Monday, May 27, 2024


After the fierce rascality of Cultist in Anambara where they take lives without recourse, where they shoot innocent and assumed Members of the Sect or rival Cult without fear of higher powers.

The took over the state Capital without fear or remorse forgetting that the Powers of Government are more potent.

The crescendo was so tense and fear advanced so high, even tongues Started wagging about the ferocious take over of livelihood in the Capital city, but my recent investigation into the situation, i discovered that SECURITY in ÓKA has returned to TOP NOTCH as there is clandestine mopping and driving away of the Badder , Baddest out of the Town, infact most of the YAHOO Doers who are behind most of the Kidnapping and rascality shooting in the Capital City has been exiled or vanquished. 

I can say without detailed , that the SECURITY of the state Capital is now within considerable height, what remains is the snatching of Phones and Bags with Keke, which i suspect will be reduced drastically within short distance if the current effort is maintained. 

Kudos to the Governor as Chef Security Officer of the State and whatever outfit that gave him the idea and enact the execution of the Idea but what i can tell is that one can actually sleep in OKA without fears of the dready boys.

Mazi Odera POg JP is an SA to the Governor on Good Governance (UNPAID) , gentleman with soft voice. 

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