Saturday, March 13, 2021

Shout out to Mothers..

 Ezigbo Uka NNE (Wonderful Mothering Sunday) by Last Born.

Good Morning Mothers, I mean the real Mothers who can make Family to GLOW. 

Mother who is a Mother and not a Murder, Mother who understand the burdens of motherhood, mother who place Family First, I am talking about Mothers on same Podium with my Mum..

I am celebrating Mother's like my Wife who is a Mother and not a murmur, who understands the aggressive frustration in my Job, who place her Family Atop any external Family.

Most times I get lost between Mother and Murmur who we have this days, especially those who prefer to be a Social Media Menace, the ones who prefer to APE the West on equality as against the provision of God and his ordinance which provides that Man is the Head, same way it provides that a Man who can't feed his family is worse than Infidel,but don't forget the Caucasians deviated, a deviation our women borrowed, the Caucasians said that the God they introduced to us as unfailable lied, so they tried to help God by removing the headship and share same between Man and Woman and God placed a Confusing amongst them.

With Caucasians, women posses 70% ownership of family powers, man has 20%,Child has 10% and both Woman and Child simply walk into that 20% left for a Man and started taking away another 10% and Men said it doesn't matter, which angered God and he gave them divided families, they walk through Divorce, same way we walk through Main market, price goods, reject some, take some and possibly return defected ones, which back here it a herculean Task but with the Whites and the misery they mistake for marriage, it is easier as they have no aggressive divorce, they have a Normalcy way of life but clothed as Divorce. 

That was what our Women borrowed or decided to spun God and emulate.

But our Women did not bank on another affliction from God on those who desecrated his ordinance, he made Women to be in the Business of continual struggling for wealth to meet the equality, to shoulder Family expense, as against what we have back here where Women are seen as Oriaku, a situation where Women are reserved, pampered and taking extreme care off by the Husband.

Now our women want equal treatment as it was back in Europe but none wants to bring 50% of the expense as tradition provides out there as well.

None wants to contribute to the hustle and bustle of the disaster we call a Nation, a place where no plans Works, where training our kids doesn't represent end of toiling, as after Even the valueless Youth Service, which after going through it, there is no work waiting for the Graduate or planned for future by the planless Government.

Real Mothers I greet you, mothers with commitment I adore you, Mothers who has a place of HEN that protects the Intergrity of Family, not those who scorn the Man of the house even when a man tries his best but Omebelu ma Chi ekwena, onye Uta atagbuna ya( When a Man toils and the end is not rewarded, the blame shouldn't be on him).

Pride of a Mother is to have a peaceful home, a home where the Husband goes back at the end of a day's toiling with smile and looking up to home cooked Meal with smiles and adored passion only the Initiates understands.

A Mother is she who advise the Children to live well, not the ones who conspire with her BOYS who are into Yahoo, so they will be enjoying the heist, not those whose daughters are part time Akwuna and the Mother shield same from the Father or stand in the Gap when Father star raging with correctional measures.

A Mother starve so the Children can eat, she can wear Rag just for the Children to be clothed, they are contended with the containment of the family.

May the Good Lord continue to reward every Good Mother, and may he help the TUFIAKWA mothers to grow into Divine direction.

I am LAST BORN MPA NNUKWU, a Son to a Mother, a Husband to a Mother of my Wards, a  wife that is more than a mother..

If there is reincarnation, I will come back as my Mother's Son and Marry same Woman as a Wife and have same Children...

I wish all Great Mothers the Best and Father's a supportive role that comes with all cares and comfort.

Mazi Odera POg JP, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, 

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