Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Yesterday Eve , i presented a piece where the Wife of Nnamdi Kanu , Mrs Uche went to visit the HUSBAND in DSS CELL, facilitated by APC Senator Ifeanyi Ubah-


 And i Doffed Cap for the facilitator, some of the misguided fellows started throwing tantrums, especially against APC and how it's not going to make waves in ANAMBRA,not minding that i presented an active event that needs a closer look and dissecting.

This morning i come with UGHELI DANDA and Akpakwulu Nkapi , so we can reason like Ndigbo in peace or in Piss ,but be rest assured that truth is always my standard , accept it in good faith or I shove it down your throat with smiles ,ogbasadim. 

Sure APC have done us marvelously Bad  at the FEDERAL, we despise them with Venom, after the last Presidential election where even INEC Chief made a response and i provide "If you don't like the pronouncement, go to Court" and most Nigerians who refused to read the minutes of the Last meeting were optimistic that TRIBUNAL will bank on the massive support and Suspected Votes garnered by LP and pronounce the expectation of the masses , but Nigeria happened. 

We hoped that Supreme Courts will look at so many testaments, starting with flawed election, Academic deficiencies, Certificate misnomer and cancel the election or award same to favorite, but supreme court did not even sat to deliberate, they have pre AGREED judgement and it was called and what Next? everybody went home in peace, and i was like where are the tantrum players? how did they developed cold feet so quickly?

The Subsidy removal was the shocker that heralded the new Government and since then , We all saw what NIGERIA we know wouldn't have stomached in any other President from Minorities,many of the fatal flaws that is prevailing today under any other Government there would've being a shut down democratic protest, things started Moving out of centrifugal and yet there was PIN DROP SILENCE. 

Prof Wole Soyinka wrote "The man dies in him who keeps quiet in the face of injustice.” and truly the Man in Nigeria is Dead and even the woman in us is in Comma.

MOVING ON ;Same machination is looking at ANAMBRA same way Young Yahoo Guy is looking at a Fine Pointed Breast Lady as who he will take to Bed, and some people think it mission impossible, we forgot that Effizzy is what motivates beautiful women as most of them reason through the CENTER of THRONE, and small Magic overwhelm them, coming back to APC and  Anambra, i know orally we despise the party but what actually are they doing that APGA GOVERNMENT our beloved is doing differently or better? 

APC PRESIDENT gave Palliative to us through our Governor's, and in all sincerity, i don't know how many Governors in South East shared the palliative, i know that one SOUTH East State whose election is due for 2025 kept the Rice as Campaign package ,ogbagodi útú ,it doesn't matter because the givers felt they are gifting to Animals, after giving out some portion as State Government largesse to Civil Servants during YULETIDE, the rest are kept for election proper. 

Now ,who is the chief scammer in scheme of things?.

APC GOVERNMENT pull down houses left and right, we moan and cry about the heartlessness, but then ANAMBRA Government are not only pulling down houses with the guise of enlarging and expansion, but to plan a compensation became mission to CONG in Vietnam which is impossible. 

Tarring Roads by our beloved APGA GOVERNMENT are designed to last one Tenure, the duration of Roads Tarred by APGA government expires same day with tenure of the government and some are called Zelu Ideyi, once rain touches COAL TAR it dissolve like Salt met with torrent of Rain. 

The good hands in APGA are working at very very low positions, just to make sure they didn't outshine the Governor and you see them shouting SOLUTION even when they are out performing the Governor. 

Why i am correcting this impression is that, we should stop the Political bridangate where they are using Religious garb to pull stunt on us , in Religious POLITICS, they made you to think of your member aspiring even though the person is waste of Vote, but the Cassock controlling POLITICAL theatrics will make you accept counter fit and cry later about the malnourished consequences, instead to Vote for the right with opposite denomination, candidate that is sound from center to circumference. 

Same thing is happening in Party, they will argue na nkea bu nkea anyi ji eri oru, but they treat us worse than infidels, our concerns are consigned into trash bins , what they need is to embezzle large, settle Men on Episcopal Vestments and the Men will climb Pulpit and ask us to beg God for intervention and we stupidly accepted that god of Men have spoken. instead to ask our looters where is our Money,we turn to God and asking for paved Roads, honestly we need our senses paved as well.

APC have send more money to States though the Governors than ever including subsidy recovery or whatever they call it, but the increase on allocation is larger with over 80%, but have you seen the effect on any of the state, Outside in Abia because they have Eze Afó juru as Governor and he came to Govern , whereas others including my state came to rebuild personal fallen financial empire , and we hope na echi ga adi nma , woe betide us as we pretend that we don't see nor hear the aberrations that our state is turning into while it only serve as theatrics for the leadership. 

If we continue hallucinating about APC amam chi Anambara, without working a counter measure which must include good GOVERNANCE initiative, i tell you that they will not only Win, but will collapse all other parties, though the parties will collapse willingly as we know the Political Horse trading is to move to where they see bacon, not where will better the lots of the citizens.All parties in Nigeria are working without manifesto or focus.

Senator Ifeanyi Ubah is showing certain POLITICAL algebra, he play the musical the masses wanted to listen to, he Dance the music they play even if the sound is Hollow, he meander in between the masses, listen to me if you like, that Young Man wrestled SENATE Out of the hands of Bigger POLITICAL bullies who are in great parties, he used Epileptic mushroom YPP to panel beat them and we still understimate such person with a Party at central known for Magical Wand displaying acrobatics,do that at your peril. 

The Man who saw the POLITICAL Horizontal leverage when AMCON was playing the Ethical jaundice game and He played them from same playbook that protects the West and North,and you still think he is a Neophyte? Nwa nne,ibu Akariogheri to be fair.

Use your thinking Cap and think Outside the Box.

Anambara POLITICS has taught me something no Tertiary will ever teach me , nobody predicts the winner and añuna nga na oyibo anaghi,you can't predict Anambara election, After "it's not broken" climbed the ladder,just know na anything is flexibly feasible to happen.

Things have fallen apart and the center is no Longer holding.

I DO NOT HAVE ANY CANDIDATE NOR WILL I HAVE ONE ,I SIMPLY CALL THINGS AS IT IS , Since Altars have remove the religious Potency and wear POLITICAL Surplice,i decided to be as neutral as can be ,though i still walk around with the Decanter as the gods Pleases ,but one thing that is sure, Anambara is an interesting CHALICE and if we continue oral Jigida or underestimation of Party or Parties, then the DICE IS CAST nke foduziri bu anyam anyam,ogbuo muo ..

Having said the above, let me take Consolation with Abu 184

Through the love of God our Saviour.

Verse 1

Site n'ihu-n'anya Jisus

Ọ gadi nma,

Ebere-Ya enwegh ngbanwe,

Ọ diwo nma.

Obara-Ya di ok”onu,

Amara-Ya zuru oke,

Aka nechebe ayi d'ike:

Ọ gadi nma.

Always Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods.

Mazi Odera POg JP.

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