Sunday, June 23, 2024


We play too much, we glorify inanities in this Nation too much thinking we are pummeling a certain Geo POLITICAL, but we refused to see things from the right prism. 

During the Tenure of RTD GENERAL OBASANJO he removed all the Wharfs servicing the East , closed down every other operational Ports outside Lagos, just to empower Apapa Wharf and Tincan Island Wharf, that way he hoped to emasculate igbo importers who domiciled at Main market Onuicha, which he succeeded when he striped warri functional Wharf and render it obsolete. 

Reduce Calabar wharf to Fishing pond, turn Onneh Port in Port Harcourt into abandon project, but that wasn't enough, he made sure that even if Igbo Traders uses Lagos ports for importation, that they must sale it in Lagos, then he unleashed Custom officers to line up roads leading to the East and continue broad daylight extortion, when you clear goods from Port, those inside town can confiscate same goods that was cleared by borders and wharfs of the Nation, giving impression of pourous and incompetent Custom OFFICERS at our Wharfs and borders, Which makes Transparent international to conclude that NIGERIA is  a Case study if any Nation wants to live in stone age. 

All this while everybody from dissent tribe kept mute, because it doesn't connect or concern them, little did they know that they are giving Ndigbo a training they will use in a day like this when prices of things are overwhelming outrageous, when TOMATOES will be only for the Rich and pepper which some tribe uses in place of condiments because it was the cheapest, today pepper is more expensive than Bags of Rice and i hear moaning and groaning, but it's just too early as next year will bring a broader degeneration. 

Just after the Genocide of 1967 to 1970, not even one person from any side of the tripod said that it wasn't a fair deed that was carried out against a compatriot Brothers whose crime was to live and let live , now we are requesting the redention of the old Anthem instead of Arise on compatriots ,where the musketeers hide hatred in plain sight, we are just living in fools paradise, if we actually want things to be well , we have to go back to minute of the last meeting, trace were we deviated and crave a Pathfinder that will navigate us out with analog compass. Nigeria is still solvent but moving with speed on lightning into insolvent,we are not yet in hopeless situation,but we are in conference with hopelessness.

We think that things are getting bad ? read my lips, this Draconian Acidic rain that is changing the sight of the sky to Black sky? it will rain , but be rest assured that it won't fall on just on enemies Roof , it will pelt all roofs, no bounds, it will show even the Rich that "The Rich will also cry ". Ndigbo have been squatting at the fire place before the advent of harmattan.

Lagos took over Importation logistics to frustrate igbo traders, then igbo traders came and dwell within them, and return profit to them on that investment, as Ndigbo have rendered the women wise, they now know that it's husbands that care for Ladies and not the other way round. 

We made house rents to jump above Aborigines where they cant afford to live in our Choice areas. 

We sky rocket prices of Lands even swamps that aborigines have to sale ancestral lands and relocate into sundry bushes or far far away desolate with Bones of great Grand parents, it's Just price tag of trying to cage Ndigbo, we all know there's consequences when one tries to Tame a carnivorous Animal, it will grow up and the nature will change same to wild Animal, that's nature, you brought Ndigbo around you with fetters, they remove the shackles which they turn to ornaments and sale same to your own as my medals. 

Nigeria should be ready to enter a dire austerity by next year , because even as prices of food stuff is hitting the roof, the government had no plans to Battle it or even have alternative plans , what they have is plans to borrow more Money for more Presidential planes, redesign Presidental houses including that of the Vice, but in sane cline, when someone is digging and the land is sinking, the person will stop digging and looking for ways of coming out , not to cause quake on the dug up, but here when the Earth are caving in, the more furious we dig. 

We haven't seen the brand of hardship that will face us next year, unless the Government reclined from the luxurious spent thrift and face agriculture. 

when I heard that one of the PENTECOSTAL leaders, who used to be so holy that he ostracized television back in the days when they think HEAVEN is stone throw away, when it wasn't benefiting him ,He then enforce the usage when he Started his own satelite TV, I heard, he have traveled to live the rest of his life in LONDON with his brand new Wife and we know that you cant get holiness in Britain instead you get abominable life out there ,but they preferred it after wishing us what we are suffering, i was sad because majority of those who egged us into this Mess have all ran away into exile, but they should know that even if they ran and hide in Hell that they must eat the proceed of the evil they planted. 

As for making plans for tomorrow, stop, as Nigeria herself don't even have plans for tomorrow, just dey live your life dey go , as we have laid our Bed, and so shall we lie on it. 

Those that waste strength praying for Nigeria, should stop irritating the Ears of God , as he showed us the way and we trashed his signs and expose, we think Ethnical pontificating will benefit us , now we got our prayers answered, we should enjoy the benefits of hard hearing.

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the Voiceless. 

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