Sunday, May 19, 2024

 YOU ARE NOT IN MY CLASS , so get out by Mkpisi. 

Imagine this boys and children ,they don't have respect, for that i won't associate with them or anybody again, says a Man or woman who don't even know when it's his or her time to answer the call of CEMETERY. 

Come with me , take life as nothing, that you are Living in BANANA island and i am a Tenant in Ajegunle doesn't make you more Human, rather it isolate you from real life as you will be living isolated and detached life, you can't enjoy real affection as those on your BANANA ISLAND level are living a pretentious life , but those in AJEGUNLE enjoys human touch and feeling. 

You hate to mix up with your Umunna , but I assure you that at your Demise that same Umunna you rejected while alive will he begged to mourn and bury you, which they will do because Ózú sibe isi , oyi ka Nwanne anarie. And those Rich friends will only bring Cow or money which you don't need and then , they will desend on your wife and daughters as HELPER,ndi ome ifeoma na afucha ikpu aja.

If you want to survive this life , remove the Toga of class, leave as Human not angel. 

Just come down from your high horse and you will learn many things you don't know is possible, some ailment that even Ndi ócha can't find cure for can be cure over harmless interaction with real humans. 

Then when you come down to level of orhers , you start to hear UGHELI DANDA (ranting of ants).

Don't forget, that once you died, Mortuary don't have VIP ROOMS, they throw you on same Floor or morgue cabinet with even Mad dead person. 

once you are dead, your children will be in a hurry to sale whatever you strived to achieve while alive, and once they sale them, they waste the money on frivolities , then you will he gnashing your teeth in spirit world but ogbasadi ndi di ndu. 

Just come down from high horse, mix up and once you consider something as insult, it become a burden, but if you consider opinions as what it is, you will enjoy life to a full blast. Opinion is free ..

I see that dead come faster this Year which i can't tell why ,and your life is important to me , don't forget that what you learn from the street is far far better from what you gain from assembly of the Rich where everybody will be living a packaging life. On the Street,they give solution for free but on higher class,they keep it as secret,as if when Dead come calling,they will re-event time to discuss all those stashed secrets.

Just as the gods ask me to say, also as Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, i bring the concern of the gods , you can take it or trash it, my Job is done .. 

I remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede or call me Pen of the gods or Pain of Politicians and we are friends. 

Just know na adirom Anu ife ógbú na ekwu , maka fa ncha na agam na azu.

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