Saturday, August 14, 2021

Ge nu Nti, Ndi Ntorobia Ndi Igbo, Obu Nwanne Unu Mkpisi..


Listen to me Young and Vibrant igbo Boys, you are the future of Ndigbo and Nigeria at large, I know the adrenalin pumping inside you is telling you "Nothing Dey Happen" , but as the saying provides "What an elder saw while sitting down, a Youth can't see same even Atop Iroko tree with Binocular".

What a Sheep saw and looked at with askance, is same thing a dog saw and started barking, but in world of today, especially one like hours, we should borrow the philosophy of "Nedum gi Jehova Uku" (Be our fortress indomitable God, don't let our enemies triumph over us). 

I come to us  with regret over the #Nebolisa Sons expirience, a situation no one can wish even enemies, but standing on existing experience from that, may I advise those with Functional ears after all we understand the prism of, where they Counsel a Son of the Family, the Slave boy picks his senses and way of life.

Alaigbo is hostile as it is, the POLICE, ARMY, NAVY and even Vigilante are as scared as you are, if not more,come with me let's do a bit expose.

Things have fallen apart, lo and behold the center can't hold. 

The Security became target of Shooters, even though they do not have any hand in most of the ills that besiege the Nation, some entered the force for want of Job, they are doing it purely as Job and not as Tyrants who are hurting others for Spot, while some are (Evil replica) , which was the reason you see them assigned to protect some Rich Nonentity that treat them like House boys or errand boys and they stayed without crying out or trying to redifine the ugly situation. 

They accept the posting not because they like it, but the hireachy send them and they  obey because it is part of the Job description, so when they are made object of Vengeance by angry Gun Men especially on rampage , that is not Justice as they are Victims as well.

Many of the security Men are with Families who are paid less than 100K a Month in today's Nigeria, imagine what 100K will buy for a Family of 5 for a week, but this Men are meant to survive on such meagre sum for a whole month and some of us will say "Police take Bribe", me I give them money even when I wasn't stopped or asked because I see that the Society, sorry the Government are not fair to them, they buy things like we do at astronomical prices..Uniform or even Gun doesn't command discount and there is no priority given to Uniform, so we are all in same pool of draught. 

 Even Police Commissioner must buy Bread at the newly increased price, he can't say I am Commissioner, so give me bread at old price , the wife will buy food stuff at same market where the Wife of Painter and even wives of UGM buys thiers, but let's continue.. 

So as UNGUN KNOW MEN makes them a price of Vengeance, whereas they should be seen as also the afflicted, they are trapped  between the Devil and deep Red Sea, those who are bound in Yokes with them sees them as Enemies, that's height of complications for any Security because the Boss doesn't consider them good enough for support, the Society sees them as Scums and those who they are Seconded to serve use them as Nwa Boi and not that they are paid well for them to endure because of the Wages.

They are in a quandary, needs solace and not outright victimization, so fa Ana aghazi Eze. 

I am not making case for the Police, Army, Navy but reasoning with us for us to see them as affected too, people living in bondage like the rest of us. 

While growing, they use to teach is that Nigeria is the Giant of Africa, I was thinking of Giant Elephant.. But grown up to know we are just a Giant Rat with Rabbies (dog sickness) and we refused to have a Vet Doctor look at us and do some prescription. 

We can make case for those Men and Women in Police, same them will be sent with GUNS scrapped in any Developed Country over decades ago, but because our Government don't care about those Men and women whose lives are displayed on the line with the antiquated Guns that every nation may have recycled, they refused to accord them the necessity...

BOKO HARAM  shoot them as Prey.

Bandits shoot them as well.

UNKNOWN GUN MEN uses them as shooting range and that makes them to have utter trepidation, which brings me to my warning...

When you are YOUNG and driving, especially in South East, do not..

1) Carry more than a passenger of Young person, especially Boys and Girls as the Tensed Police do not have Magical Decanter to tell if you are Unarmed or armed.

As those who attack them comes in same guise and sequence.

So to be free and out of provocation of Had I know , don't place self into line of where you can become a Victim.

2) When approaching Check Point, don't drive like an Idiot, or  behave in a way that will make Security think you a threat  as that may bring un-needed attention and a jumpy and itching finger may draw the Trigger and once the Bullets goes out, the regret attach self to it.

3) Wind down your Windows both front and Back windows once you approach them to show you have nothing to hide, especially Vehicles with Tinted windows.

At night, put your inner lights at approach, so it shows you are not a threat. 

4) Don't start throwing your weight or connection around to  Men on Check point or at patrol Vehicles, the worst that can happen when you provoked them and Satan helped to escalate the already tensed situation is for Bullet to be lodged and then SOCIAL MEDIA will shout, cry but you are gone to after life.

The Legend of "Be onye Ujo ka Ana ano atu be Dike aka, comes to play" (From the house of a Coward does they converge to point and discuss the isolated house of a warrior).

5) Police, Army or other Security Agencies want a better life like you, they may act badly and irrational because of tense situation, so we should always try not to be temptation, we should abide with the Laws of Survival Chapter 3,article 2 C which provides "Voom ka nma, karia statement".

Also article 5A of same provision, which provide "Voom ka nma karia, let me explain".

Moving on, I do not know what must have caused the shooting of the Nebolisa Boys, but three of them driving in same Car on a Day there was tension created by SIT AT HOME is not a wise situation, as the boys did not know that an attack was carried out on the Security post out there, and the tensed security may have sighted Car laden with Boys and may have made bad judgment call. 

If the Security were bent of killing them as blood suckers , they wouldn't bother taking them to hospital or sparing the ones that survived, they would've done something evil and only regrets and cries would be heard after...

 So we thank God for intervention but let that be our warning for tomorrow..

Don't ride in a Car with young Boys and don't be more than 2 Young Blood in a Vehicle, especially the one that will pass Security sentry.

I know you have  right of road, you also have the right to carry as many as your Brother or friends in your Car, but also know that the Security has the right too to protect self and take a precautionary stand, which in most cases will not end well, if we consider the condition of our Security, they have the lowest salaries in the World, have antiquated Guns that may even shoot self, some of the Guns don't even have Butt again, yet they hand same over to Men to go and risk thier lives and on event of dead of a Security personal, I don't think they give family Member up to 2 Million Naira as compensation, so what is the Joy of working then?. 

Anyway, I simply pray we be mindful of how we move around with vehicles that appears suspicious , so we can stay alive.

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, MNE, NCKNA, MOWNSE, DOI, SAGG, AAAEOEL, LBMN going to 6 O clock Service with Ekpere na Abu tucked under my armpit, while humming "jisike asula ngongo, ma Uzo gi gbaa Ochichi". 

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