Sunday, May 19, 2024

 SACKING NDIGBO FROM LAGOS, The time is OverDue by Mkpisi. 

In the world Best Ecclesiastical Bread of Life or call it the Book of UNALLOYED LAW , it said and i quote "A new king (Pharaoh) arose in Egypt who "did not know Joseph." The implication is that previous Pharaohs respected Joseph's role in saving their nation, while this new ruler had either no knowledge or no concern for this history." ,in today's world they have phrase for such,they call them Gen Z (Generation Z, meaning the last Generation).

Joseph was a Savior in Egypt, without his interpretation and intervention, the entire land of Egypt would've extinguish under intense Famine of the Time, but God looked at the Mark of Covenant on the forehead of Joseph and shone his grace on him and the Pharoh with sense of recognition took the Best Path that advanced Egypt by employing Joseph to manifest his Dream interpretation.

Pharoh did not made Joseph the Prime Minister which break all protocols of the land just because he found Joseph handsome or educated, he saw the Man who carry Grace that can't be found in the entire Land and knew with the Man as charge de affairs of Egypt, the Nation will Excel. That's what it means when they said "Putting a round Peg,in a round Hole".

As prime Minister of Egypt, the Land excelled, then when Joseph brought his family, the same King with Hat of wisdom knew that he is getting chains of Divine attraction and bundles of combine blessings for free and he gave them the Best part of the Land called Goshen,the reason wasn't far fetched,it was to give them feeling of Love and accomodations ,so they won't move back home with the accompanied barrage of blessing that dwell with them. 

Egypt and Israel lived in peace and prosperity, until a foolish Pharoh who don't know the making of Joseph and the Excess Grace he brought, he don't know that the Sustenance of Egypt was because Isrealites dwell with them, so the king forgetting that he should've researched why a Nation was sequestered in Another Nation, the younger Pharoh evicted Isrealites and even at the point of evicting them , the land of Milk and honey Experienced PLAGUES, starting from water turning to blood, frogs taking over homes, lice littering the Land of Egypt and all avoiding Israeli side, flies Enveloping Egypt, livestock dying in drove ,pestilence upon the land, boils serving as Epidemic, hail thunderstorm terrorizing them, locusts taking a swam, darkness took over the daylight, and the killing of firstborn children as  final straw, but the foolish Pharoh did not understand the hand writing on the wall , until he lost his entire Soldiers at the RED SEA MELEE. 

Driving Isreal out if Egypt,caused more devastation than War against any nation,which was why the good old book said "Touch not my annoiting".

Same situation are repeating in LAGOS, but they can't decipher it , not yet because divinity gave them reprobate heart.

Ndigbo are Grace carriers, they don't struggle for Land ,they buy such, they ransom same with fair and agreed exchange,just like Joseph did not take LABAN his in-law cattle , he ransom same with serving him for period both agreed as fair to both side. 

Ndigbo can never take your land or goods without paying adequately for it and once an igbo have peace of mind in your place, the Grace he carries which is invisible will reside in same place and things will start happening that will waooooo the land.

Please Note ,in such situation, it's not only Ndigbo resident shall Prosper,even the aborigines will see enterprising that is huge,things will naturally turn around for good for the town.

But Chase an Igbo away from wherever they call home , the place will turn to desolate Land as the progressive spirit that came as indwelling will exit.

If you remove igbo family from a community that sale the Land at 10 NAIRA, be rest assured that once they exit the price of Land and general properties shall nose dive to 10 Kobo, it will be so bad that you can't get an offer for any selling property. 

Dont forget that Land or property worths money at the patronage of Ndigbo and worthless at the abandonment of same people. 

it's not boasting but telling the Truth, the hard way.

LAGOS is booming because of the grace that reside with Ndigbo, if they should leave LAGOS, then Lagos will be like monument. 

Remember that during Christmas or Easter when Ndigbo travel for YULETIDE, everywhere looks scanty and dry,then contrast to when they indulge on Exodus,then LAGOS will wake up to know that Ndigbo are blessings to wherever they live.

For the Record; IGBO is like NETWORK MAST :it may generate radiation, cause discomfort but once you remove her from position of providing Services, then you are out of NETWORK coverage. 

In hosting the MAST you must give her a Land that will host it, don't forget that everything around the MAST must be illuminated and lively. 

Ndigbo is like NEPA, they can irritate you , but once you ask them to disconnect the lIne , you live in utter Darkness, so you must allow her the discomfort of atimes radical Billing and nauseous moment, if you want to enjoy a good life. 

You can't have AMERICA without pride and arrogant swag,same way you can't have a Rich man around you without iota of superiority swag.

Same way, you can't have Igbo with the amazing Grace without some attitude you won't like , it's not pride, it's nature of Well to do.

There's Always a price tag,you must sacrifice to attain a greater height, but with Igbo and her Benevolence,you don't need sacrificial objects,just give them clear field, understanding and they build you Pyramid of greater days.

Just  get into pushing Ndigbo out of Lagos and see the ruination of the once National capital..

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East,Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa.

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