Thursday, May 30, 2024

 ANAMBARA ZONAL CONFLUENCE , Time to bury the Monster by Mkpisi. 

I have read some bad ideas that is pandered by equally untutored Pen pushers, some are of the opinion that ZONAL Gubernatorial will continue, despite the fact that it gave us bad Governance at full swing, it always substitute Perfection with abysmal and we have wandered the forest of ogini ka anyi ga akólu Chi anyi for far too Long. 

 Presently we see Current Governor working on all roads in the Southern part, making ISUOFIA the Citadel of development or say in a Mild word he turned ISUOFIA to Dubia and other SOUTH Zonal Towns the incoming TAIWAN, as the road he created from UMUOMAKU Through ENUGWU UMUONYIA, EZIRA, ACHINA is first of paved one going that route since the Creation of the State, Which is a good one , he concentrated on South or connecting Roads toward South like the one from AMANSEA to AWA,UFUMA,AJALI, which should be what Governance is all about, but cannot be reduced to Zonal as some are wanting it to be. 

If Truly, we want to continue towing that trend of Governance, we know SOUTH have completed the vacuum on Mbadinuju slot who did 4 years, if we include the brief interlude from Dame Virgy Etiaba who hold brief for Peter Obi when he was impeached,and Senator Andy Uba whose tenure was aborted by supreme Court to enable Peter Obi benefit the interpretation of TENURE as giving by supreme Court, the South have done 12 years plus with that of Okwadike. 

Ndi CENTRAL have done 10 years and 6 months both for Ngige (2 years and 6 months)and PETER OBI(8 years ), while Ndi North have done 8 years by Gov Obiano.

Continue using Zonal parlance to Choose Governors pegged Governance to ride with Local Government duties, irigote as Governor iruba your Local Government and abandon all other areas, that's primitive prompting and childish display. The person will abandon Health care,Penshion6, gratuity, putting qualified people into positions as he will infuse incompetent from his Zone into Government places,as if it's relay race.

If after all have finish maxing tenures and we want to go round again on same premise, I think it's time we draw a good analogy.. 

Ndi Roman Catholic chia , ndi Anglican achia and then ndi Pentecostal achia and Ndi Omenani achi kwue as well.. enough of the charade or let's all troll the selective amnesia called Zonal Governance, if we want Selective Governance, then we need ANGLICANS to run the affairs from next election as we can calculate the years they have been in relegation ,even the position of DEPUTY Given to them are giving to ANGLICAN APOLOGIES who are not real Communicants, unless Anglicans are considered outcast or ndi mbialu mbialu na the state,then we can continue pursuing Zone without balancing it.

It's our Choice, but you can't Choose a particular method that will continue favoring a sect and think that others na apu ara.

 if we want equity, we must come with washed hand and this time , we should look at Anambara election the way it should be , either it's free for all comers or we see same from Denominational prism. 

Unless the meeting point where they Choose Governors are done with Denominational Lopsided slight,you can't share things along a bias line and circumvent a particular margin and think they are dullards or deaf or ndi Nzuzu.

We all agreed that whatever is good for a pregnant Women,is equally good for the man that inpregnanted her. What is good for a goose , is as well good for the Gander. We want a continuity of Bias method of choosing leaders, let's make sure the selection won't be with amnesia.

Our brother's should remember that we are PROTESTANTS,that we stopped protesting is for good way forward,but prodding us with unneeded Political arguments will generate wake up call that will be a good leverage.

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods. A through and through communicant . 

 SOUTH EAST will get better (A lie clothed with mischief) by Mkpisi. 

South East is one of the most organized Sector in this Nation, but that was before the Spirit of having Ekperima as Leaders took over our senses, they loot us dry without consideration, they ruin the future of Ndigbo, and they  packed away the resources that should be used in building a Legacy and way forward for South East. 

South EAST should start electing leaders with purpose,not leaders who will come in with hunger and excruciating poverty and see the state as Poverty alleviation podium,we should look keenly on the leader and ask self ,onye onwelu ike ime garri be ya,ma sikwa ofe (Can this person be Able to Bake Garri and cook soup in his house or he is one of those who want communal effort in all they do ?).

The state Governor's should be coming together and plan Alaigbo without depending on Central allocations,we know that during the days of Old when Peter Obi was the Governor, South East use to have a leader ,a man who caliphates can't shake with promise of oil Well or any other Ponzi,he is eze faojuru because he was eating before the dinner was served,he was in the meeting before the meeting, he was pregnant before going to conjugal and wasn't expecting to get pregnant, that's what South East need for leadership as he led South East Governors forum with finesse, they  meet and decide to find a Path of progress for Ndigbo.

Not since after his stepping off at the end of his stop,we don't have Governors with igbo progressive agenda in mind.

Anambra election is coming very fast, the change will be when we jettison Denominational witch-hunting and discontinue allowing men on Cassocks ,suffligans to dictate to us the way of good Governance when all they wanted are path to dwell within the patrimony of the state,when they will discontinue the race to heaven and start gathering wealth to selves.

If South East must be revived and rechannelled ,we must bring Men who are sound from center to circumference into powers and stop encouraging misfits who climb to power to puverise the state, while we resign in good faith and or say "Hapu ya highest ochia 4 years " ,then we allow a replacement bigot to last another 4 year's and it will become a normal that we must have mistakes to Usurp our Governments.

I pray Ndigbo, especially ndi South East understand that jaw Jaw with empty resolve cannot give us a home land we can smile about,we need to picket our leaders and adjust the attitude of looting that has eaten so deep into them ,we can make things better when we elect few good men who think with progressive blood .

I remain Pen of the gods, Mkpisi Ndi Egede na ede with precision and don't forget to address me as Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

 BIAFRA, ODUDUWA, AREWA AND CONTINUITY, the Metamorphosis of the Great by MNE. 

Since Nigeria is not advancing above pigsty domain , since all we have ever planned as a Republic is to crawl in Millipede circles and spraying acidic saliva of Cobra on each other in Ethnical Hatred,just to make the terrain slippery and poisonous, i think it's time to look deeply at the Mistake of the contraption called Nigeria and ask self, how did we get this low ? and how are we going to come out of it or we have sworn to be perpetually Efukefus that does the bid of our colonial monsters?.

When somebody is digging and the ground is carving inn, the right thing to do is to stop digging and find a way out of the conundrum, unless ma erigo the person spiritually. 

We have tried as a Nation to grow our economy or even crawl with intention to stand,but it seem to be an impossible task , why can't we just split   to enable healthy competition and graduate from the manipulation caucasians sowed within the side enterprise they created as Animal farm for Caucasians? where they harvest or take the brand and type of sacrifice they need for every step that favors them.

China wanted a Population so large that they held unto HONG KONG so bad, but it get to a time they allowed them to get her own territory, got own Currency, got Passports, got everything that makes a Nation but China insisted they are Part of China which is political only ,as HONG KONG have moved beyond the bounds of limitations, they grew as democratic Nation whereas China is Communist in Euphemistic words or Sadism on the proper definition. 

Same thing applies to MACAU and TAIWAN, China with her capital in Beijing is trying to announce they are inseparable part of mainland China, but all of them have progressed far above each other, as MACAU which has the population of OKPOKO IN ONUICHA is the DEN of GAMBLING and Organized Crime in the world and they are Over Developed. 

Taiwan is also a First world material as a Nation, but yet they share same umbilical cord with China, why can't we weave same garment in Nigeria? 

I am sure that with escalated autonomy shared within the TRIPODIAL NATIONS , there must be healthy competition, growth that will waooo the world and people will start living a life Worthy of a wealthy nation as we are . 

Then the loots exported may find it's way back in Investors format, but Which ever guise a child come into this world, allow him to live , so we can also live while we practice the parlance of Live and let's live. 

If Nigeria continue to run in this circle drawn by Colonial monsters, we should know that we can't and won't see prosperity, despite the fact that Minerals in the North are the Best and largest in the World, but Caucasians prefer they live in excruciating hunger, so they can be begging for Palliative, then the whites will come as white with shinning armour that are helping, while what they came for is to mine and ostracize the owner's from the Lot. 

The West with her Cocoa and other agricultural produce including COCOA PYRAMID of yesteryears, they abandoned same and focus on the optical Dot the white created as illusion hiding under Crude oil that gave the nation crooked Lopsided living.

The East will then concentrate on trading and technological improvise that baffles the world . And the combination of ndi óbuna zoba onwe fa,which will create the panacea that will baffle the world.

For Nigeria to move out of this creative Mess , we must first move out of this ISM and SCHISM planted by the West to make sure we never use our senses to know that oji onye na ani ji onwe ya (If you hold somebody on the ground with the intention of keeping him down, you must be down on your knees without any other focus, so both of you are tied down) ,we must bury the ethnic jingoism, bury the Religious Bondage they used as Fetters of iron that replaced the slavery fetters used on our Grand fathers. The difference is that they forced Fetters on our illiterate grand parents,but we acquire our own fetters with our academic certifications.

Nigeria will rise and fly as CON FEDERATED STATE with individual freedom and joint progression.

The Colonials weaved us together with selfish intentions and they have us as puppets, whenever they saw we are bonding they will pull us apart and we keep living in bonds created by Men who gave us independent yet refuses us to be one as we are dependent on them even to make Budgets or vacations. 

The sooner anyi tetalu na ura , the best for us and isi na pit of slaves welu puta. 

i remain Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Special ADVISER to any Governor that love good Governance, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods. 

Monday, May 27, 2024


As the Court waded into the area where GOVERNORS enslave states Which will make Seat of Governor less attractive, where they use twine to tether States, i am talking about LGA ELECTION sorry ,i mean Local Government allocation, which my state turned to CARE TAKER with lot's of restraint against any serving TC.

i met with KPÓKIRIKPÓ the gods of EQUITY and as we reclined on the STUMP of that Iroko tree at EKE UKPO with R , he ask me , Mkpisi who do you think will be the next Governor of your state?. (imagine a god asking a Man for opinion on what the gods know years back ,but that's to say that Úchú na agba Ndigbo because we started romancing ntu na aghugho,even the gods are confused on what we actually want).

I looked at my feet and i say to him with the language of the gods , the Next GOVERNOR must be a well qualified man, a Man who doesn't need wing of a godfather to fly, a man who is SOUND from center to circumference, an akwa akwuru man ,a man who is eating before the meeting,Nwoke di ime welu jebe na oke, a man who can't depend on our patrimony to grow his Future. Nwoke ofe zuru nri ma zukwalu ndi neighbor ya.

I told him this because as Pen of the gods,i have the narrative to guide them right on affairs of Men ,even when they must have taking decisions,i give them human analogy and they don't Veto me .

We need somebody who will come from place of wealth, place of sound mind and place of Eze Afó juru. 

Ndi nke ózó na eji anyi amu ka esi akpakoba Unlimited fund ,just because we have a system that rewards atúghige agholukwa.

Okpokiri asked me , from Which Zone can the state make that deduction from? and I said  to him,.... 

Dont forget that Mkpisi has his ears to the ground and can pick up all UGHELI DANDA, and that makes him the rightful keeper of Diviners decanter, but ofe di oku can only be enjoyed with slow puffing and licking, Ndi ANAMBRA have made lots of errors in the past when we considered Political parties and zonal Dysentery, but thank God with the 4 years of last APGA Governor that is ongoing, the era of Zonal hogwash is over , now that all Zones have gone requisite rounds and more , we now Choose GOVERNOR that has something to deliver based on pedigree and not on Zonal turn bu turn that has being spinning our future out of balance.. and on that premise,i promise even the caliphate of the gods to stay tuned until the Narratives are bottled good ,then we can make the disclosure.. The most likely and most Fit, but the Masses are at Liberty to Vote for Bag or Cups of Rice,then suffer the consequences of the mistake again.

Point of interest is that.. ANMABRA should stop giving anybody second term as a Governor, throughout all Governors that returned for second term in Nigeria, second term is always disastrous because they have nothing more to prove, they try to do some scratching of surface jobs in first tenure with promise to better or complete same in second term, but second terms are best reserved for ibukpu ego the state as they felt they don't need further votes, so we should just give them one Tenure, after all only iti na erepeat class, second tenures are always retirement fom fojue akpa for them.

We should avoid having mkpi nkukwasi on our She Goat(Goment house), because mkpi nkukwasi adighi atuba Ewu ime , which is to say , it's time we elect Men with feathers, men who has muscle and not biceps, men who can Sprint from the blast of of the whistle and not Men who will be looking at the sideline for direction after the blast of the whistle. 

Anambra have wandered the forest of orphan for too long,it started because we always take godson's who take orders and designations from Power brokers Outside the Box . 

We erect not, elect Raiders and never leaders,which was why we always end up with anyam anyam (the pains of Acute agony).

As we wait for the assembly of the gods to give us analogy of who is who at the line up , let's keep our hands crossed, but for me, i know without prompting that for us to emerge powerful, we need a SEER who caress the Clitoris of the goddess because, he has the two ears and complete attention of the goddess at all time . 

We shouldn't forget na ejiro mkpachako nsi egbe agba Adaka and Leadership is ADAKA with clout.

Many love playing Jaundiced Politics, but i call things the way it is, and the Masses may Choose the way they want it to go, but we must remember that .. if Acidic rain come falling again , there's no exempting roof , all roofs must catch the rain. 

The reason Prophets divine years before event is because, they lay alternative on the line , because they Circumspect and try circumvention, but the Masses may be chasing inanities, which when drought comes as masses Mistake, even the prophet will be on his Loin cloth singing and dancing the music of ókwó ekwurun nya ekwu. 

Mkpisi is the Job, Dibia Onu Ike is the Office designation, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka is the assurance, but Mazi Odera POg JP is the name , but call me Last Born Mpa Nnukwu and i will add your name to list of those who i will open back door into heavens boys quarter. 


After the fierce rascality of Cultist in Anambara where they take lives without recourse, where they shoot innocent and assumed Members of the Sect or rival Cult without fear of higher powers.

The took over the state Capital without fear or remorse forgetting that the Powers of Government are more potent.

The crescendo was so tense and fear advanced so high, even tongues Started wagging about the ferocious take over of livelihood in the Capital city, but my recent investigation into the situation, i discovered that SECURITY in ÓKA has returned to TOP NOTCH as there is clandestine mopping and driving away of the Badder , Baddest out of the Town, infact most of the YAHOO Doers who are behind most of the Kidnapping and rascality shooting in the Capital City has been exiled or vanquished. 

I can say without detailed , that the SECURITY of the state Capital is now within considerable height, what remains is the snatching of Phones and Bags with Keke, which i suspect will be reduced drastically within short distance if the current effort is maintained. 

Kudos to the Governor as Chef Security Officer of the State and whatever outfit that gave him the idea and enact the execution of the Idea but what i can tell is that one can actually sleep in OKA without fears of the dready boys.

Mazi Odera POg JP is an SA to the Governor on Good Governance (UNPAID) , gentleman with soft voice. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

 ANAMBRA STATE POLITICAL Atabiri enye Nwanne ya by Mkpisi. 

As the Scimitar of Judiciary swung hard on ANAMBRA state and her emasculation of LOCAL GOVERNMENT PATRIMONY, It seems the time is coming for the Government to do the right thing, it seems LGA ELECTION is a must abide by and having that in mind, i peek at the ELITES in the game and ask POLITICAL parties to poach and grab the veterans. 

LABOR, YPP, even APC should conscript people like EMEKA ASOANYA Known as WAR MACHINE, who have shown his leadership prowess during OBIANO when he served as TC ONUICHA SOUTH and he left a legacy unmatched. 

The TC with a Difference, who covered DUNUKOFIA in the person of KOMPLETE KONTI , who currently is Head of Ndi AGBERO na ANAMBRA in other words called ARTMA . 

EDITH MEZUE "MAMA NDI ARA' was a flawless Commissioner for Women and Children affairs, who mopped Mad person's off the street of OKA, She is a great leader and wont be hoodwinked by ndi Ójóó as Chairman EKWUSIGO LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 

IYOM Mrs AMAKA OBI the Mayor of TC ndi IDEMMILI SOUTH, she is unrivalled, a perfect match, she is so good that even opponents will vote for her. 

She is over qualified for the position, not only she will deliver good Governance,she will always stand at the POLITICAL gate of her believe with Aku odo and deliver her partisan believe any day. 

They still Power as the right peg remaining in APGA and the current APGA is just a Cruiz, the original potent of APGA ,what made APGA the  Kokoronko of the in Nation has been butchered. 

APGA use to be seen as Nkea bu nke Ndi igbo , but the Mistake started when we imported YEAA MEN to take over the affairs of the state and that placed him above others on the hireachy of the party, truly we got first class torment of the saying which provide "And the Pharoh that did not know Joseph persecuted Isreal", we elect a Man who haven't met IKEMBA the Pride of Igbo nation, we also elected Chairman who despised the name Ojukwu and in unison faa taa Ókukó OJUKWU with barbecue garnishment, but what can we do than to moan the  dinge and sang the BENEDICTUS of garnishing of the former premium party maka Ndigbo si na Onye amaro ebe ano nie ózú na esi ebe solu ya welu abó.

Today APGA is just like ife aji akpa amu among Politicians, because APGA moved from winning elections to SUPER BUYING ELECTIONS and they turned the legend of APGA returning tranquility in the State to APGA taking over the mantra of PDP which was then "Share the Money ' and truly, APGA Started sharing the Money and in so doing they multipled the crisis of the Party and Orphaned the PARTY. 

The party has no structure in the state,which is the only surviving state under the party that had 3 Governors at a time.

TODAY, when APGA goes to election, they come from position of a cripple because they don't have projects to present, Unless they can say "This Road was Tarred by us and it lasted for 1 week until opposition send down Rain which washed it away '" 

The Standard APGA was known for have been used as sauce used in eating the barbecued Ókukó OJUKWU and now we are wandering the Bush of God FORBID. 

I simply throw the lights to the Above good potentials in POLITICAL field who will be a toast for the LGA positions, and the sooner POLITICAL parties poach them and present them as Candidates for would be coming LGA election, that party is assured of getting to finishing line with trail blazing, though ANSIEC controlled by the state which is under the purview of APGA will run the election, but it will be a nightmare to the party because the abandonment of the party by Governments the party enthroned is alarming and aga agba fa Amú with blunt knife. 

Though, it will be a good MOCK EXAM for Gov SOLUDO if he urgently conduct this LGA election, so he will see the Areas where he will Rush to make amends, areas where those he hurt will make sure he can't win handful of Votes and then he can make amend, as  i know na aga agbanyere ya Film on 3D but he should sacrifice LGA to know the taste of the porridge which is his second election, he should borrow leaf from LAGOS state where LP flogged APC like a baby and despite the mutilation of the result, Labour still knocked them Cold and they came out with SUICIDE SQUAD for the Guber election and they committted OGINI NA AFIO just to SNATCH and run. 

Today is a good day as we know that we still have Courts to hold our Bulls on tethers, since our House of Assembly are not even calling the Governor to respect the provisions of the constitution by conducting LGA election, the Court have done the needful and i know the state ga na agba nika nika and shopping for order to vacate or stay , but emecha enu, Mecha ani , Nwata si na nne ya agaghi arahu ura must stay awake to make sure that the agenda is carried. 

He should not forget na both Agadi Ñwanyi na inine are up to something hidden from one another, and ka ima nkea , imaro nke ózó. 

If you refuse to do the needful, then the needful will use ntutu dudo gi na uyóro (for Initiates).

Let me go to Valleys of the goodness and perform the requisite CONJUGAL assignment designed for Mkpisi and the Goddess , whatever you think or say during that time is immaterial. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, Gentleman with Baseball Bat to help and doing truth the right way. 

I come in Piss with Cup of Peace. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

 As Court stop allocation of LGA ANAMBARA STATE, it's wake up call for APGA by Mkpisi. 

SUIT NO , FCT/HC/CV/2260/2024


Between, Chukwuemeka Mmeni vs Attorney General and his group seeking for restraint on the illegal transfer of monthly LGA allocation giving to ANAMBRA LOCAL GOVERNMENT as such have been abolished with Prejudice in Anambara for over 10 years and the Allocation kept coming and Governors keep controlling positions independent from their office.

Fa ji ego local Government eme pocket monies and anyi asigo enough is enough, infact there should be election for such offices,so they will have the full capacity to do what is required of them and not Governor giving them just salaries to pay staff and the rest stays with the Governor,fa riecha nke state,fa Erie nke local Government and we kept mute.. it's not fair at all.

APGA Governor's enjoy using rewarding system of Governance on LGA as they Always give appointments instead of using the Constitutional provided election, it's so bad that even Governors are using Conduct of LGA ELECTION as Campaign strategy, just like our current Government promised to conduct same election within 6 months in office and later he said within 2 years but all are just PROMISES that sound like when he promised the state DUBAI TAIWAN, but on assumption, he gave us absolute insecurities all around coupled with INTER REVENUE AGENTS that Uses PESTLE to establish the method of Government ,when they wants to establish dominance on any Fund generating avenue. 

Imagine state of PESTLE with Government Powers?

Atimes you Wonder between UGM and PESTLE GANG (PG) which one is morw lethal?.

The House of Ashamebly are doing sheepishly fine as they continues to see no evil, refuse to speak out against atrocious actions of the Government, they are cohorts in all enabling act of disenfranchisement of the state, to show they are STICK HOLDER and not Stake holder in the Annal of things, they keep on signing renewal of APGA TC for Local Government, even LOCAL GOVERNMENT that produced another party as member of the House. 

The never give the TC to the qualified, but to party faithfuls or brothers of the Governor and Government.

Now that the Court has Pound the gravel hard and pronounce that unelected local Government cannot and will not get further allocation, i think we have started behaving well .. 

i pray that another person will approach Court and demand the explanation for the 161Billion allocation my state got last Year 2023 ,ogini ka anyi ji isi kote?.

Good afternoon Ndi ANMABRA. 

Good afternoon Ndigbo. 

How Far Ndi NIGERIA? i come with hands on my waist as i look at this nation and shake my head vigorously and about to call the gods to come down with Koboko to Flog sense into our warped senses. 

Mkpisi is the Job. 

Dibia Onu Ike is the Definition. 

Last Born Mpa Nnukwu is the position in the Family. 

Mazi Odera POg JP is the Name. 

Friday, May 24, 2024


I have been looking at POLITICAL posturing of many Political contractors in ANMABRA state and it gives me goosebumps ,as things are gearing up and the state is getting tired of what APGA have done to the growth of the state and truly everybody want a change that will place ANAMBARA on her truthful position,and we can be called Light of the Nation once again, Moving her out from Pains of the State.

I have looked at Aspirants,not according to Party ,as that will give us Bias and Jaundiced conclusion.

Anambara used to be PDP STATE and we moved out to APGA,and we saw a Relief when APGA was onye aghana Nwanne ya ,until it became a parochial parody. 

Voting for Party moved us out of Centrifugal into OGINI KA ANYI JI ISI KOTE  Association.

As i was enjoying my mid week flattery with the god's by the Rivers of Omanbala , a Subject of interest come into discuss and i wrote and ask question as below and i present the link..

I received lot's of questions about THE PERSON of PAUL CHUKWUMA, his Reach, his commitment, his ability,his capacity and if he is capable of Ime Garri be ya ,ma sikwa Ofe (Bake Garri and cook Soup at a nutshell..if he is well to do) ... 

Me , I don't know much about him but from digging i have done so far in cause of my investigation, i discovered certain plus and minus on the said Aspirant. 

He has his good days ,good ways and bad ways..

I know that Paul Chukwuma is from Umueri , that he have served as Auditor general of the party and served on many arms of the Party at certain times.

He is Young, he seem made, he appear like Philanthropist who is not coming to enrich his nest from COFFERS of the state and all this are inconclusive.

Somebody asked if coming from Anambra North did not disqualify him from the Zonal Hocus Pocus and i was like , what is wrong with us ? 

We know that ANAMBRA SOUTH have done.. 

Gov Ezeife "Okwadike" (2 January 1992 17 November 1993 under SDP):

Gov Mbadinuju :29 May 1999 to 29 May 2003

Dame Virgy Etiaba ; from November 2006 to February 2007. 

Senator Andy Uba :27 May 2007. He was removed by a supreme court decision on 14 June 2007

GOV SOLUDO is doing his 4 Years and  that makes ANAMBARA SOUTH about 12 Years . 


Dr Chris Ngige ; from May 2003 to March 2006 

Mr Peter Obi ;June 2007 to March 2014. He has previously held the position from March to November 2006 and February to May 2007.

He did total of 8 years.. 

So Central have 10 Years and 6 months in all

Anambra North... 


So All the Zones have completed the 8 years stretch and More, then we noticed that engaging in ZONAL turn by turn always give us retrogressive situation, that's when we get Men who are not qualified to serve as SA in a good Government serving as GOVERNOR and all effort ends in God forbid. 

Hence, we should be aiming to get somebody who has wherewithal to give us semblance of Governance , we have been giving Adaka in place of Enwe in the past and we endured, we have gotten government that refused to conduct LGA ELECTION and other Parties refused to talk ,just because they may have planned to replicate the same method of afóta afónye na akpa. 

Lets Focus on making Somebody who can't come from a hungry background our Governor again, who haven't see his first 100 Million Naira in his account , never again for any man that see Coffers of the Government and start having financial erection and in so doing, they amass stupendous wealth at our expense , right out of our patrimony, while they employ media that create news with 3D background clothed with artificial lies. 

Truly, we haven't seen a proper replacement for the Government that assured acute insecurity within the confines of ANAMBRA SOUTH and now inching into CENTRAL. They promised us a Home but what we are seeing is desolation.

Mr Paul Chukwuma has the same chances desired by all eligibles, and we know that he will be vying for APC Flag just like other Powerful or say Power brokers, but one thing anybody can be sure of , is that ANAMBRA NEXT GOVERNOR can't be chosen on DENOMINATIONAL HOG WASH or ZONAL MAGIC, it's now about qualified Men who has the interesting pedigrees for excel,He or she can't be measured by Zone or denomination,the qualification will be TRANSPARENCY and pedigree.

i remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East,Mazi Odera POg JP. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 EKWULOBIA NMESIA UNU IFE BRIDGE, the Theatrics by Mkpisi. 

When Gov SOLUDO Started the Road Projects in the state , I wasn't dazed nor fazed because of the Aja Upa model nor his giving great jobs to local ndi na egwu umi and Masons, i know he has his own ECONOMIC leanings , so i was celebrating because, so much expectations from fans who believe in his DUBAI TAIWAN eulogy will be crashed alongside, but i know na anyi abanyego Motor ndi Sewage company, meaning that all of us will be oozing out Acidic foul odour, but nkea afu digodi iche . 

When he sacked a security sorry supervisor on Sunday at ISUOFIA END of Road building, i know na anyi abago another one that is apart from AKPOKUE. 

imagine a sitting Governor sacking a contractor with iron clad contract? 

well it shows that the contract was a facade and that the Commissioner for Works is not relevant, plus the Ministry of works has no value, because they would've been the people the Governor would've called to defend delays and bad Job and if there should be SACKING, they are the people that should be the eyes of the Government and not one who has a contract with the state, if the Contractor has Certificate of Road construction, he would've sued the state ,get injunction that no Job would've gone on in the State for the next 30 years. 

When the Governor saw his ISUOFIA road with extremely vested interest wasn't going on as contracted, he should've summoned the State partners or point person , especially from ministry of works and relevant commissioner and sack somebody, and not the contractor.... 

Then he promised that heads will roll at OCHANJA over the debacle called Fruit market built with Aja Upa and AZIZA INSTEAD of Rod , then the building shook, quake and collapse.. then there was silence as if na ogbasaro anybody, so i cried, lamented and the Governor went to the site and promise hell and assured us that heads will Roll , well as we speak the only head that rolled is the Head Pan fa ji ebu aja na the site,everything is back to status quo.

Then the state did one Road na Ochanja and igirigi buó and sachakolu the Coal Tar and his Media started swearing that the asphalt was just done that day and rain fall .. and i said really? asphalt gets gummed once it is asphalted , it doesn't need time to dry , it's set as you lay , but Ndi ANAMBRA still hope na DUBAI is coming. 

I know that the Brand new Road from UMUOMAKU, ENUGWU UMUONYIA,ACHINA have failed and if rainy season meet us this Year ,that road will be like ROADS in Gaza strip,the decays will be alarming.

The Governor canceled 3 roads he gave to ONE WHEEL BARROW CONTRACTOR who was at OKPOKO and who don't know how to lay asphalt even with wheel barrow, well nobody asked how can we give one wheel barrow contractor 3 roads at same time and expect him to make success of any of them?. Though we have reputable companies,but who will speak when the House of Ashamebly are deaf and dumb?

Yesterday, i saw one NOLLYWOOD badly written script as it displayed at Ekwulobia NMESIA UNU IFE BRIDGE, where a young fine girl jump into the roads and was exclaming on wonders of the bridge that is on going, i was baffled, because the way the girl was excited simply told a story that she haven't seen bridge before in her life, so how did she know that those Pillars dicha ka okwu Arusi bu bridge?.

The Bridge is still on her Pillars casting level, meaning that finishing of the Bridge will be after SIT AT HOME WILL CEASE which is Future confusing term,so how can she applaud such ?. 

The lady was excited and raining praises on SOLUDO as if na oji Ego enwetelu na CONGO welu Aru the bridge, Instead to cry for ndi Ekwulobia for the UKRAINIAN like disaster that affected them . 

The Camera was panning on her and around by a professional and i suspect that it must be ABS CAMERA,it wasn't just a citizens report.

The setting of the movie was nauseating as the Lady was touching sensitive measuring equipment with her hand and there was nobody behind those equipment, meaning stage managed. 

Any Man , i did not say Engineer that looked at that DREAD and say WONDERFUL need serious deliverance na nke ODUMEJE. 

Also , i am perplexed that Gov SOLUDO have seen how his TASK FORCE on ichu Ndi AGBERO are using PESTLE as weapon of correction, the one that trended last week shows how they used the pestle to cripple another set of Boys and the Governor didn't say a thing, even security agencies didn't say anything about the eye sore. 

Well , if the Governor can hire One great Daft that calls self APGA WARRIOR to continue maligning his Media,his job is to insult every body that said Wait a minute in Anambra state, I see no values in what he felt for the state. 

I remain SA Good Governance UNPAID and i am Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa. 

I come because i care.. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Sir Paul Chukwuma, a Former Auditor General of APC and Former DG to SENATOR Andy Uba camping has been making silent waves in Political circle, he has been gathering momentum and he is reaching out to dish out Riches to organization.

just gathered all APC structure last week and fete them and that is sending loud  POLITICAL signal.

The confusion is .. is he actually serious or spoil Joy?
Is he going to the finishing line or he just want to test his POLITICAL acceptability?

We know that POLITICAL ZONING have been Completed, even as ANAMBARA South has Done over 12 years out together.

Central have done 10 years as well.
While ANAMBRA North have done 8 years which can be translated as 20 years with Hard Labour.

Now the Floor is quite open for any good leader, but is Sir Paul Chukwuma for real or just experimenting?

Well , the floor is still Young to decide who and who will dance the thrill of APC and other parties POLITICAL Jigida.. We wait, watch and analyze.

I remain Mazi Odera POg JP, Apga Alaigbo and Mkpisi Ndi Egede na ede with precision.

Monday, May 20, 2024

 IDEMMILI LOCAL GOVERNMENT, placing them on Best Pedestal by Mkpisi. 

Though i distaste the APGA Choice of running LOCAL GOVERNMENT through TC instead of ELECTED Local Government CHAIRMEN as provided by the constitution.

We understand that ANAMBARA CENTRAL remains the Best in providing Great and tasted leadership, plus Governors, therefore we are expected to always flaunt the best of leaders in all ramifications. 

Okay, we have seen IYOM AMAKA OBI whose Profile have been polished with Political lies,but we know she is academic sound as 

"She obtained her bachelor's degree in education with specialty in Political Science and Management from Enugu State University of Science and Technology. Also, she meritoriously obtained her Master's degree in Educational Management from Enugu State University of Science and Technology. It is worthy to note that Hon. Amaka during Her early career days also obtained Her National Certificate in Education at Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe."

Amaka Obi have served as the first female legislative leader of all the elected Councilors in Idemili South LGA after she won Her 1st elective position as the Councilor representing Awka-Etiti ward 1. .. She is not a newbee on POLITICAL turf.

Moving on , Amaka show the Dexterity of great COUNCIL Honcho at IDEMMILI SOUTH and the time to run a Replicate at brother Council which is the North is here and i present a Young, Dynamic and Focussed Leader in the person of DR NKEM OKEKE, an Ogidi born entrepreneur at 32 years of age ,a global age for renoun leaders.

 He is going to replicate a good performance as Always proved from ANAMBRA CENTRAL. 

DR NKEM OKEKE is an APGA STALWART and YOUTH MOBILIZER, tapping into his leadership mastery will promote APGA value. 

Mazi Odera POg JP covering the basis and wanting the Best for IDEMMILI and Anambra at large. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

 SACKING NDIGBO FROM LAGOS, The time is OverDue by Mkpisi. 

In the world Best Ecclesiastical Bread of Life or call it the Book of UNALLOYED LAW , it said and i quote "A new king (Pharaoh) arose in Egypt who "did not know Joseph." The implication is that previous Pharaohs respected Joseph's role in saving their nation, while this new ruler had either no knowledge or no concern for this history." ,in today's world they have phrase for such,they call them Gen Z (Generation Z, meaning the last Generation).

Joseph was a Savior in Egypt, without his interpretation and intervention, the entire land of Egypt would've extinguish under intense Famine of the Time, but God looked at the Mark of Covenant on the forehead of Joseph and shone his grace on him and the Pharoh with sense of recognition took the Best Path that advanced Egypt by employing Joseph to manifest his Dream interpretation.

Pharoh did not made Joseph the Prime Minister which break all protocols of the land just because he found Joseph handsome or educated, he saw the Man who carry Grace that can't be found in the entire Land and knew with the Man as charge de affairs of Egypt, the Nation will Excel. That's what it means when they said "Putting a round Peg,in a round Hole".

As prime Minister of Egypt, the Land excelled, then when Joseph brought his family, the same King with Hat of wisdom knew that he is getting chains of Divine attraction and bundles of combine blessings for free and he gave them the Best part of the Land called Goshen,the reason wasn't far fetched,it was to give them feeling of Love and accomodations ,so they won't move back home with the accompanied barrage of blessing that dwell with them. 

Egypt and Israel lived in peace and prosperity, until a foolish Pharoh who don't know the making of Joseph and the Excess Grace he brought, he don't know that the Sustenance of Egypt was because Isrealites dwell with them, so the king forgetting that he should've researched why a Nation was sequestered in Another Nation, the younger Pharoh evicted Isrealites and even at the point of evicting them , the land of Milk and honey Experienced PLAGUES, starting from water turning to blood, frogs taking over homes, lice littering the Land of Egypt and all avoiding Israeli side, flies Enveloping Egypt, livestock dying in drove ,pestilence upon the land, boils serving as Epidemic, hail thunderstorm terrorizing them, locusts taking a swam, darkness took over the daylight, and the killing of firstborn children as  final straw, but the foolish Pharoh did not understand the hand writing on the wall , until he lost his entire Soldiers at the RED SEA MELEE. 

Driving Isreal out if Egypt,caused more devastation than War against any nation,which was why the good old book said "Touch not my annoiting".

Same situation are repeating in LAGOS, but they can't decipher it , not yet because divinity gave them reprobate heart.

Ndigbo are Grace carriers, they don't struggle for Land ,they buy such, they ransom same with fair and agreed exchange,just like Joseph did not take LABAN his in-law cattle , he ransom same with serving him for period both agreed as fair to both side. 

Ndigbo can never take your land or goods without paying adequately for it and once an igbo have peace of mind in your place, the Grace he carries which is invisible will reside in same place and things will start happening that will waooooo the land.

Please Note ,in such situation, it's not only Ndigbo resident shall Prosper,even the aborigines will see enterprising that is huge,things will naturally turn around for good for the town.

But Chase an Igbo away from wherever they call home , the place will turn to desolate Land as the progressive spirit that came as indwelling will exit.

If you remove igbo family from a community that sale the Land at 10 NAIRA, be rest assured that once they exit the price of Land and general properties shall nose dive to 10 Kobo, it will be so bad that you can't get an offer for any selling property. 

Dont forget that Land or property worths money at the patronage of Ndigbo and worthless at the abandonment of same people. 

it's not boasting but telling the Truth, the hard way.

LAGOS is booming because of the grace that reside with Ndigbo, if they should leave LAGOS, then Lagos will be like monument. 

Remember that during Christmas or Easter when Ndigbo travel for YULETIDE, everywhere looks scanty and dry,then contrast to when they indulge on Exodus,then LAGOS will wake up to know that Ndigbo are blessings to wherever they live.

For the Record; IGBO is like NETWORK MAST :it may generate radiation, cause discomfort but once you remove her from position of providing Services, then you are out of NETWORK coverage. 

In hosting the MAST you must give her a Land that will host it, don't forget that everything around the MAST must be illuminated and lively. 

Ndigbo is like NEPA, they can irritate you , but once you ask them to disconnect the lIne , you live in utter Darkness, so you must allow her the discomfort of atimes radical Billing and nauseous moment, if you want to enjoy a good life. 

You can't have AMERICA without pride and arrogant swag,same way you can't have a Rich man around you without iota of superiority swag.

Same way, you can't have Igbo with the amazing Grace without some attitude you won't like , it's not pride, it's nature of Well to do.

There's Always a price tag,you must sacrifice to attain a greater height, but with Igbo and her Benevolence,you don't need sacrificial objects,just give them clear field, understanding and they build you Pyramid of greater days.

Just  get into pushing Ndigbo out of Lagos and see the ruination of the once National capital..

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East,Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa.

 Sometime Last Month or 2 months Ago , i saw this BEAUTIFUL Work of art that creates Touch of Beaut at AROMA , and we are asking why should such ART be located only at OKA , while i was about asking for it to be replicated na ONUICHA, NNEWI, and UGA junction to show truly na Anambara is not stagnated.. the first one located in ÓKA went missing. 

I wanted to ask , does it mean na good things are forbidden in my state? 

I know we have Roads tarred by Ndi Mason, and Flood always carry them away at igirigi , but this ART will still stand as Monument of BEAUTY. 

If Anambara have sold the ART, then it's obvious we need deliverance, but if we truly have Commission that keep good environment in the state, that Art should be replicated at ONUICHA, UGA, NNEWI... 

Let there be BEAUTY that touch the eyes in the state, not every where nkusa nkusa... Mkpisi said so and mean so .

 YOU ARE NOT IN MY CLASS , so get out by Mkpisi. 

Imagine this boys and children ,they don't have respect, for that i won't associate with them or anybody again, says a Man or woman who don't even know when it's his or her time to answer the call of CEMETERY. 

Come with me , take life as nothing, that you are Living in BANANA island and i am a Tenant in Ajegunle doesn't make you more Human, rather it isolate you from real life as you will be living isolated and detached life, you can't enjoy real affection as those on your BANANA ISLAND level are living a pretentious life , but those in AJEGUNLE enjoys human touch and feeling. 

You hate to mix up with your Umunna , but I assure you that at your Demise that same Umunna you rejected while alive will he begged to mourn and bury you, which they will do because Ózú sibe isi , oyi ka Nwanne anarie. And those Rich friends will only bring Cow or money which you don't need and then , they will desend on your wife and daughters as HELPER,ndi ome ifeoma na afucha ikpu aja.

If you want to survive this life , remove the Toga of class, leave as Human not angel. 

Just come down from your high horse and you will learn many things you don't know is possible, some ailment that even Ndi ócha can't find cure for can be cure over harmless interaction with real humans. 

Then when you come down to level of orhers , you start to hear UGHELI DANDA (ranting of ants).

Don't forget, that once you died, Mortuary don't have VIP ROOMS, they throw you on same Floor or morgue cabinet with even Mad dead person. 

once you are dead, your children will be in a hurry to sale whatever you strived to achieve while alive, and once they sale them, they waste the money on frivolities , then you will he gnashing your teeth in spirit world but ogbasadi ndi di ndu. 

Just come down from high horse, mix up and once you consider something as insult, it become a burden, but if you consider opinions as what it is, you will enjoy life to a full blast. Opinion is free ..

I see that dead come faster this Year which i can't tell why ,and your life is important to me , don't forget that what you learn from the street is far far better from what you gain from assembly of the Rich where everybody will be living a packaging life. On the Street,they give solution for free but on higher class,they keep it as secret,as if when Dead come calling,they will re-event time to discuss all those stashed secrets.

Just as the gods ask me to say, also as Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, i bring the concern of the gods , you can take it or trash it, my Job is done .. 

I remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede or call me Pen of the gods or Pain of Politicians and we are friends. 

Just know na adirom Anu ife ógbú na ekwu , maka fa ncha na agam na azu.

 Unteachable Humans.. 

Don't try to teach irrational human, he or she can't accept it . Because the Brain 🧠 isn't wired to think outside the Box.

Don't teach somebody whose livelihood depends on another, He will always argue from prism of the pay master. 

Do not teach somebody whose senses have half current, they can never grasp what's right because there's always fluctuation of the Brian. 

Never teach a Man whose senses are manipulated with religious dogman, that's effort in futility and they can be more dangerous than BH of the North. 

Don't teach a man who believe in ism and SCHISM, he can never look at issues without bias that is paved with "Your are an enemy", everything is plotted from Pulling him or her down syndrome.

But, you can't always allow them to be docile, you just Shove truth inside them and allow the spasm to take it's effect on them , then relax and know that you have done a Job.. 

Mkpisi said so

 INSECURITIES IN ANAMBRA is getting A plus now by Mkpisi. 

As Anambra State is heart fainting about the Rainy season, because na Ideyi ga asachakoru our Iyo nnenne roads, Backed with the Ultimate fear that the Roads we have today are mostly Egboka ideyi or in street parlance called "Zelu Udu Mmiri" it was so named when a little drop of water clears miles of constructed and Tarred Roads of the State. 

Though we have quantity of flagged off roads ,but not quality assured.

We are worried also that the Government of APGA not just nke SOLUDO hates to conduct LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION, and the monies due to that Sector serve as Mirage. 

Hope you remember APGA as ANAMBRA POLITICAL PARTY , where Isi OJUKWU are remembered during campaign and removed once election is over,

I know you remember the party,that party that take Generals to Election War and smash them into bits once the election is over and Choose extra incompetent hands to Monkey with state fund.

The Team of POg are happy that Gov SOLUDO Tarred some road na Okpoko, and build one Water fountain round about, even though na eji Aboki Wheel barrow Water to activate the DUBAI TAIWAN side of the Monument but we are Happy as it is.

My worries is that , the Governor promised us DUBAI TAIWAN instead we are getting UKPO, ÚTÚ, ENUGWU UMUONYIA, UMUNZE, MBOSI, ÓRSUMOGHÚ, ISEKKE, UNUBI and now continuous Kidnapping has become "How many did they kidnap today?" ,no Longer bad news but stale News. 

They nabbed a Rev Father from Ogidi two days ago or so, and nobody have heard from the nappers yet.

News have it that for days now they have been kidnapping at OYE UGA and making escape from AMESI, UMUCHU road, yet the Government are not doing anything to restore confidence on minds of people. 

I wanted to ask , which year are we expecting the conclusion of EKWULOBIA NMESIA UNU IFE BRIDGE? but , i changed my mind , since Opposition parties are dumb, lets all stay dumb.. 

Mkpisi is SA Good Governance to the Governor

 IS APGA READY FOR 1st ELEVEN to prosecute Coming ELECTION or ? .. IDEMMILI SOUTH building Pillar of Smoke for APGA by Mkpisi. 

Today After a stake Holder election mandated by Governor SOLUDO to pick TC Chairman that will represent IDEMMILI SOUTH, the Stake Holders returned Current TC , IYOM AMAKA OBI who by her production on that Seat is super qualified to serve as SUPER COMMISSIONER of combined office just like Gov Fashola was given SUPER MINISTER, but the tide in IDEMMILI South is changing as they prefer to spring one ejirim guzue who will be hallucinating untill the election is called and IDEMMILI will continue to ask" How come APGA workers are Always inferior?". 

I witnessed that some Stake Holders prefer to place the Governor on ELECTION CRUCIFIXION just so they can have a moment of Political Nkeni amu (Orgasm).

I have said it time without number that only 3 TC Chairmen have represented APGA , starting with EMEKA ASOANYA "WAR MACHINE", KONTI KOMPLETE "EZE NDI AGBERO TODAY" and IYOM AMAKA OBI who is upcoming as Lady with Midas touch. 

What baffled me is the fact that after the stake Holder election demanded by Governor, they returned the Incumbent DYNAMIC LADY who should be CHAIRMEN OF ALL CHAIRMEN but because na Nwanyi Nwelu height óga ejedebe na POLITICS Anambara akakwasia ya aka na Ókpa , that alone is the parameter that will bar her from such height she got on Merit. 

There are some of this Local political tyrants who decided that what Gov SOLUDO asked for will not hold, unless he accept whatever they want and who they want, which is hallucination and UTOPIAN dream. 

As much as i don't even agree nor like TC as Democratic alternative, but as that has been APGA style, they should at least give those who are worthy to curry favor or bring dignity to the office by allowing them to do the needful. 

imakwó óburu na parties are not Blind, why can't any of this YPP, PDP, LP poach this Woman give her a Ticket and she will use Peter Obi standard of POLITICS to knock every opponent cold, by showing off what she did which is mouthwatering. Which if APGA gave her ticket for House of Reps,i fear opponent that will come at her,she has it and silently she is flaunting it.

I have never seen any serious Club that keep STAR PLAYER on the Bench while playing crucial derby. 

Amaka Obi, ASOANYA Emeka and KONTI are the UCHE OKECHUKWU, STEPHEN KESHI and JAY JAY of APGA, they play and it shows , i just Wonder why APGA IDEMMILI SOUTH is about to bring confusion to a Great POLITICAL mileage paved by IYOM AMAKA OBI with her Real working artistry. 

Anyway, which ever way they want to play it , i am not bothered over how they will be barbecued on election floor , but APGA won't have anything to point at na IDEMMILI as SHOW ME what we what you can counter us with. 

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East and i cut things right in the middle without fear of favor, i come because my work as Special ADVISER to Governor on Good Governance, I won't allow Ndi Úchú to paddle the Governor into oblivion.

 Dear Kate Omenugha, Ada Ide and VC COOU, i greet you and i come as Idenna... MNE

Biko Ezigbote Ada, kindly remove hand from the War of persecution against the Most Viable and serving IDEMMILI SOUTH TC . 

You know it , we know it that she is more than qualified to serve as Double commissioner, but she is doing IDEMMILI First and most people don't want her to continue painting 🖌️ APGA as FINE GAL of the CENTRAL.

They want one agafu to come in and render the local Government insolvent with bad representation,but the gods are wise.

Madam, we left you alone even though you have served 8 years as Commissioner, your Son served and still serving as SSA, and many of your Umunna serving as well in same Government. It's nobody's business after all it's political appointment and not elected positions.

We are not asking because IYOM AMAKA OBI is the Best, but she is Nwa na eje mba rifo nri, you know that IYOM held IDEMMILI tight and she always deliver same to APGA. 

Though i am pissed with APGA but i will always make things in the middle. 

I come to plead with you as Ada Ide , but óbúru na what you want best is to turn this to ógu mba na abó, then you should know na nfu onye mna amalu Ekwe , eburum ekwe tiwa ya na isi. 

Let just cause be respected... 

IDEMMILI South furu a working unique in that woman for less than 2 years she is in the office, we still want the Best to continue.. Mkpisi


THE HIBISCUS OF IDEMMILI SOUTH and the Dawn of a THAW by Mkpisi.

Just same way , it was hard drive na Óbu turn ndi ANAMBRA NORTH, that it's imperative to balance Powers , so in the quest to balance Power , ANMABRA were dragged from Position of Light of the Nation to laugh of the Nation, we move downward further to SORE of the Nation, as that deviation pushed the state into state of Ogini ka anyi ji isi kote.

The Legends of the Sayers said and i quote "Osisi adighi adu mmadu ugboro abuo at same spot and different times".

In Nigeria, the yearning and craving of Zonal Presidency pushed the Nation into the current Precipice, now the regret is saddening , but it was a planned Mistake, just to throw leadership into Zonal frenzy, now we are facing "God have mercy" situation even though it was obvious that we had alternative that would've giving us Eldorado.

Back to IDEMMILI SOUTH where we have the Lady with finesse, but POLITICAL traders masquerading as God Mothers whose family are attached directly unto the Government,but she is busy hiring hatchet writers to show that She despise the powers of the Governor which demanded that a Stakeholders election shall be held, which was held and return IYOM AMAKA OBI who some character's felt that she is providing SUPER leadership Dividend which is soaring her reputation and raising the Bar Very high.

But most of them prefer to have somebody who can't work but share the patrimony to the self assumed godmother's and fathers.

I wonder why living in squalor makes some Politicians swell with pride, they love to take resources that will be used to provide Evidence of Good Governance, share same and make private pockets swell with Goodness while the Masses eat sour grape. Maybe they prefer bad Governance without proof of Governance,that way when people are so impoverished,they won't have strength to demand for equal Justice,which will take away powers from same Family.

May be it's time to peep at performances of any old POLITICAL hiring before moving them into Academic Corridors. If they can despise Good leaders with this Trepidation,how then can they provide good leadership?.

One thing we are sure of is that Gov SOLUDO have records and will prefer to have working wonders in his government, than termites that will sink the Cart.

Mkpisi is the Job and Mazi Apga Alaigbo is the Handle..

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Yesterday Eve , i presented a piece where the Wife of Nnamdi Kanu , Mrs Uche went to visit the HUSBAND in DSS CELL, facilitated by APC Senator Ifeanyi Ubah-

 And i Doffed Cap for the facilitator, some of the misguided fellows started throwing tantrums, especially against APC and how it's not going to make waves in ANAMBRA,not minding that i presented an active event that needs a closer look and dissecting.

This morning i come with UGHELI DANDA and Akpakwulu Nkapi , so we can reason like Ndigbo in peace or in Piss ,but be rest assured that truth is always my standard , accept it in good faith or I shove it down your throat with smiles ,ogbasadim. 

Sure APC have done us marvelously Bad  at the FEDERAL, we despise them with Venom, after the last Presidential election where even INEC Chief made a response and i provide "If you don't like the pronouncement, go to Court" and most Nigerians who refused to read the minutes of the Last meeting were optimistic that TRIBUNAL will bank on the massive support and Suspected Votes garnered by LP and pronounce the expectation of the masses , but Nigeria happened. 

We hoped that Supreme Courts will look at so many testaments, starting with flawed election, Academic deficiencies, Certificate misnomer and cancel the election or award same to favorite, but supreme court did not even sat to deliberate, they have pre AGREED judgement and it was called and what Next? everybody went home in peace, and i was like where are the tantrum players? how did they developed cold feet so quickly?

The Subsidy removal was the shocker that heralded the new Government and since then , We all saw what NIGERIA we know wouldn't have stomached in any other President from Minorities,many of the fatal flaws that is prevailing today under any other Government there would've being a shut down democratic protest, things started Moving out of centrifugal and yet there was PIN DROP SILENCE. 

Prof Wole Soyinka wrote "The man dies in him who keeps quiet in the face of injustice.” and truly the Man in Nigeria is Dead and even the woman in us is in Comma.

MOVING ON ;Same machination is looking at ANAMBRA same way Young Yahoo Guy is looking at a Fine Pointed Breast Lady as who he will take to Bed, and some people think it mission impossible, we forgot that Effizzy is what motivates beautiful women as most of them reason through the CENTER of THRONE, and small Magic overwhelm them, coming back to APC and  Anambra, i know orally we despise the party but what actually are they doing that APGA GOVERNMENT our beloved is doing differently or better? 

APC PRESIDENT gave Palliative to us through our Governor's, and in all sincerity, i don't know how many Governors in South East shared the palliative, i know that one SOUTH East State whose election is due for 2025 kept the Rice as Campaign package ,ogbagodi útú ,it doesn't matter because the givers felt they are gifting to Animals, after giving out some portion as State Government largesse to Civil Servants during YULETIDE, the rest are kept for election proper. 

Now ,who is the chief scammer in scheme of things?.

APC GOVERNMENT pull down houses left and right, we moan and cry about the heartlessness, but then ANAMBRA Government are not only pulling down houses with the guise of enlarging and expansion, but to plan a compensation became mission to CONG in Vietnam which is impossible. 

Tarring Roads by our beloved APGA GOVERNMENT are designed to last one Tenure, the duration of Roads Tarred by APGA government expires same day with tenure of the government and some are called Zelu Ideyi, once rain touches COAL TAR it dissolve like Salt met with torrent of Rain. 

The good hands in APGA are working at very very low positions, just to make sure they didn't outshine the Governor and you see them shouting SOLUTION even when they are out performing the Governor. 

Why i am correcting this impression is that, we should stop the Political bridangate where they are using Religious garb to pull stunt on us , in Religious POLITICS, they made you to think of your member aspiring even though the person is waste of Vote, but the Cassock controlling POLITICAL theatrics will make you accept counter fit and cry later about the malnourished consequences, instead to Vote for the right with opposite denomination, candidate that is sound from center to circumference. 

Same thing is happening in Party, they will argue na nkea bu nkea anyi ji eri oru, but they treat us worse than infidels, our concerns are consigned into trash bins , what they need is to embezzle large, settle Men on Episcopal Vestments and the Men will climb Pulpit and ask us to beg God for intervention and we stupidly accepted that god of Men have spoken. instead to ask our looters where is our Money,we turn to God and asking for paved Roads, honestly we need our senses paved as well.

APC have send more money to States though the Governors than ever including subsidy recovery or whatever they call it, but the increase on allocation is larger with over 80%, but have you seen the effect on any of the state, Outside in Abia because they have Eze Afó juru as Governor and he came to Govern , whereas others including my state came to rebuild personal fallen financial empire , and we hope na echi ga adi nma , woe betide us as we pretend that we don't see nor hear the aberrations that our state is turning into while it only serve as theatrics for the leadership. 

If we continue hallucinating about APC amam chi Anambara, without working a counter measure which must include good GOVERNANCE initiative, i tell you that they will not only Win, but will collapse all other parties, though the parties will collapse willingly as we know the Political Horse trading is to move to where they see bacon, not where will better the lots of the citizens.All parties in Nigeria are working without manifesto or focus.

Senator Ifeanyi Ubah is showing certain POLITICAL algebra, he play the musical the masses wanted to listen to, he Dance the music they play even if the sound is Hollow, he meander in between the masses, listen to me if you like, that Young Man wrestled SENATE Out of the hands of Bigger POLITICAL bullies who are in great parties, he used Epileptic mushroom YPP to panel beat them and we still understimate such person with a Party at central known for Magical Wand displaying acrobatics,do that at your peril. 

The Man who saw the POLITICAL Horizontal leverage when AMCON was playing the Ethical jaundice game and He played them from same playbook that protects the West and North,and you still think he is a Neophyte? Nwa nne,ibu Akariogheri to be fair.

Use your thinking Cap and think Outside the Box.

Anambara POLITICS has taught me something no Tertiary will ever teach me , nobody predicts the winner and añuna nga na oyibo anaghi,you can't predict Anambara election, After "it's not broken" climbed the ladder,just know na anything is flexibly feasible to happen.

Things have fallen apart and the center is no Longer holding.

I DO NOT HAVE ANY CANDIDATE NOR WILL I HAVE ONE ,I SIMPLY CALL THINGS AS IT IS , Since Altars have remove the religious Potency and wear POLITICAL Surplice,i decided to be as neutral as can be ,though i still walk around with the Decanter as the gods Pleases ,but one thing that is sure, Anambara is an interesting CHALICE and if we continue oral Jigida or underestimation of Party or Parties, then the DICE IS CAST nke foduziri bu anyam anyam,ogbuo muo ..

Having said the above, let me take Consolation with Abu 184

Through the love of God our Saviour.

Verse 1

Site n'ihu-n'anya Jisus

Ọ gadi nma,

Ebere-Ya enwegh ngbanwe,

Ọ diwo nma.

Obara-Ya di ok”onu,

Amara-Ya zuru oke,

Aka nechebe ayi d'ike:

Ọ gadi nma.

Always Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods.

Mazi Odera POg JP.

Monday, May 6, 2024

 Senator Ifeanyi Ubah is playing a good Midfield Distributional Play making.

He plays argumentative POLITICAL POLITICS,He is in APC and knowing that Ndigbo disdain the party with Perfect  hatred, but he has being playing a compassionate passes that take away the Sting in the PARTY disadvantage as showed in ALAIGBO. 

Today he brokered an impossible MEETING of incarcerated Nnamdi Kanu with the Wife Uche Kanu,even in DSS gulag,seems SENATOR Ubah is making his case of porting to APC seems well positioned.

The MEETING is a good melting point and a POLITICAL silent Plus..

If only other compatriots on that side of the fence will try and bring some loveable impact just like Senator Ubah is doing,I think the dislike may come to acceptable level .

Well ,seems he is trying to bring back a POLITICAL leverage to NDIGBO. 

I remain LAST BORN MPA NNUKWU and I come with neutral perspective.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

 A Closer Look at NSUKKA NURSE FLOGGING by Mkpisi.

Unless Enugwu Governor is a neophyte, i see no reason the masquerade parading on ORIÓKPA in Nsukka will Flog a Nurse to STUPOR on the Land of the Living and The Governor of the Hosting state will not show masquerade that he is number one in land of the Living in the said state.

For the fact that was a Masquerade invading the land of the Living and have the gusto to attack not only a female, but a nurse on Full regalia should attract the Full wrath of Human Law enforcers. 

Since masquerades shall become a terror in land of the Living, it calls for intervention of Soldiers to educate the Masquerade with equal reprisal, until they provide the Men behind the masks and the Government should unleash a matching vendetta as they inflicted on Human and the Nurse in particular.. 

Because if one did not dance the traditional dance of Azigbo like a Mad fellow,the dancing step doesn't synch.

If masquerade can be active and alive and allow UNKNOWN G MEN to become a MENACE, instead to use the Spiritual decanter and evaporate them they are busy stressing the already weary humans,and i ask ,what then is the usefulness of the Sect? 

If they are good using Whip , they should have whipped Terrors in the town into frenzy and return normalcy to the East.

Flogging a woman , what of , if she was pregnant or in the Early stage of her pregnancy? 

How about if she had Hit her head on a Moving Vehicle?.

She was riding a bike and the masquerade unleashed Hell on her, how about she fell and a Car run over her or her Head? 

Miss Blessing Ogbonna is not dressing indecently so one can say she fault the   indices of Masquerade.

She is not on Mufti ,to say Her mission on the Road is not known or provocating.

She doesn't confront the masquerade ,but she was riding behind a Tipper and don't even see the masquerades ?

That act of the masquerade is asking if Enugwu has a Chief Security that is in charge of Human safety.

How about if she had hit her head on the pavement or the Gutter? 

What of, While trying to run away from the whip , she had head on collision with a fast moving vehicle that can't avoid the melee? 

How about this Lady had lost her life on this idiotic charade ?

The Men behind the masquerades should be in Psychiatric ward getting infusion and or in Jail getting deliverance. 

I am Mazi Odera POg JP and i hate Nonsense shrouded behind religion or Culture. 

The whites are creating and we are demonizing. Unless we start with solutions, iniquity will abound. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

 COASTAL HIGHWAY, is that NECESSARY NOW that our Economy is in the lowest Ebb ? by MNE. 

The Coastal Highway that will move from Lagos to Calabar, that is planned to take 8 POLITICAL years  which is 60 Calendar Years to complete, that project is a White Elephant Project (You know there has never being a White Elephant in creation, so when White Elephant project is cited, just know that it's UTOPIAN project).

As Channel reported and i provide

A Kilometer of the stretch will cost 4 Billion Naira, imagine COVERING Lagos alone will gulp over 6 Trillion if calculated with the projected price per KILOMETER. 

The Question is , what is Coastal Highway? 

Let me explain, Coastal Highway is brand of scenic view (alongside Water Line) while driving along an expanse road toeing the Water ways , as The Minister explained that there will be Litany of Toll Gates , each one will attract about 3K , so traveling from LAGOS to Calabar will take over 30K on Tolls alone , not including Fuels and others consumed during the trip ,in a Nation with 30K as minimum wage,where Bag of Rice is current 70k,where Lagos is selling Fuel at 1050 oer litre, where KEKE charge over 200 Naira per half kilometer,where the Government is trying to bring out many ways to frustrate the already frustrated citizens. COASTAL highway is the least of our worries today.

Such Roads should be with Train tracks and services to fasten journeys, but this particular one is analog brand of it ,just a stretch of wasted fund.

In a Good Mind , if NIGERIA can borrow or generate such money for COASTAL Road, why not use half of same and rebuild our deteriorated Roads across the nation,and use the other half to build railways that will criss Cross the Nation or Kwanu use the entire sum and build Under Ground rails, that way , MOVING from Lagos to ENUGWU won't be more than 1 hour and same with Sokoto to Ph won't be more than 2 hours,that way even safety of travelers shall be guaranteed. 

If we earmark money for this COASTAL LOAD or what they call ROAD, be rest assured that , it will end up like Candle in the wind, so many houses and businesses will be ruined and yet nothing will be make out of it, at least no child in Kindergarten today will make use of such Road,as they will all be long gone, while the project will remain on destruction of property level. 

My plea is for our leaders, to DO  us with Condom or lubricant, we know we are allergic to moving forward, but , let them have Mercy on us. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Mazi Odera POg JP. 

 OGINI na EME SOUTH EAST na POLITICS? When are going to get it right?.. MNE. 

As much as we have divided interest, but we should have a rational interest that will ran a canopy interest for Ndigbo our mother Bond , but the Hatred that is ongoing between Igbo states are scary, especially between the states sharing boundaries with North and those manning the center, it seems there's orchestrated plots to make sure ALAIGBO doesn't have a Unity,as they fear the fruitful oneness witnessed during the Genocidal Outrage of 1967 to 1970,when they thought that IGBO Nation shall be obliterated ,but Chineke adighi aralu Ura,we fought arm in arm with Arms and we scaled through and disgraced the  Colonial Vampires from Europe that designed the Carnage.

Once in some years behind, we had a CANONICAL Cassock that speak mostly for Political interest, based in former capital of East Central state, the Radical clerical Canon organized a thanksgiving and invite an IGBO acceptable Political Dynamite, a man whose Political Pathways Remain an enigma, but hated with passion by POLITICAL traders,and lot's of tackle were traded, and i was pained when the clergyman that invited the Enigma to thank him for using his Financial Octopus reach and rescued him from the claws of AMCON, but on getting to the call of appreciation, a Governor from next door state with allegiance to the North went to the clergyman with entire EXCO decked with ASOEBI in solidarity with the Ministry and, they decided to turn the Thank you to Great insult called AKAGUMISM untangling. 

A helluva of insult was traded,but good a thing,it did not bring a counter stateism conflict or rather the receiver doesn't play rough and tough.

When it was glaring that an Igbo Macho politician will be seconded as President Next in Command during Party Choice , dissent voices that rose against the Choice were all Igbo brothers who were supposed to be the PILLARS, they know that such Chances comes once in a while and we believe who the Cap fit,let him wear it,but once it's not a perpendicular head of who they choose,they rather turn the Cap to ókpú ogwu.

When Chance for us to ran for TOP of FEDERATION food Chain reach, even incumbent Igbo Governors rose with extreme prejudice against Onye igbo they despise to bring back the Bacon ,who by choice was the greatest among the pack. 

Now , we have our own as well in working department throwing javelin to place NDIGBO at hated position Instead of placing ndi be Anyi na Position of strength just as the Presidency is doing with his own office by giving employment and creating Jobs for Hommies ,he rather create artificial hatred and playing to the gallery that benefit only him. 

Is this how we will scale the marginalization Forum ?. 

Óbu ukwua ka Nama ga eji je rue Umuahia?

With this ISM and SCHISM, how do we plan to come out of the conundrum? 

Other tribes knew that unity of Igbo nation is liken to Bunch of Broom that do exploit, but split them both in stateism, religion and Individual POLITICAL interest, once we have vauge promises and Lopsided interest, we can do the damages which others can't achieve from outside. 

We can benefit individually after sabotaging Ndigbo, but ófuru igwurube akpóghi Umunna , nke nalu ófia , Onye nwe ya ?. 

Until we bury the Hatred and seeing our progress from prism of Ndi Agbenu, aghani, ka anyi mebe ka UMUNNE, ka owe diri anyi nma.. 

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East. 

Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

 WORKERS DOOM or WORKERS DAY , which is which on MAY 1 ? by Mkpisi. 

The State of Nigeria is no longer a thing of Joy, infact you wake up with Hopeless and Helpless intuition,as you don't know what ills will be unleashed to our living this side of the globe. 

WORKERS in Nigeria are not valued nor considered relevant enough to warrant Worthy wages, imagine, no worker's salary will Carry him or her through the Monthly progression, you can't Fed self well which include very high cost of Rice, terrible prices of Condiments, Exhorbitant cost of Caged water we call Pure Water, High Cost of Gas or insane price of KEROSENE,and in careful calculation ,i can say that Salaries doesn't cover any of it.

The Salary cannot even Battle the Transportation madness, not including cost of Rentals and requisite logistics which we know is eze ama na aga echi. 

If you apportion school fees of your Ward into your salary, then you will Wonder what Hit you. 

Yet, we survive the conspiracy weaved by the looters we mistake for leaders, that's enough to understand that our Hope is only in God who we believe as the OMNI. Most times when i start calculating how one was able to remain sane in this episodic Nation,i just look at heaven and say "Mpa ,how did you do that?" , that's a living miracle.

Wishing a Nigerian Happy workers day is just like ichi mmadu Waka as the wishes cannot put bread on the table nor improve the decadence we wade through, even though cost of bread now is outrageous and over the roof, but with kids in school, that mold of flour become a part of Morning must do . 

The resolve of workers are too weak that they can't remonstrate , they sincerely accept the fate same way we accept Religious Yoke , both on islam and Christianity, we simply accept the most warpy side of idiosyncrasies as myth that guide us . 

Fuel is now a distraction to everything of life, as it decide matters of daily living, same way price of Dollars determine the price of Pure Water, Garri, Ugú and Cooking oil . Fuel increase and never decrease and yet the Labour unions are deaf and dumb.

Once , any side wants to ask for justice, the players in corridors of Power will reactivate all the seeds they sowed with religious hustlers on both devide and they will drag into discuss , religion and Ethnic bias.

if we truly want to celebrate MAY 1 ,I vote for it to be .. HAPPY SUFFERING DAY.. 

i am off but on .. Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East.