Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Democracy day, a reaction that matters

Democracy day and address by Ichie Kevin ONYEMA, APGA Aspirant Aguata 2 by Pen of the gods report 29/05/18

As we look at the charade called Democracy day, we opted for a low perspective ,so we seek audience with an APGA upcoming Power house, Ichie KEVIN ONYEMA, an industrialist, Philantropist ,Trail Blazer of repute from UMUONA.

The excerpts..

Ichie what can you say about democracy day and democracy in General in Nigeria.

Ichie :Thanks POg,but I will love if we localise this discussion, because my interest is local, my passion is for my constituency and not National.

To me Democracy in Anambra is coming up great, but it pains me that my town UMUONA is yet to see the actual benefit of Democracy.

POg : How do you mean?  Can you expatiate a bit?

Ichie: Ekwuluobia Urban still deserves to be uplifted to the level of modem urban city.
Rainy season is here and my constituency are worried about Erosion that ravages us a great  challenge that needs solution which I wants to fight with my office and might.
The Road that connects Igboukwu with Ikenga is not motorable and no instant plan to address it, but no for long , for that is the duties that I will carry on without thanks .

 My town Umuona  has never held any elective position since creation of this Nation. , so tell me how to feel knowing that my people are been denied what counts as Democracy and it's dividends?

POg : So what are your plans if you get the party ticket to run for the House?

Ichie :Thanks, when I get the ticket of APGA, I am not going to run, I am going to win ,not just to win but going to the house to address all this anomailes against my Constituency which is paramount.

I will make legislation to count by making sure that membership of the house is not a feather to the Cap, but a plus to the constituency.

POg :Why do you choose APGA as your platform?

Ichie :APGA is a movement , my constituency believe in it and the Party need Hands like mine to make it truly Nke Anyi and which I have started doing with lots to show, I have multipled the membership and acceptance of the party since I showed interest and stand with the Party.

POg :What is your campaign goals

ichie : My goal not limited to campaign, is to bring over flowing dividend to AGUATA in General and after winning the election, I will make sure that my Constituency will never be relegated again and that within 4 years, I will move around my constituency to point at the projects attracted and executed, then I will check my record to know if I influence jobs for Thousands of Youths as I have in mind.

POg :What do you have to say to APGA officials during this democracy day?

Ichie :APGA bu nke anyi, that is why the party must always strive to project the best, project those that will be a blessing to the Party than those whose interest start and stop with what they will gain as individual.

Thanks Ichie and have a great day..

Thank you POg, keep the good work going, your work is in class of it's own.

This is POg Reporter reporting from UMUONA and moving to EKWULOBIA for Lunch at the Bus stop,having enjoyed Ejuna at UMUONA market in the morning.

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