Tuesday, May 28, 2024

 BIAFRA, ODUDUWA, AREWA AND CONTINUITY, the Metamorphosis of the Great by MNE. 

Since Nigeria is not advancing above pigsty domain , since all we have ever planned as a Republic is to crawl in Millipede circles and spraying acidic saliva of Cobra on each other in Ethnical Hatred,just to make the terrain slippery and poisonous, i think it's time to look deeply at the Mistake of the contraption called Nigeria and ask self, how did we get this low ? and how are we going to come out of it or we have sworn to be perpetually Efukefus that does the bid of our colonial monsters?.

When somebody is digging and the ground is carving inn, the right thing to do is to stop digging and find a way out of the conundrum, unless ma erigo the person spiritually. 

We have tried as a Nation to grow our economy or even crawl with intention to stand,but it seem to be an impossible task , why can't we just split   to enable healthy competition and graduate from the manipulation caucasians sowed within the side enterprise they created as Animal farm for Caucasians? where they harvest or take the brand and type of sacrifice they need for every step that favors them.

China wanted a Population so large that they held unto HONG KONG so bad, but it get to a time they allowed them to get her own territory, got own Currency, got Passports, got everything that makes a Nation but China insisted they are Part of China which is political only ,as HONG KONG have moved beyond the bounds of limitations, they grew as democratic Nation whereas China is Communist in Euphemistic words or Sadism on the proper definition. 

Same thing applies to MACAU and TAIWAN, China with her capital in Beijing is trying to announce they are inseparable part of mainland China, but all of them have progressed far above each other, as MACAU which has the population of OKPOKO IN ONUICHA is the DEN of GAMBLING and Organized Crime in the world and they are Over Developed. 

Taiwan is also a First world material as a Nation, but yet they share same umbilical cord with China, why can't we weave same garment in Nigeria? 

I am sure that with escalated autonomy shared within the TRIPODIAL NATIONS , there must be healthy competition, growth that will waooo the world and people will start living a life Worthy of a wealthy nation as we are . 

Then the loots exported may find it's way back in Investors format, but Which ever guise a child come into this world, allow him to live , so we can also live while we practice the parlance of Live and let's live. 

If Nigeria continue to run in this circle drawn by Colonial monsters, we should know that we can't and won't see prosperity, despite the fact that Minerals in the North are the Best and largest in the World, but Caucasians prefer they live in excruciating hunger, so they can be begging for Palliative, then the whites will come as white with shinning armour that are helping, while what they came for is to mine and ostracize the owner's from the Lot. 

The West with her Cocoa and other agricultural produce including COCOA PYRAMID of yesteryears, they abandoned same and focus on the optical Dot the white created as illusion hiding under Crude oil that gave the nation crooked Lopsided living.

The East will then concentrate on trading and technological improvise that baffles the world . And the combination of ndi óbuna zoba onwe fa,which will create the panacea that will baffle the world.

For Nigeria to move out of this creative Mess , we must first move out of this ISM and SCHISM planted by the West to make sure we never use our senses to know that oji onye na ani ji onwe ya (If you hold somebody on the ground with the intention of keeping him down, you must be down on your knees without any other focus, so both of you are tied down) ,we must bury the ethnic jingoism, bury the Religious Bondage they used as Fetters of iron that replaced the slavery fetters used on our Grand fathers. The difference is that they forced Fetters on our illiterate grand parents,but we acquire our own fetters with our academic certifications.

Nigeria will rise and fly as CON FEDERATED STATE with individual freedom and joint progression.

The Colonials weaved us together with selfish intentions and they have us as puppets, whenever they saw we are bonding they will pull us apart and we keep living in bonds created by Men who gave us independent yet refuses us to be one as we are dependent on them even to make Budgets or vacations. 

The sooner anyi tetalu na ura , the best for us and isi na pit of slaves welu puta. 

i remain Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Special ADVISER to any Governor that love good Governance, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods. 

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