Saturday, August 5, 2023

 SUNDAY WONDERING, a Sermon of Askance by Mkpisi, August 2023. 

Are the Whites telling us the entire truth about Christianity or they are using what the American CIA call "Need to know Basis "? Where they tell you the irrelevant  part and keep the relevant part to selves ?. 

I wonder why Caucasian Youths don't go to Church, the purveyors of Gospel made it known that we should serve God with our Youths, but their Youths don't serve God at all, not even at old age? Does it mean they have another decanter to go to heaven or they created Heaven as illusion to keep Africans in shatters or Bondage?

They told us that our Target is Heaven, so we Africans are striving to make Heaven, we prefer to suffer here on earth and enter heaven after death, but the Caucasians are never working to go to heaven rather they are working to have a better life, better Government, while they teach their own how to prosper, get educated, they made us teach ours how to serve them for peanuts, die wretched so we can go to heaven they said is a resting place, but they hated to enter same. 

Do we think they would've allowed us into heaven since they created everything to be white dependent?

They restrict us coming to them without Visa, but allow us to enter higher after life with them freely? If we can't share world with them, how can they share Heaven with same people?. 

If they can't share technology with us, share even our oil with us, how can they share everlasting joy with Us?

Why did KING JAMES the British King that burned Bibles in drove, killed Christians in drove suddenly have a Bible printed and call it KING JAMES BIBLE?. 

Did he alter same to his heart content or he plotted future Politics into it knowing that Religion is like Opium to control the weak? And Africa is the brainless with lots of mineral deposited underneath?. 

Our Pastors are not helping matter as well, do they also believe that our race is truly for heaven and why do they amass wealth on earth, collect all our money which the Bible said "Money is the root of all Evil" does it mean they know something we don't know about after life?. 

Why is our pastors buy expensive Cars, Private Jets, build Schools that members of his Church can't afford to send the Wards and yet they still preach to us that God is a Just God and that we should Ape him, whereas they all act as if it is just an illusion?. 

I don't understand why they all know that KING JAMES in his Bible said that it is impossible for the Rich to enter Heaven and all General Overseers and Bishops love to be Rich, does it mean they hate heaven?. 

The whites are all Rich does it mean they hate heaven and leave Africans to grow in Poverty, so they can inherit heaven while the whites inherit Hell?

Why is it that in Europe you see Recreation houses where after working you go and relax , but in Africa you get only Mountains where you go to pray with Wild Animals and the owners of the place doesn't it give it freely, they charge you money for using it?

Bible said Freely we receive and freely we shall give, but even Bibles are not freely given to us?. 

Prayers are not freely given to us.

Internet are not freely given to us and even Sermon are being charged with tithe and offerings as requisite, I don't understand.

Why is it that Religion in Africa thrive on hatred?

ROMAN Catholics of Rome hated ANGLICAN CHURCH OF ENGLAND, AN RCCG founded by a Yoroba can never accept to worship in CPM founded by an Igbo man as if one is going go Heaven while the other is going to Nsuka forest.

Same with many Pentecostal and orthodox churches. 

The Preachers can never exchange pulpit here on earth, they cannot share grace in fellowship, how can they share same Paradise?. 

They said God is not author of confusion and yet all Churches are acting as confused people, they can't act as brethren, if a Church Member of one Sect is sick and it will take only sharing grace to be saved by the closest Church, just know that the person must die as the Church can never give the grace because the person is not a registered member, so who registered any of those Christians in heaven? When they don't agree to share common church as brethren, how can they share Heaven they don't know the location or have the modus to enter because the Bible said that our ritheousness is like filthy rag before God.

The Bible said "What is bind on Earth is bound in Heaven" we have bind Satan since I came to know my right from my left, we bind him daily, we go to Night Vigils against him, we prayed fervently even on Mountains, yet he wax stronger than ever, what gives?. 

In Africa we believe in ancestral curses according to Bible,  we believe that we are not growing because of the ancestral curses , but those who gave us both Religion do not think that what the abominations committed by their Forebears had anything to do with them, so they moved on with better plans and continue to prosper, whereas we believe that great grand parents did something in ignorance and it is holding our future, don't forget they did not massacre people like the whites who came with Bible and Guns and use the Guns to instil fears and force those our grand parents to accept what they brought as gospel of the white that must work on the blacks and it is working in reverse.

In Anambara my state, it would've been the creme LA creeme of all states but Religion is setting it apart, the Head of Churches that should be mindful of Heaven they preach are now more mindful of Government houses, you can't win to represent your Constituency even if you are the Best Brian but belong to a different religion handed down to you from your parents, though the other divide know you are the best, but as long as you don't worship in same alter/Church with them, you have fallen before the election, infact it is so bad that even Igwe ship is now based on Denomination, in actual sense Igwe of a town is suppose to be pagan, but we mix up everything and it is mixing up our senses as well, even marriages are restricted based on Denomination, if we can't inter marry, how can we inherit same Heaven or each Church will have her own Heaven and Hell seperate?. 

Good Morning, I am just asking, I know many will find fault even with this questions and thought, but we really need to wake up and ask the right questions, to get the right answers.

I remain Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede. 

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