Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Ótabiri onye Ndi APGA i greet you , infact when i read the piece as link attached under,i know there's remnant of onye ma ife in APGA, I want to join self with a JOINDER,see article under ,my JOINDER after the link

Nnanna, you think it's possible that APGA will get SOLUTION in this generation and especially under the incumbent Governor ? 

Do you know that it's dangerous to make somebody who always tell you what others say about you behind you to curry favor,because he will tell them what you said about them behind you as well to be seen as good Friend. 

Do you know A DG that lead Campaign of another Gubernatorial candidate was working assiduously against his Boss and even before the election he has signed deal with opposition that he will truncate chances of his party, he did that and was openly rewarded with a juicy and sensitive position in the party he should have worked against. 

Let's leave the Path of business between some candidates in Anambara election, though some are pushed to serve as Candidate of some party, but they have long standing arrangement to continue working as Nwa boi to former Boss , but they wasted time and effort of parties playing hide and seek and nature always make them roll as Stone without gathering moisture or say POLITICAL structures, but that's outside the Issue in discuss. 

Same Man that worked perfectly and sabotage another Party were rewarded,  good a thing he Started working against the employer from inside, as he has been supplying opposition the needed yardstick to make sure that APGA is on wheel chair, as he created nuisance between WARD CHAIRMEN vs State Chairman, instead to use party hireachy to do things, he resort dealing with Ward Chairmen directly , Ward Chairmen doesn't take instructions from State of Local Government Leaders anymore he even created Whatsapp group with them and he feed ism and SCHISM within the party, that's a game plan to weaken the party badly and it's working. 

APGA is no longer a party but enterprise.

Do you not ask self why same Man created STAKE HOLDERS for TC recommendations, but fill them up with Ndi be Eddie Njoku?.

He tactically remove APGA die hard and infuse Eddie Njoku accoytes into positions, so that it will be easy to show the Governor who is the Boss if the Governor dare piss him off . 

Check all TC that served in the state, he created a system where there won't be good working relationships between the House members and TC, it's his manipulative stake, but that's by the way, it's result of making a viper your Friend. 

The greatest hammer waiting for APGA is ,if the Governor accept the Stage of doom he sold to him when he told the Governor that they shouldn't conduct Primaries for the LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION, that they will simply write the names of all TC Chairmen as ANSIEC will announce same as winners, but he knew very well that other parties will set such ablaze, APGA members will be so willing to testify in courts maka the insult adigo too much ,but he simply wanted a stage where the Governor will be panicking and relying on him and he will be Richer than he ever dreamt about. 

Have you heard the POLITICAL ADVISER advised the GOVERNOR for any peaceful move in APGA ? OR have you heard that there was any reconciliation between loser and winners in APGA? ,he is Always about what will bring in more haters and bad blood within the party.

They simply want a party that is in tatters and a faction is filed with other party members which will be benefiting from the Government of the day , while the party people will be gnashing teeth as outsiders and they didn't ask for how long will it work in their favor. 

Have you ask self why they insisted to remove Now Senator Victor Umeh and boasted they will retire him politically? they fear the Man , but i can tell you here and now , as the Man who Fought Sir Victor Umeh mercilessly for decades without taking a break.

That Man is a moving Party On it's self, he is moving train and Historic encyclopedia, if that man is still in APGA i bet you that he would've used night to make day and make sure that reconciliation happened that this case won't get to where it is. 

I know Chekwas advised the party last year to reconcile with Njoku to avoid the Court issue getting to appeal and moving on to supreme, but the Head boasted that if it comes to that he switch party, but i can hold my Nadike ogbogu and tell you that which ever party he enters now , he will see the real reason why PDP is a determined party that swear they can never win election again in ANAMBRA State, it's a resolve nailed down at breath of deep sea. Let APGA know that things have fallen apart,but with Peace loving people, some Sanity will be restored.

The Political problem now in APGA is anchored on one Man who see APGA from Prism of Business man. 

If the Governor had set boundaries for him or change portfolio for him, this crisis will be averted. 

Also the Governor is not helping matters as he surround self with people who can't tell him straight up that certain things are wrong ,we know that most Commissioners Dread meeting the Governor for he won't treat them with any respect or consider the Opinion and that's not a way forward.

He should get people who sit at the base of Ugoro Tree , chew the seed and spit out and say Chei ina enu ajó inu. 

He should know that ADVISERS are not lovers and not those you will advise when they come to advise you, an adviser is somebody who see things from right prism even though you won't like it, but he will lay same on the table and defend same.

 if APGA want to approach any election, they should start with genuine reconciliation, but any Political adviser that is current should be thrown to other Divide and allow Brand New genuine brains to move it.

 Try to rescue the only Njíri malu ndi Igbo. 

We all can't be in APGA but i know most Ndigbo are Diehard APGA, Just like you see an IDEMMILI person anywhere and hail him Idenna, you have just bought a brother or Chinese when they want even your Chinese Wife to sabotage you , they will tell her Wó miem Tugwo rein "(We The Chinese people) and that's a renewed Yoke.

Same with APGA , once you hear Okokoronko... it must be Chi efogo, that's a unique umbrella which they have been tearing apart. 

I agree perfectly where you call for bringing Peace to founders and Makers of the party, even though they won't come back, but that's the first Love and they all want to see Igbo with a Voice Which comes from one Party and that should be APGA. 

i remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, Pain to mischievous POLITICIANS, Gentleman with baseball bat. 

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