Monday, March 15, 2021

Anambra and Denominational Politics..

 Religion the Devil of Politics by Mkpisi.

This won't be the first or the Last time I will Pen the words that will grant us a pathway into a better future, but our Lopsided political clout that caged us in Bondage with fetters of Iron acting as shackle of restraint on our head, neck and legs, those fetters are the biggest hindrance restraining us from making any progress.

At National, we prefer to have a Zealot instead of Serious redeemer, but the solace is that whatever high cost of living spreads along all religion and Ethnic groups, none buys with Ethnic Card or Religious Beads, so the same Rain falls on both roof or the Rich and the very poor. 

It is glaring we don't want God's intervention because we prefer Religious distribution, which have being our greatest undoing.. Moving on to my state.. 

The fetters are Religious Politics, where Foreign choice of Deity or worship Trump our right to good leadership and progressive life style.

Denomination is where our Politics are berthed inside a Religious water that does everybody wrong, despite the fact that we all know the Leeches we call Preachers, Seers are more talented Conmen than Fishers of Men for the Kingdom of God, they rather kill the fishes swimming to Kingdom than trying to catch some from Kingdom of Satan, they found solace with Satan as he pays them with luxury and wealth here on earth and they hate the treasures of Heaven. 

Believe this Con preachers at your peril, but I am just a dissent Preacher... Let's move on.. 

The Episcopal Father's deviated, they stopped fishing for Men that will populate the Kingdom and started fishing for Mugu that will become a Political Pawn in their bottle, who they will manipulate with POLITICAL Blackmail and never with Words from the Bible.

None of them can threaten a Politician with Hell fire because they all work for same Master, the Devil,they are a Coin. 

Check the prophetic Vendors of today who bend prophecy to suit the yearning of Politicians, they can never forecast the disaster in waiting with most of those they project, some of them are more committed with how much an Aspirant donated into his uncharismatic wallet, Infact the larger the Donation the more eloquent the prophetic lies become.

If God wanted to intervene with prophetic words, it should be on the wayward, sinful living of the Political Lord's and not making pronouncement that favors the Decadence we mistake for leaders.

God cannot make Onuku a leader but the Ballam of this days has no problem contesting against God by using his Holy name to make Unholy declaration, hiding under the Banner of Seer instead of Ekperima which most of them are, then they will say "Thus said the Lord" when God did not say anything.. They will pronounce a Dunce as Choice of God and making God to wonder what is behind the minds of African preachers.

See any Politician who kept his faith under some Spiritual endorsement  do not deserve to get close to any leadership position because they are playing God against God.

None is like Queen Esther who put her Trust in God and made a pronouncement "If I perish, I perish".

99% of Todays Politics are mixed  with Satanic spices, as the Men of Collars who prayed or make declaration on head of Politicians knew that most of the Men they allowed access to ALTAR have defiled all Holiness and have soaked hands with Blood of the innocent in Hidden places or Covens.

As we Speak, many Christians in the Anambra State have swore another Oath with some Fetish Masquerade as allegiance to abide with a Choice that is impossible to the growth of the State but under the guide of belonging to powers that be.

Our Bishops have been bought, they sprawl at the foot of Political Satan's, instead of preaching uprightness to Powers that be, they are playing Agents of Embezzlement to Men who True Spiritual Man of God won't allow access into Auditorium of a Living Church, talk less of ALTAR of the most High.

The worst now is the Episcopal Cabals have turned Political choice into Segregational tool, they enjoy playing God with life of Citizens who have suffered untold hardship and prayed to God for leaders that will lift us out of bondage, but the Episcopal fathers stepped into Void to molest the answers from God as they projected a scum as Choice ordained by God, it never occur to them that they have the Hottest Estate in Hell fire as God is impartial and must hold one accountable for acts in life.

The Raging thing in Anambra today is which of the Denomination brings the Next Governor, not who among the Aspirants will work better for Odimma Ndi Anambara, it is not even which of them shall propagate the Gospel, not which among them will expand the Denominational boundaries, not which of them will take our cases to God..

But one who has A Denominational epitaph that linked him to a particular Church, which is either imported from Rome or England, but it is funny because none of the original owners of the Denomination has any good intention for Africa nor the Citizens of Africa.

The religion provides that there is One God, one Heaven, one Jesus, but what the Leaders teaches us in Africa has a Gulf that is so vast we wonder if the content of Bible wasn't tampered with by those who brought it to us.

If we are to Bank on the rules of religious engagement in Africa, there is no way Anglicans, Catholic and Pentecostal will head to same Heaven or dwell in same Hell because the indoctrination differs with prejudice.

In my conclusion, it is obvious that our Episcopal Father's (Bishops, Reverends, Rev  Fr) cannot stay in same Heaven because they don't preach same JESUS, they don't believe in same Salvation, they don't prepare members for Last days as it is obvious they don't believe in Life eternal, they believe in  Luxury homes on Earth and not One in Heaven which they believe is fallacy, that must be why they gather all the wealth on Earth with a Hope that at end of time, there won't be a place called Heaven that will be eternal resting place.

If with the Political romance of our Spiritual Leaders, any of them make Heaven, then either the Bible lied or God did not judge the world fairly, what is practiced today as Religion has moved from Heavenly Race to Monetary race, race to the Top of the Food Chain..

 Truth doesn't matter any more, what matters is the stacking of Naira by Men of collar or  men with ordinance and in thier mind, they are giving Waka to Jesus for telling them that he went to Heaven to prepare home for us all, whereas the Preachers prefer the homes on earth with Machines they call Ride and Airplanes.

Before I sign out, may I appeal to our conscience to abandon Religious soaked Politics, vote for those who has the ability to lead us out of quandary into Eldorado.

If Ministers of Treacherous gospels want us to adhere to thier Mix gospel.. One for Heaven and original for Politics... Let's Vote for the Best and trash religious hype..

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Special Adviser on Good Governance, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na ONWU agaghi egbu nwu ya and I come in peace. 

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