Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fact Finding....

Day 3 on Ebonyi Community center.. Handed over to CAN.

This is the 3rd Day presentation of my Fact Finding Mission to Abakiliki.. 

My Civic duty is to present Fact as I see them, the conclusion is left for readers to draw. 

What I present can be called MINORITY OPINION and if my angle is not right,I will like to have a more educated angle to wash away my short sightedness. 

Abakiliki Civic Center, sitting or situated next to FLY OVER, at the opposite side of SPERA IN DEO.. 

It was Started and finished, from 2017 and handed over to CAN (Christian Association of Nigeria)... 

The interior finishing is something else... One thing you can take to Bank is that the Government seems to have the fund set aside for any giving project.

 Kudos to the good people of Ebonyi or say the Beneficiary of the Noble projects, including Medical Center...

Now I understand why they celebrate him and praise him on high...

He built an International market, and other development sprang up in Abakiliki, the State Capital, but.. 

Human development is not sighted, anywhere.. 

Business Development is not on the table.. 

Making a Friendly and attractive terms for Investors, starting with bringing into the state a convinient atmosphere for Trade and Commerce which will impact the lives and living, should be next on table of consideration, for that should work Hand in glove with the Structural lift. 

In all I would say that Ebonyi has shown sign of developing, but I still have a Phobia, which is stemmed from..

China went to many African Countries and invested, the people at the time China started building Roads, Light, Rails where so happy that Messiah has come to rescue them.

By the time CHINESE finish building thier Country, the Citizens realised they are now second class Citizens in thier own Country, that China has come to Recolonize them.

Chinese took away the Jobs, they took away the freedom, they set the perimeter that the Citizens cannot cross, they became the Lord and the Citizens the subjected captives. 

It stayed that way because for the period the investment or say Financial aide of the Chinese prevail, they are totally bound with fetters of IRON and that reminds me of an Igbo saying which provides, instead to carry me at your back and my legs are hitting ground,trailing with bruises, kindly leave me to trek at my own Pace, in peace. 

That the help they thought they see is actually the price of buying them off Freedom into great Bondage which in igbo parlence, it provides "Nwata Nwe Ewu na Aji" (A child claim to ownership of a Goat, is limited to touching and feeling the Body). 

That same fear keep arising around me when I look at the growth of ABAKILIKI, with what I saw in the neighborhood of the Seat of Power, next to Governor's Lodge.. 

Maka ikwelu mmadu ogodo onye amu Ibi (tying Loon cloth for a man with Elephantiasis of the scotrum), which ever way he walks the scar and fear makes him subjective. 

Maybe because I am Sceptical in nature, maybe because I love to see my i dotted and my t crossed, that may be my problem of seeing above the surface. 

I don't believe in the saying which provides "Rapu ife edelu na Motor, banye Motor" (Never mind the Inscription on a Vehicle, board it...)
 I don't subscribe to it because if what is written on it is.. Ambulance, or Hearse, it will definitely park at Mortuary or Emergency Ward, and I have no business with any of that. 

I am Mindful of who pays the Piper because I want to know ife Oja na ekwu all the time. 

My hands are Akimbo while I wants to ascertain that, what goes around as DEVELOPMENT in Ebonyi is free of mortgage and not a painted sepulcher or Greek gift. 

My Uncle will say "I am looking for a wife, but not the one that is breast feeding", I want a developed Alaigbo but not the one that comes in China guise. 

I believe in the saying that provides , TRUST but Verify and I intend to do just that, because once beating, Twice you can't survive to even be Shy.

My Fear, my torment is, if Herdsmen should have the boldness to have settlement within the Compound of the Governor's Lodge, then how can I say  there are places that is out of bound for them?.

If it is innocent mistake on the Path of the Government, then it shows they should be tutored on the saying "Prevention is cheaper than Cure ", I know that, Like play like play, Butterfly will enter Bush ".

Just a Crystal assurance that the progressive movement at Abakiliki is from the brows of the state and not hand of Esau and Voice of Jacob, that and I will become a Disciples that sing the praises. 


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