Tuesday, May 24, 2022

 LADIES, don't Turn Prayer to Mockery "Carry me Dey Go my Husband house" the Prose by POg.

Greetings and exceptional moment to we all, I bring good tidings in one hand and Chastisement of Love in another.

Recently there is this Music that went Viral, because Sin and iniquity goes Viral and good behavior is called archaic, but moving on, the Prayer Music said and I provide "Carry me dey go, Jehova carry me dey go my Husband house", to some it is a Prayer for desperate Girls who wants to marry and to some it is SKIT, and time for comedy, as for me, because I am Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, I come to educate our Girls and boys, because I am Mkpisi ndi Egede, I come with free flow of the Pen as it scribe the way only one who has the burden of shoving truth down our throat shall scribe.

Come with me, hold the helm of my garment as we stroll down the Pathway that led to Mmiri Nwa Onuicha somewhere na Orumba.

When God wanted to start interfering in business of Wife given, the first time he allowed self to intervene on Human relationship, when he created EVE from the ribs he extracted from ADAM , I think God took just a Rib, so that the Man has all the authority as planned by God but once God ascended back to his dwelling place, the Woman become a Woe to the Man, imagine while the man went out to take care of things and bring bacon back home, that was when the woman brought Serpent into her home.

I said she brought Serpent home because Adam did not see or live with Serpent and if he does, the Serpent was in hiding and in awe because ADAM would've used his meat cleaver to severe the Neck of the Snake at sight, but with EVE, whatever means that proved channel of communication between both of them is muted, but we all know that what EVE never discussed with the Husband, she discussed that with SERPENT, meaning Serpent proved more important to her than the Husband, same as women of today, they are more at home discussing her home with strangers. 

They don't know that every Anus Has a smackrel of excrete, no anus will be crystal on inspection. 

Not only they discussed, but SERPENT taught her how to Eat APPLE, not as if ADAM have been starving her but the twist in women made her to explore.. 

Same way some women will buy Ogbanje bead and other amulets online to tie a Man, an exercise in furtiity, just know that when you use Rubber Band and tie an article, it will slack and tore to dust as time goes on.. You use charm to get a Husband, it will expire one day, maybe the day the Dibia died or prayers entered your house, the rest is history. 

Well fast forward, God wasn't angry with EVE because God knew he have made his first Divine mistake which was why.. 

 "The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled." Genesis 6vs 6.

In all that regret, God did not barked on EVE for explanation or why she ate the APPLE but God turned to Adam and chastised him, even though ADAM tried to rope God into the mess as he defensively retorted" , 

“The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”Genesis 3 VS 12.

And after that Episode, God washed his hands off joining or providing Woman to Man, if the one he created fresh from Oven can be that Mischief, God knew that there is something on Earth that makes people to misbehave and that was why he said on, proverb 18 VS 22 "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.".

God placed the wife business in the hands of Men, which was why his great Servants like ABRAM, JOSEPH, MOSES, SAMSON all found wife and obtained the Favor from him to live with what they found.

Asking God to carry you dey go your Husband house is a slight on God.

What will take you to your Husband heart is..

1)Living a life worthy of being a Mother to Children.

You may be a Slay, pretty queen and Boys will hunger after you to have Sex with you like others have, but when it comes to actual, they want a Wife, after they have done with Whores.

Just like everybody pick up UBER, use it any how, slam the doors as you wish, but never on your private Cars. 

2) You must be seen like RUTH, the way BOAZ saw her on the threshing floor of his Farm where she was working, Boaz did not see her on Skimpy dress or Polished Long Nail, fixed Eye lashes or where she was shaking her waist on Instagram, he saw Ruth while she was working.

Men saw girls with a mindset, the one you will rush as Carburator Cleanser, that one will be SEXY and Dress like a Slut.. But the one you take home must be presentable and eye catching as a Saint even if she is Wolf is Sheep apparel. 

3) You see on Social Media where a Boy will kneel down and propose to a girl, Nne most of them are the boys trained by the Mother and not the Father, listen and listen good, the only thing that will keep that marriage is, if the wife is a praying type as the foundation was wrong.

Infact, real men don't even have time for engagement Ring, when they certify you as wife, you will know his mother which he will take you to, the sisters, the brothers and he knows yours as well...

If the Man is from Idemmili (The Capital of Civilized Men) the proposal is any day he will ask you, when do we(His family) come to see your parents, don't ask him for what as that may fetch you bad eyeing or ezigbote mba.

4)You go to a Man's house, who you are planning will marry you and you bought take away food not the one you will cook ?, he took you out always to eat because you can't cook, Ada NNE you are Waka pass... 

A Fiancee in real sense always want to enjoy your Curinary skill and when you cook bad one, he will tell you that this one is not like your cooking, that's a code to let you know you missed it and he want the best from you.

All those sluts on Social Media will disagree with me, but I am not in banter mode , I am here shoving truth down your throat. 

5)You came to his house and see his dirty light singlet, Boxers and all those small stuff and  you said "I am too big to engage in such, I am not dry cleaner, he should buy washing machine.. No problem.. What you wrote in JAMB is your right answer but the answer the questionnaire wanted, you missed , so you fail by using your answers instead of the right answer .

He will continue searching for a Lady who doesn't pay more attention to her look, because any lady that pays more attention to her look, is not WIFE MATERIAL and certainly will be a bad mother.

You want a good Husband, but the only skill you have is between your Thigh and cleavage?.. Your head is empty and no other qualifications.. Only Demon will give you a Horse Bound. 

6)Just reverse the situation.. If your own blood brother brought somebody like you, somebody who act like you, with your kind of mindset, who love money with all she have, who can do anything for money, whose only qualification is SEX, will you allow your Brother to marry her?. 

That is your answer to what Men want and when a man Dump you and marry another, stop yapping, he did you no wrong, he waited to see if you can change but you are insolvent and he changed.

Having said the above, let me Jog down the path of Ritghteous Boulevard and cool my Soul.

I remain Mazi Odera JP POg and I come to reach out to our Girls and see if there are those who actually want to be salvaged, if none, ogbasadim. 

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