 Sprinters will move with speed of light and dust others, then hand over BATON to the Zonal affliction and he Started crawling backwards, same distance other sprinters have covered, yet the coaches said it's status quo that must maintained , even when it's perilous. 

Zoning is like sending a Village Mgbeke into a Continental beauty pageant, she must bring her village expose into contest and we agree na Nwanne onye na agba ajó egwu,ókó iku ana akó umunne ya ,as it is now,my eyebrows are twitching out of contest. 

I have said it many times, if what we want is a tethered ANMABRA which we clubbed on the head and she is having imbecilic reaction owing to the damage caused by the clubbing. Then we should as matter of Urgency Zone the Zoning to Denominations, Zone same to Sex, Zone same between Adults and Youths, but if Zoning should be restricted to CATHOLIC Candidates only, then i can say na anyi nile bu ezigbote Ngwuró ,what is good for the goose is also good for the gander which is the HUSBAND. 

We want to Visit EQUITY, we must use Hysoap to launder our paws . 

Zoning brings Ngwuro NON ATHLETE unto our tartan track, where Agile sprinters are fielded, having the best will make every contestant to upgrade his or her skill and not banking on Zonal charade, Which keep dragging us backwards into stained age. 

I Mazi Odera POg JP is always supporting good, infact best leadership, not Zonal Bondage, but if what we prefer is Zonal Bondage, then ANGLICANS should get her share of the Podium, for that same cries of the marginalized is what Anglicans are facing, but kept silent. 

Unless, BORN TO RULE mentality we abhorred in the North has been accepted here in our State,and that absurd standard.

I am Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Pains to POLITICIANS, Gentleman with baseball bat as walking Stick. Mkpisi na ede with precision, Political Consultant with attitude, Media consultant with crystal analogy. 

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