Thursday, November 1, 2018

Sweating to God on..

NOVEMBER to Remember as Mazi Odera prays to God... Scripted by Mazi Odera POg 1/11/18.

Good Morning the most distinguish, Oputa Udo Adi na Uwa and in Heaven, the Creator that was not created, the Beginning without begin, the Omni that makes Science to appear toyish. 

Father, I bring you greetings from Human, both the good and the Bad but not from Politicians because they seems to see self as You (God) or equal to You( God) . 

Daddy, despite you are God and residing In Third Heaven where no human can ever appear, but you still answer us, you have time to listen to our bickering day in and day out, you systematically gave free Air to everybody, you gave health to everybody without asking for status, if you had removed your hands on affairs of Men, the raiders who we mistook for leaders would have used Us as spare parts to  service the health of the  Rich and the families of the well to do. 

Thanks once again for being Fair, you answering  prayers anytime, while any Politicians that saw a tiny shadow of upgrade in his or her part will stop answering phones, stop attending to people and start building euphoria castle of Complex all around him. 

Daddy, I am Thankful for the month of November, the month you created Strong and Vibrant Men, and in Nigeria, the month when we will start the change to Change that which will replace the mistake and the punishment meted to us as a Nation because we rejected Goodluck and opted for Bad luck, and for that single provocation, you showed us what bad luck smells like..

 We saw for the first time that our Health system were so bad and corrupt that not even the President for the first time agrees to fall sick in our Hospital, unlike before now none of our President goes Overseas to get treatment, because we manage our health and ill health locally.

Our Hospitals are so inferior that when our Son's uncorruptibly fall from 65 Million Naira Moving Machine on two wheels , we simply fly them away to those Nations that has leaders with conscience, the leaders that believe in the system they put in order, the leaders that never believe in flying a wasteful Flight. 

Though the Health they despise is even too expensive for us the masses to even obtain, and they refused to infuse subsidy into it, so that we can get the rejected treatment. 

We asked for bad luck and when we saw the result of removing Fuel subsidy, which we rejected when we have Goodluck, well the removed Subsidy sky Rocketed our Fuel from 87 Naira to 145 but we woke up to hear that the subsidy wasn't removed that it was adjusted so we can face Recession, a language we heard in 1984, then it was tagged Austerity measure, but it was not to be taking with leisure and Hardship that accompanied such ailment, the Government in power then brought another punishment called "WAI" (War Against Indiscipline), then Men where sentenced to 120 years in prison depending on the sound  of your name or Geographical placement of your home,  if you are not in good book of the Government, because we have no EFCC that will harass, embarrass and intimidate opposing voices as it is today, the Government in Military fatigue uses Military draconian decree to pummel men into submission.

Unlike today when under Democratic Millitary Government where Cows were rated higher than Human,a clear cut job designation that is not just lopsided but glaringly created to make us marvel if truly Nigeria calls Obey as it states in our frustrated National noise we call Anthem.

We reward sacked incompetency with exalted appointment above those that sacked the person for unqualified output and the nation observe a silence that shakes the mind. 

Daddy, as we enter a period you gave us to choose whether to progress or retrogress, we discovered that truly many human love to reason through the Orifice, they saw light but resolved to live in dense darkness, though we know that no matter how clean you wash a Pig, she must find solace in playing in and with the dung, so those unrepentant misery lovers may have being blessed with suffering, they do not want to Come out from comfort zone (thiers) .

Daddy, leave those who prefer living in bondage and liberate those of us who has been moaning and groaning on the atrocious way of life in a Nation with the best Oil deposit but living a life that cannot stoop lower any where in the entire world, we created Record of misery and beat it with Silent STUPIDITY. 

We believe with good Leaders, our Nation will be the Jerusalem of developed MINDS but the leaders are what we urgently wanted. 

Father, yes we have been penalized for our idiocy and self centered politicking, when we choose NEPA BILL over  ACADEMIC Bill, and we start off on bad note with first class futile Governance, and decadence became the goal of the Leaders, while the Led breathe like Duck under the Water, not just plain water but bacteria and salted water at that, now Father we the prodigal Children has seen the light and coming back home with tears and our tartars apparel soaked with Blood of Humans used to appease the COWS we offended.

I pray that in your mercies, redeem us, in your mercies rescue us from the Jaws of the Predators,  and in your fury remember the blood of your Son.. 

I pray finally for Those who hunt the Prophets that stand and speak the truth, myself leading the pack , may those that chase them disappear into the VOID that has no bottom and may the misery that will visit them thence flow like River Euphrates. 

This I pray through Jesus Christ our Lord, who redeemed us with his blood and also went down to grave and Restored our caged destiny. 

Daddy, your grace is sufficient for Mazi Odera and the Family and those who said Amen with me. 

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