Thursday, January 30, 2025

 TRADING IGBA BOI VS POLITICAL IGBA BOI ,the Gap with Gaffe written by Mkpisi.

Ndigbo are practicing Centrifugal ways of ascension in this dispensation and there is no way we can't always be relegated with Tons of regret. 

We forget na adighi afónye aka na akpa arigo Palm tree .

Why we succeed in trading before the advent of the Current Ogwu Ego which we baptized as OKEITE Or Yahoo Plus and which developed a SPUR called Kidnapping and decapitation or Human anatomies and translate same into money,though we know that many years to come madness ga abu aturu taba ,and many generations will be Útúfurukú because we have committed even what DEVIL can't contemplate,all in the name of making money in tons. Back to words,we succeeded because anyi gbalu boi which is practical University that graduate a boy with Masters certification and the Master will graduate many other masters, which started the name AKU ENWE EBE.

We use to have Igba boi as panacea,but we branched off to imitating the tribe known for fraternities and occultic commingling,we know the tribe doesn't trade or has traction in trading and we beat them silly because we have Igba boi as our ladder of success.

Had we replicated that Igba boi to POLITICS,we could've stand strategically on podium of Central POLITICS, but our Men are self centered and mischievous.. count from this POLITICAL dispensation, especially down from 1999 , Ndigbo Governors have never trained or retained successors,rather they will import a hollow as replacement,a hollow who doesn't understand the system,so by the time the person will get the act of Local POLITICS,then his tenure will elapse and the masses will count him failure,the maker will thinkself Omni but the gods are not crazy as they knew all intents and purpose.

Imagine Governor's who know Men that can take over from them,Men they can fix in position to learn and maintain dominance,so that tomorrow you can count on them as JAGABAN but not igbo politician,what they want is to serve at all level and hand over to the Children or bring in somebody who will mess us badly,they forget that ,once you don't have Men who can have your Back ,that your progress will be retarded. Every progress you think you made will be erased and next generation won't even know you exist, there's Anglican Hymn that summarize it ,it said "nagafe dika kpakpa ndo ututu".

In all the states in the South East, there's no handover to somebody a sitting Governor trained, rather they will prefer somebody who will learn on the Job , and we continue the turning around in Cracked circle or euphemistically speaking,we place one foot front and 4 backwards, meaning we created the marginalization that is eating us like Akwara anu.

Tinubu borrowed Igbo tradition of Igba boi ,birth it into politics.

He placed many Politicians,leaders in strategic places waiting for time to reap the effect, including up to Vice president, creme of industries, heads of Pararstatals, whereas his Gubernatorial class mate na Alaigbo is grabbing straw to serve as minority Minister, whereas Tinubu boys are SUPER MINISTERS.

When he aspire for higher height his settled boys came at his berk and call with mind of gratefulness because ókukó adighi echefu onye foruya ugbe na udu mmiri, but who in Alaigbo has that fulfillment to engage an Igbo into a place that will be rewarding in the future? 

What they want is to Cross Bridge and dismantle it .

Awusa understand the political supportive system which was why wherever they are the Boss , they conscript many of their brethren into the place and they became domineering with fury,in so doing they continue to lead in leadership and Rulership, greatest part of Awusa domination is that they start decades to infiltrate all sectors with general dividend in mind ,and today they dominated all the forces that determine our Future and security,they have deep rooted testicles in POLITICAL places which helps them to Play Lopsided gimmick .

While our own leaders are more concern on self and children,if you dare make it into leadership position,they will gang up and drew you into Hell ,that way you get lost on your quest and Alaigbo aka buru Nwa ókpuru.

In the West,whenever they are head of Pararstatal they will inject their people into many positions,both the qualified and street urchins,they will give them massive support knowing that whenever they call on them they will be there.

Currently they have their son as the Chairman of Touts in the Nation,and he command respect even from our Politicians of higher leaning.

Today they control all sectors in Security because they understand the game of dominance,our own Politicians or leaders will tell you that they are not doing meeting Umunna with Government jobs ,infact if you meet your own brother at official position and want help,wow betide you if you use vernacular to communicate,the person will give you tongue lash of the highest order ,may be with complex that any of the PASSING SIX Boss of his shall be angry,though the Igbo person know that offices run efficiently by the works of the qualified not inputted tribals. 

Our people simply love to be a lone Star in the desert than to be a tree surrounded by peers by the stream,we prefer to struggle for breath alone, instead of unitary growth in abundance.

We want to play National POLITICS right? If we don't have Home base squad,we will end up surrounding self with Scorpion that I'll sting us with vengeance,we will be working in midst of spies and we shouldn't forget that wise saying that provides "ife ósókwolu gi melu Nwa Enyigi Nwanna,ógaghi akpó gi Daddy",also we should remember na ózu sibe isi,akpóba Umunna .

No matter how Toxic a person is ,the kindred will always go his rescue when others rejects him or her,why do we continue to despise our growth ? .

When A goat is chewing Cod,the Kid is studying her ,when we play POLITICS our Children are studying,they will develop the phobia of carrying each other along, thinking it's the tradition ,not knowing that we the parents are simply wicked to one another, because we don't want to see same SUN shine on another compound,we want all the good things of life to stay in our compound and Bad things of life afflict others,so we can laugh and answer Óputa óbie.

We forget that a tree can NEVER make a Forest, answering Ónwa ,Óputa óbie,ózuru umuogbenye makes you a problem not a solution,all the monies you stark will become life destruction to your Children because they won't struggle to make it in life when you piled money they will squander for them .

Spread your wealth the way it will help others to be wealthy and by so doing,you can be a POTENTATE.

Thank God it's Friday,but we know that we have frustrating Fridays even na Alaigbo.

I am Mazi Odera Pog JP, APGA Alaigbo, Mkpisi na ede with precision, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Nwa Chukwu ku na Aka, Paracetamol Ndi Politics, POLITICAL analyst with feathers, Media Consultant with Baseball Bat.



a.  All hotel owners must ensure that every guest lodging in their facility must submit a copy of any government means of identification like National Identity Card, International passports Or Voters Card to the hotel 

b. The hotel must photocopy all this documents and submit to the president general of the community who inturn submits to the local government mayor and then to the State government.

c. Any hotel or guest house who fails to submit this documents will forfeit his or her lodging facility to the government and will equally answer for such offence.


a. All landlords and landlady must go to their president general and obtain a form for their various tenants occupying their houses or shops 

b. All landlords and landlady must ensure they know every details about their tenants in their houses or shops through the forms they will fill using any government means of identification

c. Any landlords or landlady who fails to submit all the forms filled by his or her tenants to the government through the president general shall forfeit his or her building and also answer for the offence.


All president general of every town must know that they are now the chairman of the security committee of Agunaechemba in their various communities and must take charge of the daily operations of Agunaechemba security outfit

b.Every president general must give detailed reports on monthly basis about the security operations on monthly basis to the government and any president general who fails to submit this monthly reports stands suspended and will face the full sanctions by the government.

Finally the public are encouraged to key into the whistleblowing policy of the government by reporting kidnappers and be rewarded ranging from #5million and above.

Let's join hands and make Anambra state a safe heaven.

~Hon.Ken Emeakayi

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

 USA IMMIGRANT MONSTROUS ACT,a candid view by Mkpisi.

PREZ Trump is protecting AMERICA his Nation and nobody will begrudge him the ways and means, it may sound infantile, especially his Immigration laws and his global muscle flexing may be draconic,but he is doing it with the interest of American people,he has the mandate and the right of acting on his executive Powers. 

He is trying to protect his Nation from the abominable Nest weaved by Democrats,all hiding as HUMAN WRONG,sorry I mean human right with twisted results.

Those immigrants that were sacked or say humiliated out of America should understand that , whatever gives ,your home is the best,so they should move back home and replicate that same thing that made America sweet and darling,why must you feel bad when somebody ask you to Go back to your home ?

Wasn't it said that North or West,home is the Best ? Will it abort when it gets to Africa and Third World ? After all ,they work hard to elevate their nation to First and second World,while we dwell at Third world,though Nigeria is not included in the Third World ,we are number 1 at 7th World.

What AMERICA did not bank upon is that after sacking this people,the works they are doing will be vacant and no American will do the Job ,such as Health Care providing which mostly is taking care of the elderly and a Job left for immigrants ,we know American Youths are too Lazy and busy trying gender mutilation to accept actual Job ,the Youths are too pampered that none of them can Flip bugger,wash Car or work as Gateman or do three Jobs a Day. They can't even work in a Mall or restaurant.

Not many can do hard Job , unless the one they will use Phone to do ,which brings me to what they will face in less than 6 months after sacking the Immigrants ,as there will be contiguous abandonment of duties, and Farms in America will turn to mistake of the Century as crops will be abandoned in decays.

Just like Ndi Anambara asking ndi Ebonyi to go back home en-mass,how many of our children are ready for igba boi again,ije órú úgbo,engage in artisan, after all we have seen the advent of social Media which serve as great menace and we the parents na Azu umuanyi mgbúri. Even our mothers today believe in money ritual and encourage Children to delve into it, parents no longer fear the consequences of Demonic romance.

Asking our Youths to add Value to life today is aberration to them ,they have concluded that next best life style is found in Yahoo Plus with a little OKEITE touch,same is applicable to American Youths,they have reached the stage of Zero advise talkless of admonition from ELDERS,though it's the children that admonish elders in AMERICA and Europe, which they call giving them fundamental human rights,now it has bestowed on them the supreme powers and the parents inferior Powers,same way the reversal of giving Women marital right gave them temerity to become the ALL and All or on Street parlance "Emefie Emefie",owelu na aghó fa Ezigbote afia as we speak.

Case of America removing all the health-care givers and workers of demeaning nature,will expose them to result of a family that has spoilt children who doesn't involve self in house Chores and suddenly the family sack the employed workers,that will be the day they will understand na CALABAR budogi Nnukwu Obodo.

One thing I cannot tell onye dalu ibi,bu nya akwuna Aja (I can't tell a man with Elephantiasis of the Scrotum don't scale a High fence, because I won't be the one to help him and cross over the excess baggage).

One thing AMERICA or PREZ Trump should know is that ,a woman whose private part makes noise is , she will hear it with her own ears.

Ónabu útú kenie ,odika óga akwatu Aja,but just a friendly Vomit and it will be like Balloon 🎈  that jam a Needle 💉 .

Dear Nigerians and Africa in USA on a self sponsored Slave settlement, if they despise your help which they pay a frustrating stipend to get , kindly leave them and come back ,so we can plan on how to get our own Government working,that way we all can enjoy the elusive dividend of Democracy.

I remain Minority opinion writer na mpaghara anyi, Dibia ónu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Nwa Chukwu ku na Aka and I come with Peace ✌️.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

 THE POLITICAL STINK IN ANAMBARA, Denomination and Zonal sting,a Demonic Testament written by Last Born Mpa Nnukwu.

Anambara is at another threshold of Political atughige  aghólukwa , Political bollocks and Centrifugal movement that drag us by the nostril,we want emancipation from Federal damnation but in our State and Towns ,we cage selves with Denominational Yoke and chain our senses with Zonal iduru Kam duru .

It can be assumed na anyi na asó gbaa ma na eri Nkita,we despise foul play but we enter equity with very dirty hands.

This Year in ANAMBRA my State,we have 2 Major elections ,one a Senatorial replacement election and Gubernatorial election,but in the two ,the demon has been playing us like Russian Roulette and we consented because we all think along religious prism , never on quality and qualifications.

Ewelu ewelukwa is Cardinal sin,but it get worse that we refuses to use same Rulership Cup and measure our cravings. We believe that in our Gubernatorial race ,it should remain between NORTH, SOUTH CENTRAL,A move orchestrated by APGA,I have frowned on that Demonic cravings,as Zoning gave us 2 great Mistakes,it gave us Local Government Governors,it gave us Men who reason from the point of "Are you from my Hamlet, not are you qualified" ,Men who judge position from the Church you belong to and your place of birth,which was why Ndi Agbero took over the management of our resources,and some simply converted our patrimony to retirement emolument.

Many tribes have long time developmental plans which affects the entire state,but our plans is always pretty and revolve around Zonal suffice,as if Governor is limited to local government.

The Bigger Danger is us choosing a leader from the ones our EPISCOPAL HUNCHOS anointed,not the one we know that has the Capacity and wherewithal to deliver a resound leadership. 

If Bishops or Men on Collars did not accept you ,then you stand unqualified, whereas the same Men on Collars choose the Pastors or Men on Collars who preside over Mass or Church services,they have absolute dominion over secular world and Religious damnation,I did not say Domination.

They are Serving god and mammon.

My argument today is ,if what we will campaign with this time is religious bias ,then other Denomination and religion should merge and form impeccable alliance so that we shred the remaining surviving balance in the state.

If we must revolve around It's turn Ndi South,then definitely,we must know it's turn Ndi Anglican as well...maka enye ndi ebea,enye ndi ebea ,ife ewelu na aga. After all,we all know the legend of division of 3 meat in a bowl of soup, where 3 friends are eating, it's ofu onye ofu anu.

what we should be talking about is,who is more qualified to return the State to her place when She was christened "Light of the Nation" ,then we glo with pride because we have it and we use the metaphor that provide "Flaunt it ,if you have it"..we flaunted our State with pride because we became the First amongst the First,but moving on ..

Anambara should be selecting leader based on Qualifications in leadership,not based on Religious Block,no matter na presently Ndi Odinani were carefully and heartlessly disenfranchised by the present Government, but they should be up and demanding equity and fair play after all power is taking and not giving.

2025 should be sought from prism of who you are and not Church you go to ,nor Reverend or EPISCOPAL endorsement,if that is route we will go again, then every other religion and denomination should form a merger and render Political structures insolvent.

Above must be applicable to both SENATE REPLACEMENT and GUBER,we should know that Okenye si na omahó Egwu ani ,di aghúghó , because what he need is to balance shovel in his Palm na amaputa Aja .. 

POLITICS is atughige aghólukwa,so if it  boils down to Elo chó ighógbu ani, then we all shall wear the TOGA of Nkukasi and Men like me will do that will all Holiness and brick Bat as Ógú ga atú anyi aru.

We should know na asi si kuwasiba ,anyi akuwasiba and having said the above,let me continue leaving my Ears to the ground and if the usual RELIGIOUS POLITICAL SACRAMENT are brought into equation, then things will fall apart and truly,the center will not hold again .

Mazi Odera Pog JP is a ardent Igboist na acho odinma ,burukwa POLITICAL Atomic na agba when you least expect it to, Paracetamol ndi Politicians, Minority opinion writer na mpaghara anyi, Dibia ónu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Special Adviser on Good Governance, Political analyst, Media Consultant and Gentleman with Baseball Bat.

 NUJ ANAMBARA STATE and Abysmal reportage of events in the State, my Findings written by Mkpisi.

Events starting from Ebube Agu launching and EXECUTIVE execution of Laws that needs retuning to avoid repeating the mistake of yester years, both events makes great minds to summersault in mouth agape ,but I noticed that ANAMBARA UNION OF JOURNALIST have been sleeping throughout,sorry snoring at best as if investigation of News is no longer on their Terms of reference.

So I decided to pay them Visit to know ebe mmiri Siri welu banye ópi ugbógurú ,and I visited the NUJ SECRETARIAT in OKA ,Called Godwin Ezemo Complex.

That was after the NUJ election which many hands from the Government fought,just to dethrone a veteran Dr Emeka Odogwu and enthrone a Rookie who need to serve as PA to the Chairman to understand the intricacies, but the result came out better , that's by the way .

I visited the Complex to know why the Union are not giving the State first class reportage,why the citizens depends on Social Media , Bloggers and other netizens,all the while news of Houses and Hotels destroyed are economical , it's only Government Media that bring the reports,and it's always Government angle protective,but a neutral Report could've sufficed.

Infact ,whenever Ebube Agu or UDO GA ACHI goes on a MISSION of invasion and sealing of Suspected premises,they need to take along NUJ seasoned reporters whose report can never be doubted,but taking all this DATA Boys into such tough situation is Just a waste of our reading acumen.

Then I discovered that NUJ SECRETARIAT need so much to bring it up to date Or to acceptable standing. We should know that people address you the way you dress ,the dressing of NUJ  ANAMBRA Sector di ka branded okwu agwu.

 I discovered that Government have not given NUJ support in the last three years which is unhealthy, as we know na ana ego anya mmiri ego and you need to bring your enemy closer, reporters should be budgeted for ,so they can be at their best and always come out fair and they have ears to the ground which the Government need by all means.

Anambara Government should look at  Akwa Ibom state ,how they are supporting NUJ in the state and healthy relationship are founded,even when they raise Axe 🪓 ,they will allow it to land with cushioned effect. 

Giving them official cars , subventions and monthly reasonable stipends are part of what will energize them to work and give government friendly criticism.

Enugu Government give monthly overhead to NUJ and released over 250m for renovation of the Secretariat ,it mean they understand the Powers that flows from the fountain 🖋️ .

Imo Governor gave NUJ and its affiliates brand new Toyota Hummer buses with monthly subventions and built brand new NUJ Complex ,sponsored them on travel to Mecca and Jerusalem.

Ebonyi gave brand new Toyota Hummer for official use of NUJ to the state.

Many NUJ in the north build Secretariat and donate busses and they are enjoying the relationship.

Many in the west did same with monthly subventions and Overseas training .

I don't think that all those State are richer than ANAMBRA or more educated, but they knew the consequences of playing ignorance on such matter.

I heard that Money approved to NUJ Anambra by Obiano is yet to be released till date , imagine how many years it has stayed in the coffer , unless it has grown Wing 🪽.

Outside the above observations,the NUJ complex built by Chief Goddy Ezemo need fencing and serious environmental upgrade and renovations.

The roof need urgent attention as the place na eshi mmiri like Mango leaf.

Press center needs unwinding joints ,ebe ana aracha aka ,where Journalist will hang out , compare stories and grill one another on bad report , getting together at NUJ premises helps to bond journalism.


I am sure No subventions,  no support or any kind,No training and journalists need loads of training ,as to write 

 comparative start with healthy interface.

I come in peace with Rove and understanding, though never forget na abum Dibia ónu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa.

Mkpisi is the JOB,Mazi Odera Pog JP, APGA Alaigbo ,and Paracetamol ndi Politicians. I rest my case for now .

Monday, January 27, 2025


This morning after reading the intervention interview conducted by Samuel Sinco with Udoka the owner of the UDOKA HOTEL that was pulled down by the Government,I obtained the number of the Man and step into  findings to balance the perspective. 

So that the reading audience and Ndi ANAMBRA will know the PROS  and CONS on the matter that is causing ripples in the State.

The speed the State destroyed the Hotel without proper investigation is eye popping, as the only thing they exhibited was what they call 30 empty and dry Graves without iota of evident DNA or anything that looks suspicious.

The picture showed FISH POND instead of Graves,as Ndigbo we know that you can't have Grave atop a building because you can't get Sands to cover it and the stench will be demonic .

The reasons gave by the State actors for the demolition sounds absurd and Juvenile as there was no evidence of KIDNAPPING or kidnapped victims both at the Top nor Rooms in the Hotel,neither was it reported that articles related to Kidnapping was found.

The speed the Structure was pulled down makes it impossible for Police of DSS to investigate the matter , even as it is there won't be any investigation that's not tainted. Nobody can tell what was done in the Hotel,as forensic can't do anything about the Hotel or the uses.

Mr Udoka said he bought the hotel from the original owner who constructed it as it is ,that the Top was converted to Fish Pond before he bought it,maybe for the previous owner to have oversight of the fish in the Farm and also for the Fish to be used at the Hotel Bar for barbecue Fish. 

It is possible for owner to use it for Pond or anything at all ,if the Hotel is not covering the financial need and maybe the upper rooms are never in use for want of patronage,one has to convert it to other usage.

He said since he bought the Hotel that some interest parties from OBA felt slighted and wanted to revoke the sales,but it was a difficult task ,so they started manufacturing troubles for him.

He said he borrowed money to complete the buying and have never paid back the loan as we speak,if the Hotel was closed and investigation conducted,all this would've been unraveled.

When I ask him if the Government interrogated him about the said ..

Using the Hotel for Kidnapping and Other criminality.

He said he wasn't contacted talk less of asking him anything,that it was after they demolished his Hotel that he got wind of the destruction.

He said he is in AWKA since yesterday to report the case with the Police .

He also said that he is a pure Business Man who is involved with buying and selling of Motor parts, buying and selling of Land and properties,he said that every big trader in OBA can vouch for him,he said that Chairman of Hotel owners association can attest to his easy and transparent life.

He swore he never involve self with any crime,talk less of Kidnapping or obtaining by trick.

UDOKA is from Enugwu State and maybe Victim of Inter State suppression,maybe some son's of the soil felt he grew Wing by buying the Hotel at OBA.

Now that it's glaring that the Hotel is never involved in Kidnapping and was demolished in error,the Government should rebuild the structure and compensate the owner for the overzealousness that led to the destruction. 

As I am sure ,many Ndi Anambara has Hotels at Enugwu and such persecution won't be welcomed.

Anambara is suffering in hands of criminals,we shouldn't add the State oppression to the list of our suffering.

We want to rid the State of Crime ,not to antagonize innocent people hiding under vendetta in plain sight.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

 SUNDAY DIGEST on SECURITY written with Absolute Love from Mkpisi.

I felt surge of excitement when finally the highly broadcasted VIGILANTE in ANAMBRA state took off , though we needed them since 3 years ago ,but Osita di mma ,odibalu gbooo . 

We all know the phrase that captured moment of today Security intervention that provides "Nwayo Nwayo ka Eji aracha ofe di ókú " which is a rally behind the peripheral hunt of the boys and girls that held our state to isi Aja Aja ,but óbúru na there was this confrontation since last year ,the temerity of this group of menace would've been checked rather than climbing to this height where we are at the Mercy,as many of kidnapped victims are still unaccounted for and hopelessness abound. 

Waiting for eve of election for Security to start is just theatrical and Political Bollywood,but we move .

Today, the reports are good to hear because it show there's improvement from yesterday gross insecurity after all nmehai bu nmehai (say Half bread is better than kpof kpof ) ,but I appeal..

Let the Security get the major players because what I have read from Government Media about arrested suspects are just minor players ,they started with Ndi Ashawo Amaobia,ndi na ere ógwu ,ndi na atutu kom kom na the new Bridge, truly they are worms within the system that needs to be discouraged but they are distraction to serve as duties for the VIGILANTE ,they contribute to ala adighi nma but they are just a leech, the main problem are the Kidnappers that also harvest organs.

Yes  the problem are the boy's in the bush ,the boys who kidnap and still collect Ransom and may kill and sale body parts,I beg the Government to look deeply into it and bring long lasting remedies.

Truth is ,None of this VIGILANTE will like to have altercation with the daredevil unless Government fortified them and energize them with every every, because enyejue Dibia afó ,óbua mkporogwu na ajó ófia ,we know na ejiro mkpachakó Nsi egbe agbagbu Adaka,you want to tame the Devil ,you use Devils play book and add Manual of the gods to confuse him , dealing with the scourge need lots of improvement from the current centrifugal tactics.

Let me ask the Government and the House that formulated the law of "Any house used to house kidnapped Victims must be felled".. please when you get to towns including ISEKKE,MBOSI,LILU,UKPOR,and many others were those Boys sack almost entire town and took over the houses , including palace which the Eze Adjudicated throne and run for his life ,they are using every house they like as DEN and center of suppression and operations ,in such a situation,can the house be felled as well ? Can the same measure be used both in forfeiture of Land to Government?. Knowing that if that is the case ,the towns will prefer UGM than Government,as they are between the deep blue sea and Devils frying Pan.

Knowing that the owner was on the Run for his life? And even the Government were also on the Run from intervention?.

Make we think deeper about our action maka iji iwe Oke welu sue Únó ókú ,most properties used in some places may be confiscated by this criminals and owners may be running to buttress the saying which provides "He who fights and run away,lives to fight another day" ,we should also know that Dike ezeghi Eze,óbúru ntasi nmeyi "(When a warrior refuses to Duck from Samurai sword attack,he will be coated with own blood ),so they Ran and hope for a better tomorrow,let the Government serve them more terrific news than the sect they dreaded for years.

Some houses are under forceful siege,owners are too scared to even conduct home visit,but if the Government should fell the House,the owner still mourning his sack from his house ,will witness the felling of his house he lost to UGM and they see felling and excavation of his sweat and taking over of his Land by Government that failed to RESCUE him when it matters the most..

Hmmm aga ekwekwo too many cases of itu Mmadu na arusi and many suicides in Government hand.

The Law makers should make it clear,so over zealous workers can't contribute more Carnage to the decayed system,such as ..only houses built with confirmed money generated from Criminality shall be felled, not houses used (using may be under conscript). And if not defined,you will hear anyam anyam and it won't be pleasant.

As much as we want to be seeing this boys roasted and deleted off our state,we should circumspect and circumvent scenario that will make us Monsters.

Also every confirmed Kidnapper caught and information extracted,may be escaping.. Devil will receive his Soul..but I digress 

 I am talking about mauling down of properties,the owners may be Victim as well and some of the handlers of the Pulling down may be in a hurry to impress and they will cause more harm than good .

We should also know that Vendetta may likely climb into the equation,some people when they have the Powers of discover and pull down ,they may target all enemies and pronounce them guilty and maul down the House just to flex muscle,we have seen such abuse of powers in the past,we should learn lessons off it .

Bia ,boys where is my Ekpere na Abu ? Let me head to front Pew in the Church to chant "Kam so onye nwem rida na ndagwurugwu " ABU 216..Tata bu Uka and as Okpokopi onye CMS ,Kam mapu ije.

I remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority opinion writer na mpaghara anyi,Dibia ónu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Special Adviser on Good Governance,Political analyst with feathers,Media Consultant with Baseball Bat . Last Born Mpa Nnukwu ,Nwa Chukwu ku na Aka, Paracetamol ndi Politicians.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

 LOOKING AT ANAMBRA SECURITY TRUCK,my Plea to Gov Soludo, written by Mkpisi.

UDO GA ACHI was launched as pacifier to insecurity that has taking over the Land of ANAMBRA,and some traces of curtailing minor Stealing and Robbery were witnessed,though we are looking forward toward sweeping our forest,bushes and Deleting the scums that has ruined our fate and time,we look forward at the AGUNECHEMBA giving us back our sleep,giving us back our Roads and watching as the Government will repossess the Bushes dominated by this Scums as stipulated in our HOMELAND SECURITY LAWS enacted by ANAMBRA house ,a good motivator,but -

The foundation of the SECURITY has lots of paus , starting from the provisions of security Vehicles,which any peace Loving elder will fault.

Despite the fact that we have INNOSON VEHICLE MANUFACTURING PLANT that give Utility Trucks to other states,equip our Road safety, provides Movement truck to Army and fortify many Police formation,we abandoned buying from him for reasons that is not our concern ,as our Concern is good Trucks and good SECURITY.

 We know na ejiro ura atunyelu ónwú ,no one can compare brand New Motor INNOSON Price with Ramshackle heap on Wheels which some Mayors used our monies to buy for the State, They would've bought very Few trusted vehicles than buying hundreds of achikota ekwe onu.

which the Governor should make them to refund and resign,as they are more interested on Self padding or say personal aggrandisement than being concerned with the gross insecurity that is a Siege in our state.

This Mayors acting for the Governor as purchasers of our Security trucks, bought all manner of Vehicles, including SIENNA dika Eji agba Mkpologwu to Ekwulobia ,some refurbished looked like retrieved from Motor Eji ebu Tomato, but the most annoying is providing Nigerian used TACOMA truck for SECURITY.

We know that TACOMA is a heavy expensive truck which the maintenance is gruesome,the Fuelling is like disaster and the Parts is like robbing the state,that was some of the Vehicles purchased, branded and handed over to Security Outfit without providing refinery that will be Fuelling only the TACOMA and without attaching mechanic that will be moving around with that truck adi ama ama.

Whichever Security Arm they gifted that TACOMA has entered into nightmare,as they will replete own economy trying to Fuel it and calling Mgbuka Obosi on speed dial ,then they will be going out with mechanic on daily to avoid the vehicle parking them on the road and Umuazi UGM will meet them and zisafa ónuma .

Brand New TACOMA TRUCK is expensive to maintain,infact the way that 8 Cylinder vehicle guzzle Gas is terrifying,so giving it to any security Arm means we should be making weekly Budget for the Fuelling,but this one they gave to them NIGERIAN OVER USED One which has started romance with mechanic workshop,afuhokwom  Ukwu nama ga Eji jerue Umuahia.

My Governor,I beg you with bended knees to retrieve all the TACOMA from the Outfit and gifted them something that can at least trail any fleeing UGM, than giving them something that need recitation of Chaplet every morning, afternoon and night,the worst is moving out with that truck at night,okwusi the people na danger zone ,what next ?

Sire,all the previous owners of TACOMA have parked the Vehicle for high cost of Fuel consumption in current Nigeria , now we glady kpachako all the hapless trucks and dump them at our stead,they should know we have Economist as Governor and he won't allow such grossly waste on his table.

I am appealing for some of this MECHANIC EMPOWERED TRUCKS and Vehicles to be recalled and replaced with Ezigbote INNOSON UTILITY VEHICLES ,so that we won't be playing Russian roulette with our Securities.

I so Submit with humbleness and obi ócha .

I remain Mkpisi na ede with precision,Last Born Mpa Nnukwu ,Nwa Chukwu ku na Aka, Paracetamol ndi Politicians, Minority opinion writer,Non partisan Cleric ndi Anambara.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

 MERITS AND DEMERITS OF KJV BIBLE ,a Peaceful Peek by Mkpisi.

King James ,the Man who authorized , sponsored and availed the Translation of Bible from whichever version he laid his hand upon to English,is on record he killed the Aunt to enable him ascend the throne as King,he hated Christianity with Passion, infact he burn more Bibles than any other human on Planet Earth ,he persecuted Christians with extreme prejudice. Just like Paul that was good in persecution of Disciples of Christ,who later became Evangelical Caliphate,..who does that ? Only Jesus or whatever you choose to call him ,but like him or Not,he is the Son with the Seal .

The translation has many people worried and they ride rough trying to pick faults from the Translation ,they want something to discredit it ,but it always get them the metaphor of "ugbana ka etelu unyi na aru,ugbana Sacha aru chakaria"(When you pour Charcoal on Pelican, after bathing, the Pelican became whiter).

Now ,let's look at it from prism of a mystery algorithm,as the BIBLE is a mystery that surpass the understanding of this generation.

KJ translation team reconciled with what King James detested, meaning the king saw his mistakes and took Detour,he may have inserted some manipulation into certain places, but we should know that whatever discreet he smuggled into the Book , same lasted this distance,means that even the battle of Satan did not extinguish the Fire therein the BIBLE. 

That book is the most sold most read ,most translated,most preserved,most inherited and it raised more shock than anything printed on Earth.

Note,he translated not wrote or re-written the Bible ,or included his tenure or terms into it ,the world remains translated version.

One thing we should take to the Bank is that only Original and demanding products can be copied, nobody can copy worthless product. Bible is that good that it has been translated far more than any book on Earth.

You see wines of inestimable value are the one produced in fake details,if you copy unsaleable product, even your family will know you have psychiatric problem, BIBLE is a standard,a way of life and it's expected to have variety of Translation, having defect on any translation did not take away the Bond therein or make it not what it is and will ever be.

Bible is the most scrutinized book in life ,the most criticized,the most subjected to perusal just to find defects, and if it still stand after all the Hullabaloo,who cares what the generation that doesn't believe in hard works think of it ?.

Some arguments are ..Bible is not word of God, but words of Men ,you may be right,but don't forget that President speech are not written by himself but by his Press Secretaries, does that make it not his speech?.

Don't go about defending BIBLE, if anybody finds fault with it,let them bring the Book of their god and let's put it to taste and see how far it will hold.

Friday, January 17, 2025

 My innocent Take on HOMELAND Security Laws perspective by Mkpisi.

Greetings to Our House of Assembly for making such a wonderful documents or should I simply say wonderful documentary?

I searched the documents ,though most of the available appears like cut and join ,but I did not see where the House declared that our HOMELAND Security are empowered to liberate ISEKKE, MBOSI, LILU, UKPOR, URUM, EBENEBE, MGBAKWU, UMUNZE, UNUBI and the Rest from occupation of the Unknown Terrors..

We know we have peripheral Criminals including YAHOO BOYS and OKEITE HOODLUMS,but they are not the most dreaded,the effontery of some of those Boys to kidnap our people and take them into the Wild and dare security to intervene is giving us goosebumps.

As we speak there are some of our own still in captivity,and the temerity of the captors is giving me concerns,they should be the main scum to be eradicated,then the criminal minions shall be deleted without much of an effort,but this dreads inside our Bushes and tainting the living of Ndi Anambra.

We are supposed to read them riot act,chase them our of our lands ,when that is done ,the rascals that parade as MONEY RITUAL ENTHUSIAST and All this Children without proper home training shall be swept unto the garbage meant for societal nuisances.

Without addressing the major scare which is the Bush occupying ,Human Kidnapping Terrors, Every effort looks like window decorations. 

My Dear House members,you need to assert major strength into liberating our Bushes, restore right of driving without fears on our Roads,then make Ndi be anyi to come back home for festivities.

Until all the Towns lost to UGM are recovered and reintegrated into the State,we can say that we are playing.

Though we appreciate the peripheral effort of the Government, but the Hard call has to be made .

Good morning and a Pat in the Back ,so that the Government can move with more determination and focus,that way ,we can get back our state.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

 SENDING CHILDREN ABROAD,THE Whispers of Ndi Egede , written by Last Born Mpa Nnukwu.

I went on a visit with Men of my Generation,my mates and of circle,we went to console and Condole one of our own who lost the Wife,I ended up mourning the life of Men,maka there's this Igbo parlance that provide "Uzu amaro agbu Ogene ,nee Egbe anya na Ódú"(A blacksmith that can't forge a gong, should look at the tail of a Kite).

Mbekwu Nwa aniga asked the children,how many times will any of them be afflicted and be wary ,worried and cautious,some of them opted for couple of times but one said he won't wait for it to happen to him, that he can learn once he saw it happen to other's,he will learn the lesson.

 moving on..

The Man is a Billionaire and all his Kids are spread abroad,both in Canada, America, LONDON and Europe,he visit them once in a while, but the wife is residing with them or junketing from country to country of the Children with the pleasure of the Husband, infact she is living permanently abroad, while the man is living as Nwa Oseaka gbaa aka Nwa .

Note ,that the Wife wants the good things of life ,not jointly with the Husband and the Man who ran the excruciating race is forgotten with prejudice. 

Though some will say ,a man's dream is for the children to be greater,but never to be abandoned when he is weak and old,when he should be enjoying the benefits of raising a family,then he will die of obi mgbawa.

The pains is that the Man who sent all his children abroad for a better life ,is home alone,he has Restaurant that cook Soups and Stew for him and he store it in Freezer,then be warming it periodically and baking swallow to down the Soup,then boil rice and use the Stew for balancing the ascension at the Age where he should be asleep and somebody will prepare snacks or fresh juice waiting for him to wake up and smile that he has children. When he should be on diet because of his age and health,that was when he will enter suffering part 2 and I say GOD FORBID,as I will threat the Anomaly without favor.

I looked at the Man griveing over the death of the wife ,who has not served her place as a wife for a long time ,and at her death,the Man was left alone at Home as an OSTRACIZE,yes ,he OSTRACIZE self thinking he is building a better life for the Children,the children turn out to serve him a sour soup.

Imagine at above 60 years of age, one will be forced to act as Childless ,wifeless man which is self made because the Man decided to better the life of the children and allowed the wife to rush out and attend to the children,while he is home alone when he NEEDS consolation the most. Read my Lips ,nzusia Nwa ,the Nwa must not will ,but must zuam or I make alternate retirement plans.

I wept because at that age ,he was home alone ,how about something Evil happens to him at night? Who shall run to his rescue?.

How about he need medical attention or medical gbata gbata, what then ,who shall gbata or aid him? 

Old age is not respecter of status symbol,it can come and slay man like trash , which if there should be intervention,a solution will be provided and life saved or extended.

This made me to think of my friends,men who groove with me ,they all have families residing abroad and promoting the status symbol,they forgot that the wife will naturally join them with one flimsy excuse and you will be home alone ,maybe with Driver or maid ,but no member of your family.

You have no love ,no care ,no worries from the family that took away your youthfulness. Just think if you are in the man's shoe.

If you truly want to send your children abroad, just less than 30% ,so that your Old age shall not be filled with regrets.

In alternative,if your Children prefer to naturalize overseas with a good life ,your wife JOINED them because she is taking care of them as House maid or retired in STYLE,brother go and marry somebody that will take care of you ,just know you have lost your entire generation,even if you die tomorrow,they won't come back to manage your Estate, rather they will sale them off and move back to place of easy life. Agburu gi emechigo,as people will be narrating stories about one great man who lived there,but lost all his family to Ndiocha.

 That's one of the reason why you should start planning your future with immediate effect,if they plan for their Future and having your wealth as back up plan, simply counter by planning for a new family,they can keep the life overseas while you have brand new Life down here,they may egg you on to move with them overseas,but remember oburó onye kaba nka ,ókuba mmimi..ohabu onye kaba nka ,ógbaba Lagos awala awala.

Children,you are residing overseas at expense of your Father, but your Father is home alone without Love or care and mostly,none of you will provide him a second wife to take care of him as Family at older age ,you think you are making MONEY overseas? Which is selfish,as the money is not for your dying Father,but your own family, excluding your Father. The best you do for the Man who suffered and gave you the life you are living,is for periodically you send him Kobo na afu and one out modelled Wears ,and in your mind ,you have gbapue na Ezi imi (You have pierced the Nose of a Pig).

Read my Lips ,you are perfectly wuked to be euphemistic with words.

 How about if the Man is struggling to Mop the house or cook his food or run his bath and slip or fall ,who aids him back in Nigeria? May be after he may have been choked with Vomit,you can send MONEY and ask whosoever that care to take him to best Hospital, right? and they will be handling him as extortion Article while you gallivant as provider of Funds.

If you the children are determined to reside overseas,just marry him a new wife, not maid or Servants,he didn't raise you with servants and left you alone,he was there with you with all his muscles just to make sure you survive.

Read my Lips,if you refuse to relocate back home after making life better and you left the Old man alone ,the man should marry another wife without consulting any of you and read my Lips ,if I am in his shoe,I will disinherit all of you and adopt branch new family that will be by my side at old age ,infact I will eraze your record from my anals and expunge your history from my weak mind .

I can get any young family,not caring who began them.

The reason I took care of you with my youth is for you to take care of me at old age ,but if you abandon me ,be rest assured,I will expunge your history from my mind and severe your existence from my history,itam aru na isi asoghi ntutu,agam ata gi na ike nsi ma asoghi nsi..

I Mazi Odera Pog JP and I come with breaking heart on the menopause of Men. We have tradition,Nna zua Nwa ,Nwa azua Nna ,not to abandon him for greener pasture.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


During the days when Alaigbo had Governors that care for the Land and people ,then we had practical South East Governors forum ,a meeting that gather the leadership of the 5 South Eastern States as one and they work as brothers with a purpose of fact and act of Love,they work in tandem,they defend Alaigbo in unison,they define Alaigbo by unique actions,they struggle to present a United Font. 

They cause trepidation to others who saw the bond as impregnable Union and they dread Alaigbo with fears that caused them goose bumps once the Governor call a meeting, it's like when stone 🪨 are ferried above EGG 🥚 LINE ,fear will be gripping the Egg as she wonder what fate will befall it if there's a quake and the stone come crashing ?.

They usually held meetings at Enugwu the Capital of South East and they usually have Chairman of the Governors forum rotate every year amongst the Sisters states,but when it get to Peter Obi,he was judged so good they have him lead them for his full tenure as Chairman, and he represented well enough.

But after the generation of Governors with conscience,we started having apologies as Governors and that broke down the unity ,the  mission of South East became threatened by outsiders as they found Regional saboteurs amongst the leaders, then some states started giving power to ordained SUBLANTER,our world crashed beyond redemption.

We made Scorpion our Pet and sleeping with same scorpion on same Bed became nightmare,as she must sting with fury,as that is eburum puta Uwa or call it follow come on street parlance.

If only SOUTH EAST should move back to Zuzugbe amongst the Governors ,they can at least strive to have one favorable Power supply,like having Barth Nnaji to franchise Power generation and distribution within the region,which we know ,we have the grace and Powers to Excel in whatever we focus our minds upon and another Engineer will up the productivity as generated by Nnaji and in less than 10 years ,we can be reselling Powers to other Region.

They can plan , having Railroad criss connect Alaigbo and transportation and progression shall be unique within the Region. 

The MONEY Men spent on burials and ime Odogwu back in the East can buy them numerous share in any UNDERGROUND TRAIN program,if we set our mind on it. Also you have to show them areas of great investment and they will simply collapse fund into it,than chasing frivolities.

Then and only then shall there be Security of life and properties,as all the Region will have impregnable FORUM of SECURITY,and all the Security network will be working at same time and in complete communication and control,that way not when Imo chase away the scoundrel they will migrate to ANMBARA and when ANMBARA chase them (though not in present term),they will sequest in Ebonyi and it keeps skipping from one State to another,but give them a hot Chase on same day ,they won't have Powers to even resist such,it will be epic ,and a cleansing that is total will be achieved.

When the Region is bonded,they will maximize the growth,as they will structure trading so well that Alaigbo will provide alternate China, farming will become like Israel that is dry and they started mechanize green farming, manufacturing like Japan and IT TECHNICALS like Germans .

That way ,when a Governor is going astray, others will brotherly yank him back with Love and he or she will fall back in line without feeling bad.

The above scenario has become so necessary as the creme of Ndigbo are migrating outside in search of greener pasture, instead for our elders to retire back home ,they package self and move overseas like COUNCIL REJECT.

I saw an elderly billionaire warming his soup,making his swallow because he was left home alone in his mansion in Lagos,as his Children are living in USA ,LONDON,CANADA and the wife is shuttling between the 3 places ,the man that made them all ,who was thinking he is doing his family good is left alone at older age to suffer as a man without family, even the one without family is better ,as others will have pity,but you see those who use own hand to weave frustrating Future? No pity for them ,as they ask for it. 

If you can survive, Children can also survive, don't just create for yourself a monster that will consume you when you are weak and need to benefit from the toilings of life. 

Old age REJECT is worst than amughi Nwa.

Our Children are stylishly banished to sugary life in exile, my meaning remains ,when we are gone, Alaigbo emechie and our labours are all in vain,we have numbness in our Land and warmness in lands were our children are sojourning, don't think they don't know about the migration,they need self exported slave to come and serve them, original they came with fetters of iron and forcefully took us as slave, today we process our own slavish documents are meet them and consented to serve as forever slave.

 But we must persevere to rebuild our Future,not even Nation.

 Many families exiled self just to escape the hardship that's temporal,be rest assured that none is coming home to roast even if they are 100 years,they have bitten the apple of good slavery as packaged overseas and they love it,the position of Slave with erection.

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Dibia Onu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima Afa, Nwa Chukwu ku na Aka na ónwú agaghi egbunwu ya, paracetamol Ndi Politics, Truth is our standard,accept it in good Faith or we shove it down your throat in good Faith.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

 WHISPERING THE FACT TO VALENTINE OZIGBO About His Political NEXT Step,written by Mkpisi.

Dear Chief Val Ozigbo,I woke up this morning after I poured libation to Ndi Egede, then they gave me POLITICAL Solvent just for you.

I wanted to Chest it and request for Decanter fees maka agbaró Aka afu nwata Eze ,but as Dibia Onu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima Afa,I owe the gods and our society my Decant.

They say you should revert to the place you made your POLITICAL debut,the buccaneers that terrorized you and gave you the usual PDP Screwing treatment have all gone to look for another party and person to Scam,so you can have control and respect out there.

You are now a PDP VETERAN, any other must queue behind you and it's a given.

I didn't take the message serious because of the atughige aghórukwa that is MOTTO OF THE PARTY ,but after reading so many tantrums from Government Media against you yesterday ,it dawn on me that you are giving them serious nightmare.

Whenever you see a player others are tackling,look at his Boot,he is with the Ball or he is the play maker of his side.

For the fact that you are worried about the insecurity that prevails over the state and Government DATA children were called and mandated to pour spitles on you, simply show you are bigger threat on the turf today.

Therefore,I advise you secure self now with PDP, not tomorrow,as LP has lots of VOODOO and you have High powered haters in it, meaning you might be sabotaged in the party primaries with Venom,if you want Listen to Dibia Onu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima Afa,he Decant flawlessly.

If you want to change the narrative,move back to PDP and they will give you back the Guber ticket as incumbent who did well in the last outing but got screwed by Powers that be from left, right and center which was a normal under PDP of Old , but since they have new enterprising leadership,maybe they are more poised ,even if they are not ,think about where you will serve as a king and where they will drag you ufurumani (horizontally).

I can remind you that a bird at hand is Worth 100 in the wild, Stop trying to Impress those who can't give you paracetamol if your life depends on it to survive ,as it is now , nwanne heal thy self.

As for those drooling boys working for the Government that are spraying Saliva on your every observation, don't pay mind to them as "onye ji ball ka ana agba tackle".

Children can only throw pebble on Ripe fruit 🍓 and they are showing the desperation of their Boss,I am talking about the Government DATA spooks.

Chief Ozigbo,take courage from last PDP presidential primaries,when it was obvious that they will rubbish the aspiration of Okwute with Atiku,he left them and entered another party (LP) and trash PDP badly,you can do same or loose with your head held high.

Just pick up your self and work with those who can give you the podium without spikes hidden underneath.

Ekuuchakwam,maka ekwughi ekwu MELU Onu,ma ekwue anughi MELU nti.

 IS PAUL CHUKWUMA'S hands in the COOKIE JAR ?A RESPONSE TO THE PRESS .. written by Mkpisi.

There is this sudden political Mudslinging and Internet pontification as presented by Sahara Reporters on Dr Paul Chuwkuma the APC FRONT LINER for the Next Governor of ANAMBRA State, when they wrote a  report of indictment on his company on USD 387,000 contract that was executed to the later with finesse. 

But SAHARA Reporters who have ANTI IGBO Vibes started a provocation to make Igbo appear fraudulent and coniving ,but that was possible when the west control Print Media back in the days ,that was yesteryear's when they dump falsehood and adulterated news stewed against Ndigbo, we take it as it was because they don't even offer us platform for rejoinders.

Today we have Social Media,and avenue to balance the mischief of yesterday news , today we balance it at comfort of Citizens right of reply.

Today,we peek deeper and breathe higher than the bizarre pontification of IGBO haters ,we dig deep enough and call it as it is . 

We always present fact and we top it with that phrase that makes them furious,we say "GO AND VERIFY" ,as we dot all i and help to cross T accurately.

While Trying to understand the strength and flaws of Aspirants for  2025 Anambra Guber ,our quest to x-ray candidates and show the pros and present the cons , we saw that Article against Dr Paul Chuwkuma and we decided to look deep to ascertain if there will be another Adaka na Onu enwe ,that way we will circumspect and circumvent any other leadership disaster ,as Anambra had own over padded shares in centrifugal Governance over the Years.

Please note  ,not all that printed Posters are considered aspirants,some are pure Joke and they come for amusement only,while there are those who worth the onus politically and leadership wise,they are the one's we concentrate upon .

We know that insecurity in the State has become a nightmare,so the need to elect somebody that will bring back sleep to our eyes ,and make our Farm land place of farming and not place of burial or mutilation of our own in ritual money making frenzy that is the center of today's life for teenagers.

When Paul Chukwuma was asked for clarification,while addressing the Press Early in the Year.

He said " I rebuilt the Party reputation from tartars it use to be in the East ,from aberration and Tufiakwa as it was addressed in the State years and a year Back" .

" I was with the Party when it was considered leprous on this divide because our Politicians decided to play mushroom Politics and not National Politics "

"Now many men and woman can be identified as APC in Anambra without the fears of Oral Javelin that such attract in the past, it's with smile and heart of gladness when I see many Ndi Anambra getting attracted  to contest the Guber in APC,it show we have passed the stage where we are remote controlled with stigmatizing partisan politics,many other men who despised APC have now seen the good thing in APC. They are welcome as brothers and we are matching to unite ANAMBRA with the Central,so we can be there when Nku Ukwa are shared and we get what is due for the State as insiders and not been giving remnant from the spoil "

I am excited that APC is now the Love of our people he concluded.

Reacting to 378,000 Dollars forfeiture to court as reported by SAHARA,he said ..

The said money which is interim forfeiture is true,but I can say it's another political distraction. I wouldn't have talked as the case is a matter in court,but let me address the Internet report..

My record is very clear,I have worked over 20 Years in many places without blemish. 

I Don't want to believe the story was coming from ICPC as alluded by the reporter,but if it is from them ,then the nation is in bigger and higher Mess,as that is political witch hunt and I will fight it to stand still because good name is satisfaction of it's own.

Agencies can never be partnering with Reporters and allowing them to fight POLITICAL dissents with half truth.

So far ,the story as published by SAHARA is same game they always play against Ndigbo, especially when it seems we are getting flakes of the national pie.

So far  Dr Paul Chukwuma is Top Contender of APC and should know that if they don't see what next to throw at him ,they will say he is Too black and his Hair is too bushy, it's time  somebody should advise him to guide his loin and pay less mind to those nitwits,just tell him that ANMBARA is in a great Security Mess and need redemption not distraction ,his EYES should be on the ball .

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


2025 is 9 days determined,the original date scheduled for the election which is 18th January seems to be a mirage and as even INEC is yet to set modalities for the conduct.

We can't tell who and who is qualified for the election,would it be those who sparred with Late Sen Ubah or free for all contest?.

Because Nigeria is a cruiz,even INEC doesn't want to improve on the ways and manners, especially after the Last presidential election where all the CLARITY election hope were truncated starting from BVAS malfuncting to ABUJA winning that was sacrosanct ,but was made useless and many other disturbing action from the Umpire,they simply made the nation to understand that traders are more organized than PROFESSORS outside the confine of Classrooms,maybe because in Classrooms,they are the king and students must cross all T according to dictates of the PROFESSORS and dot all i to suit the instruct of lecturers,but in a real world where you meet the good ,the bad and the treacherous they always come out as paupers and mistakes,but moving on...

The Election in quote was scheduled to be hold on 18th of January,but from the feelers and none challant design of INEC,who know what year the replacement election will hold ?.

We know there are Aspirants without experience,some of them are suppose to serve as Whatsapp group admin, burial committee chairman, traditional wedding event planner,but owing to illusion they want to be a Senator replacing a Man whose Shoe Size will enter them as Night Gown.

They forgot there's stages of life..a child must start with lying down on the Bed, struggling to sit down,then stand up,take a walk,run and start talking by saying Baba Or Papa , then the child must go through Creche, kindergarten,nursery, primary, secondary before University..but to this Politicians with abstract,they simply want to serve as Dean of Faculty without putting days in the Secondary school and at the end ,they will call people betrayers,they forgot when a woman kept her leg ajar in market place while wearing mini skirt, people will view the Bluez without remorse.

Going to Senate shouldn't be political starting point for rookies, and we shouldn't send our Children or light weight to the place or they end up serving other Senators out of trepidation.

Unless somebody who has established FACT of Excellency in other facet of life ,what it takes in business or other calling to measure up in equivalent Politics.Then ,you can say this is what he is bringing to the table,which will awe other Senators.

The Election seems to be more of iwelu nkea iriem ego as INEC has shifted her waist to same position that help them to birth Abomination as offspring.

There are tested and trusted Politicians, leaders and Men who has what it takes in other calling of life to make it , but with the current rigmarole of INEC which shield aspirants from the know of qualification for the election,I can say, INEC should be handed over to OPAY and Moniepoint to manage, both corporations are more efficient than INEC,they can conduct our elections without glitches and results will be instantly.

I am Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Dibia Onu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima Afa, Nwa Chukwu ku na Aka na ónwú agaghi egbunwu ya, paracetamol Ndi Politics, Mkpisi na ede with precision,Political Analyst with Truth Sepulchre,Media Consultant with Baseball Bat.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Bia Ndi Media,come with me , let's deliberate as family. If you are not  onye Media,this is not for you.

This one you entered new Year with same old tactics of onye kwue what is prevailing you gang up on him, carrying   same disgusting attitude this year brings more Political clumsiness than adding any positivity to the Governor.

As much as he is trying a bit on roads construction , especially nke Ndi Aguata and ones leading to Aguata,you know it,we know it that Security is a big nightmare and it scares the shit out of me and you even Politicians with Security dreads some areas like plague.

Rev Ebube Múonsó spoke and many of those Saliva dripping,phlegm depositing bunch of irritants start insulting him ,what he said is not debatable but a glaring fact ,in an advisory posting like this,what the media will do is to say thank you for the advise,the Governor will look into it and improve. 

That way the hostility will come down and those who felt bad will say the government is listening.

I don't know the Empowerment giving to you ,but it's far lower than what was giving to ERATS during Obiano which drive them to come at me with all Mud and Storms they can create,but I chested them and give them run for the money,so my advise is as a  veteran who want the best for my State.

You know your tantrums are not bad enough to scratch me,as I will whoop deliverance to the person,but I come because we must keep our own house in peace and not pieces as Politicians wanted it to remain.

I noticed that same tactics of onye kwue akpuya ikpu entered new year as if our senses emego expire, can't you see it crates more hatred than love ?.

You don't go gbas gbos with a Critic,he has nothing to lose. And best machines that help Government are critics, they expose ills within and recommend the way forward.

They are the eyes and ears of the Government,what many can't tell Government or his workers,will be giving to Critics with details.

In actual Government,not in Africa,opinions are molded by stances of Critics,and Critics are those you gifted good things and they still tell you the truth,but the only advantage is that they tell you the truth well refined.

Trying to shout down Voices can only create more dissent voices.

Recently,even Political lepers joined the gang of those insulting critics to pacify the Government,what do that tell about the Government? There are people who can't be identified with any government as they are Toxic in action and they ooze decadence in approach.

What you guys need is not approach of fighting but making friendly exchange of Ideas,some of you will curse anybody that talks about insecurity, whereas you know that it's hard truth,to tackle such situation,when one report what happened,you simply thank the person and promise that it will be giving to appropriate quarters for immediate actions, whether you give it or not is immaterial,as nobody will ask to see when you deliver it.

Don't forget people address you the way you present self,as for how you guys are making blunders,you can't keep attacking those who should be your friends.

Those Critics are the ones you will be sending good News to and they may start seeing it differently and may agree that the government is working,but continue fighting them and the scars are only on you.

Don't forget that any man with the Ball is the receiver of tackles,once iji ball ,aga na agbagi tackle.

Why I am advising is because we are family, Politicians will use us to make war and go behind and make peace,we can reason with one another and still get the Job done and keep Friends maka adi ama ama.

I remain Mkpisi na ede with precision, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Dibia Onu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima Afa, Nwa Chukwu ku na Aka na ónwú agaghi egbunwu ya, paracetamol Ndi Politics.

Thursday, January 2, 2025


Rev fr Ebube Múonsó is making a frantic call for saving of lives of Ndi Mmadu, a call many Men of Collars refused to make ,they fell in love with denominational domination,they felt they are more concerned with frivolous association with Powers that be ,but since the cankerworm eating the fabric of the state has evolved on Kidnapping and killing even the Men of Collars,then he knew that things fell apart long ago and now even the center is shattered.

It use to be Business Men , billionaires,Men with resources, while the marauders were killing off our Securities when they started the public and even the Executive was aloof with ogbasaró  anyi attitude, just like Men were quiet when Hitler was killing off many departments before the 2nd Bloody invasions he committed against many nations which brought his down fall,they kept quiet until there was no other vile people to snuff out and he turn to remnants,by then no longer voice of descent.

Now those Marauders we hi-fived , celebrated as Emancipator's,which many of us were crying, pontificating na aru will be meed but the voiceferous Ikwurigba within shouted us down,now as we speak the same people they thought came to rescue us have started torturing and tormenting us and doing unimaginable to us,as they started with closing down our businesses on certain days of the week or any day they feel like ,a move that is in tandem with the wishes of the Federal Government who wanted to suffocate Alaigbo ,infact I heard one slogan of the Sect which says "No Biafra ,no peace" and the NO PEACE policy is centered on same Biafra who are supposed to be the beneficiary.

Then I shuddered,how come the No peace was enforced on same Biafrans they are supposed to be protecting? 

If they have taking the restless policy outside,they would've have many acolytes who may think them messia in the making.

As we speak,the Government gave totally surrendered of the Security to them,we live at their Mercy even though they don't have the word Mercy in their dictionary or action.

They kidnap anybody,no matter your office position , ECCLESIASTICAL position or Government position,as we speak a member of Anambra State assembly representing a unit in Onuicha is still holding in the nest of the Kidnappers, they are never under heat ,not as if they are invisible or unlocated,we know they have camps within the State,but the government are yet to empower Vigilantes of each Town, Hunters and Daredevil peace makers who will meet them in same forest and send them home to meet with the Lord who will judge them.

I am not surprise that most Government leaders are not worried because of the security menace,they don't have families in Nigeria,they have sent the children overseas and powder them with our patrimony, they forgot that once you send your families away from where you can talk and they listen,to a place they bark and you shudder ,it means you are no longer enjoying your status as father or parents as your family must to to your Heart break.

Thanks to Ebube Múonsó for speaking up , maybe because they have seen that the mission is not only for citizens,they kidnap Men on Cassock without fear of apprehension or harassment of any kind.

The house or Assembly should continue to stay silent as if they are anointed against the Nmabu ,they should know that the siege today doesn't have a selected criteria,they take without bounds and it can be anybody.

Welcome to 2025,a Year we can't tell what NEXT ,a Year the Government are planless and more focused of political milestone,what we must know is that ,This acidic rain must pelt all roofs and not only on selected roofs,so even the RICH also got kidnapped and got killed just for Fun to the marauders.


As we are poised on the take off mark ,as we are on your marks ,get set and about to herald "GO" ,so we can start another Rat race for 2025,where we race against terrorism (imagine Anambra ejibu ama atu has become a huge Joke ,even we have been baptized IPOAS (ILLITERATE POPULATION OF ANAMBRA) by the Governor, we accepted same with cupped palms,we faced centrifugal leadership,yet we marched on with Hope that there will be better tomorrow.

We started with a PROFESSORS scoring the State and A showing we ACED good STATE,as he wrote on handover report card "ANAMBRA THAT  I WANT TO INHERIT IS NOT BROKEN, THEREFORE NEEDS TO MENDING" but the spiral decadence we witnessing is mind boggling,though decadence is never a problem to Anambra the Gateway state to the East ,what troubles us is the Toxic insecurity that has invaded our Land, before now ,we laughed at Borno state in the hands of BOKO HARAM,a group formed to rig election and protect the mineral deposits they don't want 2 legs of the Tripodial FORUM to benefit from ,though every Hamlet benefit from the Oil deposit found in the East and South South. That is national wealth, whereas the minerals our North is for the caliphate.

Anambra Insecurity have taking over our roads, Pathways and take complete command of Traditional celebrations in our State,as we have relocated igba nkwu,iku Aka ,ichi ózó will join by proxy,as burial today are done at night and festivities marked in Enugwu and Delta,yet the State government doesn't find it a deadly decline.

What pricks my mind is ,how should they present and produce election results of those places overtaking by UGM and SEPARATIST? 

Are they going to allocate winning results to the booths out there where we know won't have physical presence of Voters ?.

I know in the North they use to give winning Votes to those era with massive drought of voting as insecurity purveyors won't allow anybody to build voters stand,not to talk of where SEPARATIST camped and daring the Government, if one should mount presence there to conduct voting,we are sure that gory stories will abound,so it's obvious there won't be voting in those towns that are under siege,now how can they rate the results of the place ?.

One thing if for sure , whatever result they announced, opposition will approach court and ask for any Election presiding officer that signed the results sheets ,so the person can be grilled on the location of the pooling booths and how many people that came out to Vote on same.

If the insecurity is allowed just to manipulate results of the places under siege, they should know that such results can't stand because nobody living will sign such uncultured result sheets,as they will make witness in judicial brickbat.

If APGA have limited the Local Government election to the treacherous manipulation of handing it over to appointed and not elected members,but allowed them to use the Local Government allocation,the state would've challenged them to secure the Local Government within jurisdiction, not now the Government used House of ashamedly to emasculate them and stripe them of the monies that would've giving them the energy to mark the territory.

Thank God the Kidnappers released Arch GODWIN OKPALA and his driver after a month,so the Thanks goes to who ? The temerity of Kidnappers and silence of the Government is something I can't understand.

Insecurity is still the biggest problem facing Anambra,we can do with Bad roads,but we can't deal with insecurities..