Monday, August 5, 2024


All around the Nation there's ongoing agitation against Bad Governance, then it Metamorphosed into Protest of End bad Governance and i was in confused State of the mind. How can the Government so much loved and chosen with furry,be considered bad just within months?

Ndigbo are dumbfounded over the sudden tantrums, because we were considered liers when we prayed the nation to vote for prosperity,but they opted for ethnicity and Religious bounds and anyi micharu noda (We swallowed the phelgm in peace).

Was it the same Bad Governance Ndigbo advocated against during the campaign and was shouted down? because we have counted 99 and 100 is no Longer a Marvel to us , yet they cried that our Blood shall be used as appeasement? Because we ask for better tomorrow for all ,not just us, but a better midwived Nation,we tried pulling us out of Coma but those who went hunting with us said our neck has same smell with Antelope and that's a bad sign for we may be mauled down as a Game.

Igbo elders said, what an Old sensible Elder saw while sitting in the shadow of his Hut, cannot be seen by a toddler, even if it struck his forehead or He is sitting Atop IROKO tree .

The snake that bite us black and blue and we smiled, give her room to squat with us as live in co-tenant, is same one that swipe them with ordinary tail and they are yelling, raising cudgels and weapons of War ,beckoning on us the most afflicted who share Dungeon with the snake to join them and do what, if i may ask ?. 

We have made Peace with the Serpent and we had Memorandum of Understanding with her , saying Live and let's live or Kwanu Choose a spot where to bite,as we shall nurse it without complain, after all we are reclining by the furnace before the advent of harmattan.

The Honest truth is that Ndigbo are importers and traders, when we make order for a merchandise, pay for it , clear same from wharf and when offloading, we discovered that it's defective, we simply pack it and manage the sales because, we bought a dud. 

We have made Peace with the merchandise the Nation bought,and we refuse to complain.

One Town in ANIOCHA LOCAL Government, where a king was suspended for giving Chieftancy to a man, there was a siege on that town between the King and King Maker who was Richer and more powerful, but the town was angry that the King doesn't have the resources and philanthropist nature to out do the King maker , so they were planning on how to upturn the king and the Man made one famous statement "N***" " Ebukwam unu, óburu afia aghogom unu, unu ya amanejibem etu ahu"(My people i greet you , just know that i have being the King, if it is Bad market, just accept me and manege me as i am ).

We have accepted the Lopsided Pervasion and gross Injustice meted to Us as a tribe and we are weak to join a protest or even remonstrate on our own. 

Simply allow us to Mourn our beaten during the VOTE RIGHT ELECTION, we have scars,the fractures to show our struggles and we lay in heap of our sorrows, kindly allow us to sorrow in peace, don't aggravate it again.

When we pontificated, we had the prophetic unction , but after that we have a weakened resolve and we simply mind our business and live our life as rejected and dejected Tribe, because he they despise can never despise self , so waiting for us to join you and remonstrate over what we shouted, pointed at and begged everyone to avoid that Path leading to Water of had i know and they called us Names , now that we say let's lick our wounds and recoil they are calling us to be maimed and cajoed once again , but we have this believe that one protruded branch cannot scratch a wise man twice on same journey, so we avoid the spot. 

We have done with protesting, we make good managing whatever Bad Governance threw at us , as our fate are now married to the God and hard work. 

The situation today reminds one about an igbo warning to a Man who keep throwing stone into a crowded market the elders counselled him to stop it and he kept on throwing the stone, until he got home and discovered that most of the Stone landed on his Mother, Wife and Daughter and he was shouting Chim egbuem , but the truth is that , human doesn't know that the scale used in measuring crops for others, shall be used in giving you the needed crops you also desire from other sources. 

As for the Bad Governance, i think we are now at peace with it and we can't turn the apple cart as it is.

Why change the Positive and the redeemer chosen by the Wiser generation?

Have a Good Morning. i remain Minority Opinion writer na South East. 

Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa. 

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