Saturday, April 8, 2023

 Easter 2023 before a TURBULENT MAY.

Welcome to Easter of 2023 ,we know that MAY is HEAVILY pregnant and will cause Doom and anarchy if not handled with perfect sense of tomorrow,and Nigerians is Tribalized Nation wrapped with Religious bigotry and archaic Political posturing,yet we believe with our religious over bearing that we have the rank and determination to go to Heaven ,even though we can't make our homes Heaven like Caucasians who built self a rallying point,also have good Governance that makes all things right and beautiful, AFRICA wants to inherit Heaven instead of good GOVERNANCE but we abhor death which is the only Visa that provide entrance or Rejection at  sacred Gate above, as we were taught at the OPIUM of the masses (Religion),though we took it excessively.

We may think that every Tension is doused Nation wide,that eventual hardship which is what Nigerians call progress is in place ,but until the Swear inn or sweat inn that is coming ,the bastion of marching on in Peace or pieces can't be determined,as  even when Nigerian are clothed with suffering , smiling manipulators we mistake for leaders are banking on it to create more hardships and in truth we love Hardship and we have mmuo itiri (Rigged and rugged Heart) which is why even at height of Process defect we still cling along Partisan clanship and religious harlotry with our Ethnic Face Cap.

As we celebrate Easter of 2023 ,I can assure us that many Nigerians who felt Judas was a Bad one who traded Christ will do more if such a scenario present itself in today's world,even our Pastors will fight to replace Judas and the members will shout Hallelujah that their Church was found Worthy to betray Christ.

Imagine if Roman authority should approach POS operators in Nigeria,not only will they sale Jesus but will hang him on the Crucifix as well.

Think about INEC being met to discuss such deal ,they would deliver him not as a subject of suspect, but perform the hanging at Golgotha Without CRUCIFIXION.

We have shown our capacity to execute mischief at whatever level we have advantage, and we should stop pretending that Judas committed sacriledge where in truth he was just an amateur divinely Chosen for a Job, whereas in Africa nay Nigeria we have professional Judases.

I don't even know whether to wish us happy Easter or to wish us our version of Easter dryness to us, but whichever way ,I say we laid the continual forbid state of our Today, assign hardship in many ways of our lives , we can't continue to blame the Government because the penchant to use meat cleaver on each other once a Way is found is always our priority, like the citation of the two ungodly and unholy 2 sects above .

it is well defined that Nigerians are not ready to practice remorse in our life and we don't have the right to mock even Judas who is a Saint in comparison.

Mazi Odera POg JP leaving for service just to join others and pretend na Jesus who even Pastors and Church Leaders have resold more than 50 times ,that Judas did wrong even though he carried out God's objective,while we are Killing Christ with our devilish ways and cravings.

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