Thursday, May 30, 2024

 ANAMBARA ZONAL CONFLUENCE , Time to bury the Monster by Mkpisi. 

I have read some bad ideas that is pandered by equally untutored Pen pushers, some are of the opinion that ZONAL Gubernatorial will continue, despite the fact that it gave us bad Governance at full swing, it always substitute Perfection with abysmal and we have wandered the forest of ogini ka anyi ga akólu Chi anyi for far too Long. 

 Presently we see Current Governor working on all roads in the Southern part, making ISUOFIA the Citadel of development or say in a Mild word he turned ISUOFIA to Dubia and other SOUTH Zonal Towns the incoming TAIWAN, as the road he created from UMUOMAKU Through ENUGWU UMUONYIA, EZIRA, ACHINA is first of paved one going that route since the Creation of the State, Which is a good one , he concentrated on South or connecting Roads toward South like the one from AMANSEA to AWA,UFUMA,AJALI, which should be what Governance is all about, but cannot be reduced to Zonal as some are wanting it to be. 

If Truly, we want to continue towing that trend of Governance, we know SOUTH have completed the vacuum on Mbadinuju slot who did 4 years, if we include the brief interlude from Dame Virgy Etiaba who hold brief for Peter Obi when he was impeached,and Senator Andy Uba whose tenure was aborted by supreme Court to enable Peter Obi benefit the interpretation of TENURE as giving by supreme Court, the South have done 12 years plus with that of Okwadike. 

Ndi CENTRAL have done 10 years and 6 months both for Ngige (2 years and 6 months)and PETER OBI(8 years ), while Ndi North have done 8 years by Gov Obiano.

Continue using Zonal parlance to Choose Governors pegged Governance to ride with Local Government duties, irigote as Governor iruba your Local Government and abandon all other areas, that's primitive prompting and childish display. The person will abandon Health care,Penshion6, gratuity, putting qualified people into positions as he will infuse incompetent from his Zone into Government places,as if it's relay race.

If after all have finish maxing tenures and we want to go round again on same premise, I think it's time we draw a good analogy.. 

Ndi Roman Catholic chia , ndi Anglican achia and then ndi Pentecostal achia and Ndi Omenani achi kwue as well.. enough of the charade or let's all troll the selective amnesia called Zonal Governance, if we want Selective Governance, then we need ANGLICANS to run the affairs from next election as we can calculate the years they have been in relegation ,even the position of DEPUTY Given to them are giving to ANGLICAN APOLOGIES who are not real Communicants, unless Anglicans are considered outcast or ndi mbialu mbialu na the state,then we can continue pursuing Zone without balancing it.

It's our Choice, but you can't Choose a particular method that will continue favoring a sect and think that others na apu ara.

 if we want equity, we must come with washed hand and this time , we should look at Anambara election the way it should be , either it's free for all comers or we see same from Denominational prism. 

Unless the meeting point where they Choose Governors are done with Denominational Lopsided slight,you can't share things along a bias line and circumvent a particular margin and think they are dullards or deaf or ndi Nzuzu.

We all agreed that whatever is good for a pregnant Women,is equally good for the man that inpregnanted her. What is good for a goose , is as well good for the Gander. We want a continuity of Bias method of choosing leaders, let's make sure the selection won't be with amnesia.

Our brother's should remember that we are PROTESTANTS,that we stopped protesting is for good way forward,but prodding us with unneeded Political arguments will generate wake up call that will be a good leverage.

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods. A through and through communicant . 

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