Thursday, September 5, 2019

Anambra Next Governor...

Getting Back out Dear State with Right Choice by  Mazi Odera POg JP.

I was walking smoothly through the Conclave (as the gods named it) and or what we call Water Channel, I was listening to Ugheli Danda, my mind was heavy, laddened with Political Crisis, because I use to inform of what is to come, I will cry pontificate and do I all I can with my Pen just to right the wrong, but as known about Ndi Igbo fa na AKPO Ekwe NKU (They are Stubborn) but at the end of the tale, prevailing woes will always prove me right.

Emesia anyi ebido taba ikikiri Eze (We will start gnashing our teeth) despite the fact that we were Pre Warned, oburu iku na Mpi Eke (talking to the Deaf).

NDIGBO, during the Ethnic  program  created by the children of the Queen to punish Igbo land for outsmarting them when they came dangling Colony with Bible, as we extend our hands to grab the Bible ka anyi tinye kwue na Nke anyi ji (Combine it with our tradition) they turn around, place our Forebears head on the Glutton and when our Forebears dared them to come on with it, they started taking our people in Captivity, selling them like Okuko in thier own Eke or Orie or whatever name they choose to call thier market down in London, where they sold us and call us Slaves, little did they understand that Nwata Bulie NNA Ya elu, ngwo ngwo na ngwo ngwo will blind him. 
They took us as slave after they stole our Culture, our gods and inheritance, then we calmly learn thier own ways, learn about thier gods as well and use it in favor, forget that recently some Guy men uses it as weapon of Fraud, but I digress. 

Recently, I read them complaining that our Boys are conning them back, what I said was "Fa bu Ndi Kpu Ebunu, nekwe Ike Aturu" (They have Taking a Ram hostage, they should know that Sheep will be brought to them for Sex ) after all my Old man says "Okpalu NKU aruru, si Ngwele bia lu ya orili" (He that fetched Ant infested Firewood should get ready for Homage of  Lizards). 

Not counting that they shoot us like Kpana Kwukwu with Guns and Gun Powder they stole from Hong Kong which brought the OPIUM WAR they fought with China,the War was about Exchange of Opium for weapons of War, do not forget that War doesn't kill Animal,but Human.. 

As our hands were waiting for the Foreign wisdom, the Bruts took all our Daredevil deities, same deities they cried are Evil and they named them IDOLS, which they may be right, if we judge them from the Prism of the God they brought to us, but the quandary is.. 

Why did they took our deities, make them Palaces in thier places, worship them, feed them blood from Blood Banks, as a sceptic, I won't conclude that the exportation and or stolen of our deities aided the Technological advancement of the Caucasians and neither can I say it didn't...

They laid the ground plans that wanted to exterminate us from the Earth, but God places a mark on our head and pronounce us his Own, but we are stubborn to a fault and it is always our albatross.. 

 So moving back into the discuss from my Digress position..

We are stiff necked people, I remember I warned us during the days, I started crying Maka ADAKA eresiri anyi na onu ENWE, I apologised because I was a guilt party to it, though I can hold my Nadike Ogbogu and swear that I never knew as at then na anyi na ere Okuko Okpa jiri, until it was too too late.. 

But on the second outing, we cried, we begged, we wept and we raised our hands in great surrender saying "We erred and we are ready to amend the ills" but as stiff necked people, we heard it clearly when our people said "Give us Barnabas, give us Barnabas.. Ozi ka ayaba Peter little did they believe that he wasn't trying to muscle self or serve as a tiny god, he was trying to correct the wrong he made and we his Disciples joined in the quest, which can be called a Fainted not failed mission.. 

I Mazi Odera POg (not JP then) cried the more and I said, if we bring back the mistake, that we all will regret it with protracted, polluted mind, because UKWA Ana api, Mkpuru adiro ya, that was when the people shouted us down with the  echoed Chant of "Give us Barnabas and kpogbue Jisos", Well the Gene is out of the Bottle, the crack has being created and we have chewed the bitter cola and now we are having dizziness of the teeth...

I come again because as I was strolling quietly through the Confluence, I saw Amuma na Egbe Igwe making Love and Eke Ukwu was watching them, as I made to veer because Human doesn't like to watch others make Love but the gods sees it different, that was when Ikwuikwui sang to me a dinge, which I can't repeat after all it wasn't for Ogbodi, but only for the initiates, but the dinge was all a question, it provides... 

POg, does it mean you have not seen the Replica of Okwute that is starting you right on the face?

As we know that I am now a religious freak, I simply mee na afa Nna, na Nwa, na Muonso and I was shocked they chorused Amen for me, and I put my hands down as all of them now stand Akimbo facing me, then Ikwuikwui said once again "Look round, look deep, you will see one that has all the attribute of Peter, the Person is the one that will recreate the Style and Government of Okwute, the Person is the one that will make Alaigbo stand on her Divine position, the decadence can be wiped clean and a new Horizon brought down and once again Anambara will shine like like A DIAMOND ATOP the Sky and Smiles will return to faces "..

I now ask them, to give me a Clue, so that the Job will be easier for me... Three of them Simply repeat what I did prior.. 

Fa mee na Afa NNA, na Nwa, na Muo Nso... 

Friends, Ndigbo, the gods has spoken once again, they have giving me a task and it was spelt out and I know the qualification of Okwute... 

One thing you can take to any Bank is that the person can't be Mkpi Nkukwasi... 

But, I need to soak Deep, breathe high and nie Nadike Ogbogu na ani, so that I can be able to make sure, I got it right and when I present the Choice of the gods, after that, I will simply me na afa NNA and allow us to do our thing again, if we choose to tow the perfidious path that led to 21 /21 again.. Our choice it will be or we replicate the one that shined and present us as Light of the Nation.

This is Mazi Odera POg JP about to look for where to Charge his Phone and plug my POWER BANK and if you understand the pings of the Initiates, then you will know which Bird chips "Kwu Kwu Kwu, NDI Eze ga agba NKEA". 

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