Sunday, September 13, 2020

Talking marriage..

 Marriage is like NOKIA phone by Mazi Odera POg JP.

Marriage is bed of roses is just an Urban myth that only comes from mind filled with illusion and confusion.

Marriage is a Bald Bed, nothing on it.. The feeding of the Bed is yours, if you place Mat on it, it become Begmatic..

If you place 1 inch Foam on it, it means you sleep on 1 inch Mattrass.

If you insert 18 Inches, you enjoy the height and comfort..

Place Pillows on the Bed, then your head will be rest assured, if you prefer to use your Hand as cushion, that is your business.

If you want Roses on your Bed, then you better bring some to it.. 

Now come with me..

Mr Man, your wife may be Mgbeke but come with me let's dissect this, an average Lady is Mgbeke unlike Men who doesn't need make up or make over to appear Handsome or take away..

Ladies need everything artificial, from artificial Hair, artificial eye lashes, artifical Breast or hanger , artificial nails, artificial Buttocks, painted lips, they hated Natural Eye lash created by God, so they shaved it off and use paint to draw artificial ones, then add Colors to the Lid of the eyes to make them appear like Manequin statue.

They love to wear High heeled Shoes to alleviate the height even when the Pains that accompanied the Shoes are horror to be hold.

Now to many of this men who think the Wife is Mgbeke, she is not polished... Come with me.. 

All LADIES STOP READING.. go and cook, we want to discuss issues of Men..


 To actually confirm if your wife is Mgbeke or Egwueji.. Simply go and check your wife Wardrobe, check the last time you bought her Clothes, I did not say, you bought her Rags.. Those Marvelous Ladies you drool after, they don't wear Rags or Bend Down Fashion. 

Change her Wardrobe and see if you still recognize her.

When was the time you gave her real money for her Hair?..

Some wives can't remember when last she weaved Bob Marley or any other good Hair style.

The Lady you chase after, does she carry the kind of Hair your wife is carrying and wearing the same out dated wears like your wife?.

Just spent some money on her, put her on a budget and if she still look like Mgbeke, then it is your Portion..

Women, some of you are naturally dirty, uncultured, unbridled with sense that is good only in plotting evil.

If you are not a praying but Fun catching woman, read my Lips, you are not qualified to be called a WIFE..

Sure, this modern day daughters of Jezebel will think she owns the house, she run things and the Husband should fear her, some use diabolic portions to cage a Man, they never knew that every Drug, both Local and foreign has expiring date, same with Otumokpo..

When it expired or one day while all this Praying neighors who bind and loose will start throwing Deliverance like missile, it may knock off the efficacy of your Juju and that period, you will be old that getting another Idiot to Harbour you becomes a Mirage.

If you want to get married as a woman, throw away your imakwo Ndi anyi bu, it is an institution, a University where you can't pass out, where you are a student and lecturer, you teach from experience and learn the hard way.

Marriage is like a Nokia Phone, you can only use it if you Charge the battery, it doesn't matter the distance you always travel to charge it, it keep discharging even when you are not using it.. Meaning you must keep charging it for it to have value.

For that phone to be useful with connectivity, it must have SIM CARD, meaning you must insert Sim into your marriage for it to have better worth or what we call Network.


For that Phone to actually serve well, there must be Credit top up, if you stop topping up the credit, you will have the Phone but can't make call or access Network with it.

Spouse, if you want a successful marriage, put screen Guard on it (Protect it from outsiders) to avoid scratches.

To make it more secured, always use a Pouch (Covering with everything you can afford).

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Mkpisi Ndi Egede and I come in peace because I am Man of Peace and can be Man of Piss if need be. 

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