Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ndigbo Tetanu na Ura, away From Crab Mentality by Mazi Odera POg.

Agughe Uzo Agughe onu,, it was in the days of ignorance that one says "Let my enemies live long and see what I will be in Future", if you ask me, when my enemies live long and see what I am, it means I will continue training Ulcer with Fasting and Prayers, then everyday I will be jumping and passing, one day, onye obu agbo Nti Ewu (One might Vomit the Ear of a Goat he munched from Isi Ewu).

It was our Fores that made a prevailing case when they said "Ka ewelu Egbe ife du, na nke ife adiro welu naputa Unanwulu Okuko Oji, eweluzie Juba Okuko ife ona eme na ama Unanwulu" (Let's chase a Fox with loaded and unloaded Gun just to retrieve the Fowl on his Jaws, then after we can then query the Fowl what led her to the Path that led to the Domain of the Fox).

Aka ekwu na Political and leadership Oku, gbalu Father and our Governor's and Elites na aju ma ogbalu afu onu ya as if it makes any difference.

Was it not Nwanyi NAWFIA that cried na ebe Nwata na ebe Akwa atu aka, Nne ya anoghi ya, NNA ya no ebe ahu (When a child is crying and pointing to a direction, the parents may be there or the tormentor).

When a good friend talks to errant friend, he will be gesticulating with one Finger, but after the advise wasn't heeded and things go awry, he will then open his palm and say in matter of finality,, I told you so.. 

One General Aguiyi Ironsi who wasn't buried till date and who never vacated office as Head of State was warned about consequence of surrounding self with RATTLE SNAKES with 32 teeth, he did the inevitable by selling down the advisers, well we know the price that followed his stiff neckedness.. 

I have been crying and pontificating about salvaging the declining faith of this Nation that is currently in appeased Coma without any Oxygen of any sought. 

I am Concerned because those that cuddle the enemies just to spite the neighbor should understand that the ailment that killed Alhaji will not knock on the door when it comes for the Almajari. 

We have witnessed the transformation of the Tyranny and it grows with Fangs that scratches even Pillars of ROCKS, and imagine having a Viper as a Pet and while having meetings with Umunna to approve or disapprove of retaining the Pet, and at that point it Bite you, spit on you, and coiled self with a hissing sound, treacherous tongue and fierce eyes, then somebody counseled you that it is safe to retain that, it will get better...

 The Stupid one is not the person that brandish the suggestion but you that accepted such and that brings me to the trepidation that holds the nation today, where nobody knows what will be the faith of the Country a year Longer, looking at how all the Service Chiefs were ceded to unqualified Northerners and limited to Muslims alone.

The most baffling one is making a Sharia judge the CJN and yet some of us are yet to understand that Parlance "Awusa Abatago OKA", During the Genocidal invasion of 1967 to 1970 when our Women and Children were raped and slaughtered, when at the BENUE side of this Nation, the Igbo Families that escaped from the North where slaughtered in cold blood and used as Fish feed in River Benue, the Exercise was led by a current Benue Born Retired Army General that is flagging a Party Banner today as Candidate, but moving on...

Those days the people of OKA which we call then OKA AGULU (I can't even understand the relationship that merge the two far apart Towns), the people of that town so much felt insured with the Local Dane Gun they fabricate and also the small small Otapia pia they trust as Fortification of the town, so they waltz around as UNTOUCHABLE, when invasion takes towns far and Near,they made merry and na atuba Nwanyi Ime na aga... Until one morning early Morning when the Town felt the Vibration and glasses started shattering, the sound that made sense was when it keep landing as BOOM, UNU DOOM,,,,,, and cries and pains spread like wild fire and the cry and shout them was "AWUSA ABATA OKA OOOOOOO" and to cut a long story short, it became Oke na oso, Ngwere na OFIA...

Hitler Invaded Poland, the rest of the world, especially that breed of Snake that worship the Queen said nothing...
Hitler slaughtered the Jews and it was another round of drinking stupor in Pubs in London.. 

They killed disable and they cried with joy and shouted Good riddance to bad rubbish.. 

After so many invasion, killing and conquering, there was no longer people to conquer they invaded same children of Lucifer or say the caged children known as "God save the queen and kill others".

Austerity has come and gone, War against IGBO, titled War against indiscipline also went Sour..

Python Dance played and danced on our Lawns..

Only members of a certain Party became untouchable but read my lips... The return of the man will certainly bring inn... 

The crushing of the JAGABAN into tiny bits after all, he won't need the services again. 

The STARVATION and strangulation of Legislation by Usurping the functions with Executive fiefdom..

Then serving Governor's will get invites to EFCC and Immunities will be buried and Igwe Ejebezie Nga..

Those who has tasted his wrath won't be troubled after all, fa no na Oku, ma uguru apua.. But those who felt they have his back will be the one crying and moaning.. 

Finally, I want to remind us that the problem with given a thirsty Monkey Water with a Glass Cup is not the water or the effort, but retrieving of the Cup after the Monkey is done, unless you can hop like the Monkey as well, that is when you start hoping after her on the Trees, but the chances that she may stone you down with same Cup you used to quench her thirst is overwhelming.

Mazi Odera POg Jogging around EKWULUMMILI with a brief stop over at AMAENYI OKA to Charge my Power Bank na Nke Agnes, especially now Umuazi jebegolu Akwukwo and the Light is not over loaded also I will like to eat INDOMIE cooked with Pineapple Water soaked in Palm wine that lasted 3 days, it gives exciting new meaning to breakfast. 

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