Sunday, October 6, 2024


It's overwhelming that Westerners and Northerners are lamenting on the expected great dividend of current democratic choice they made on perfect Union,and most of them filled with Regrets over the selection and or choice they made without conscript because it didn't favor them as planned.

Just because Nkata kpodolu onye aghugho,as things fall apart and the center refuses to hold any Longer. The people that threw Canister of epidemic into the market forgot that even their own mother will visit the market to buy food stuff.

The confusing signal is the fact that they got what they planned, craved for can't work as they wished because man propose and God dispose, they got the innermost Heart content which was to vanquish Ndigbo politically, as they saw a structured Nigeria as empowering Ndigbo, so the leadership struggle was a wager between Igbo choice of having unbias, untainted and Organic leadership vs Keeping Nigeria in Comatosic position. What you can't take away is that GOLD FISH has no hidden place in a  Crystal Bowl, we are the Fish,go figure.

They Choose Nigeria of today as plan to win a battle that was optic illusioned ,which is to cage Ndigbo and stop them from breathing, they sincerely crave a Lopsided , Tribal based leader, just like they argued over and over that they will Vote for a parasite over an eludite with igbo Gene, even if the parasite have Nepa bill against an Igbo man with ACADEMIC laurels, they did it time and time , they know that there's always a price tag, there's always a time to benefit from  works and that is what they are seeing now, they planted,nutured same after watering it,now they are harvesting the Crops of Electoral values,which is expectant.

One thing that's tangent in a Christian life,is our believe in the days of Bible,no matter how odd it sounds,we still have blind belief, same way A General were made to swim a putrid water that Prophet Elisha told him that will make him clean from leprous condition,he swan and he was made clean, that's Faith in blind alley ,as that Water may have caused him Skin irritation and mess his cosmetic toned skin.

Moses believe that once he struck his Sepulchre on River Nile as God instructed,that a Path will be created,he struck it and water patted way for them to walk freely into freedom. An act that sound silly if looking at from wisdom parlance.

We believe that if a good man is elected, Nigeria will become the cynosure of all Nations and our generation with the ones that will come shall be celebrated more than people of Luxemburg because we have it all in minerals ,if handled by knowledgeable hands ,the Nation will become the bride with all the Curves, also neck bending for masculines, so we keep on advising, soliciting for great overseer's that will drive this Car alright,but the 2 legs of the Tripodial wheel believe that it's better to Torpedo the Boat than to allow a professional and seasoned igbo person take the glory of the conquest.

Now they want same igbo who are still trying to understand why such perfect packaged hatred were channeled to them to join the band wagon of those who labeled our legs Mammal like, while all of us are hunting for mammals in the wild, well be it as it is, we swallowed our Phlegm and moved on, but they want us to protest against the doom we warned against, we lamented in Philosophical tones before the election and the monarchs decreed the gods to dance against us during the daylight, just to CREATE animosity and fear. 

Come on , even a fowl charge at you when you Cross the bound of Using her for sacrifice and venture near her Chicks that are still weaning.

Now they are seeing Silhouette of what we lived with since 1967 ,our ELDERS will say "The Snake that has been biting us, just swipe them with the tail and they are in hysterical mode, how about us that lives with it in confined room ?".

At the moment, it's surprising that most OWAMBE exponents don't dance OWAMBE again, they don't combine various Protein in Pot of Stew ,and now they beg to Lap 4 persons on one seat in commercial vehicle and worst inside Keke Maruwa, showing disdain for compatriot they choose.

The Northern angle are angry just because the continual National pump they have been Using as traditional well were locked for services with tools of hardship.

Both should know that that Acidic rain they conjure shall pelt all roofs and no matter the rain checker in use,the acidic rain shall render it useless.

Truly what they call Hardship has definition at Abu 184 which said" Site na ihu na anya Jisos, ógadi nma, Ebere ya ekweghi mgbanwe odikwo nma",but that's for the initiates only.

The Hard Truth is that Ndigbo are yet to feel the full powers of the hardship because we have lived in abject rejection since 19kiridim and it have mastered us, we can't see hardship of today different from the gross hardship of yesterday, talkless of what we experienced when it was a Policy that we are ostracized in certain circle,they even declared with a decree that our properties after the Genocide of 1967 to 1970 ,that our MONIES in the bank are abandoned money and our properties called and declared ABANDONED properties.

  What we see today is standard treatment we are use to. 

Just like a dog in AFRICA complaining that she was fed with remnant,the question is what do they fed her with before now ?.

One thing we can't forget to remind everybody is 

1) When you. keep on punishing a Maid or Male servant, you position the  person to become like Gold sweated through furnace to become pure Gold from lump of black object. 

2) He that is down fears no fall , so planning for further decline for Ndigbo is Just another STORM in a Tea Cup, just like asking Israel to Walk from Gate to Bedroom without remembering they walked for 40 Years for a Journey of 40 Days. 

When you kick a hopping Toad,just know it's a lift and not punishment.

3) Jonah wasn't afraid again to tell people of Nineveh that God is angry and will destroy them, because he tried suicide just to escape the mission and it didn't work, he was swallowed by whale and later was vommitted unto same Land , so he is at peace with whatever that come his way, same thing is the fate of Ndigbo, if you make things tougher for them, they bring in the kind of survival instinct that scare even the Devil. 

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, Minority Opinion writer na South East. 

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