Sunday, January 19, 2025

 MERITS AND DEMERITS OF KJV BIBLE ,a Peaceful Peek by Mkpisi.

King James ,the Man who authorized , sponsored and availed the Translation of Bible from whichever version he laid his hand upon to English,is on record he killed the Aunt to enable him ascend the throne as King,he hated Christianity with Passion, infact he burn more Bibles than any other human on Planet Earth ,he persecuted Christians with extreme prejudice. Just like Paul that was good in persecution of Disciples of Christ,who later became Evangelical Caliphate,..who does that ? Only Jesus or whatever you choose to call him ,but like him or Not,he is the Son with the Seal .

The translation has many people worried and they ride rough trying to pick faults from the Translation ,they want something to discredit it ,but it always get them the metaphor of "ugbana ka etelu unyi na aru,ugbana Sacha aru chakaria"(When you pour Charcoal on Pelican, after bathing, the Pelican became whiter).

Now ,let's look at it from prism of a mystery algorithm,as the BIBLE is a mystery that surpass the understanding of this generation.

KJ translation team reconciled with what King James detested, meaning the king saw his mistakes and took Detour,he may have inserted some manipulation into certain places, but we should know that whatever discreet he smuggled into the Book , same lasted this distance,means that even the battle of Satan did not extinguish the Fire therein the BIBLE. 

That book is the most sold most read ,most translated,most preserved,most inherited and it raised more shock than anything printed on Earth.

Note,he translated not wrote or re-written the Bible ,or included his tenure or terms into it ,the world remains translated version.

One thing we should take to the Bank is that only Original and demanding products can be copied, nobody can copy worthless product. Bible is that good that it has been translated far more than any book on Earth.

You see wines of inestimable value are the one produced in fake details,if you copy unsaleable product, even your family will know you have psychiatric problem, BIBLE is a standard,a way of life and it's expected to have variety of Translation, having defect on any translation did not take away the Bond therein or make it not what it is and will ever be.

Bible is the most scrutinized book in life ,the most criticized,the most subjected to perusal just to find defects, and if it still stand after all the Hullabaloo,who cares what the generation that doesn't believe in hard works think of it ?.

Some arguments are ..Bible is not word of God, but words of Men ,you may be right,but don't forget that President speech are not written by himself but by his Press Secretaries, does that make it not his speech?.

Don't go about defending BIBLE, if anybody finds fault with it,let them bring the Book of their god and let's put it to taste and see how far it will hold.

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