Friday, August 30, 2024


As Special ADVISER on Good Governance (UNPAID),i owe the reading public comprehensive report without bias , then on my own , i always present personal Perspective.

This Morning i present the Situation as sighted during Scanty New Year celebration which is always in August of any given Year.

2024 was Unmarked as it use to be with Pomp and Pagentary, i come with facts without added Decorum or any iota of Prejudice.

The present APTA Governor is doing massive Road work on Roads located within Anambara South or One leading to same Zone , terminated in the Zone or linked the Zone to hinder Places,such road like Erecting a bridge at Ekwulobia leading to UGA and environs. 

Expanding the road from Mkporogwu to Ekwulobia which is  extension of the bridge in question, with lots of collateral knock down of Houses and Shops.

 Another started from Amansea through Ufuma and ended at ORUMBA.

Some Spurs touching in Óka with serious knock down of ancestral homes and destabilizing thin economy at this critical time.

Paving a New Road from UMUOMAKU through ENUGWU UMUONYIA which terminated at Achina interchange.. 

Then scraping the Tarred road from Achina Round about toward St Paul Catholic University around ONNEH. 

POINT TO NOTE; All the works are concentrated in the South,or has a lInk to the South or terminated in the South,but one ECONOMIC hoax is tarring of all Roads, Spurs,Farm Road and even Ama be Mmadu at Isuofia the home town of the Governor,the concentrate is mind boggling, making his Town the priority is not economically considered.

Prioritizing Roads in the South or heading to same or ending at South is Major reason ANMABRA should stop this ZONAL ROTATIONAL POLITICS,we should elect Governor that will be looking at the State as his Subject, develope Places that needs it without considering Zonal arrangement, unless there's no Longer Local Government Chairperson that takes care of Local Government in every zone,then we scrap Local Government and write to Senate as a state for abolishment of the Local Government positions, citing the in effective compliance to the growth of the LGA.

SECURITY so far was a bit relaxed, as you can sight AVG at ACHINA leading to AMESI or atimes at Umuchu boundary, there were remote Trepidation but it was a Peaceful season. 

ICHIDA Town has a Vibrant visible Vigilante ,Nnewi has Vigilante that is operational as well.

 NNEWI roads are so detoriated that one wonder, how the most Tax generating City in the State has such mammoth ROAD TO HELL , infact Nnewi roads need urgent STATE OF EMERGENCY pronouncement,the state of the Road makes APGA look like misfit Assembly, because they did not consider the Economic support from such Town to the IGR of the State. 

Agriculture in the state is abysmal, it need serious government intervention,many towns are more interested in selling the Lands for real Estate because it generates Money, none is pushing for farming and or agriculture. 

Election Fever is non existing in the State, which is bad Omen , Local Government Election that is month away , which has being in Coma for decades is about to come but APGA is treating same with Kids glove as if it's INTERNAL PARTY AFFAIRS, they are not counting that any mago mago will draw the wrath of the Feds and Ntighi ga enyere uzere aka, since many parties want incursion into the state, APGA is giving them an express invite.


APGA should tie all the knots,cross all T ,dot all i to avoid Judicially Hocus Pocus considering what we know about the relationship of Judiciary and APC in Power,We shouldn't hand over Condom to a Randy man and later cried he raped us.

Also the SENATORIAL REPLACEMENT ELECTION is also Dulled and seem like COUNCILLOR replacement meeting. 

The Excitement is not visible and preparation seem more like Wake keeping exercise.

The Incoming Guber is mystified so far , but the aforementioned two shall be rested to tell what the GUBER shall be. 

Majority of FUELING STATION around the state display PMS METER at 990 NAIRA Per Litre, which is 1000 Naira in Nut shell, whereas others States still sale at 680 per Litre. 

When IGR drivers makes everything money generating for the Government and individuals who bought the IGR Windows, then the Screw shall be tightened with venom. 

I remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia onuike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu ónwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the Voiceless, Conscience of the state reporting from Base after home visiting Fact Finding at Home. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


During the days when Real Prophets of God dwell with Men, they speak up against impending disaster, advise a way forward, they serve as mouth piece of both the Living and God the Okwusia ogwu nke mbu na Mbu, not now the Projects sorry Prophets are wearing the prophetic TOGA of Ballam who was bought by Ballack to curse the God's ordained lineage, today prophetic ministries are either unworthy or financially induced or they got prophecy from pots of Wizards, but all in all they are showing Demonic discipleship. They despise God with every fiber in them,they serve maggots but , i digress.

I am doing the work of Mpa Nnukwu and i am not associated with any known definition, my Style of writing is unrelated to existing ones, my style of pronouncement is also on it's own , i am not doing whatever to gain attention or praised or graded or applause, i am doing what Posterity will rate, by so doing, we wonder if the Nation that is already in Limbo shall be salvaged even in distress, as we are stressed. 

Just know that i am Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa defined as Dibia "Diviner" with Loud Voice that doesn't Divine for a criminal as the Octane Voice will be heared from far and wide and the decant will be more of an expose.

I saw what churned my stomach at LUSADA NATIVE MARKET in OGUN STATE, where Trailers said to belong to the Greatest CONGLOMERATE, who previous Government gave monopoly over our life starting from Building materials, to Rice, Flour, Sugar, Children easy made food called or known as INDOMIE, though the seasoning in that food should be studied by Laboratories that is not Genetically corrupt like what we have all over Nation Today. 

The Trailers in question were positioned to be buying stacks and pieces of CASSAVA TUBERS , as the CONGLOMERATE export same to China and Europe, i was weak because of the future result of same, imagine a Nation that doesn't manufacture anything but couple finished products, the only food stuff we plant because of tropical nature of Africa, the ózuru umu ogbenye nke mbu , the stem that should be mortalize for producing both AKPU, GARRI, Abacha and it kept hunger out of our tables, but now they are exporting same . 

.The danger is that they buy it off the Street, from the basket of Poor Farmers who other poor citizens buy same CASSAVA TUBERS from and process it into flakes, Abacha, Pig food and many others, now the MEGA Rich are buying it off farmers and exporting same instead of farming them in Hectares of land and do what they want out of it, so that poor families will eat sand and our Legislators are blind and Deaf , the Government are hand tied from stopping the export to save the imminent KWASHIORKOR that will come with the advance austerity of crops in Nigeria. 

In a Nation with pride, export of Food stuff shall be banned when the Citizens don't have enough, even our own brothers who ran to Exile and want our foods sent to them should be made to understand that if you despise Satan, despise all things associated with him, if they despise this Nation and fled , let them enjoy the provision of the Nation they took refuge into, as they love good things of life in Caucasian, they should enjoy the canned CANCEROUS FOOD they provides and allow us to continue eating the LOCAL uncertified foods , but the most annoying is buying our foods, exporting same to be used overseas and manufacture food items that will be exported and we import same back at Higher prices. 

Even if we are cursed with cursive Curses, we shall try and reverse the Curse.. we export our Crude oil , they process same , extract so many products and sale one of the proceed to us at higher than what they bought the entire Crude and we think we have sense? we think we are rich because we send our Kids overseas where those with sense build with proceeds from our brows? 

Though we have 5 Refineries that we ruined with a Run Down, so that other refineries Outside our shores can prosper, while we wallow in excruciating poverty, now i remember our ANTHEM.. Nigeria, we hail thee .. 

Food export shall be banned in totality, just like Hard drugs, as the austerity of foods will bring kwashiorkor that will make Ebola seem like a blessing. 

Government should also mandate all Mega companies to veer into farming with some of the resources and add some tax rebate to it to sweeten the deal. 

Make sure that any Billionaire in Nigeria without a seasoned Farm shall have his Money litigated.

listen to get Nigeria working again, you will get our food Barn back in excess capacity, and to get Nigeria back on her Glorious days, you must do what it takes, knowing you can't make omelette without breaking eggs, you must push hard to regain our Nation. 

Also Federal government should stop sharing national cake to States without farming implementation, not on books but on site, they should even get the Senate to promogate laws that will banish states without agricultural inputs from getting monthly allocations, even those Oil exploration States where the ground have been raped into terror, shall be aided with mechanized farming. 

This Nation may enter a down syndrome if we refuse to up our agricultural game , banish entire export of it , even our own overseas, should enjoy whatever they find out there, if they miss our food they should come home and eat it or join us back home, they want a good life made easy by others, let them pay the price and should stop eating our subsidy. 

 Banish Food export with container in totality with red eyes, if we don't, we may enter recession that has never happened in life before. 

i am Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, Mazi Odera POg JP, the only gentleman na apia 2x2 as return for anya arólu aró. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 Anambra,FOR FAIRNESS AND EQUITY, it's TURN of the North to balance the Lopsided Zonal misnomer by Mkpisi. 

Since Ndi ANAMBRA believe in the effusive ZONAL system of GOVERNANCE, since we all believe that we can't stop the ameliorating Jaundice Politics, it's time we start looking at it without bias . 

I am not in business of Scribing to get thumb up or get Loved or make feudal friends, i didn't venture into Penmanship to be graded with the eludite premise, i simply was on my own and Mpa Nnukwu shoved Pen into my hand and ask me to better the POLITICAL DECADENCE as his Last Born, resolve the Ecclesiastical malaise and serve as POLITICAL Rod of correction to the labyrinth dog eat dog mentality, so you shouldn't judge me for not dancing the group BRANDED style of tolerance, which has become the Norm, plus i don't work for anybody as that will place my worth on shackled Podium, i am an independent POLITICAL consultant who will tell you a Very Hard Truth you don't want to hear , a MEDIA Dynamite that won't favor you when you are albatross, not minding if we are related, now  the reason of the above factual establishment.. 

Ndi ANMABRA SOUTH are angling to take another 4 years of our Glorious dawn , saying it's completion of another 8 YEARS Tenure and Central are supporting it in anticipation that after South it shall come to Central ,so the clandestine marginalization of the North shall continue, but as Mkpisi Ndi Egede and not nke Ndi Central or South, i come with vehement disagreement on that premise Maka atóba útó si wepu aghugho. 

If actually there was an agreed duru kam duru brand of POLITICS, then we should go to EQUITY with clean hands maka ikpasu Posterity iwe , so far the Zonal style of Government have favored the South above all, We need the gap to be filled rather than widen by pontification, unless we agreed that some part of this State are unequal and should be disregarded, and when that is the become, then we should accept the Draconian dominance of the Northern part of Nigeria in all facet of the Nation by Ndi Ugwu Awusa. We should remember that what's good for the Geese is also good for the gander (The HUSBAND) ,Ndigbo will say na ife di Nwanyi di ime mma ,dikwa onye tubara ya the ime.

Anambra South Produced the First CIVILIAN Governor of the State in the new ANAMBRA,Dr Chukwuemeka Ezeife known as "Ókwadike" a salvation Army pugilist, from IGBOUKWU,he ruled for 3 Years before a military incursion.

Then another Southern Son Chinwoke Mbadinuju known as ODERA,a Pentecostal Evangelist from Ihiala ruled for 4 Years with shackles of Rusty fetters clamped on him by Southern AGBERO's that Lorded over him as dog fathers. Call it South eat South,he ended up doing 4 Years on the throne and ..

The Southern dog eat dog fathers brought another puppet through the Powers of OKIJA SHRINE,but the only mistake was ,the diminutive Man of letter conscripted is from Central.

 Central are the people blessed with bringing Great and greater leaders and not Looters, infact the blood of Central detest measuring with faulted measuring Cup,in igbo Parlance Central are defined as Óchichi malu Central ka Amu ibi siri ma ndi Anam, Central doesn't try to be good leaders,they were created to be good leaders,it get to extent that the gods from Central and that of other Divide ruled in a Congress of the gods that "The worst leader from Central is king Solomon from other Zones" but that's not the main issue now , coming back from that brief digression..

Dr Chris Ngige from Alor in Idemmili in ANMABRA Central,a Catholic were conscripted to serve the Southern POLITICAL Rascals who held the State as personal ESTATE,they made him swear an Oat of allegiance to carry out more malfeasance on the State,but the blood in him refuse him to serve as conduit to hardship as he liberated the state from the Bonds of the Crooks,and then they fought him with every demonic javelin, and after 2 years and 6 months of showing the world that Anambara is not poor but has Crooked mentality, but the clowns on high refused the state a relief.. They aborted his days-

Then came into power was the Jewel of the Nation, Mr Peter Obi from AGULU in ANIOCHA in Central as well ,a Catholic with all the Vestments, whose days can't be analyzed as that needs a  book  and not just a missive,he ruled for combined 8 years and Anambara breathed sigh of relief and changed from STATE to all AGBERO to Light that illuminate the Nation.

In between Peter Obi mandate, SOUTH interfered when they inserted a Governor on Senator Andy Uba from Uga in Southern side ,a Pentecostal by choice,then brought in another Mrs Virgy Etiaba from Nnewi,an ANGLICAN who served as Deputy which has been the unfair placement of the Denomination right from get go ,who served on Interim when they placed Peter Obi on the Crucifix and before she would've sat as the Governor with feather, there was Denominational Coup and she was taking away and reinstated as Deputy.

Don't forget that there has being a religious WRIT in the state that prohibit any other Denomination from ascending the Throne,even if the person is Ballack Obama but with Denominational digress,the POLITICAL collars that form the POTENTATE will make sure it was aborted.

Then Peter Obi completed his 8 YEARS,and brought in Chief Willie Mmaduabuchukwu Obiano from AGULERI in Anambra North, Making it the First time somebody from that side ever smell the seat of Powers, even though we gave him political black eyes just to black paint the POLITICAL Future of the North blurry,but the man build the only Airport for the State, Build international Conference center in Oka the Capital and tried to give Oka a facial good look ,we don't forget he lighted all the crannies of the streets with lights and our paths were illuminated,he created SECURITY comfort,the State was so good that one can groove till next morning,imagine the situation that forced the current Governor to say and i quote "ANMABRA is not broken,no need to fix it" and when he was brought inn to continue holding the unbroken nature of the state, Prof Charles Soludo from ISUOFIA in the South,A Roman Catholic take the State to next UNKNOWN level,we started igbankwu and ini ózu in  exile maka things fell apart and even the CENTER was shattered.We ceded the state to UGM,it was so ugly that the state is classified with Green Zone, blue Zone and Red Zone, that's Security ANALOGY of areas.

We saw for the first time Ndi AGBERO Ji Aka ODO ana Tax, REFLECTIVE Jacket became the New Government Garment,bringing me to ask does it mean na AGBERO life style is domicile na ndu ndi SOUTH?

Willie served for 8 years and brought in another Southern person who is the incumbent, who have added another 4 Years and the south still crave another 4 years? what is the Justice on this ?

I can't calculate the Zone that have done the most because you should do the Maths.

i can't calculate the Zone that has many Governors who sat on that throne, I have shown you the Table,just do the Maths.

What i am saying is that ,Ndi ANMABRA North should be Allowed to inch closer to balance the leadership deficit that is existing,then the tyrannical DENOMINATIONAL gaffe shall be addressed if need be ,but for now,i come to EQUITY and my hands are crystal.

Mkpisi Ndi Egede is the Job, Dibia Ónu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa is the definition, Voice of the Voiceless is the mandate,Pen 🖊️ of the gods is the Anglicanized version of Mkpisi.

Good morning as i stand akimbo waiting for diatribes,mana checkie the response Maka agam agwo any derogatory reaction ka Ji Akwukwo nni.

Monday, August 26, 2024


Wasn't it agreed na Anyi adighi agbaa ósó mmiri ma ozughi Anyi aru ? which is bad omen , how can we be waiting until we are drenched before we start keeping away from rain ? 

Anambra Election has gone to height were we should call it from Prism of reality, the days we so much invest our hope on Centrifugal things that cost us plenty are over. 

The days we shifted our Gubernatorial seat to Zonal Choices which brought certain misnomer into our development DECADENCE, those days shouldn't be revisited but move away from as that was our Egypt, especially when leaders Chosen from that perception simply turn to Zonal Governors that concentrate all efforts in the  zone with the state Joint patrimonies,. Such elect allow Kidnappers to carve the State into quarters and take dominance because such Governors care more about artificial things than security of life and properties,we glorify mundane things than sleeping with Eyes closed,they pkay games with Cement and monument while our lives are dimmed by hours,but they keep waving wands of Cement effect on us , instead to remember na onye di Ndu ghalu first.

But today, we shall remove the political cataract and View things from Podium of reality. Note that we speak REALITY just to be on good  steady with posterity.

The days, we use religious algebra and Denominational mumbo Jumbo to twist our minds should be scrapped for real .

We should look at pedigree and choose, sorry elect a Man or Woman who can't be stagnated by Zonal barriers. 

Looking at the POLITICAL Mascots on play, we all should agree that APGA is tethering on brink of HAD I KNOW as the leadership tussle that has besieged the party right from Chekwas Okorie the founding leader of the party who traded the Party future for monetary gift, where he refused to abide with the Party glaring winning and align with PDP who stole the winning by result Wrote inside OKIJA SHRINE.

Down to Chief Victor Umeh who rode the Party for 13 years and had continual fued with then Governor Mr Peter Obi .

Speak of Victor Oye who was known as Bazaar CHAIRMAN and who brought Bazaar spirit of Going going gone to the party and raised lot's of POLITICAL Yahoo Taboo, the Party hold in all States were severed with Rusty scissors and the Going, going set the party to gone.

During Victor Oye tenure the spirit of APGA was exorcized, maybe because the then BRINDANGATE did not meet Ikemba the man whose name scare Enemies and his picture became the Slogan that drive the party, but they removed the Head of the Icon from the ABADA, ostracize the Son by Body movement, smear the wife badly, though she Used Ura Blanca to re-established her poise in the party. 

Now that the Party has been reduced to PUPPET leadership and with Ezeonyeagwanam as the Man who calls the shot, they have shot self at the SOLAR plexus, and the Die is  Cast.


Especially now that all judiciary interpretation find for Njoku as authentic and INEC abide with certifications of Judiciary, Meaning, no MATTER the manipulation of POLITICAL results, only candidates on the form signed by NJOKU are legit, as Court will use APC brand of Broom and sweep any candidate whose Form were signed by Sly Ezeokwenna into trash can , starting from Local Government Election to ANAMBRA SOUTH REPLACEMENT SENATOR election to the Next GOVERNOR, as it is glaring that NJOKU who the Governor despised with extreme prejudice despite all the explanations given to him to make peace to avoid this stand off , but he refused to acknowledge that he is academic Professor who majored in Economics, and that there are POLITICAL Computers who understand POLITICS the same way he understood Economics theory,they don't predict they simply decant and they dinge ugheli Danda.

The Position of Political CHESS in the State is set between APGA NJOKU Faction, who may not even spend Money campaigning but waiting for Sly version to work and then they step inn and use Judiciary Magnanimity to take what is rightfully theirs. 

LP who has the Most celebrated Presidental Candidate, but the PARTY has no structure in the State, and they refused to understand na ejigho mkpachako nsi egbe agba Adaka, they will see the election come and go while hoping that the previous Osmosis of Obedient will play again which is fevered dream, unless they repackages the party and move into the field with all archery , fielding a good candidate is just part 1 of movie with serial sessions and seasons. 

APC is coming with Both Candidate who is  carried, who is poised, who has the reach and connected to both sides and Central and who won't come with APC written script or go to Court Aura, but who has his Boot on the ground to Political pummel opponents into submission. 

Kindly perish the thought of APC amam CHINATA ANAMBRA,As much ss we despise them for affliction they show to us,but i have examined other parties and the only difference is just the sentiment,as they are Coin inverted by cojoin back to back.

it's glaring that Churches are grasping straws as NWA MGBAFOR have threw them into a covered bin, shown them a Movie that kept them away from State House, Which if they have any relationship with God , they should face heavenly race and no longer projecting GOVERNMENT HOUSE occupant,let them worry about heavenly Visa and leave Politics to Sinners and Looters.

ZONAL Choices has been straightened as both sides have had the requisite 2 tenures , now we have seen the decadence associated with ZONAL choose candidate, let's remove the caveat and allow the qualified to Mount the saddle and bring back our state that was sold to ALTAR of inanities. Especially now that Nwa Mgbafor broke the bonds of God fathers because the last set of God fathers to sponsor election in the State, got blocked from interacton ofoduzie balancing them the Money spent,it was a bad investment and they should rest.

Just don't forget that if ZONAL dog eat dog is invoked again, then we should simply compensate the North With another 4 years to bring them to Par as they are still short by 4 Years plus.. 

South have gone for 13 Years plus on that Governors seat. 

Central for 12 years. 

North for 8 years and if we want romantic EQUITY, we shall come with clean and just hands, anyi ka ji ndi North ugwo 4 years. 

if we want Denominational garb which is always CATHOLIC as Governor and ANGLICAN as Distant Deputy without clout,chosen by Basilica as well , then it's time we make case for Pentecostal, White Garment members, ndi Occult and Ndi Odinani , so that everything will be Turn by turn. 

We should also borrow a leaf from America who are set for a woman President, anyi ga enwekwu female Governor, unless we allow the election to come without all those interference, but if it's reduced to Church si , ma óbu Zone si , then óhú na ógódó eke nsi. 

Still your favorite Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, pain to Politicians with agwa ójó, SPECIAL ADVISER to any Governor that love good Governance, Mkpisi na ede with precision.. 

Moving to Afo Igwe for Akamu with Tiger Nut mixed with Milk, added small Ogbóno soup inside to strengthen the Vibe of the Akamu. 

Good Morning ndi ANAMBRA, I am still the Gentleman with Baseball Bat, who has the ephod of Truth, because Truth is my standard, accept it with good faith or i shove it down your throat with smile, the choice is yours. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Good Morning my Governor, congrats on your daughters marriage over the weekend, but i come with my Wedding gift which is ígha ayóró , ma gbaa afaa , then show you my hand to let you know that i am dangling EQUITY with Crystal hand. 

Sir, honestly the APC big wigs you hobnobbed with over the weekend wants to show you cruel Political rascality, infact fa chólu ira gi without CD or Lubricant, come with me .. 

Sir, though you dislike advise,but in politics there are people who read Political science as course and there are those practicing same on the street which has STREET PHD on POLITICAL outings ,they will tell you the hard Truth Ndi achikota ekwe ónu can never tell you.

Though i will tell you that ADVISERS should be Men and Women who tells one a Hard Truth,no matter the weight,than ADVISERS who will Always tell you how Right you are and how good your act was and is ,the ones telling you what you love to hear are puppets looking at your wallet,the ones telling you to your face hard Truth, want your success,i know you know this but for sake of good argument, I use it to establish my piece.

As i always say ,i am not EMPLOYABLE, because i will be sacked within weeks as i will be telling Truth and disagreeing with Boss on daily ,and then i will get sacked and When i get sack , nkata ekwupú óhú na the fall out, but i digress...

Sir, having on the Wedding none of States men Stakeholders,but APC Power house including the Vice President (APC), GANDUJE APC National Chairman, SGF (APC) ,Gov Uzodimma of Imo state  (APC) , Deputy speaker house of Rep (APC)and many more ,is sending a jaundice and maneuvering Message.. Moving on -

Anambra APC Primaries can't be decided by any of them , and if you want to know what will happen if they try manipulation, check what happened in Edo State when Baba went to France and they hatched Kangaroo Primaries by same Sect , when he came back he cancelled it and ask for fresh and transparent election. 

I know in all HONESTY, promises of  handing APC ANAMBRA LGA were made as requisite and proof of Submission royalty if Only Ticket will be giving without Primaries ,and return tentative promise of negotiating with Prez were made from other side, but i can tell you in all Value of my Reputation that , none of them can guarantee that discuss with Prez who is a die in the Wood party Man and play by his own rules,we all know that he can't be shifted or manipulated making him a piece of Work in his own game.

There are two POTENTATES of APC in the State and MR PRESIDENT like one like a Son and the second one has Through connection with Stakeholders both at the state and Nationwide, APC GOVERNORS and powers that be . 

In event of si zóba azóba , the fight will be among the duo, but if Mr President is to decide on his own , he will tilt but from the political calculation i carried  out so far, Mr President will like the PARTY to decide, i can tell you without swirling Waters in my mouth, that they cannot, can never and will not give you Ticket, many of them are stewing over your way of life which they called Arrogancy,but it's just way of personal choice of life.

Sir, like i said , my Wedding gift is in this pack of Epistle, let me be brutally Frank again ... what you will spend, not counting what has been spent searching for alternate platform will be 50 times of what it will cost you to take a detour and retain APGA with the Judiciary choice and INEC recognized Chairman of the party. 

Compensate the Current side you like with juicy appointment,but save the party from imminent dysfunction.

In POLITICS, it's only permanent interest that matters and not permanent enemy. 

Reconciling now is difficult, but doable, but if it get to LGA election, though it may not happen if HOUSE OF ASHAMEBLY try the Political pissing contest they have shrouded, they will be in Court until what will be second Tenure of the new regime is over , but once it get to that election and you haven't reconciled both Faction of APGA, just know that you are sitting on POLITICAL KEG of Gun Powder with a Ciga that drips stones of Pure fire. 

Good morning once again, I remain SPECIAL ADVISER ON GOOD GOVERNANCE UNPAID , but óbu ugwó eji eji aga akwu akwu. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede is the Job, Dibia Onu Ike is the definition, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu is the acronym for assurance. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

 JOINDER to APGA ROMANTIC LETTER to ANSIEC and the Governor, written by Mkpisi. 

After reading the Love portent which were shrouded as missive to ANSIEC and the Governor as , let me quote the message

The Letter was detailed on the derailment of the Party and the tactical exorcising APGA from Local Government Election that is incoming.

so i am doing a JOINDER to buttress the fact that APGA the old version has been trying to bury, just like an Ostrich trying to bury her head in the sand, which is theatrics as the success of such venture has never manifested. We  all know that a man who tries to bury himself,one hand must appear above the ground level.

From the charge from Njoku to APGA to enter the field and villages and call them to come out and Vote, knowing fully well that the Governor is plotting all circumvention toward Njoku PRIMARIES, but he should know that INEC will Only attend Primaries set by NJOKU and not Sly , therefore in event of Usual Marathon court cases, the Courts will First slap the state with STAY OF EXECUTION which will stop allocations to ANAMBRA, then the process will travel from High Court to supreme Court which may waste us 4 good years, Ndi ANAMBRA should know that certain party are trying to take Anambara which is strongest sit of Igbo powers, same way a man from Anambra took Lagos which is strongest seat of power to a PARTY and same Man took ABUJA the creme of Northern hemisphere, so they are Hell bent on taking Anambara as pay back,and we are delivering same to them with a Golden POT, just read my lips "okwobe ekwobe, obanyelu onye aghugho", ANMABRA should know that no man beats the CITY HALL in America as that is sit of Power,kama they bend the law to breaking point. 

If Gov Soludo accept what ADVISER that is known for abandoning ship midway Which he compassed into wreckage, a man whose principle is simply what's in it for me ? then he should understand that he has lost not just the LGA ELECTION but killed APGA in all ramification, as whatever happened to be the result of the election shall be Judicially given to Njoku list and nothing you can do to upturn such. 

Then other parties will distress courts to cancel APGA winning for fraudulent primaries and bitter conflicts, then award the winning to second runner UPS and we know that the Court will be too happy and Hasty to do such. 

Unless the Governor in all honesty accepted that his Luck is Always to serve as one tenure person, even as ADVISER to President  on Economics back in the days was just one Tenure. 

His work with CBN which every other person goes twice, but his ended one Tenure.

Okay , he served as Manager of AGULU LAKE HOTELS during OBIANO tenure and it was one tenure, so his outing as Governor, unless he wanted to be add to list of a Tenure life style, he should stop the move to strangle APGA , NJOKU may not be your preference, but there's this political philosophy which provides "There is no permanent enemy in Politics, but permanent interest"

Having said my piece as POLITICAL Consultant, as MEDIA Consultant and as Special ADVISER on Good Governance, i come with Peace with Piss as i stand down to ponder why a serving commissioner going to a wedding in Abuja Choose should use Road instead of Air, now whatever they pay for Ransom will be 100 times Higher than what he should've spent on Air ticket with the wife. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede submitting with obi ume Ani. 

Friday, August 16, 2024


MY Dear Esteemed Members of APGA NWC,

My good people of Anambra State,

Gentlemen of the Press,

1. I bring you fraternal greetings from the office of the National Chairman of APGA, Chief Edozie Njoku. Chief Njoku, mandated this delegation of the National Working Committee (NWC) to inform you of his continued support and confidence in this special Committee led by APGA National Secretary, Alhaji Muhyideen Imam. 

2. Having said that, let me explain that this press briefing is intended to convey the stance of the APGA NWC on recent developments in Anambra State regarding the forthcoming Local Government elections, especially as they concern the Anambra State Independent Electoral Commission (ANSIEC).

3. Recall that exactly on August 7, 2024, our party wrote to ANSIEC (which letter was acknowledged by the commission on August 9, 2024); notifying them that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on July 9, 2024, in total obedience to the two Court of Appeal judgments, (CA/ABJ/724/2023 & CA/ABJ/CV/1169/2023) recognized Chief Edozie Njoku and other Executives elected at the Owerri Convention of May 31, 2019, as the authentic and rightful Executives of APGA. That historic recognition by INEC followed a protracted legal battle that spanned five (5) years (2019 – 2024).

4. In the said memo, the party further introduced Hon. Chief Ikechukwu Hillary Ejesieme (Ag. Chairman of APGA Anambra State) and Hon. Sams Mogbo (Ag. Secretary of APGA Anambra State) as the appropriate representatives of APGA in Anambra State and requested that ANSIEC acknowledges them in official communications and relations regarding the LG polls. 

5. It might interest you to note that the leadership change in APGA was also duly communicated to the Anambra State commands of State Security Services and the Nigerian Police Force. 

6. However, despite this official notifications to ANSIEC, Hon. Chief Ikechukwu Hillary Ejesieme (Ag. Chairman of APGA Anambra State) and Hon. Sams Mogbo (Ag. Secretary of APGA Anambra State) were deliberately locked out, harassed and hounded by thugs acting on the instructions of ANSIEC and the Anambra State Government at Dora Akunyili Women Development Center, Awka, during the Interactive Session with State Chairmen of Political Parties and Stakeholders on August 15, 2024.

7. Sadly, it seems that APGA officials both in Anambra and at the National headquarters have been targeted on the orders of Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, the governor of Anambra State. 

8. We are compelled by these illogical and unlawful developments to conclude that the recent attempts at amendment of a two-week old Anambra State Electoral Law, leaves more to be desired. Many observers and patriotic Anambra citizens have expressed dismay that such flagrant display of paranoia and inordinate quest for dictatorial powers should drive the governor into hasty return to Anambra State House of Assembly to amend twice, a law that was yet to be subjected to public use.

9. It has become obvious to even the blind that despite the olive branch and reconciliatory overtures by the Chief Edozie Njoku-led APGA NWC, Governor Chukwuma Soludo has continued to engage in morbid machinations to diminish APGA just to stop the party under Chief Njoku from fielding candidate in the forthcoming LGA elections in Anambra State. 

10.  In the light of the foregoing and in line with APGA national chairman’s insistence that peace must moderate the activities of APGA, Chief Njoku and NWC hereby urge all APGA faithful to rise up to the occasion and demonstrate that the new APGA is committed to the ideals of democracy.

11. Supporters and members of APGA in Anambra State are hereby enjoined to move into the 177 communities, 326 Wards and 21 LGAs to reawaken the usual APGA consciousness like never before. Be bold and resolute in this assignment. And as you assert your democratic rights, be assured that any attempt to inject unconstitutional or illegal road blocks to the full participation of APGA in the forthcoming LG polls will be resisted with equal vehemence as displayed during the five-year legal battle against the forces of retrogression and planned attrition of APGA.

12. We will not allow anyone to deny the long-suffering people in the hinterlands the benefits and good intentions of this brand new APGA. 

13.  We are happy to announce that within barely one month after his recognition, the Chief Edozie Njoku-led APGA has toured 18 states across the country-10 in the North and 8 in the South- preaching peace and heralding the new path to progress. 

14. Most importantly, in each state visited, the organic love and passionate appeal of APGA resonated. The current leadership of APGA has resolved that this renewed interest and love for APGA will no longer be traded for personal and selfish interests.

15.  At this juncture, we appeal to Anambra State Governor, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, to recognize that after several failed attempts to realize his governorship re-election ambition through other political platforms, he finally emerged through the platform of APGA and therefore, he should give peace a chance and see the hand of God in the rebirth of APGA. Your Excellency, APGA helped you to actualize your greatest political aspiration. Therefore, Odenigbo, APGA calls you father, do not have a hand in its death. We hope that as a man of letters, your Excellency will not dismiss this wise counsel and repeat Okonkwo’s fate.

16.  Finally, we are encouraged by the certainty that history has been hostile to all men who have ever moved against the wishes of the people. 

APGA    Chiefoo!

APGA   Onye aghana Nwanneya!!

APGA    Agam n’iru bu Nkeanyi!!! 

Okoro Chinedum Benedict,

National Administrative Secretary,


 Nigerian SENATE NTOOR , As ordinary Chinese company in thatch house Reduce Nigeria to nothing, written by Mkpisi. 

Just in a show of absolute erection, a Chinese obscure trading company located in Zhonshan China ,called ZHONSHAN FUNCHENG INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LTD ,show the balls of not only making our NIGERIA a Joke to rest of the world,but throwing a Hot slap on the face of the president by confiscating 1,2,3 Presidental Jets belonging to the nation over a trading discrepancy between them and a State in NIGERIA.

Though we should ask what was our 3  Presidental jets doing in France?,and what do we need 3 Presidental Jet for ? especially now our economy is wombling and grumbling.

 Is France  our New Nation's Capital that houses our Presidental Jets? but that should be in-house query if we have that in our ways or mean (To demand for clarification and Justice).

We know we have defective effrontery and Zero resolve in fighting to pull the nation out of Depth as long as the Looters drag in Centrifugal bias based on Tribe, ethnicity and Religion which is the Poisoned chalice.

Now let's focus on the Urinary outrage on our Nation by inconsequential minut  Chinese company at back of development,a misfit State in Nigeria went to them for unitary making of Free trade zone and suddenly they grow Gonad to take on a Nation,they suddenly forget that there are sizes in shoe soles.

Zhonshan is a miniature Town,1 hour drive from Guangzhou the Business Capital of China, and Hosting the Capital of Guangdong province the heart beat of China.

Zhonshan is same size with ICHIDA in ANIOCHA LOCAL Government in ANAMBRA State and with such insignificant position in annals of event in the state, they are not even in logical standing to wrestle Ogun as a State, going for NIGERIA is over kill and Nwa Nza ichelu Chi Ya mgba just because she was over fed with ugbana ngwo na eme.

If Such obscure and minut company will challenge a Giant of Africa and urinate over the Presidency by touching the Jet which represents Powers of the Presidency, be rest assured that China will soon invade Nigeria and make her a conquest,we have a definition in igbo language which states "Aka na ekwu na Ókukó amanye ónu,óchiri ókpa na abó wunye".

it's a tradition in China to send a minor in any test of might and if the minor is not given a deadly reprisal by the provoked entity, then the family will descend for the grand finale. Chinese na eji Nwa Ókukó ara nnekwu.

A French court issued order to seize three Nigerian presidential jets,a sovereign Nation,as part of a legal dispute between the Ogun State Government  and Zhongshan a small town that is not up to a town in same Ogun State, over the Chinese company refusal to conclude a signed pact on building a EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE as previously agreed. 

What gave the France Court the right and muscles to flex such idiotic muscle? Will they do such to European Nation?.

The jets include a Dassault Falcon 7X at Le Bourget airport in Paris, a Boeing 737 , an Airbus 330 located at Basel-Mulhouse airport in Switzerland.

The seizure stems from a 2015 decision by the Ogun State government to revoke Zhongshan’s export processing zone management contract  for in effective compliance.

Solution... Nigerian Senate should conduct a reprisal that should be shouting, as Chinese Government will deny they don't know about the act of Zhonshan buy 1 get 2 company,by the way , there's no loan anybody or company in China will give or You signed that did not get vetted by Communist party before it will get to discussion stage, Communist are the owners of China and they are the Government of China,they usually use pseudo to transact many deals to avoid Western world voiding such demonic contracts.

SENATE should confiscate all Chinese company in NIGERIA and start having meetings with rest of Africa to discuss the incursion of Chinese and how AFRICA will curb the second Colonization as planned by Chinese. Just cut them down to dóhanú before they Metamorphose into Dragon without leash.

Senate should make Chinese embassy to test the fury of Nigeria as a Nation,i can tell you that Chinese have all to loose by having pissing contest with Nigeria,as they have eyes to Colonize Africa again and they know that Nigeria is the might of Africa.

Drive all Chinese Companies harvesting and mining our Gold, Uranium and other minerals in the North to vacate,once you show them you are ready to roll the Government will back down as they know that America must step inn and edge them out , if need be and they don't like such situation.

Nigerian Senate should egg somebody to Sue France in ECOWAS COURT,secure judgment and confiscate any French Presence in AFRICA,that way they will know that justice is sold in every continent.

If we fail to do something nasty now to balance the madness,what happens next will be worst than ever imagined 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Bia ndi LP, i have shouted about the boys your party sent to house of Representives , they are complete Rookie na akuna Band Azu, with the shallow performance seen so far, the legend of the party is buried, therefore next Election should bring in creme la creme of the state and men who is made and onye ofe zuru nri,no Longer riding on the back of somebody. 

Now , as all parties are going for REPLACEMENT SENATOR due for ANAMBRA South, the South should Field a candidate that has the wherewithal to be a Legislator and not somebody who they will use pennies and pound to shake, Especially when they have Men who are good from center to circumference.

If Labour wants to present a credible candidate that will enter the arena with all fitness, they should take one Goat and Ókukó Abuke and go in search of NDIOWU born, Chief Winston Udeh to come and represent them, they shouldn't be sending boys into doing Job for Men.

We remember Winston as that Gentleman who went into PDP thinking that ANMABRA POLITICS then was to serve, and they showed him Political brutality, now that has been baptized and he has paid his Due, he is ready to serve and serving as Replacement candidate for LP is just the right choice for such a Party. He will make Good legislator and make LP great.

I am Mkpisi Ndi Egede and i speak the language of Ndi Egede. 

 ANAMBRA LGA ELECTION, the EYES on LGA fund and the Mad move for control by Mkpisi. 

It's not just sad that Educated players doesn't make good leaders, but it's nauseating that they play worse than AGBERO na Mkpuka Obosi. 

Forcing me to think that it's best we start electing Traders than Professors or academic Lords as they are showing leadership mistakes.

Traders trade with caution but educationist prefer theories with our money as they had nothing to loose in the process,nobody holds them responsible for the rots they generates and injected into the system.

How can our own state legislators be challenging the laws set by National legislation, especially about elections ? , sorry not challenging but upturning the laws of the Nation, that's POLITICAL MUTINY hidden as POLITICAL rascality and unless the Feds grind them a peppered lesson, other states won't learn.

May be national Law makers may inact a law that suspends them,so impunity will be a leveler.

National Laws provides that Party submits the names of Aspirants to ANSIEC, but my state House of Assembly said that National  lied, that it's them the State Law makers will submit the names to ANSIEC. 

Federal law empowered the Parties to Sale Forms for elections , State party heads sale for state election ,while National sale Forms for National election, by so doing, there will be monies in the purse of parties to be running party affairs, but the state national assembly said "Screw the Federal we the State shall sale or dash the forms as we deem fit". 

We know that Court will eat them raw and once any party sue the election and join ACCOUNTANT GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION, it's the end to our LGA revenue until it goes through supreme Court which may take 3 or 4 years. 

I Mazi Odera POg JP, the Special ADVISER to any Governor that love good Governance (UNPAID) will say that whoever that is advising the current Government has hating AGENDA or playing script WRITTEN by enemy in high places. 

Ka anejegodi, but from what i am seeing APGA na achó ina ka Nai Siri na.. 

Last Born Mpa Nnukwu wondering what APGA GOVERNMENT is playing at , toeing the path to perdition. 


Good morning Sir's and Ma's , i come this morning to thank you for wonderful job of decadence you just did to impress the Governor and dip the state Judiciary into sewage.

When you re-wrote existing law of ANSIEC, just to bring in a twist that will enable the Governor fix his people into CHAIRMEN LGA , instead of allowing the salvation that would've suffice with the rescue and strengthening the autonomy of LGA, so development can come from Local, State and Federal but you dedicated your days promoting ways of the shroud. 

The first undemocratic act of the house was when they held 3 readings in a day, and sign enablement for the Governor over a budget, which has never happened anywhere in the world. 

The problem that is holding Anambara down is not making of APC nor Ndi Ugwu Awusa but created by Ndigbo di nzuzu maka whiff of money, signed and implemented by Igbo founded party with metaphoric expression of Okokoronko and chi efogo as chorus, which has being used to rape us without lubricant. Onye aghana Nwanne ya ,is now onye erotana Nwanne ya.

We can see when we shout marginalization and point at the North or West , we are ardent liers, as our marginalization are home made and our leaders twisted our Future just for personal aggrandizement ,even the crowd applaud. 

The laws you enacted today, though it will be subject to judicial vigorous interpretation by NJOKU and members of other parties,then Government will be using our meagre resources to buy Jaundice judgement from those people we cries and pointed to as oppressors but we will seek Redress from them.

Without swirling Waters in my Mouth, I will say with all candid finality that OUR OPPRESSORS are Full time Ndigbo hiding under igbo party. 

In the House of Ashamebly, we have all parties, that shows that when we complain about APC being bad at Central, that all parties are also Evil and oozing demonic fragrance in the State and wherever they held helm.

What was the intervention of members of other parties in the house when the house fabricated law that empowered them to enact that in event of Party conflict , House of Ashamebly should signed Party candidates, with which Powers?.

Do they have powers to rule over national parties?.

Who gave them the powers to tell parties who should hold brief or sign candidates for it ?

Who handed the names to the house ? 

Does the person has the powers of the party to do such?.

Do you think Court will support such absurdity?

This DEMONIC algebra will not be bad today because you benefit from it, but tomorrow when it affects you just know you created the monster, as BH was absorbed in the North to pursue partisan domination, but after the tenure of that officials, same BH became the terror that terrorize even the Law moulder and the Governor that used them to achieve ambition,it became terror without end. 

As Ndigbo, we should know na obuhó ikunye Enwe mmiri bu isi okwu, mana óbu inatakwa ya iko ojiri ñua mmiri. 

APGA have ruled ANAMBARA for heading to 20 years , but everyday they invent one giant anomaly and blanket us with nasty attitude, some of us saw the woes and refused to keep quiet, but it seems waste of time, seems we should simply shut up and lets enjoy the putrid we are stewing self into in ANMABRA. 

Remember Ndigbo was warning the Nation during last election about Voting right, voting Men wey sabi and the entire nation drew line on Centrifugal including Religious and Tribal lines , now when the mistake is choking they are asking same Ndigbo that cried and wailed without quiting to join them as Ewu akpu eje Afia to protest,and Ndigbo stood akimbo and said, let the elected eldorado continue because that Acidic rain they thought will pelt only the roof of igbo men are now falling on all roofs and heads , burning our pathways, same thing will happen in ANMABRA after the fact. 

Imagine House that didn't call for SECURITY upgrade with the intense insecurities that has taking over the state.

 imagine house that never visited any of daily UGM Carnage which is in every town today, imagine the house that have never visited any of the red zone of the state including ISEKKE, ÓRSUMOGHÚ, UNUBI, ENUGWU UMUONYIA, UMUNZE, MBOSI, ÚKPÓR, AZIA, ÚTÚ,Awka especially going to Abuja estate, MGBAKWU, URUM forest, they are busy enacting laws that will be tossed into trash bin by Judiciary and reduce them as Efulefus , but they don't care , they have entered the orgy of inyem Ego, egbuem onwem . 

Finally thank you members of the House for showing us that you Guys are Utufuruku. 

A State house that officially and unofficially mourn the demise of a SERVING SENATOR that died on active duty,imagine óhu na amu amu maka na eji mbazu eni ohu ózó,i weep for the slave.

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

 NIGERIA, the Olympic unsung Hero , i hail you written by Mkpisi. 

I was so proud that Nigeria break all the barriers once again and Won the NONE Medals in the Paris 2024 Olympic. 

We spent 12 Billion Naira with 80 Athletics, we won over 80 Sold and 60 Livers according to statistics from INEC database. 

if you are not down with it,go to Court.

We have Runners who trained on Dusty, gallop filled Tracks and you place them on standard tartan tracks to compete with athletes that were provided good camping places, got fed with requisite meals, groomed for Paris weather and given all they needed to compete, which was allen to most of our athletes ,and you expects ours to even stand on same track with others? we play too much in this country.

Well they went, they saw athletes and they clapped as competitors won laurels and we won appearances. 

Nigeria won the First competitor that went to Olympic Bicycle Event without physical Bicycle, they have to borrow from Germany one of the Bikes they use for training, that's wonderful news, at least, we won A Shameless Nation award. 

Don't forget that most Nigerian abandoned athletes that Migrated to other nations,won Gold and Silver,an aberration with Green white Green,i even think we need to change our color like we changed our Anthem.

Our Sprinters tried to show individual Best, as they trained with TOKUNBO self provided Canvas and went to track with whatever available, not as if companies that sponsored and provides training materials to other nations didn't provide to Nigerians, but we know that selling NATIONAL assets are number 1 priority of Civil and uncivil servants, so i won't be surprise if our quota were sold right from the delivery Van from Sport manufacturing companies,as they know that there has never been consequences for wrong doing in Government provided MONIES in Nigeria ,we put crown on defecation in Nigeria "Anyi na etube Nsi Ugo" . 

I thank Bad economy that most people, leading by me did not recharge GOTV and DSTV , so we wasn't even watching the Olympic height of Shame . 

I know many are watching the MOST INDECENT PORNOGRAPHIC SOUTH AFRICAN BIRTHED PROGRAM called Big brother Naija , a program that even Devil will not watch with his disciple, a Program sponsored with billions, while ACADEMIC competition were buried alive in Nigeria, but i digress from the Olympian utopian ladder. 

Next Olympic, what Nigeria need is to Buy miracle Canvas from Pastors who Scam international scammers by promising them Decanter to Scam Victims,yet not even one spiritual client will fall for the scammers to shine. 

To scam scammers is never an easy feat, but many pastors dip hand straight into the pockets of SCAMMERS and scam them with false Hope, and they repeat the circle all over on Weekly and monthly circle.

 NIGERIA is a place with lot's of talent, even Dibia take turn scamming same scammers with some mumbo Jumbo and embellishments. 

One thing about Nigeria is that they Fish from another man's fishing basket without iota of guilt.

If we had used miracle Canvass, MIRACLE oil on the hands of athletes in hand Using events, if we had used MIRACLE Medals to fortify selves, we should've won physical laurels, ana ezuzughari. 

Well , now that we did the expected by not winning even Bronze, can we move on to next squandermania Program? 

If Only State governments should invest more on agriculture, we can at least know that our sufferings are not all-around because we can have food on our tables, but we lack everything, I won't be surprise if our Government start importing Garri, Akpu, Ofe from China and in return give them our state Capitals as collateral ,as Oil we had,have been giving to other nations as collateral for old loans . 

Using our oil as collateral simply means we don't have future, just to say your Father used his Land as collateral to obtain loan, just know you have no acquaintance much will be the accumulated interest that you will pay to Ransom the Land? with the amount accumulated, you can buy self virgin Places. 

Having shared my happiness on our Sporting decadence, let me go and search for miracle food , so once i share it to my family, they won't hunger again, while i will be hiding and waiting as SDP SIDE CHAIRMAN in Anambara state, so after APGA may have finish using us to file for LGA ELECTION In Anambra, i will provide the Court ruling and i will tell them that i don't recognize them. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the Voiceless, Conscience of the state, Gentleman with baseball bat. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024


This is to inform the general public that no official date has been fixed yet for the burial of Senator (Dr.) Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah (CON). 

The family will formally announce the dates for the burial when all arrangements have been concluded.

Please continue to put the family in your prayers.

Thank you.


Chigozie Udogu

Chief of Staff to Sen. Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah

 Congrats to Gov Charles Soludo on giving the Daughter away in Igba Nkwu na Isuofia by Mkpisi. 

His Excellency Gov Charles Soludo ,the Governor of Anambra my state,as you traditionally give away your daughter Miss Adaora in a traditional and cultural marriage yesterday the 11th of August 2024 ,which is the bedrock of marriages,i say Imela , congrats to you and your wife.

We know that traditional marriages supercede every other Marital annexed celebration, including Court wedding which is important to facilitate Division and divorce and or setting apart Unity of marriage, which is the only benefit from Court marriages and certificate of Marriage which is known as Certificate of Advance divorce.

With Court or Registry marriage, what spouses worry about is gathering evidence to present to court in issue of discrepancy that would've been settled atop the Bed,but because we fortify self with evidences that won't repair cracks but set marriages apart,we gather evidence to impress and gain sympathy of Judiciary,at the end we provided evidence that set family apart.

Church marriage are Caucasian replication of Igba Nkwu Nwanyi because they don't have culture,so we are multiplying our woes by marrying our Culture and imported ones.

Both Registry and Church marriages has causes for continual Divorce. 

While Cultural igbankwu doesn't have room for divorce , we witness many who walked the path of cultural wedding rarely divorce, contrast with those of other wedding import.But moving on -

Isuofia the town of the Governor stood agog as ADAORA introduced her heartthrob to the kinsmen and Generality of the state ,she got the blessing of the father and the Land.

Whatever the two love birds had became culturally accepted as the Father handed his daughter over to a Prince of her heart in his ancestral home, thereby making the Man  "SON In law" .

It's a thing of joy for parents to be alive, healthy and give away the daughter in marriage or the son to get self a wife, it shows the family excelled in parental ramification.

Once again, congrats my Governor and the wife, may your joy know no bounds as you will reap the benefits due to parents. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Late Senator Ifeanyi Ubah who died with mystics surrounding his dead , though we Vote to accept the Medically jargon of Heart attack even for somebody without any Heart condition ,as we know that somebody with heart of health conditions will have bags of Medical but the Senator wasn't Known to have ailing health.

Though for fear of reprisal Holocaust we can't relate his demise to the Gory event and traditional TUFIAKWA that happened to him months prior,with mouths agape (For INITIATES only) indignation.

The Young Dynamic, POLITICAL Phenom, at his age was able to wrestle whirlwind and use TUSK of the god's to drink with POLITICAL Acolytes.

He build his House where angels dread to thread and he made YPP to become a party with address from oblivion. 

As a Friend, though we always disagree on so many things and he will Smile and say "Alaigbo General" you do what you know best and allow me to do mine , because i shove truth down throats and not many like it,many prefer those na eme fa nsakulu. 

I can say , i named him a Cat with 21 Lives when he waltzed into  NATIONAL agenda of emasculating Igbo Oil mongers, which the Young man was leading the pack, they staged all Brand of home made ruination to ostracize him from the Banquet, Mop his sandals dust off the corridors of Rich Men of the Nation,but he jumped and passed. 

When i thought his money was finished for good after many hiccups years ago and he kept rising like Phoenix, i asked him "Ebubechukwu uzo, echekwom na idalu go ani ? " and he said to me "Nwannem, ibubechukwu Uzo , ifere agaghi eme gi ". 

For this man who made LP had first Serious POLITICAL romance in the East, left it and make Mark in all other parties, then made YPP household name in POLITICS and Politriks, I developed interest to look at his defection into APC , one of the most hated and dreaded POLITICAL party na East , i ask him , i said "Ebubechukwu uzo, óburúzie nke APC ? party ndi Awusa?" and he ask me this direct question "Ókwódi akpudebe nti ama ura ? 

ókwó onye cholu iketa oke umunna ya , onodu ebe ana eke the Oke ? " ,then i started seeing things again from neutral prism. 

Now he is dead and his dream aborted, thanks to ndi osogbiegbu that will LIVE FOREVER, because they won't die , as we know na fa ga epu ero and they may live to be 900 YEARS, but ka anejegodi. 

He was giving chairman DOWNSTREAM PETROLEUM which in Igbo translated to "NTU NA AGHUGHO AFIA MMANU", He was getting juicy prospects and wham , he was eliminated with SPIRITUAL Firestorm. 

Now , the REPLACEMENT SENATOR is what we should consider carefully, somebody suggested to me, why not drag his wife into the Race and i ask myself, how about ónwu gburu ALHAJI, odi ka ófu Alamjari óhapu ya ?.

A legend said "Onye ya na Ekwensu na erikó nri na eji ogonogo ngazi" but i refuse to accept that school of thought, to me  i can't eat with the devil, even with Shovel size of spoon , because his hands are magically long ,and can stretch beyond imagination, the best defense against Oyibo, is Voom because it bested LET ME EXPLAIN. 

My old man said to me "Okenye ji nganga agbanahu Efi ara " and i smiled and say Mpa ekwehom , and he was like why ? i said , if one is Using Nganga with is pride to walk away from the said Crazy Cow, the Cow may increase the speed and maul you down , so i told him, i ran without respect into the Bush just for an escape, after all ogini the Rat said he prefer people to laugh at the path he used in escape from Pellets from Hunters Gun, than people to laugh at his Protein inside soup pot of a caterer. 

Who we need as replacement Senator should be one who understand the Politics of that Hollow chamber, who will fit into the Politics and Politriks of the Chamber, one who can't be seen and addressed as NEOPHYTE or JJC by others, we need somebody who has what it takes for the bully Holly of the Law makers, so that nke anyi amam fuzi .

Somebody who shall be giving all offices and powers of the late Senator, especially now that we have seen the Crystal path created by Odogwu Nnewi, let's not send a boy into CAUCUS of Ndi Ichie , maka ana etoru nri mgbede etoru. 

I know the South has tested and verified in that Field, and as Nigeria is now tottering on Hard Core Centrifugal POLITICS, ka anyi nye fa our own matadors. 

Ndi South, unu juam asim unu , no need to wander the forest of WHERE IT IS , after all , it's a game that has never been felled that one can say that we don't know how to slice the meat. 

Have a Deep look into your Anals and bring up a Veteran.

Ndi South, if you guys need more opinion on this , i will give more, but agaghim agbóru unu agbó, we should learn the POLITICAL pathways of our unconventional neighbors, so that we can be protected with this unprotected Conjugal mating. 

I remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the Voiceless, Pains to POLITICIANS with crooked life. Gentleman with baseball bat as walking stick. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

 CALLING AKPOKUE AGULERI to ATONE for his Mistake  by Mkpisi. 

Dear AKPOKUE Dike Aguleri, i greet you sincerely with a little reservation a day after your birthday.

Sir, i come to you begging you to right the wrong you created in our state which is yours as well, yes you heard me .. we shouted, we lamented, we whispered na Charly Nwa Mgbafor ga apiawa Ndi ANAMBRA Azu but you went ahead and Veto our choices and install him as replacement Governor. 

As Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa,i kept wailing na nkata ga ekwupú óhú but you prevailed, though you got the First thank you pack from the government by EFCC ikpu gi ufuru ma ani, and Channels TV appearance where it was said that you left empty Treasury , though i know you left in a particular account over 11 Billion,but i love it ,you cooked a Governor and you tasted the seasoning maka onye sicha onete nnu.

Sir, i am calling ,you should come out once again to correct the mistake by electing the right person that will take over or the worst that can happen is,the Job won't be delivered but enu na ani can exhonerate you from making Soludo the Governor and he dragged the state back to Stone age. 

Sir ,the main reason you should come out and shop for a replacement Governor is not because you made him Governor and became the First Anambara Governor jelu EFCC, that's small sin and of no consequence, the reason you should join the rescue mission is because ,he lied to get you to trust him when he defined your days in grammatically package "Governor Obiano Tenure is not Broken,no need getting a replacement to Fix it" and you smiled and believed him,which is stealing by trick ...then..

Once he became the Governor,he coined a phrase saying "SOLUDO SOLUTION TO WILLIE MALADMINISTRATION".

That's phrase is Acidic mantra that tried to bury your days as dirty and filthy, imagine SOLUTION to ANAMBRA AIRPORT which we haven't seen a replacement or advanced version.

SOLUTION to International conference Center with we haven't seen the SOLUTION version.

The only SOLUTION we have seen is painting those Okwabe Ikwube at Óka the Capital,as he drew Pictures of some people, Maybe that's what make our state TAIWAN,but i digress.

SOLUTION to SECURITY that was in the state, when  Night life was bubbling,when one walk around without much fears ,when one drive around in Millennium Cars,when one throw parties and Bury the death back home.

Today We moved to God have Mercy because onwerozi ife anyi na aghota.

I just personally Wonder what the SOLUTION is profiling as i haven't seen one?

Sir,you need to stand out ,hit Campaign train of anybody,and DEMAND in less words for definition of SOLUTION..

Also APGA has been marked for extinction and when they move into SDP be rest assured that your baby killed the party handed over to you.

Honestly,the Governor is trying to Tar Virgin Roads especially ones located in AGUATA,then he turned ISUOFIA into DUBAI and linking Ekwulobia Town with Iyonnenne Bridge to Uga ,but my personal fear is that as security is so pourous now in the State,a bridge is prioritized over Security,then when they Bad boys and Girls gugba-ed somebody and use that Bridge, in 10 minutes the person will be Outside the State and the ransom will be paid inter State and may be for two states.

Dear AKPOKUE, don't think you have retired,in igbo culture,onye nyuchie nsi uzo ,óbia kpokpu ya.

i come in piss as your former Special ADVISER in good Governance.

Mazi Odera lamenting the Jaundice effect of having ZONAL PICKED CANDIDATE in a situation that needs the Best hand , ewelu ya na eme enye ndi ebea ,enye ndi ebe ózo ,plus Since we cultured our DEMONIC DENOMINATIONAL BRANDED POLITICS all things fall apart and the center is no more holding.

it's time we perish that evil Zonal Turn by Turn and elect the best hand to save this State from hands of EMPERORS.

One can be emperor because we allowed Powers that are far above the perform to be crippled and limited to be localized and then beggars became leaders.


Good Morning Denominational prompters of the state and Bad morning to agitators of ZONAL rotational POLITICS,as we know na adiro eji only child eme experiment of odeshi.

Mkpisi Ndi Egede is a Gentleman with Baseball Bat and he has the insurance of Mpa Nnukwu,if you look at  Last Born Mpa Nnukwu with Bad eye 👁️ ,mpa Nnukwu arupia gi the eye.

 APOLOGETIC BIRTHDAY TO GOV OBIANO from Mazi Odera POg JP written by Mkpisi. 

In all sincerity and open mindedness from a good Aborigine, i tender half reserved apologies for calling Gov Obiano the worst Governor to have reigned in Anambara State, but it was just comparing or using the predecessor standard, which adjusting with cannabis of the moment, where even the Peaceful Serenity enjoyed then , have been swept under whirlwind. 

Óka and environs were impregnable then and lots of upliftment was done then,now the only thing the new government have done is to Draw pictures at the bridge built by AKPOKUE.

During the day's of Obiano, we were worried that he made life enjoyable and wealth spread within a circle, but lives came to good period, as Restaurants sprung up within and outside ÓKA the State Capital , against now when Restaurants are closing in droves and Hotels attracted by Past Government wind down and count losses as results of Government over taxing and gross insecurity.

Street trading become anathema in today Anambara,and Poverty comes with a cross ,infact if you are not Rich,then you may face the AKA ODO of some Government AGENCIES who derive joy inflicting pains.

Today, what we enjoyed during Obiano which includes coming home to mark Event, celebrate weddings and drive around with Luxurious Car has gone with the wind.

Today even security agencies mark zones with security Demarcation, like calling ÚKPÓR, ÚTÚ, MBOSI, ÓRSUMOGHÚ, ISEKKE, LILU, ENUGWU UMUONYIA, EZIRA, UMUNZE As Red Zone.. then we know that ÓKA Capital is now dreaded with all sense of the word Dread,especially behind NNPC and FRSC back yard , leading to ABUJA ESTATE and so many upcoming estates, even AMANUKE, MGBAKWU, URUM FOREST has become a Den of Kidnappers. Infact,if care is not taking, Kidnappers will have receipt or sticker for kidnapped clients,so you can pass or enter into their Net,pay ransom and continue,as the boldness they display now is scary.

Now , Cultism operates without fear and absolutely rascality, all this did not happen during AKPOKUE , not for lack of bad men or boys, but because they met a lethal warning and deterrent from Chief Security officer who uses his Security Vote to deal with insecurities.

Happy birthday AKPOKUE, even as much as i complained about Okwabe Ikwube, we have an ongoing iyonnenne located close to Home. 

We are enjoying the Airport, though built with fund left behind by predecessor ,but it's a legacy.

We are enjoying International conference Center, where the Incumbent is planning 10 Story centrifugal Hotel. Not trying to restore the State owned Sky scrapping Hotel building and abandoned at SHOPRITE COMPLEX,GRA ONUICHA

Just telling you sorry for calling you the worst Governor, now that we know better, now we know that FEDERAL Allocations and FEDERAL dash money to states under the new Government are greater than what the state has gotten in 20 years tenure put together, i understand what failure is truly is . 

Have a great Birthday, as we reminiscent in the good old security right we enjoyed in the state , now we are ANAMBRA the state of the Dread. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

 BARING A LAST MINUTE MIRACLE, the Governor of Anambra state Prof  Charles SOLUDO will Migrate to SDP written by Mkpisi. 

Having tested the Hocus Pocus of Political parties, when he resolved to bury APGA the party that gave him Impetus and revived his castrated political position, the Governor with a boastful stance said that it's Edozie Njoku that should come to him on bended knee as a Governor and a professor, that he is too big, too connected and too elevated to condensed to reaching out to mere PARTY chairman, which NJOKU activated his Nmesia gi ife , ikweta resolve and APGA the party is Moving from Centrifugal to out right demise because of the stand off between the two. 

As he negotiated to join APC with a caveat of having GUBER Flag without Primaries as requisite of joining the party,  he refused to acknowledge the Powers of Potents within the party, he refused to salute the resolve of Late Senator Ifeanyi Ubah who understands POLITICAL picketing like no other and was waiting for his migration to test the Shark infested water 

He did not negotiate nor meet with Paul Chukwuma the deeply APC CONNECTED within Ranks and File of the party ,who is coming with full chest for the Seat.

Or the Towering Powers of Senator Andy Uba without H , who has the ears of Mr President and a Man who caress the POLITICAL critiros of the Presidency.

 By the time he realized that he is just a POLITICAL Neophyte and cannot contend with Powers in APC, he started negotiating with PDP and , they were sharpening the Cutlass they Always use to decapitate a good one , he ran for cover with hands grasping for straws. 

Now he Constitute ANSIEC hoping they will write him names of puppet and announce same as winners for LGA CHAIRMEN democratically, but knowing he can't get it with APGA his current party, as Eddie Njoku will squeeze his Neck with Lethal precision especially now he has the Powers of Court and backing of INEC.The pissing contest is in favor of Njoku.

So he is preparing alternative fall back and SDP is the Party marked as NEXT to be used, the party is free but can he replicate what Ifeanyi Ubah did with YPP ?. The making of sleeping party into a portent one is not ruining a good party that is spread already.

He forgot that APGA is a Brand cherished by Ndigbo and not out of desperation . 

He should know that his moving into SDP will baptize his POLITICAL first outing, as OBIANO gifted him Governor under APGA, just because he told the Man it wasn't Broken,no need to repair his mess ,and the Man did not know that he was set up to be slaughtered with EFCC, but i digress. 

One thing he didn't know is my position in SDP and he did not "Read the MINUTE of Last meeting". But anyi ga ama ndi ka mbubó aracha na SDP.

Now that he is dancing the Political Surugede and he is dancing the ETILIOGWU of the system, it reminds me of the chant of Pericoma Okoye that said "Nwata buru nmanwu uzó, nya na ósó, Nmanwu buru ya uzó, Nkwukwu ezue ya aru".

He should know that Ezeonyeagwanam must walk around with apparel soaked with Fecal matters, as those that will tell him Truth are tired of speaking to somebody who hates to accept advise.


Mazi Odera POg JP going to SDP Meeting, ka okwelu the Governor ógódó onye amu ibi. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 Bianca ojukwu nee Onoh , a case study.. by POg 

I call her my Lady and she is one of the very tiny Circle that gets my respect,any other one can get baseball correcting Rod from my Pen.

This is a woman who grew up in a Millionaire family, she attended the best of schools and came out with best of results. 

She Married richly but before then, she was a beauty Queen, who won most beautiful Girl in NIGERIA , miss inter Continental and World Runner up , that's just growing up . 

She is a lawyer, married to Head of State, married to Hero with Giant followership , but in all this She has never disrespected her Husband or jump out of her marriage, not that they wouldn't have one or two altercation which is lubricant of marriage,but anusia ógu anyi achóta udo na enu Bed. 

Don't forget she was an Ambassador of Nigeria to Spain, she has Black Belt in Taekwondo as wel , yet she stayed Married. 

She has no need for iphone , rather she can give one if she so choose.

On her own, she is a Millionaire if not a billionaire, yet she stayed married to same man , but most girls whose parents are struggling for daily living are disrespecting the husband Man.

 Ladies whose success in life are how many Old Men they side chic-ed or hopping between Hotel beds are looking for a man who doesn't cheat ,as if KARMA dey craze ,all those people you Hop into their Bed are other people's Husband, just shattap and enjoy your kamaric pay back.

Ladies whose Tertiary education are limited to how many calls they answered and snuck out as UBER to go and raise fund, as What if i may ask? they are same that will be stressing Men , and when they over stress man, the man decides to go out and find elusive peace , the woman will start complaining on how the man cheated on her, without asking self what made that Man to change?.

Read my lips, if you change a man's life to Hell, he will start seeing you as Devils alternative and start looking for Outside peace. Once you as a woman leaves your marriage,then what you need is grace because na side Chic you will enter.

If a woman like Bianca with all qualifies stayed Married till death and remain after death, i wonder what inspires all this Mgbeke Iteigwe that Married by Grace will be divorcing per minute? 

Nigeria is getting Toxic as a Nation and marriages has become egwuregwu Umuazi, most Girls that doesn't Worth friendship are now Married women, so they don't know the characters and characteristics of a Mother, and separate character of a Runs Girl from a married woman, they confuse most of them. 

Ladies moving out of your marriage because life is unbearable for you is good, but ask your mum, Aunties if their own marriages are Bed of Roses? some men stayed married just to make sure that the brutal effect of Divorce will never affect the innocent Children. 

Women should be considering the effect of Divorce on the Children, moving out of marriage,can you give your Children what you stole from them in their father's house and Care ?

I am not saying you should repent or be like Bianca, i am saying, if Bianca who can be called MADE WOMAN can stay married, why should all this Beauty Top Up be divorcing day after day? 

Top Up beauty are those who Add Breast, add bottom, Use make over powder and chemicals to appear decent, but beautiful women don't even worry about cosmetics and expensive Soap, they radiate, while Mgbeke search for self enhancing beauty. 

Good Morning, i remain Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Mazi Odera POg JP, the pen of the gods and or Mkpisi na ede with precision. 


As we progress on the duties of the living, I have learnt in a big way , that some things doesn't worth the grief, the advise or the worries, come with me.. let's stroll on corridor of knowledge.

I don't argue with a Youth who think that sharing Palliative is good representation, Sense are giving, but using it is a choice. 

I don't argue with Ladies who turn Private Part to sources of fund raising ,because what she think was done codedly, will uncode her life at later age, when she must have used up all lubricant in her Parts because Akwuna na Akwa akwa Nwa na Agadi. 

I don't argue with Politicians that underestimate the powers of Media, he or she will always be swearing tru to god and he sweating over erroneous impression. Media will present you the way the world will have impressions of you and who you are, they are Projectors and mind builders.

I don't argue with Men who think that his Family should fear him , as at old age , he will Notice that the family is still with fear of coming to him and attending to him. Family should be your go to Guy, your Paddy,your first Love and you Future insurance.

I don't argue with Children who think that once they insult you to impress a POLITICIAN on SOCIAL Media, that he has arrived.

POLITICIANS treat them as Nuisance,as the only Value he or she has is a Nuisance One and won't grow above such. 

I don't argue with Christians who believe that what we are suffering are ancestral doing, because if ancestors crime shall be visited on children, not even one person shall see what to eat in AMERICA and Europe for they dealt inhumanly to Africans. What we suffer is BAD GOVERNANCE, idiotic worship of Denominational god ,as we don't agree in one thing,we can't agree on one HEAVEN,Just know that our running around and throwing tantrums doesn't impress God.

I dont argue with anyone that think critics are looking for money or crumbs, it's just an upbringing of the person's mindset, once somebody was born to family of scavengers, they always see things from that PRISM.Critics build society ,while praise singers destroy the fabrics of good Government.

I don't argue much with people who see POLITICAL leaders from Denominational perspective, as they will see that such leaders are worst than lepers ,as you lifted a lepercum to lord over your life. 

I Educate those who think that leadership should be Zoned and not getting the best no matter the region,we launder chaffs as Leaders and little wonder we can't grow above tarring same road every year and call it WORKING instead of Nsokwu.

I don't argue about SOLUTION to inanities and insanities, you can't tell me that ALL is well , that NOTHING is Broken and at same time telling me you are SOLUTION to what wasn't broken, it's a choice to make, i made mine which is ,STAND AT A PLACE and not using grammar to bamboozle us. 

I don't argue with a Man who doesn't know when Power changed hand and refused to listen to advise, now running Helter Skelter to get assimilated into PDP when the Power he controls is about phasing out, he wants to migrate into where he doesn't have traction, little wonder they said Pride goes before a Big fall... 

I am Mkpisi Ndi Egede and i speak the language of the INITIATES.. 

Monday, August 5, 2024


All around the Nation there's ongoing agitation against Bad Governance, then it Metamorphosed into Protest of End bad Governance and i was in confused State of the mind. How can the Government so much loved and chosen with furry,be considered bad just within months?

Ndigbo are dumbfounded over the sudden tantrums, because we were considered liers when we prayed the nation to vote for prosperity,but they opted for ethnicity and Religious bounds and anyi micharu noda (We swallowed the phelgm in peace).

Was it the same Bad Governance Ndigbo advocated against during the campaign and was shouted down? because we have counted 99 and 100 is no Longer a Marvel to us , yet they cried that our Blood shall be used as appeasement? Because we ask for better tomorrow for all ,not just us, but a better midwived Nation,we tried pulling us out of Coma but those who went hunting with us said our neck has same smell with Antelope and that's a bad sign for we may be mauled down as a Game.

Igbo elders said, what an Old sensible Elder saw while sitting in the shadow of his Hut, cannot be seen by a toddler, even if it struck his forehead or He is sitting Atop IROKO tree .

The snake that bite us black and blue and we smiled, give her room to squat with us as live in co-tenant, is same one that swipe them with ordinary tail and they are yelling, raising cudgels and weapons of War ,beckoning on us the most afflicted who share Dungeon with the snake to join them and do what, if i may ask ?. 

We have made Peace with the Serpent and we had Memorandum of Understanding with her , saying Live and let's live or Kwanu Choose a spot where to bite,as we shall nurse it without complain, after all we are reclining by the furnace before the advent of harmattan.

The Honest truth is that Ndigbo are importers and traders, when we make order for a merchandise, pay for it , clear same from wharf and when offloading, we discovered that it's defective, we simply pack it and manage the sales because, we bought a dud. 

We have made Peace with the merchandise the Nation bought,and we refuse to complain.

One Town in ANIOCHA LOCAL Government, where a king was suspended for giving Chieftancy to a man, there was a siege on that town between the King and King Maker who was Richer and more powerful, but the town was angry that the King doesn't have the resources and philanthropist nature to out do the King maker , so they were planning on how to upturn the king and the Man made one famous statement "N***" " Ebukwam unu, óburu afia aghogom unu, unu ya amanejibem etu ahu"(My people i greet you , just know that i have being the King, if it is Bad market, just accept me and manege me as i am ).

We have accepted the Lopsided Pervasion and gross Injustice meted to Us as a tribe and we are weak to join a protest or even remonstrate on our own. 

Simply allow us to Mourn our beaten during the VOTE RIGHT ELECTION, we have scars,the fractures to show our struggles and we lay in heap of our sorrows, kindly allow us to sorrow in peace, don't aggravate it again.

When we pontificated, we had the prophetic unction , but after that we have a weakened resolve and we simply mind our business and live our life as rejected and dejected Tribe, because he they despise can never despise self , so waiting for us to join you and remonstrate over what we shouted, pointed at and begged everyone to avoid that Path leading to Water of had i know and they called us Names , now that we say let's lick our wounds and recoil they are calling us to be maimed and cajoed once again , but we have this believe that one protruded branch cannot scratch a wise man twice on same journey, so we avoid the spot. 

We have done with protesting, we make good managing whatever Bad Governance threw at us , as our fate are now married to the God and hard work. 

The situation today reminds one about an igbo warning to a Man who keep throwing stone into a crowded market the elders counselled him to stop it and he kept on throwing the stone, until he got home and discovered that most of the Stone landed on his Mother, Wife and Daughter and he was shouting Chim egbuem , but the truth is that , human doesn't know that the scale used in measuring crops for others, shall be used in giving you the needed crops you also desire from other sources. 

As for the Bad Governance, i think we are now at peace with it and we can't turn the apple cart as it is.

Why change the Positive and the redeemer chosen by the Wiser generation?

Have a Good Morning. i remain Minority Opinion writer na South East. 

Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

 MISS SOLUDO COURT WEDDED in LONDON, to had Traditional wedding at Isuofia and White wedding in Abuja , written by Mkpisi. 

All plans has been made, all i dotted and t crossed for the wedding of current Anambara Governor's first Daughter Miss Adaora Soludo, who married her Heart throb in LONDON marriage registry on the 26th of July 2024.

Thereafter, after saying i do , they will reluctantly come to Isuofia to Fulfill all righteousness in a make believe Traditional wedding on SATURDAY 10TH AUGUST 2024 at her fathers compound in Isuofia. Wonder if there will be need to give her CUP to find her Husband who the Brutish registry have pronounced Husband and wife,but i digress.

Then as Anambara is not Golden and safe enough for white wedding, couple with insecurities, knowing that many people will grace the occasion and the security can't be guaranteed, so the white wedding will be held at HOLY TRINITY MAITAMA ABUJA on the 17th of AUGUST, with an Invite that SPECIFICALLY said strictly on invitation , meaning that it's occasion for Professor's or Billionaires, the least poor men and Average men to be seen that day are the Android pandering Media Men known as "Fake News group of Reporters" who won't have a seat but walking up and down taking pictures and sending reports for approvals, and tagging the wedding millennium wedding. Which after the occasion they will be shoved inside Sienna back to ÓKA the State Capital,as they don't Merit a night out in Abuja.

Congrats to the newly married couple, sorry the Newly Court married and the incoming Traditional would be married couple, though to many of us who are not professors, traditional wedding MUST come first, then Court wedding and white wedding,all in that Order, but coming from stable of a Professor, things are done the other way round. 

Then an advise to other Ndi ANAMBRA, you have seen that your weddings are approved to be held in ABUJA or outside the State because our securities are not good enough and our Churches not Holy enough,you have seen the method ,just follow suit.

Don't Forget that the wedding is SPECIFICALLY ISSUED and limited to INVITED GUESTS ONLY.

Now even Marital SOLUTION is there , sorry is here. 

Mkpisi reporting as uninvited guest to the wedding, but will be around, make somebody chase me away and EPISTLES of the Wedding shall follow. 

Pen of the gods communicating. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

 Ókwó ana ama ese utu óhu , odika odi na Oru? by Mkpisi. 

Like Ndigbo advised, óyim akam agwa gi bu ajo oyi, mana agwarum gi agwa is a friend in deed. 

I have warned, cried and lamented about the POLITICAL Menopause of APGA , how they are shooting self on the Nadike ogbogu, but seems sense have flew far away from them,but the quandary is when the story of "What and who killed APGA"  shall be told in future ,the question will be Ndi mgbe ahu kwue gini ? ,so anam ekwupuru enu and ani ,ka úta dizieru  ndi múó. 

APGA is naturally modified to  be in Dispute, since the death of Ikemba , it Started with Chekwas vs Victor Umeh, it blurred the Party, then moved down ,Sir Victor Umeh vs Maxi Okwu and the Party Leader who happened to be the Governor then , Mr Peter Obi , they slugged it out until common sense prevailed, as APGA would've lost the election if not that they kissed and make up , though to detriment of other active members who staked so much in the party as well , but the Government remained in the party. 

After Victor Umeh come Victor Oye and there was centrifugal movement of silliness to merchandising the party, then APGA moved from onye aghana Nwanne ya to atúghige agholukwa enterprise. 

Maybe because the new Pharoh did not know who is Joseph, they don't know or revered Ikemba,  they hacked away his glory from the Abada and exiled the wife from the Party that she is a BOT. 

Right from then till now ,the Fabric of APGA that was made prestigious by insignia of Isi OJUKWU went into Coma, as they surgically remove isi OJUKWU for some silly POLITICAL philosophy, which if they despise head Head of Greatness on the Abada which gave APGA the Aura as nkea bu nke anyi, they should've removed the heads on our Currencies as well .

Last election APGA went as far as Birnin kebbi ans other Places to buy judgment from the stable of those who detested the  party with disgusting hatred , yet the players wasn't acting for the interest of the party, but on who controls the party never on who shall put the party back on right pedestrian, so the person will control the purse. 

The mantra of the party,nkea bu nke anyi was substituted with NKEA BU NKE FA ,they rendered the party aimless and soulless.

The party deal with Ndigbo with wanton desecration, ruthless persecution as ikutusi houses of the poor all hidden under the pretense of creating utopian hallucinatory Neon town,but rendering many families destitute.

óbuzi iji Aka ODO akusasi the legs of divergent citizens, infact the party gave AGBERO REFLECTIVE JACKETS and gave Agbero broader impetus in the State.

As we speak, Federal houses are expediting the WRIT that will empower INEC to take over state elections from state controlled ELECTION AGENCIES, including that of LGA and Counselors and APGA is still in disarray.

We all know that APC wants to take the State by power,fire and favor,but with the shrouded connivinace of APGA ,as they are making all constitutional effort to make the ground tilled for the peaceful winning of the State by APC,all the Jaw Jaw is just ka asikwo , but with the party provided weakness of her position, coupled with the friction,i see no reason they are not having clandestine Conjugal with APC.

 If any election should happen tomorrow in Anambara, APGA is automatically out of it as they will still travel the length and breath of Courts seeking for Jaundice judgement and Lopsided interpretation of Judgement, they forgot na agbaru aka na Azó ani, onye ji JI ana akónye ji jI na ani , ókwó di onu ga ekwu. We know na Ndigbo na agbakó aka naputa Ónanwuru Ókukó oji before asking the chick while she stroll down to the Family environment of the Wolf.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION is sacrosanct we all know , but who will sign the primaries FORM and candidates of APGA since the current authentic chairman is being diminished by the Party leader and Governor, making one to think that The GOVERNOR is not even a Politician at all or he is playing an orchestra being played by unseen hands, as in politics, what is on protection details are Party interest and not individual as the wave can go either way, but leadership is always abiding with whatever the Court ruled, even when the decision is against the interest of the Head , he can still play back yard antagonizing POLITICS but never in the public, but as it is now, the hostility against Eddie Njoku is so transparent and pronounced that amarozim na aga aputakwó Ókukó mkpuru akwa na nke ikpeazua. 

The incoming ANAMBARA SOUTH SENATORIAL REPLACEMENT ELECTION, is poised to favor any party between LABOUR and APC and other parties are not bothered. We know na ejiro mkpachako nsi egbe agba Adaka.

The Local Government Election is another Can of worms that will vent eribe ma afó ejughi and we are still standing askance with hands on our waist, behaving as if that is just a mock exam instead of POLITICAL JAMB with lot's of intrigues.

The Guber election that may be the Last is certainly looking more favorable toward APC , unless other parties woke up and know that ebuhó ife di na anya arahu ura. If one wants to attend Ikeji Izuogu and to tólu Ebunu edoru iyi,the person must start on time to prepare decanters that will appease the gods of the arena and the Festival deities.

Lastly, we must ascent to the fact that, we can no longer drag in ZONAL infraction into our State POLITICS or we allow the North to continue at Federal without us spraying saliva in protest of their domination. 

We shall bury the most Demonic Denominational Politics of Anambra state where Episcopal Honchos decide who governs based on Denominational Divide ,never of ability and dexterity ,we must allow the Best of the Best to take Power and stir us alright. 

If we dare promote that Zonal nonsense again,then we shall take a closer analytical zoom on the Denominational dynamics in ANAMBRA with all PUN intended and with a hardcore prejudice filled with ISM and soaked with SCHISM. 

We must also throw away onye chiba enye ya oke afa na egbu nwa nkita , i know we love sycophancy, but it has done us more harm than good. 

We should live above onye rúa roads that won't last end of his Tenure,we Started sing praising,imagine since APGA took over Governance,every year the roads they Tarred will evaporate like Water under scorching Sun,amarozim na aga eji Tarpaulin ekpuchi Coal Tar roads maka Apga Government na Aru zelu Ideyi,even the roads build by NGIGE of PDP over 20 years Ago are still in good condition ,odi onye kwue eziokwu ewelu nsi kogbue ya ?

Having said the above, let me yank out my Ekpere na Abu with Akwukwo Nso and be heading to Church as Ókpokópi onye CEREMESI, if you see me singing with my beloved Angelic voice today na Choir, you will think that any Ant i stepped on will be dancing in ecstacy. Not knowing na my Pen 🖊️ di Vaulent.

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods.