Friday, November 22, 2019

The Conspiracy between my Mpa na Mma of Mazi Odera POg JP.

I was busy enjoying my time at Children's Department in Heaven, as the Children Choir leader, you need to see my immaculate Black Robe that makes me standing out among other Angelic beings. 

Then some where here on Earth, my Mpa and Mma where playing and playing and before you know it, Mpa played a Banana Shot, at that particular moment was when I wanted to branch off the Corridor of Holies, then I bump into ARCH ANGEL MICHEAL, he pushed me through the Lift of Galaxy and I heard the Man I later know and address as Mpa shout "It is a Goal". 

I look round, I can't find any Ball, nor any other thing that can be nominated to stay for the Shout.. 

Lo and behold it was me that Entered into the Net.

Well, that was how the journey started, I grew up and decided that I won't be looking for trouble, that I must be as  gentle, but one day as I was minding my Business.. 

MPA NNUKWU was strolling, I don't know what he was looking for in my Father's house, I saw him, greeted him and about to Pass because I was angry that he did not keep me UPSTAIRS where I was enjoying my Choir with other Kids, but I observed that he was looking for something, so I turned and ask, MPA NNUKWU ogini ka ina acho?..

He smiled and with his original OKA ETITI dialect he answered, Anam acho Mkpisi dapulum na aka (I asked God, what he was looking for in my Father's house and he said, he dropped a Pen and looking for it).

So I joined the search and within minutes I found it, picked it up and wanted to hand it back to him, that was when I understand why he is OMNI, he is standing next to me but my hands can't reach him, the more I move the farther it seems and a Gulf waging... 

Then he said "Finders keep" and as I was about to protest because I am a PROTESTANT, he smiled and call me "Mkpisi" with that PEN,  you shall right many wrongs and no Demon or fraternity shall prevail..."

That was how, I got the Pen and he channeled me to be in charge of the gods for they developed some funny hatred toward humanity, so I was asked to rewrite the history and intention of the gods and evil men. 

As I woke up this morning, all the alert I heard on my phone which I was hoping should be monetary, so I can prepare a good Christmas shopping, but it was my Banks saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I wanted to call them to ask them to translate that Text into Cash, but they left no return path for it. 

Anyway, Christmas is around the Corner and as I mark my birthday because I don't celebrate it, I discovered that the INK in the Pen is almost finish..... 

The Fuel thank is almost empty and need some people that will put YAM into the booth of a PROPHET. 

This is Mkpisi Ndi Egede marking his arrival on Earth. 

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