Sunday, May 19, 2024


THE HIBISCUS OF IDEMMILI SOUTH and the Dawn of a THAW by Mkpisi.

Just same way , it was hard drive na Óbu turn ndi ANAMBRA NORTH, that it's imperative to balance Powers , so in the quest to balance Power , ANMABRA were dragged from Position of Light of the Nation to laugh of the Nation, we move downward further to SORE of the Nation, as that deviation pushed the state into state of Ogini ka anyi ji isi kote.

The Legends of the Sayers said and i quote "Osisi adighi adu mmadu ugboro abuo at same spot and different times".

In Nigeria, the yearning and craving of Zonal Presidency pushed the Nation into the current Precipice, now the regret is saddening , but it was a planned Mistake, just to throw leadership into Zonal frenzy, now we are facing "God have mercy" situation even though it was obvious that we had alternative that would've giving us Eldorado.

Back to IDEMMILI SOUTH where we have the Lady with finesse, but POLITICAL traders masquerading as God Mothers whose family are attached directly unto the Government,but she is busy hiring hatchet writers to show that She despise the powers of the Governor which demanded that a Stakeholders election shall be held, which was held and return IYOM AMAKA OBI who some character's felt that she is providing SUPER leadership Dividend which is soaring her reputation and raising the Bar Very high.

But most of them prefer to have somebody who can't work but share the patrimony to the self assumed godmother's and fathers.

I wonder why living in squalor makes some Politicians swell with pride, they love to take resources that will be used to provide Evidence of Good Governance, share same and make private pockets swell with Goodness while the Masses eat sour grape. Maybe they prefer bad Governance without proof of Governance,that way when people are so impoverished,they won't have strength to demand for equal Justice,which will take away powers from same Family.

May be it's time to peep at performances of any old POLITICAL hiring before moving them into Academic Corridors. If they can despise Good leaders with this Trepidation,how then can they provide good leadership?.

One thing we are sure of is that Gov SOLUDO have records and will prefer to have working wonders in his government, than termites that will sink the Cart.

Mkpisi is the Job and Mazi Apga Alaigbo is the Handle..

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