Friday, September 6, 2024

 BUILDING THE BURKINA FASO EMPIRE, the Lay out and Lay Down written by Mkpisi. 

Yesterday, i showed some Video of how Burkinabes are rising like Phoenix amidst AFRICAN DECADENCE powered by Caucasians Economic predators, which marvelled the world and can be heralded as waking of African Cripples, the questions attached was "How did they get the resources used in purchasing the armaments that is positioning them as AFRICAN GIBRALTAR ? ". 

How do they build the Nation from Ramshackle to Top Notch?, whereas Nigeria the African Giant with mosquito legs are looking for limbs to hold the trembling body of the malnutrition carcass that can be mistaken for body.

Let me for want of time , quickly say that they recovered the Gold Dump they have in the soil of the Nation which has been under the control of invaders,they came as friends but are Demons..They are same People who will say they come to give you AIDE but what they have is AID and HIV,while you are expecting financial Aide,they rape your soil, despoil your Land and give you pittance from the heist committed against your Land.

Let me back it up with Goggle narrative,as i provide -

"Burkina Faso has significant deposits of gold, zinc, manganese, lead, silver and phosphates. 

Gold has now become Burkina Faso's number one export commodity, with at least 600 ASM sites found throughout the country.".

Caucasians took the minerals in that nation, invented Child labour who developed Cancer and Lung afflictions while inhaling Gold Dust for the Slave Masters, inflicted pains on the nation and render the Mineral Solid nation beggars on the loose , put arms in their hand to turn against one another,So they become more of fighting Nation than progressive nation.

But President  Captain Ibrahim TRAORE came and sent away those cannibals and Vultures, recovered the minerals of the Nation for the nation and not ceeding the wealth to white Masters, who give Africans suffering in return.. 

Take us back to Nigeria, where i have my own records and 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides -

Nigeria is richly endowed with variety of Natural Resources raging from precious metals ,various stones to industrial such as Barites, Gypsum, Kaolin and Marble. 

Most of these are yet to be exploited. Statistically, the level of exploitation of these minerals is very low in relation to the extent of deposit found in the country. 

One of the objectives of the new National Policy on Solid Minerals is to ensure the orderly development of the mineral resources of the country.

Nigerian States and Their Natural Resources


1 Abia; Gold, Lead/Zinc, Limestone, Oil/Gas & Salt

2 Abuja; Cassiterite, Clay, Dolomite, Gold, Lead/Zinc, Marble & Tantalite

3 Adamawa ; Bentonite, Gypsium, Kaolin & Magnesite

4 Akwa Ibom; Clay, Lead/Zinc, Lignite, Limestone, Oil/Gas, Salt & Uranium

5 Anambra; Clay, Glass-Sand, Gypsium, Iron-ore, Lead/Zinc, Lignite, Limestone, Phosphate & Salt

6 Bauchi; Gold, Cassiterite (tine ore), Columbite, Gypsium, Wolfram, Coal, Limestone, Lignite, Iron-ore & Clay

7 Bayelsa; Glay, Gypsium, Lead/Zinc, Lignite, Limestone, Maganese, Oil/Gas & Uranium

8 Benue; Barite, Clay, Coal, Gemstone, Gypsium, Iron-Ore, Lead/Zinc, Limestone, Marble & Salt

9 Boro; Bentonite, Clay, Diatomite, Gypsium, Hydro-carbon, Kaolin & Limestone

10 Cross Rive;r Barite, Lead/Zinc, Lignite, Limestone, Manganese, Oil/Gas, Salt & Uranium

11 Delta; Clay, Glass-sand, Gypsium, Iron-ore, Kaolin, Lignite, Marble & Oil/Gas

12 Ebonyi; Gold, Lead/Zinc & Salt

13 Edo; Bitumen, Clay Dolomite, Phosphate, Glass-sand, Gold, Gypsium,Iron-ore, Lignite, Limestone, Marble & Oil/Gas

14 Ekit;i Feldspar, Granite, Kaolin, Syenite & Tatium

15 Enugu; Coal, Lead/Zinc & Limestone

16 Gombe; Gemstone & Gypsium

17 Imo; Gypsium, Lead/Zinc, Lignite, Limestone, Marcasite, Oil/Gas, Phosphate & Salt

18 Jigawa; Butyles

19 Kaduna; Amethyst, Aqua Marine, Asbestos, Clay, Flosper, Gemstone, Gold, Graphite, Kaolin, Hyanite, Mica, Rock Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Sihnite, Superntinite, Tentalime, Topaz & Tourmaline

20 Kano; Gassiterite, Copper, Gemstone, Glass-sand, Lead/Zinc, Pyrochinre & Tantalite

21 Katsina; Kaolin, Marble & Salt

22 Kebbi; Gold

23 Kogi; Cole, Dolomite, Feldspar, Gypsium, Iron-ore, Kaolin, Marble, Talc & Tantalite

24 Kwaa; Cassiterite, Columbite, Feldspar, Gold, Iron-ore, Marble, Mica & Tantalite

25 Lagos; Bitumen, Clay & Glass-sand

26 Nasrawa; Amethyst (Topaz Garnet), Barytex, Barite, Cassirite, Chalcopyrite, Clay, Columbite, Coking Coal, Dolomite/Marble, Feldspar, Galena, Iron-ore, Limstone, Mica, Salt, Sapphire, Talc, Tantalite, Tourmaline Quartz & Zireon

27 Niger; Gold, Lead/Zinc & Talc

28 Ogun; Bitumen, Clay, Feldspar, Gemstone, Kaolin, Limestone & Phosphate

29 Ondo; Bitumen, Clay, Coal, Dimension Stones, Feldspar, Gemstone, Glass-Sand, Granite, Gypsium, Kaolin, Limestone & Oil/Gas

30 Osun; Columbite, Gold, Granite, Talc, Tantalite & Tourmaline

31 Oyo; Aqua Marine, Cassiterite, Clay, Dolomite, Gemstone, Gold, Kaolin, Marble, Silimonite, Talc & Tantalite

32 Plateau; Barite, Bauxite, Betonite, Bismuth, Cassiterite, Clay, Coal, Emeral, Fluoride, Gemstone, Granite, Iron-ore, Kaolin,Lead/Zinc, Marble, Molybdenite, Phrochlore, Salt, Tantalite/Columbite, Tin & Wolfram

33 Rivers; Clay, Glass-Sand, Lignite, Marble & Oil/Gas

34 Sokoto: Clay, Flakes, Gold, Granite, Gypsium, Kaolin, Laterite, Limestone, Phosphate, Potash, Silica Sand & Salt

35 Taraba; Lead/Zinc

36 Yobe; Soda Ash & Tintomite

37 Zamfara; Coal, Cotton & Gold

The Proven Nigeria oil reserves are 23 Billion barrels; the gas reserves are 160 Trillion cubic meters.


Over 40 million tonnes deposits of talc have been identified in Niger , Osun, Kogi, Ogun and Kaduna states. The Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC)’s 3,000 tonnes per annum catalytic Talc plant in Niger state is the only talc plant in the country. The talc industry represents one of the most versatile sectors of the industrial minerals of the world. The exploitation of the vast deposits would therefore satisfy local demand and that for export.


Gypsum is an important input for the production of cement. It is also used for the production of Plaster of Paris (P.O.P) and classroom chalks. A strategy for large-scale mining of gypsum is urgently required to sustain the existing plants and meet the future expansion. Currently, cement production is put at 8 million tonnes per annum while the national requirement is 9.6 million tonnes. About one billion tonnes of gypsum deposits are spread over many states in Nigeria.

Iron Ore

There are over 3 billion metric tonnes of iron ore in deposits found in Kogi, Enugu and Niger States as well as the Federal Capital Territory . Iron Ore is being mined at Itakpe in Kogi State and is already being beneficiated, up to 67 per cent of iron. The Aladja and Ajaokuta Steel complexes are ready for consumer of billets and other iron products for down-stream industries.


An estimated 10 million tonnes of lead/zinc veins are spread over eight states of Nigeria . Proven reserves in three prospects in the east-central area are 5 million tonnes. Joint venture partners are encouraged to develop and exploit the various lead/zinc deposits all over the country.

Bentonite and Baryte

These are the main constituents of the mud used in the drilling of all types of oil wells. The Nigerian baryte has specific gravity of about 4.3. Over 7.5 million tonnes of baryte have been identified in Taraba and Bauchi States. Large bentonite reserves of 700 million tonnes are available in many states of the federation ready for massive development and exploitation.


There are proven reserves of both alluvial and primary gold in the schist belt of Nigeria located in the south-western part of the country. The deposits are mainly alluvial and are currently being exploited on a small scale. Private investors are invited to stake concessions on these primary deposits.


The occurrence of bitumen deposits in Nigeria is indicated at about 42 billion tonnes; almost twice the amount of existing reserves of crude petroleum. Analytical results suggest that this potential resource can be used directly as an asphalt binder. Most bitumen used for road construction in Nigeria is currently imported.


Nigerian coal is one of the most bituminous in the world owing to its low sulphur and ash content and therefore the most environment-friendly. There are nearly 3 billion tonnes of indicated reserves in 17 identified coal fields and over 600 million tonnes of proven reserves.

Rock Salt

The national annual demand for table salt, caustic soda, chlorine, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide exceeds one million tonnes. A colossal amount of money is expended annually to import these chemicals by chemical and processing companies including tanneries and those in food and beverages, paper and pulp, bottling and oil sector. There are salt springs at Awe ( Plateau State ), Abakaliki and Uburu ( Ebonyi State ), while rock salt is available in Benue State . A total reserve of 1.5 million tonnes has been indicated, and further investigations are now being carried out by Government.


Gemstones mining has boomed in various parts of Plateau, Kaduna and Bauchi states for years. Some of these gemstones include sapphire, ruby, aquamarine, emerald, tourmaline, topaz, garnet, amethyst; zircon, and flourspar which are among the world’s best. Good prospects exist in this area for viable investments.


An estimated reserve of 3 billion tonnes of good kaolinitic clay has been identified in many localities in Nigeria.


Fact-Check: Does Borno State Have Abundant “Californium” As Claimed by Al-mustapha?

Note;You read through the Mineral resources of this nation and Californium was hidden or wasn't included, that mineral can finance our National Budget for years without qualms.

Claim: There was a claim that Borno, one of the Northeastern States, has a large deposit of a highly radioactive element, Californium-252.

What is Californium?

it's a Silver substance mostly needed for Nuclear products,lets ask Goggle

 "Californium is one of the few transuranium elements with practical uses. Most of these applications exploit the fact that certain isotopes of californium emit neutrons. For example, californium can be used to help start up nuclear reactors, and it is used as a source of neutrons when studying materials using neutron diffraction and neutron spectroscopy. It can also be used in nuclear synthesis of higher mass elements;"..

You can't find large quantity of it on Nations on Earth,but Borno has it in large quantity and don't you wonder why Chinese,France, British and Americans are residing in Borno despite the Boko HARAM MENACE?.

You think the MENACE is because they abhor education? .

No,they are hired to CREATE a rough, war torn environment,so the Government won't bother to investigate the rational behind occupation of such place by Caucasians and then deny them the mineral they are sourcing and milking the Nation.

With the above expose,you see that each State in Nigeria has ENOUGH minerals to feed the entire nation,but the whites made us to depend on them whereas they depends from our resources to eke a living. 

Burkinabes sack the whites and Started mining own Minerals, concentrating on the Gold and they have arrived.

If Nigeria truly wants to arrive as others ,they should sack all the whites from those War manipulated Zones and cede it back to Nigerians.

Imagine Chinese residing in those War prone areas, Caucasians wine and dine with terrors of the jungle,i can assure this nation that if they hand the minerals mining to Nigerians,even to Traders in Main market Onuicha , Trade fair or ALABA international,mandate them to use the proceeds and pay off our National debt with 5 years time frame ,it shall be done ,we will be debt free and then,we CONTRACTED all the Minerals and mandate the miners to use the proceeds and build us a revamping economy.

I am sure with this mines in the hand of Nigerian traders,our Cities in all shall flourish like Dubai,as clean as Tokyo and opulence like Paris.

Each of the miners will be bringing 10% of Nation Budget ,and 10% of hosting State budgets. 

Only in Africa, we live in abundance of water and the Fools are thirsty. 

i remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede. 

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