Monday, June 24, 2024


When a Sinator brought the bill, sponsored by Senator Titus Zam, representing Benue North West, Which will prohibit open grazing nationwide and nominate for Cows to become Citizens of Nigeria.

The Senate President Senator Akpabio buried the motion and intention, not to be issue on discuss as he said that such is not subject of discussion , Senate President said and i provide "Akpabio Insists ‘Cows Are Not Nigerian Citizens’".

I am not happy, as i think it's the right of the COW COUSIN SENATOR to present the motion and I would've backed him and also move for Cows to be included officially as Northerners. If a Senator will nurse the idea,it simply means they must have discussed it internally before forming same as motion for national discuss.

Then , we shall prosecute them for SLAVE trading, as they sold NORTHERN COWS to butchers,and selling of Human being is a crime in laws of the Nation and the world, Since Cow are considered as citizens of the Senatorial Zone,any of them killed can be treated as murder.

We then charge them for mass murder, as they mass murder Cows who the senator insist are northerners on ALBATOIR , which is crime against Humanity. 

Then , i will ask EASTERN Senators to move a motion for current physical census to be conducted out North as they have killed many of their Cows, sorry citizens, sold many and every Cow Sold to the East must be authicated as Migrated citizens. 

Hence Senator Titus Zam should be known as Senator representing COW DUNG Republic. 

Having said the above, let me quietly check if there are Grazers around my hood , so i will name them as citizens of certain craving Zones. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede is the Job . 

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