Sunday, August 11, 2024

 Congrats to Gov Charles Soludo on giving the Daughter away in Igba Nkwu na Isuofia by Mkpisi. 

His Excellency Gov Charles Soludo ,the Governor of Anambra my state,as you traditionally give away your daughter Miss Adaora in a traditional and cultural marriage yesterday the 11th of August 2024 ,which is the bedrock of marriages,i say Imela , congrats to you and your wife.

We know that traditional marriages supercede every other Marital annexed celebration, including Court wedding which is important to facilitate Division and divorce and or setting apart Unity of marriage, which is the only benefit from Court marriages and certificate of Marriage which is known as Certificate of Advance divorce.

With Court or Registry marriage, what spouses worry about is gathering evidence to present to court in issue of discrepancy that would've been settled atop the Bed,but because we fortify self with evidences that won't repair cracks but set marriages apart,we gather evidence to impress and gain sympathy of Judiciary,at the end we provided evidence that set family apart.

Church marriage are Caucasian replication of Igba Nkwu Nwanyi because they don't have culture,so we are multiplying our woes by marrying our Culture and imported ones.

Both Registry and Church marriages has causes for continual Divorce. 

While Cultural igbankwu doesn't have room for divorce , we witness many who walked the path of cultural wedding rarely divorce, contrast with those of other wedding import.But moving on -

Isuofia the town of the Governor stood agog as ADAORA introduced her heartthrob to the kinsmen and Generality of the state ,she got the blessing of the father and the Land.

Whatever the two love birds had became culturally accepted as the Father handed his daughter over to a Prince of her heart in his ancestral home, thereby making the Man  "SON In law" .

It's a thing of joy for parents to be alive, healthy and give away the daughter in marriage or the son to get self a wife, it shows the family excelled in parental ramification.

Once again, congrats my Governor and the wife, may your joy know no bounds as you will reap the benefits due to parents. 

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