Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 REPLACEMENT ELECTION; SENATE informed INEC about the vacancy , written by Mkpisi. 

We all know that Late Senator IFEANYI UBAH, Ebubechukwu uzo Nnewi, is gone and ANMABRA South needs a replacement Senator as urgent as possible but must be within 90 Days.

As many Internal Actors and external aggressors want a subjugation of Ndigbo, they knew that caging Anambara is a foot through the doorway,so the state must look for Candidate who is sound from center to circumference, we need that to protect the interest of ANMABRA in General and South in particular. Ndi ANAMBRA can no longer send any boy na arisi imi to meeting of High Chiefs, odirozi possible.

We know ndi ayam qualified Vote for me are many looking for sources of fund which they believe Senate shall provide ,but even the Bible have a counsel for it as it said "many are Called,but few are Chosen" .

So We the existing Conscience of Alaigbo narrowed the fitted down to 2 Persons so far, and we are still watching, we kept our ears to the ground, Just to unearth scandals or nail any of them as Best to beat. 

As Dibia Ónu ike,we simply Divine and allow people Access to our decanter,just to show that what we do is divining as Ndi Egede pleases.

We originally looked at the race from general prism,as reported on

Our Focus today stares at Chief Chuma NZERIBE who is known as Civilian General.

Chuma  served as a House of Representives member back in the days and his result then was impeccable and affirmed, he has Security Solution advantage in the State and out of the State,as an Israeli trained ,he has the Security will and means. 

Then we have , Chief Donald Chidi Amambo, "Okeosisi Anambra South" a man from OIL POND and moving into POLITICAL Farm.

I paid more attention to him because he is Self made man from Oil and Gas and the Senator he is gunning for his replacement served as Chairman Upstream and Down Stream Petroleum and Chief Amambo knowing his Suya in oil business will command expectant Powers, he won't be a Neophyte on corridors of power, he can't be asked who are you by Senators, as he has been eating begins the meeting. 

We have expanded our onyoko meter on this 2 dudes, we Will look at the pedigrees, look at the chances of surviving the Shark infested Waters of the Senate and look at what will benefit the State and Anambra South. 

What Ndigbo need in a Country like this today is to bring out Political leaders and never Political Looters as they have looted enough.

Don't forget our Job is to analyze situation without bias, your job is to make sure you accept having Men who are good from center to circumference Just to place our life on secured Boat, we do things to Please the gods and infuriate Ndi oso chi egbu, though we offer no apologies not because we don't like to,but we don't have to as we vend Truth that needs to defending. 

While we keep our Binoculars on the horizon to monitor the pulse of the people and parties, we shall always keep you informed.. 

But somebody with Virgin ose oji should get me 7 pieces, then one ijiji Nwelu ofu Anya, one Ókukó Abuke amaró Nwoke, kam ruaru APGA agwu , that Party is making my head to be dizzy.. 

imagine a party that will go for election on Saturday is still going to Court trying to oppose the CHAIRMAN which INEC uphold and recognize as authentic chairman. 

if not pride and Arrogancy, the PARTY would've accepted the ruling of Appeal Court, uphold Njoku as Chairman, then go to this election as one body, then they may continue the fight after the election, but challenging his mandate which we know that APC has JUDICIARY hand on it and will love to uphold it Maka okwobe ekwobe obaru ndi aghugho, before the court will Finish hearing the case and it goes through Court of appeal , Anambra Guber election would've come and gone, and with the hostility in play, the incumbent is sitting on Keg of leaking Gun Powder, with Lighted cigarette between his shaky fingers. 

As at yesterday APGA is still going to Court to plead that court should allow them to bring case to retry Njoku qualification or acceptance by INEC as the party Chairman.. seems they lack real Political ADVISERS, as if they are dumb and silly, a State APC desires with all her strength,and APC hold Judiciary by her Balls is same one APGA is going to seeking justice, even if there was injustice pronounced against her, so they think they will get even fractured Justice? 

It's absolute that the LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION will be manipulated as planned by state House, but it will Favor Njoku and Court will fasten justice after the result will be announced, so that Njoku will have APGA by the balls, that way he will hoist a puppet GUBER, so that APC will over flog the state mercilessly.

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods. 

Don't forget Truth is our standard, accept it with good faith or we shove it down your throat with smiles,the choice is yours to make. 

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