Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 ADVISE FROM SA ON GOOD GOVERNANCE to the Governor by Mkpisi. 

His Excellency My Governor, i greet you with half of my heart, because i know the unsolicited advise will fall of deaf ear. 

I know you have allergy to good and fulfilling advise, be it good or Bad , it boils down to Academia discrepancies, but myself who is Dibia Onu Ike always DIVINE for anybody both the want and don't want. 

Sir , the issue of EDDIE NJOKU getting the Judiciary nod once again and INEC upholding the decision of the Judiciary is now a cause for serious concern. 

We may not like Njoku owing to the fact that we can't decipher his Footprint on the annals of APGA, and such can also be said about a certain Chairman of the party who didn't know anything about APGA but was called in as pacification to Episcopal Honcho and was giving the NUMERO uno of the party ,and it Started the spiral spinning of the party, which made her loose focus as Igbo Pathfinder and turn to Business enterprise for powers within the party. 

In this kind of scenario, i will Advise you as thus ... Even if you have Olanipekun the Appeal Court potentate or Collins Umueri the Judgement Encyclopedia of the century, all to your Side, you should be POLITICAL Savvy to get out from this ógódó onye amu ibi which Njoku weaved for you. 

Só anu egbubero mbu ka amaró ka esi abó ya , this scenario have played on before in same APGA when Peter Obi wrestled Senator Victor Umeh for Years and Peter got Maxi Okwu on his side, but Victor Umeh another Veteran in Judicial accomplishments, the man show Peter Obi shege ,as he show enough muscle that fears even the fearless. 

When he held Peter Obi the incumbent Governor na Nadike ogbogu after the appeal Court returned him from planned early POLITICAL retirement, OKWUTE played a POLITICAL orchestra that is classic, he made peace with Umeh to the chargin of his foot soldiers, but that move made him to remain relevant and was able to hoist AKPOKUE even though, he lives to regret that sacrifice, but what i want to say is.. make peace with Njoku, especially knowing you are going for second TENURE and unless Judicial rascality of the Nation plays out again in reverse, be rest assured that you may be the first Governor in South East that didn't get return ticket of his Party. 

I won't advise meeting NJOKU just Yet , send Emissaries to water the ground, make heavy inroad into watering the negotiating and you will walk in and cement the process. A bird at hand worths entire heaven filled with Birds.

Don't draw hefty line of impossibility between you, Njoku and your Ticket, don't forget that you may not be sparring only NJOKU, as unseen hands will be at play as well . 

When OKWUTE met this kind of quandary, he met and negotiate, just don't forget na isi Ani adi ató ebe akpóru ya . 

Njoku has nothing to loose whereas you have all to loose. 

I know you may be considering worst case scenario, you port to APC just know they will draw you ufuru ma ani. 

Porting to LABOUR is what i know you CAN NEVER do, for so many bad blood and Ego massaging

Unless you consider PDP, and you know they have penchant for loosing election with self and by approving NWC working against the progress of the party. 

Why is Odera offering advise, what's the hidden cache ? 

I come with open mind , just to know that the next election will be free , fair and just ,and not that you were conspiratoraly beaten.

I remain your SA on Good Governance (UNPAID) and i love to remain fair and Just. 

Mazi Odera POg JP. 

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