Friday, September 13, 2024

 FAILED PARENTHING OR FAILED CHILDREN, ikegwuru written by Mkpisi. 

Ndigbo my own people, i come to you without the standard greetings, as pleasantries are just itube nsi ugo . 

I frown on the decadence that is prevailing in Alaigbo Today and it's giving me goose pimples, it churns my stomach and causes nausea to many men Born with igbo standardize upbringing. 

Today, our Daughters who we sent to school with meagre upkeep will come back home with advance glowing Skin, advance make ups and phones that are  sold over 500K and dressing like EXECUTIVE ÓKU ENU and we the Parents will smile that she doesn't ask us for money again, rather she give to us or even contribute toward home management, and we can't even ask her what gives!! , well, we can pretend not to know that she is Ezigbote Akwuna,, but just know that three ways are preferred for making yam a delicacy, either you fry it , cook it or Pound it , so your Money generating daughter that you refused to train, who turned round to train you the parents, you should know that either those who train her like fowl will harvest her at her prime or she got self a good Vaginal disease or she will be useless for life . 

If you think the manual of PARENTHING have changed, now that Children takes over the duties of parents, just know that you are not a Bad parent, but a pathetic sorry of a Father.. i said Father because, i don't have time for a Mother who refuses to stay UNDER  a Man because she want equal right in a relationship she contributed little or nothing, but in her boy friend or man friend house she wasn't asking for equality , but when it's time to pride self in her own home , she will use Nzuzu and nmacha and place self in asunder , thereby push self into critical disenfranchised life on the street, I don't have time to teach them ,as at older age , she will enter spiritual church searching for Spirits that is causing her harm from her fathers house, when she know that it was her version of waywardness that priced her . 

Your Son will come back from school or even dropped out of school, then buy a Car , some will even be giving the Mother money to be hiding for him and she will proudly cherish the Loot and never question the source, in her mind she knew that it wasn't genuine, but rather she will assume or say that he is pressing phone like other boys. 

Sure he is pressing things including  Life out of other parents Children, don't worry, she will Press her siblings life and take yours as greater sacrifice for greater money in days to come. 

it's interesting that you maybe alive and loosing all your Children in strange ways, because your Son who joined Children selling, ritualism and ORGAN harvesting is sending you ill gotten Money and you are chesting it with pride, like it or not , what you sow you reap, as for sowing in celebrating a fraudulent Life, don't worry, your family shall be victims of such repercussion in your life time. 

Just in case you don't know , money giving to you in Rituals are money destined to you in Future, but you hasten and obtain same, then the lives you wasted getting them are collateral.


If your Future is empty and you keep making sacrifices, there is nothing for you , rather you grab madness or Sudden death. 

Ritual money is like one who don't have Money in ATM Card, there is nothing you do for ATM to pay with that Card, it rather confiscate the Card, if you press too much. Even Miracle vending pastor can conjure that ,not Dibia or spiritualist, no scam can make it work.

But when you don't have money in your life, Online loan apps may give you SATANIC signed frustration called loan and the consequences are life gorging.


Don't Forget that Loan Shark can give you loan, that's your Future Money in advance, but the interest are always bigger than the money you borrowed.. 

Note the money they gave you is your Future earnings, so be wise, there's no money that comes from anywhere, no free things even in Free Town. Even America will give you Credit Card,which is not free Money, but buying your Future just to make sure you slave for rest of your life.

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, and i come with Gospel of Making Sense, as our senses are entering into  CODE. 

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