Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 EKWULOBIA NMESIA UNU IFE BRIDGE, the Theatrics by Mkpisi. 

When Gov SOLUDO Started the Road Projects in the state , I wasn't dazed nor fazed because of the Aja Upa model nor his giving great jobs to local ndi na egwu umi and Masons, i know he has his own ECONOMIC leanings , so i was celebrating because, so much expectations from fans who believe in his DUBAI TAIWAN eulogy will be crashed alongside, but i know na anyi abanyego Motor ndi Sewage company, meaning that all of us will be oozing out Acidic foul odour, but nkea afu digodi iche . 

When he sacked a security sorry supervisor on Sunday at ISUOFIA END of Road building, i know na anyi abago another one that is apart from AKPOKUE. 

imagine a sitting Governor sacking a contractor with iron clad contract? 

well it shows that the contract was a facade and that the Commissioner for Works is not relevant, plus the Ministry of works has no value, because they would've been the people the Governor would've called to defend delays and bad Job and if there should be SACKING, they are the people that should be the eyes of the Government and not one who has a contract with the state, if the Contractor has Certificate of Road construction, he would've sued the state ,get injunction that no Job would've gone on in the State for the next 30 years. 

When the Governor saw his ISUOFIA road with extremely vested interest wasn't going on as contracted, he should've summoned the State partners or point person , especially from ministry of works and relevant commissioner and sack somebody, and not the contractor.... 

Then he promised that heads will roll at OCHANJA over the debacle called Fruit market built with Aja Upa and AZIZA INSTEAD of Rod , then the building shook, quake and collapse.. then there was silence as if na ogbasaro anybody, so i cried, lamented and the Governor went to the site and promise hell and assured us that heads will Roll , well as we speak the only head that rolled is the Head Pan fa ji ebu aja na the site,everything is back to status quo.

Then the state did one Road na Ochanja and igirigi buó and sachakolu the Coal Tar and his Media started swearing that the asphalt was just done that day and rain fall .. and i said really? asphalt gets gummed once it is asphalted , it doesn't need time to dry , it's set as you lay , but Ndi ANAMBRA still hope na DUBAI is coming. 

I know that the Brand new Road from UMUOMAKU, ENUGWU UMUONYIA,ACHINA have failed and if rainy season meet us this Year ,that road will be like ROADS in Gaza strip,the decays will be alarming.

The Governor canceled 3 roads he gave to ONE WHEEL BARROW CONTRACTOR who was at OKPOKO and who don't know how to lay asphalt even with wheel barrow, well nobody asked how can we give one wheel barrow contractor 3 roads at same time and expect him to make success of any of them?. Though we have reputable companies,but who will speak when the House of Ashamebly are deaf and dumb?

Yesterday, i saw one NOLLYWOOD badly written script as it displayed at Ekwulobia NMESIA UNU IFE BRIDGE, where a young fine girl jump into the roads and was exclaming on wonders of the bridge that is on going, i was baffled, because the way the girl was excited simply told a story that she haven't seen bridge before in her life, so how did she know that those Pillars dicha ka okwu Arusi bu bridge?.

The Bridge is still on her Pillars casting level, meaning that finishing of the Bridge will be after SIT AT HOME WILL CEASE which is Future confusing term,so how can she applaud such ?. 

The lady was excited and raining praises on SOLUDO as if na oji Ego enwetelu na CONGO welu Aru the bridge, Instead to cry for ndi Ekwulobia for the UKRAINIAN like disaster that affected them . 

The Camera was panning on her and around by a professional and i suspect that it must be ABS CAMERA,it wasn't just a citizens report.

The setting of the movie was nauseating as the Lady was touching sensitive measuring equipment with her hand and there was nobody behind those equipment, meaning stage managed. 

Any Man , i did not say Engineer that looked at that DREAD and say WONDERFUL need serious deliverance na nke ODUMEJE. 

Also , i am perplexed that Gov SOLUDO have seen how his TASK FORCE on ichu Ndi AGBERO are using PESTLE as weapon of correction, the one that trended last week shows how they used the pestle to cripple another set of Boys and the Governor didn't say a thing, even security agencies didn't say anything about the eye sore. 

Well , if the Governor can hire One great Daft that calls self APGA WARRIOR to continue maligning his Media,his job is to insult every body that said Wait a minute in Anambra state, I see no values in what he felt for the state. 

I remain SA Good Governance UNPAID and i am Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa. 

I come because i care.. 

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