Sunday, February 9, 2020

Monday quarterback..

Our Own CoronaVirus is deadlier by Mazi Odera POg JP.

It's only in Nigeria that we are worried about speck of Dust on our Nose, whereas we are drenched with Putrid from sewage. 

The World are ready to battle Corona Virus, they have preventive measures lined up, they have FIRST AID prevention which includes making sure that CHINA PLANES are not allowed to land and the ones that Landed are quarrantined with the passengers, but the truth is that Nigeria don't even have the Brain and smartness to wear preventive Garb for such.

If we budget any money for such, I can bet with anybody that the money will be looted and relooted before it hit the account of the Health ministry where it will be looted again, but this Monday Morning is not about getting worried about CORONA VIRUS, it is about several Virus that is with us, that are deadlier than CORONA, yet we are blind with Ethnical myopia. 

Our own Virus are more detrimental than combined Corona and Ebola, yet we are more screwed with Religious prism, which all the religion we practice are imported with mindset of divide and ruin, not Divide and rule. 

When I heard that the Federal Government took from OUR PENSHION FUND  TRILLIONS OF NAIRA saved by workers to cushion their retirement, then drop some pints of lubricants on the Sewage our Coppers called Wages or say the Allowance, instead for the Coppers to stand as those with unassured Future, those who will face the draught employment, those whose future are embellished with acute God forbid, they came out with SONGS of Thanksgiving, they rolled out the Drums, the Cymbals and they started gyrational music, glorifying the blurred future that is been prepared for them over 33K a month that will last for less than a Year and Hardship of EPIC proportion takes over.

Sure the Government is paying the Coppers Minimum Wage and the Coppers are happy, nobody told them that it is only for 1 year and then the Famine that was holding predecessors will also held them, this Minimum bounty as they saw it is like the money shared during election, some call it easy money, some saw it as it is our National Cake, so you took the dust of the cake while others enjoy the chunk, and that smackrel you took is always what you get for rest of the 8 years Term called Tenure (originally it was 4 years but once they have the 4,the other 4 is a giving).

Our Virus now is no longer that we borrowed from AMERICA, EUROPE then condesend to borrow from China, but that we are taking the future of our workers which is imbedded in PENSHION fund. 

We can't call this Borrowing because it can't be repaid, unless we have to borrow again, this time may be from Ghana or Rwanda. 

This Virus can only be quarantined whenever the Children of our Politicians are returned to Nigeria, so they can join us to face the Mess created by the parents. 

If our brothers that traveled through HOOK, Crook and beaten can make life so uncomfortable for them everywhere overseas, the parents will be forced to bring them back home, and also will be forced to repatriate all, sorry some of the stolen Patrimony they evacuated and kept out there, that way, we all shall plan our future. 

Our Securities, our Civil Servants, our Youths, our Literate and illiterate, this incoming Economic Virus that will hit us will make our life to stand out as Bunch of Asses without iota of Fecal matter. 

There is nobody we can trust right now on the setting as Messiah who will pull us out of the Pit and we need to find one fast, political affiliation can't be considered nor even mentioned. 

Nigeria have the most Blessed Soils on Earth as the Minerals hiding under it can never be found in other Nations, but here we are dying of thirst while we sear at Water Fountain. 

We need those with something that works in their skull to manage this God given wealth, to better this Nation and I bet you that if the economy is good, all this agitation be it from AMOTEKUN, IPON, HERDSMEN, BOKO HARAM and all others will fizzle out, just give them what to live for and not what to die for. 

Let's not worry about Corona Virus and worry about our economy that has no traction, no future and not even a sliding stopper.. 

Mazi Odera POg JP trying to make sense out of tight senseless situation. 

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