Sunday, May 19, 2024

 Unteachable Humans.. 

Don't try to teach irrational human, he or she can't accept it . Because the Brain 🧠 isn't wired to think outside the Box.

Don't teach somebody whose livelihood depends on another, He will always argue from prism of the pay master. 

Do not teach somebody whose senses have half current, they can never grasp what's right because there's always fluctuation of the Brian. 

Never teach a Man whose senses are manipulated with religious dogman, that's effort in futility and they can be more dangerous than BH of the North. 

Don't teach a man who believe in ism and SCHISM, he can never look at issues without bias that is paved with "Your are an enemy", everything is plotted from Pulling him or her down syndrome.

But, you can't always allow them to be docile, you just Shove truth inside them and allow the spasm to take it's effect on them , then relax and know that you have done a Job.. 

Mkpisi said so

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