Friday, July 12, 2019

Friday breakfast..

Boycotting COW meat, the Examination, the alternative by Mazi Odera POg JP.

The reason many don't like my style or me is because anam ano na Ukwu Akuilu, taa ya, ma sikwa na ona elu Ezigbo ilu (I seat at the base of Bitter cola tree, eat the seed and with frown face, tell the Mother tree that the seed is bitter). 

Adirom akwo okwu nma, Maka na okwu Ana aso Anya adiro Ebo gboo (I don't sugar coat issues, because issues treated with sacredness doesn't end on time). 

I believe also atoba uto, si wepu aghugho (Whenever we want a relationship, we should set tricks and pranks aside). 

I agree with some of the Crusaders that said "LET'S BOYCOTT COW MEAT".. because it gave impetus and support to the Herdsmen who invade our lands and desecrate it, ruin our Farms and cause fued. 

Also they have Herdsmen who love having SEX with Cow, and some see if as Ritual... 

I agree with them, so they can also agree with me, having said the Above, I will simply plead with you, yes you, to come with me as we go strolling in the Bank of reasoning.. 

We are Ndigbo, we don't ask for bread, rather we bake bread. 

We don't ask for fish, instead we build Fish Pond and breed our own. 

The reason we are hated by those who don't see the hand writing on the wall is because anyi na eje MBA, rifo nri  and because anyi di ime welu jebe na oke  (We go to place and eat as a rich person with remnant on the plate, and we are pregnant before going to mate, so you don't say we come to get pregnant). 

Sure, the Herdsmen has become a Torn in our flesh, but the greatest truth is that they also cause Pile to even the Northern Block. 

If we abandon Cow meat for them, don't we think that God will be disappointed with us for he gave us ingenuity and we choose Imbecility? .. 

Cow is not made in China, so we can say we don't have machine to replicate,,, 

Cow is not Location shy or climate challenge that we can say, it can only survive in Harsh and dry environment like in the North, that is what we can Ranch on our own, bring species from Madagascar, Brazil, America and mix the Gene, then anyi ENWE Half Cast Cow. 

Then we can set the pace of producing a better protenious Herd, we can process Milk, Hide and Skin, use the Hoves to Fabricate ornaments.
Make use of everything that comes from it and the Ranch.. 

Sure they do have SEX with thier own Penis which I don't fault because it is better than to rape , as you know, that most times they travel with Cows for Years on end and they don't move around with a Woman, they are not the owners of the COW in the first place, so they can't afford a wife or even can't have enough to look for Prostitute, infact they can't even leave the COW in the wild and start searching for House of Ashawo, plus not many Ashawo will grant them entry having in mind the unhygienic nature and the Odour that may foul the air after days wandering the Wild without any romance with water, talkless of with Soap. 

Back to the issue, that they prefer to have Orgy with Cow, is what will be troubling them as Tribe and has nothing to do with the COW or the Meat.. 

The disease they will contact and take back home to share is what will make them to breed something of concern in future.

If you stop them from doing Cow which is the nearest Sex provision within range, then Eithier they turn to Homo or they grab (Rape) any next female they see, age not a barrier.
So I Vote they continue doing Cow... 

But the only part that will curb and cure the Herdsmen incursion into Igbo land is when we start massive COW RANCH, there is no way, one can say.. 

Let me take OGOGOLO from Abuja to SAPELE or take Bad Road to ABIA state, for those places have them in great quantity. 

If we move our Financial muscles into Cow Ranching, then we can start feeding Cow meat to the nation, because our Cows will be shuttling at the comfortable Back of Trailers, the meat move about under Airconditioned, refrigerated Buses, and the Meat will be NAFDAC certified.

By the way, if we leave Cow meat and they move to Goat, nko?.. And are we going to abandon Milk as well?.

The Solution is not running from challenge, but dealing with the challenge with fierce solution.. 

Having a massive RANCH will stop the Menace completely and having said the Above, I am off but on with style. 

Mazi Odera POg JP feeling like Dancing ka anyi biribe Ndu, ebicha Ndu, achoba ife aga eme Echi..ka anyi biribe Ndu.. 

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