Thursday, September 5, 2024

 ECONOMICAL REDEMPTION OF NIGERIA, the Street SOLUTION written by MOWNSE (Minority Opinion writer na South East). 

My Fellow Citizens in parentheses, because i don't even know who are the Citizens of this Comatose Nation anymore,a Nation in Limbo yet live as if it's eldorado, but be rest assured that the pathetic Famine hurricane that is cruising around this Nation has no bound and or restrictions,it has no Tribal identification nor Dialect distinction, as it affects all facets of this Nation,deal with everybody same harsh way,never Spare Political affiliation,is not scared of Tribe or Tongue or limited to POLITICAL membership. 

As we speak the price of Food Stuff is above the Sky for everyone in this Nation, Prices of PETROLEUM products are given to us as if we are all Slaves on a plantation and same Price LP member Bought is what PDP and APC must buy. We heard that Dangote Refinery will be discharging Fuel and NNPC shall be the SOLE distributor,then the official price of Fuel jumped like Cement price,but i digress.

We are heading to purgatory , deviating from the Path of Heaven the Nation was placed on Auto pilot and Fuel price Which determines the services rendered to the Nation has jumped to highest octave, not that i am weeping for the bone cracking austere measure or we the most hated side in the Nation are worried about the decadence in the national places, because we believe na ógódó ga eru Nwoke ebe órulu ibe ya, this acidic rain of Poverty must pelt all roof in drove. 

Though we the Igbo are marked as sub -Nigerians,but the same thing we were crying about, shouting for a balanced economy and we were branded as inferior race ,our pontification were tagged cry Babies,but with present dóhanú, it's now glaring that either we saw tomorrow or we are Seers in capital letters.

I know our Leaders mean well for us which is just antagonistic phrase, but we the afflicted are no Longer Moaning, we are crying out Blood, as our lamentation has turn to blues in the ears of our oppressing leaders. 

Our leaders Used to rape us without lubricant,but now that even the insertion Rod of the leaders are with brash rashes, does it show them that it has come to ife nma na eme óbó ,ka óbo na eme nma?( The same favor a Sheath does to machete, is same thing the machete does to the Sheath). 

My old man will say to any of the Children that is heady,oji onye na ani ,ji onwe ya (If you hold man on a Pin fall,you must also kneel down to hold the person,as you get up , he also got up) Don't forget that Prison warder is also prisoner as both of them lives in confinement.

If actually our leaders want to have blooming economy, they need to address the outrageous rascality in Governance,we know that a stich on time saves nine pence. 

If our Presidency whose decision Buck stop on his table should stop all Foreign travels to every leader, stop every convoy even for a Governor and President with aim that if they are feeling insecure, what is the fate of the Governed? if they are stripped off Perimeter security, then they will void the menace. 

At least let them feel the heat on the ground where the Governed dwell,after all physician can't heal a patient without diagnosis to the ailment.

Run all Foreign vehicles off Road, make sure SUV are restricted with Venom, let all Government Workers and the Spurs are reduced to austerity rectification. 

Just as the President of Burkina Faso did and turning things around for good in Burkinabe.

 Smash, not Cut down the over padded allowances and payments to Government Huncho, first, if the office of the President can Cut off all the horrendous expense attached to that office, quoting and showing the populace that what we are spending are borrowed funds, which we don't even know where to get the repayment from, but let the government cut off , just like Other growing African nations are presently doing. 

We should know that once a Physician diagnose a patient for ailment, such as BP ,they will sound note of warning that the person must refrain from Alcohol, pepper, salty food, he said it because of the ethics of his office ,and if the patient abstain,then he gets better and the sickness controlled,but if he or she continued as it was, the Doctor will be happy using same person as Guinea Pig, counting days to the patient Death because the pathetic patient is doomed Maka ugbana Okpoko gburu must be deaf.

Then move all our strength into agriculture and Local patronage of items locally made , that way we can have so much that we can feed entire Africa on a fee and grow back our shattered economy. 

We can't be borrowing our salaries and living larger than Life, we are not Cursed, we are the Cause. 

Good Morning, as i lay down my Pen with Hope that ndi Nti Echi will hear me , because the next phase of the Masses reaction may be more daring. 

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia onuike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede. 

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