I was talking to a Good Friend whose heart is beating and bleeding Odimma NDIGBO and what he said to me made me to have goosebumps even on my RIVER NIGER (Nadike ogbogu) and as it dawn on me that Ndigbo as Ethnic tribe anyi na Ari Ugwu Akwanga,I decided to carry others along on that same Disastrous Path of Perfidy we are going ,because we have Obi Etiri (reprobate mind ),so I am placing our doomed fate to our very before ,not that I truly want us to repent, just like Jonah who was preaching in Nineveh ,he was telling them to repent ,at same time expected them not to repent,so God will gbanyeru fa Film na Plasma.
Maka I have continued to cry out to Ndigbo,I have cried Ndigbo Nwe nu Sense,but we use our sense to make play and we have being struck by same branch of protruding stick twice on our nose ,just maybe it will strike our eyes just once anyi ekpugodi isi ,then we will know na Uwa Nwelu two sides.
We are stowed between A raging Death Sea and Ravine hades ,we think that only outsiders are planning our demise,bianu ka anyi kpaa nkataa because we are the PATH leaders and our doom is chronicled by our hands..
Far back When Ndi ANAMBRA was at the helm of business,we were progressing and those in ONUICHA Built the best market in Africa and it was called THE MAIN MARKET which is now the Mess Market.
In ABA they have Ariaria which gave Japan run for it's money on productions,but Japan and other Asian Tigers got helped by the Government ,while we got over Taxed by our own Government,meaning they have leaders and we have raiders..ka ana ejegodi.
That honorable trading Generation started sending their Children born with the sweats from the brows of such EPIC suffering Overseas to study and come back with combined wisdom (Igbo Natural endowed Intellect and white Man artificial generated intelligence) and take the over the father's business to greater height which is already getting the Oriented Blessing from God,many of them amaghi na Ukwa fa na api,na Mkpuru adiro ya.
The Son's and Daughters learned the ways of the white Men very well ,how to Pierce Ears so advise given to them will be leaking from the torn ear lobes .
Smoke Pots as that makes them high and help to make them forgo respect and manners .
Have unprotected Sex even with dog , magolu Man on Man ,woman on woman which is called same Sex and hide it under a vocabulary called Gayism.
Speak with SPITTLES in their mouth,so they can sound like Caucasians but Caucasians never wants to sound like us even when we present a super Being.
We even change our names to make them like it ,while others will tell them the name, if you can't pronounce it ,it's your business,if Arnold Schwarzenegger can maintain his name and still serve as Governor,we should've known that changing of name is never the problems,if Philip Emegwali did not change his name and invented the fasted computer,it simply means we have problem with our sense , but moving back on ..
Then the FATHER'S brought boys from POVERTY ridden homes from the Village ,and they serve them as Nwa Boi not as Servant and after mandated 7 years the Boi becomes a man ,a Boss and they took over the Business which the Former master whose Children are enjoying the sweat of the Fathers Abroad turn selves to Oseaka , don't forget at the demise of the Patrons,the children they send Overseas to avoid suffering like the father's, came back just to sale the properties of the suffered father even to the graduated servants just like the Conscience court guiding Igbo man dictates that you took a Boy and return him a made Master,but give your Children GOLDEN SPOON fa ewelu ya sukpor gi Anya .
The Overseas trained Children will ruin the Businesses ,after selling the properties bought by the Father ,and the Mother's have long relocated to Overseas to start life anew .
Note, that generation is gone ..moving on ..
The Boys, the Village settled Trading Graduates which they trained also send the Children Overseas to distinguish them from children of the less Privileged,well the Children are not coming back and won't come back ,so the Business that sent them Overseas will close down as well and they will sale all that the father managed to raise while struggling to set them up in life.
To them they can't suffer this pittance that send them overseas and buttered their bread and Sugared the tea.
The father dwelt on let's manage even to the point of starving and driving old Gwura Gwura just to make money for his family that sees him as just a path and not a legacy,don't forget that they only remember the father whenever they need Money because many can't even make the street money abroad,why bother when they have a Mugu parent paying them in dollars?
Then Ndi Anambra started bringing others states boys to serve and as we speak ,other states have taking over entire business structures and leadership ,be it at ONUICHA markets,Nkpor, NNEWI and All other sprawling markets, and they have started taking over our ancestral lands , building and populating like Indigenes with our Daughters which is procreating that is just .
Well in next few years ,the mark will be so blur as there won't be elders to explain the aboriginal dotted lines and fa aburu heads of Umunna anyi, because even the elders are all in exile ebe ana achu ego ,those that was supposed to come home to take over from elders before them are running away because of Umuazi UGM,as we speak all the posh houses or call it Country homes in the state are possessed by Uchicha and Ngwere,soon we will be selling our houses in the village ,guess who will buy them?.
The.most dangerous on all this is the MASTER PLAN of Chinese for NIGERIA at Large but Igbo in particular,the Chinese know that conquering Igbo is coup that bested the British and Americans,after all they tried to conquer same people from 1967 to 1970 when they aided the bombardment of innocent civilians just because Ndigbo show Ingenuity,the worst that provoked them was when Ndigbo started refining Oil in heat of War at backs of Moving 911 Trucks, built the first Mobile Radio Biafra on Back of 404 Peugeot, Build the first AIRPORT that was invisible between UGA and Mkporogwu,manage the Best currency and economy,then they cried Blue murder when Ndigbo Built HIROSHIMA and Nagasaki kind of Bomb called FLYING OGBUNIGWE,that was after fabricating the wonders called OGBUNIGWE which is Intercontinental Ballistic missiles that terrified the World .
So they conspired to stop the emerging BLACK AFRICA that will stand on same UN POWER HOUSE and that would've stopped the continual raping of Africa by the West.
The most scared terrors we should dread are the Chinese,they are deadlier than Lucifer ,in truth even Devil is a learner when Chinese wants to screw anything..
First they have started Buying all the abandoned factories in the East,even as the Aborigines are running away..
Check who is sponsoring ala adighi nma na North just to make sure that the Government doesn't near the sites of mineral resources?.just Incase you didn't remember,God hide all the Minerals and Resources in Africa and gave Caucasians SNOWS and COLD WEATHER,while he used mixtures of fine weathers to bless us and protect the minerals, don't forget that it can't be remake if not the whites would've created their own version,but Africa have them all and the Whites are taking them from us without sweat and our own Kings or Presidents go to them with Caps in Hand to beg for loan never asking for real pricing of the commodities they are stealing from us , instead of us selling what they needed that is on our shores,they took it ,gave us grants, allowed our brilliant children to come and live with them ,so they can give them the mentality of hating home ,that way even how to convert the stolen minerals can only be done in the Western world to benefit them.
They call us third world ,as they are the first world and they left second world to create garp and named us third ,yet we can't wake up ,they even created a demonic nuance that they discovered existing Africa, Unlike AMERICA that wasn't home for the invaders who met and wipe out RED INDIANS just to posses the place ,we were the Original creme of the world ,which was why Civilization started in Egypt in Africa.
Don't ask me about the causes of the Evil that is making Alaigbo Bad and unsettling as I don't know and can't tell ..just look deep ,you will see them .
Do you know that Chinese have Shops now in main market? Doing what you may think ?.
Well ,they have Long long time plans ..they will sacrifice lots of money for long time gain ,they are Leech,when they bite ,they never let go.
Do you know they are teaching Chinese Languages in our Universities and our Governors and Vice Chancellor's think they are doing us favor?.
Do you know they employed our people to teach IGBO Language in China ,they employ only Ndi Anambra or Imo ,those who teaches Central Igbo ,do you know why ?.
Well the invasion they are planning is not with Guns but with subtle take over which they have started now .
The wealth of AFRICA is MAKING America great and they wants to wrestle them for it because anyi na Eme Nzuzu,don't worry Americans come with cunning method ,the Chinese are coming with Scorpions and real pains if they succeed.
In China not even an American will own a factory,all the noise that you have a factory is nkogheri as everything will be managed by Chinese and every Transaction written in Chinese which copies got to the Police and they Vet it before the Boss will even get to it ,they give you what the government want you to get ,if you open eye they will send OVER TAXATION to you and you will run away at night from China which is what they wanted.
In China they love to spy on all Foreigners, especially those they felt have Sense to contend with ,those that seldom show Social loopholes,they can give you girl friends and if you are not biting,they will threaten the one you caught and turn her to spy,even your wife will be spying for them ,if she says No ,then the Police will simply remind her with a National like Oath, which they say "Wó míen Tunguo rein "(We Chinese) that word has an intoxicant like calling Onye IDEMMILLI outside Nigeria IDENNA or ADA IDE ,it has adrenaline attached to it.
Our Boys are dropping Babies in China,thinking with Erections only ,China allowed it as future Foot soldiers ,they will adopt them ,train them and unleash them when the time comes ,they will be so brain washed that even you the father will be first collateral.
They allowed us to teach IGBO in China and you didn't ask what for ?.
You think it is fun,abi ? They are clandestinely recruiting the economic Soldiers that will be the undertaker and if you ask me ,I can say that this UGM are not just fly by night,if you understand the handwriting on the wall , then you can be able to read the minute of the last meeting, which is the missing link .
Our Governors should investigate some of those factories,they will see the illegal Chinese Population in them that they never know exist,plus they don't pay taxes,they can bribe the chief of Tax with more Money than they can even pay , but paying tax is exposing them to the Government,they avoid it like Leper ..
Just know that soon they will ease out even our local Boys from our markets,takes over almost everything,then pay off the UGM and you will be surprise how they survived all tensed moments, Because they knew about it and or they have the ANTIDOTE but don't take my words for it ,as it must happen then we will be lost totally.
If they can be operating in the North in midst of BOKO HARAM and other Dangerous bandits,then you should know that we must wake up and smell the Coffee.
Chinese are coming to pull us as slave ,but with Shackles permeating any of our weak defense.
Just know that China doesn't do charity they don't help anybody not even self ,there is always a hidden catch with them ,when they give you credit,they are trying to use you to market whatever,when it gets accepted,they will blind side you and flood the market and they makes no APOLOGIES for doing you great Harm.
Those traders that think they will defraud Chinese,you are kidding,if you withhold Chinese money ,maybe the money is loan from Bank and they will pray you don't pay ,so they will channel all money they owe the Bank and heap same on that Debt,but if that is personal sweat,don't worry ,they will report you to over 10,000 Deities they have , China deities operate without Mercies,they will ruin you and render you insolvent and Death will be a relief for you .
Just give them aggressive marking and you won't regret tomorrow.
Ndigbo leaders are not seeing the present precarious danger that we are cuddling as pet,but fa ga ata anyi gwogwo.
I remain Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede and I come in Peace.