Sunday, May 5, 2024

 A Closer Look at NSUKKA NURSE FLOGGING by Mkpisi.

Unless Enugwu Governor is a neophyte, i see no reason the masquerade parading on ORIÓKPA in Nsukka will Flog a Nurse to STUPOR on the Land of the Living and The Governor of the Hosting state will not show masquerade that he is number one in land of the Living in the said state.

For the fact that was a Masquerade invading the land of the Living and have the gusto to attack not only a female, but a nurse on Full regalia should attract the Full wrath of Human Law enforcers. 

Since masquerades shall become a terror in land of the Living, it calls for intervention of Soldiers to educate the Masquerade with equal reprisal, until they provide the Men behind the masks and the Government should unleash a matching vendetta as they inflicted on Human and the Nurse in particular.. 

Because if one did not dance the traditional dance of Azigbo like a Mad fellow,the dancing step doesn't synch.

If masquerade can be active and alive and allow UNKNOWN G MEN to become a MENACE, instead to use the Spiritual decanter and evaporate them they are busy stressing the already weary humans,and i ask ,what then is the usefulness of the Sect? 

If they are good using Whip , they should have whipped Terrors in the town into frenzy and return normalcy to the East.

Flogging a woman , what of , if she was pregnant or in the Early stage of her pregnancy? 

How about if she had Hit her head on a Moving Vehicle?.

She was riding a bike and the masquerade unleashed Hell on her, how about she fell and a Car run over her or her Head? 

Miss Blessing Ogbonna is not dressing indecently so one can say she fault the   indices of Masquerade.

She is not on Mufti ,to say Her mission on the Road is not known or provocating.

She doesn't confront the masquerade ,but she was riding behind a Tipper and don't even see the masquerades ?

That act of the masquerade is asking if Enugwu has a Chief Security that is in charge of Human safety.

How about if she had hit her head on the pavement or the Gutter? 

What of, While trying to run away from the whip , she had head on collision with a fast moving vehicle that can't avoid the melee? 

How about this Lady had lost her life on this idiotic charade ?

The Men behind the masquerades should be in Psychiatric ward getting infusion and or in Jail getting deliverance. 

I am Mazi Odera POg JP and i hate Nonsense shrouded behind religion or Culture. 

The whites are creating and we are demonizing. Unless we start with solutions, iniquity will abound. 

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